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Jayden Emberton-Gaines

Interview Assignment

SER 427 01


1. Please describe your typical day.

- Dr. Brian described his typical day to me as roughly a 9-hour day, starting around 10

am and ending around 7 pm. Although he has those hours he will often adjust when

certain clients need it. He will come in early to meet with a patient and he will stay

late to meet with patients. Dr. Brian also claimed to take about a 1-2 hour lunch, he

does this 5 days a week, Monday through Friday.

2. What do you enjoy most and least about your job?

- Dr. Brian Witkobitz stated that what he most enjoyed about his job was being able to

help individuals get from a painful state to a state that allows them to do what they

love in life. He went on to say that his least favorite part of his job is the stress that

comes with it. Everything from the stressful process it took to get to the profession,

to the financial and business side of things when you’re in the profession. Although

this being his least favorite thing about his job, Dr. Brian said that he wouldn’t want

to do anything else because he loves and embraces the process and profession.

3. What are your typical work hours?

- He expressed that his work hours were 10 am to 7 pm, however it was liable to

change due to the needs of his clientele. Dr. Brian said his weeks are anywhere from

45-50 hours.

4. What can entry-level workers expect to get paid to do a job such as yours?
- Dr. Brian stated that the average range for an entry-level worker in his profession

ranges between $40,000-50,000. However, he went on to talk about how the pay

varies depending on your practice, how often you work, as well as what you offer.

He said that with those three things you can clear 6 figures your first year or you can

get only $25,000.

5. What are opportunities for career advancement? How would an entry level worker

get promoted or grow?

- Dr. Brian explained some opportunities for career advancement would be becoming

the medical examiner for DOT, which stands for Department of Transportation. He

also talked about how an entry level worker could grow and get promoted by

becoming experts in different fields such as nutrition, strength & conditioning,

nervous system, animal chiropractic and many more.

6. What is your educational background? What certifications do you hold? What

degrees or certifications do professionals in this field typically have?

- Dr. Brian said that he completed his 4-year degree in chemistry at Washington &

Jefferson where he also played soccer all 4 years. He explained how he then went on

to chiropractic school at Palmer college where he did 3 years of trimester schooling.

He said that the typical degree for a professional in his field would be a Doctor of

Chiropractic Therapy.

7. Please comment on diversity within your clientele and workplace.

- Dr. Brian stated that he witnessed a ton of diversity within his clientele as well as

workplace. He says he has helped patients anywhere from 3 weeks old to 90 years

old and anywhere in between. He also expressed that he typically sees more women
than he does men, about a 60-40 split, Dr. Brian claimed that this was due to the fact

that women take better care of themselves then men do.

8. How did you decide you wanted to be a chiropractor?

- Dr. Brian said that during his time in college he was able to narrow down his future

jobs to dentist and chiropractor. He said he did this by doing things such as job

shadows, internships, as well as just researching the professions he was interested in.

Dr. Brian said he knew about some of his families health history and wanted to

educate not only his family, but also the youth and anyone that wants to learn how to

better themselves and live a healthier lifestyle.

Jayden Emberton-Gaines

Observation Assignment

SER 427 01


This was a very interesting opportunity to learn more about the chiropractic practice. I

have gone to a chiropractor for treatment and adjustments since my later high school years. The

adjustments I receive whenever I see the chiropractor are amazing and often make me feel 10

times better than I did before. Simply knowing how much the chiropractor helps me intrigues

me to want to help others in the same way. This observation of the workplace and daily routine

of the Chiropractor Dr. Brian Witkobitz at Onyx Wellness was an amazing experience.

At Onyx Wellness there was an amazing work environment. They had an office manager

that gave me the tour of the facility and truly the first rundown of how things work. She showed

me the different equipment that they used to treat their clients and gave me brief explanations as

to what they do and how they can help. It was very neat seeing some of the equipment they use

and hearing why they use it. However, even though some of the equipment was new to me, I had

also seen some before in places like the athletic training room or even the doctor’s office. After

talking about the equipment, the manager explained to me that they help the patients before they

see the chiropractor for their appointment by hooking them up to stem machines and massage

chairs. This allows them to receive extra treatment needed for any sore or painful areas on their


While at Onyx Wellness I was also able observe the chiropractor’s typical routine with

one of his clients. This client happened to be an older man that is a retired veteran. Dr. Brian

took him through their normal routine of adjustments and making sure the spine and hips were
all aligned. He also made sure that there was no pain or tightness that the client felt throughout

his back and the rest of his body. This was only one of the many clients that were there to see

Dr. Brian on that day, but as he said in the interview, it is mostly women that come to him. In

my time observing I saw about 3 women and only 1 man. I love how Dr. Brian helps all of his

patients by helping relieve some of their pain so they can return to their normal activities of daily

life. However, if I were to be in this profession as a chiropractor, I would like to see more

younger athletes, to help them return to sport pain free and play to the best of their ability.

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