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As a data Scientist, I would use Python and R according to the needs.

In this blog I will explain

why nowadays data scientists prefer python over other languages
What is python?
Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language with integrated dynamic
It is extremely attractive in the field of Rapid Application Development because it offers
dynamic typing and dynamic binding options.

Why python for data science?

Python is a general programming language with large communities. Python is a multi-

paradigm programming language. It supports object-oriented programming, structured
programming, and functional programming patterns, among others
Python’s readability and simplicity make it relatively easy to choose and the number of
analytical libraries make sure that data scientists will find packages already built to their needs.
Because of Python’s extensibility and general-purpose nature, it was inevitable that it may used
by data scientists.
Python supports the use of modules and packages, which means that programs can be designed
in a easier manner and code can be reused across a variety of projects. Once a model or package
is developed, it can be scaled for use in other projects, and it's easy to import or export these
modules. i.e. Once a project is on its way to becoming an analytical tool or application, it can be
ported to more sophisticated languages such as Java or C if necessary.

Packages in python

One of Python’s greatest assets is its extensive set of libraries

Here are some of the commonly used packages by data scientists


It is used for processing large multidimensional arrays and matrices, and an extensive collection
of high-level mathematical functions and implemented methods makes it possible to perform
various operations with these objects.


The package contains tools that help with solving linear algebra, probability theory, integral
calculus and many more tasks. it is based on NumPy and therefore extends its capabilities.
*scikit learn

It builds on two basic libraries of Python, NumPy and SciPy. It adds a set of algorithms for
common machine learning and data mining tasks, including clustering, regression and
classification. Even tasks like transforming data, feature selection and ensemble methods can be
implemented in a few lines.


Statsmodels is a Python module that provides many opportunities for statistical data analysis,
such as statistical models estimation, performing statistical tests


Pandas are used for data extraction and processing. It has many inbuilt methods for grouping,
combining data and filtering as well as performing time series analysis. It can easily extract data
from any types of files like sql, json, csv etc.


Matplotlib is a data visualization library used by data scientists to present their output in 2d


Ploty allows visualization of sophisticated graphics easily. The package is adapted to work in
web applications


TensorFlow is a popular framework for deep and machine learning, It provides abilities to work
with artificial neural networks with multiple data sets.the most popular TensorFlow applications
are object identification, speech recognition.

* PyTorch

PyTorch is a large framework that allows you to perform tensor computations with GPU
acceleration, create dynamic computational graphs and automatically calculate gradients.
PyTorch offers a rich API for solving applications related to neural networks.


Keras is a high-level library for working with neural networks. It simplifies many specific tasks
and greatly reduces the amount of monotonous code. the new features are
Conv3DTranspose layer, new Mobile Net application, and self-normalizing networks.
These are some of the commonly used packages by data scientists
Why python over other programming languages?

Python is often compared to other interpreted languages such as Java, C++,

Python program is 3-5 times shorter than java and C++ programs, python programs run
slower than java and C++ programs but it is easier to code and takes less time to code a
python program
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Python training with palcements

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