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Geochemistry 3 Characterization

Volume 2

Geophysics April 20, 2001

Geosystems Paper number 2000GC000109

ISSN: 1525-2027
Published by AGU and the Geochemical Society

Relationships between the trace element

composition of sedimentary rocks and upper
continental crust
Scott M. McLennan
Department of Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794-2100

[1] Abstract: Estimates of the average composition of various Precambrian shields and a variety of
estimates of the average composition of upper continental crust show considerable disagreement for a
number of trace elements, including Ti, Nb, Ta, Cs, Cr, Ni, V, and Co. For these elements and others that
are carried predominantly in terrigenous sediment, rather than in solution (and ultimately into chemical
sediment), during the erosion of continents the La/element ratio is relatively uniform in clastic sediments.
Since the average rare earth element (REE) pattern of terrigenous sediment is widely accepted to reflect the
upper continental crust, such correlations provide robust estimates of upper crustal abundances for these
trace elements directly from the sedimentary data. Suggested revisions to the upper crustal abundances of
Taylor and McLennan [1985] are as follows (all in parts per million): Sc = 13.6, Ti = 4100, V = 107, Cr =
83, Co = 17, Ni = 44, Nb = 12, Cs = 4.6, Ta = 1.0, and Pb = 17. The upper crustal abundances of Rb, Zr, Ba,
Hf, and Th were also directly reevaluated and K, U, and Rb indirectly evaluated (by assuming Th/U, K/U,
and K/Rb ratios), and no revisions are warranted for these elements. In the models of crustal composition
proposed by Taylor and McLennan [1985] the lower continental crust (75% of the entire crust) is
determined by subtraction of the upper crust (25%) from a model composition for the bulk crust, and
accordingly, these changes also necessitate revisions to lower crustal abundances for these elements.

Keywords: Geochemistry; composition of the crust; trace elements.

Index terms: Crustal evolution; composition of the crust; trace elements.
Received September 8, 2000; Revised December 3, 2000; Accepted December 11, 2000;
Published April 20, 2001.

McLennan, S. M., 2001. Relationships between the trace element composition of sedimentary rocks and upper
continental crust, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., vol. 2, Paper number 2000GC000109 [8994 words, 10 figures, 5
tables]. Published April 20, 2001.

Theme: Geochemical Earth Reference Model (GERM) Guest Editor: Hubert Staudigel

1. Introduction
understanding the composition and chemical
[2]The chemical composition of the upper differentiation of the continental crust as a
continental crust is an important constraint on whole and the Earth in general [e.g., Taylor

Copyright 2001 by the American Geophysical Union

Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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and McLennan, 1985, 1995; Rudnick and as TM85), which are based on a variety of
Fountain, 1995]. There have been a variety of approaches for different elements, including
estimates of upper crustal composition mostly large-scale sampling programs (e.g., major ele-
based on large-scale sampling programs, largely ments, Sr, and Nb), average igneous composi-
in Precambrian shield areas, geochemical com- tions (e.g., Pb), compilations from Wedepohl
pilations of upper crustal lithologies, and sedi- [1969±1978] (e.g., Ba and Zr), sedimentary
mentary rock compositions (mainly shales). If compositions (e.g., REE, Th, and Sc), and
the average chemical composition of the upper various canonical or assumed ratios, such as
crust can be estimated from sedimentary rocks, Zr/Hf, Th/U, K/U, K/Rb, Rb/Cs, and Nb/Ta
then an especially powerful insight may be (e.g., Hf, U, Rb, Cs, and Ta). Although there is
gained into the chemical evolution of the crust widespread agreement that the upper crust
(and Earth) over geological time because of the approximates to a composition equivalent to
relatively continuous record of sedimentary the igneous rock type granodiorite, there is in
rocks, dating from 4 Ga to the present. fact considerable disagreement regarding the
precise values of a variety of trace elements.
[3] For the most part, estimates of upper crustal In Table 1, estimates of selected trace elements
abundances from sedimentary data have been are tabulated for various shield surfaces. Some
restricted intentionally to trace elements that are of these compositions are compared to the
least fractionated by various sedimentary pro- upper crustal estimate of TM85 in Figure 1,
cesses, such as chemical and physical weath- where it can be seen that discrepancies by
ering, mineral sorting during transport, and nearly a factor 2 or more are common and that
diagenesis [McLennan et al., 1980]. Included in some cases, estimates differ by more than a
are the rare earth elements (REE), Th, and Sc as factor of 3 (Nb, Cr, and Co). These differences
well as other elements (K, U, and Rb) that can are likely due to some combination of inad-
be estimated indirectly using various so-called equate sampling, analytical difficulties, and real
canonical ratios (Th/U, K/U, and K/Rb). regional variations in upper crustal abundances.
Recently, however, this general approach has In Table 2, various other recent estimates of the
been applied to other trace elements, notably upper crust (see Table 2 for methods of esti-
Nb, Ta, and Cs that at least potentially, may be mates) are also compared to TM85, and again,
more affected by various sedimentary processes some significant differences can be seen.
[e.g., McDonough et al., 1992; Plank and
Langmuir, 1998; Barth et al., 2000]. In this 3. Sedimentary Rocks and Upper
paper the relationships between the trace ele- Crustal Compositions
ment composition of the sedimentary mass and
the upper continental crust are evaluated for a [5] The notion that sediments could be used to
variety of trace elements and new estimates of estimate average igneous compositions at the
upper crustal trace element abundances, based Earth's surface was first suggested by V. M.
on the sedimentary rock record, are presented. Goldschmidt (see discussion by Goldschmidt
[1954, pp. 53±56]), and using sedimentary data
2. Comparison of Upper Crustal to derive upper crustal REE abundances was
Estimates pioneered by S. R. Taylor [e.g., Taylor, 1964,
1977; Jakes and Taylor, 1974; Nance and
[4] The most commonly cited estimates of Taylor, 1976, 1977; McLennan et al., 1980;
upper crustal abundances are those of Taylor Taylor and McLennan, 1981, 1985]. Gold-
and McLennan [1985] (hereinafter referred to schmidt used glacial sediments to estimate the
Table 1. Selected Trace Elements for Estimates of Various Shield Areas and the Average Upper Continental Crust

Element, Canadian Canadian East Scotlandd New Coloradof Baltic Ukranian Anabar Average Average Upper
ppm Shield: Shield: Eade Chinac Mexicoe Shieldg Shieldh Shieldi Shieldj Shield Crustl
Shawa and Fahrigb (Area)k
Sc 7.0 12 15 16 12 10.3 11

Ti 3120 3180 3900 2400 2700 4200 3000 3000 4800 3400 3200 3000
V 53 59 98 70 62 60

3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust

Cr 35 76 80 <50 19 82 60 43 72 58 59 35
Co 12 17 35 8 17 18 13 10
Ni 19 19 38 25 13 43 25 27 33 27 23 20
Rb 110 82 85 187 72 77 125 63 100 99 112
Zr 237 190 188 135 180 148 117 154 197 172 186 190
Nb 26 12 4 9.1 11 10 12 (23) 25
Cs 3.55 3.6 3.6 3.7
Ba 1070 730 678 795 590 749 420 701 775 723 754 550
La 32.3 71 34.8 55 43 27 23 45 32 40 (43) 30
Hf 5.8 5.12 4.4 5.1 5.7 5.8
Ta 5.7 0.74 0.67   2.2
Pb 17 18 18 14 17 18 20
Th 10.3 10.8 8.95 13 6.2 7.9 14 10.2 9.8 10.7

Area, 106km2 5.56 0.95 0.01 0.05 0.02 2.16 0.20 0.06
Average Canadian Shield values from Shaw et al. [1967, 1976, 1986].
Average Canadian Shield values from Fahrig and Eade [1968] and Eade and Fahrig [1971, 1973].
Average central East China calculated on carbonate-free basis [Gao et al., 1998].
Average of crystalline basement NW Scotland Highlands [Bowes, 1972].
Average Precambrian surface terrane, New Mexico [Condie and Brookins, 1980].
Average of Colorado Plateau upper crust derived from equal proportions of northwest and southeast sections [Condie and Selverstone, 1999].
Average Baltic Shield (reported by Borodin [1999]).
Average Ukranian Shield (reported by Borodin [1999]).
Average Anabar Shield (reported by Borodin [1999]).
Average shield derived from simple average of the Canadian Shield to the Anbar Shield columns.
Average shield derived from weighted average by area of the Canadian Shield (average of both Shaw and Eade and Fahrig) to the Anbar Shield. Areas are taken from Goodwin

[1991]. Note that La = 31 ppm if Canadian Shield values from Eade and Fahrig are excluded, Nb = 11 ppm if Canadian Shield from Shaw and Scotland are excluded, and Ta is not
calculated owing to highly variable values.
Average upper continental crust [Taylor and McLennan, 1985].
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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1000 tuting up to 70% of the stratigraphic record
Canadian Shield Ba
(Shaw) (depending on the method of estimating), and
Canadian Shield
(Eade & Fahrig)
because most trace elements are enriched in
shales compared to most other sediment types.
Shield Estimate

The result is that shales dominate the sedimen-
tary mass balance for all but a few trace
La V
[6] Most studies also have been restricted to a
Ni Nb few trace elements that are least affected by
Pb sedimentary processes and are transferred dom-
Co (a) inantly into the clastic sedimentary record dur-
ing continental erosion, notably REE, Y, Sc,
10 100 1000 and Th. However, there are numerous other
China Ba trace elements that are transferred from upper
Scotland crust primarily into the clastic sedimentary
New Mexico mass, including Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Rb, Cs, Pb,
Shield Estimate

Cr, V, Ni, and Co. Until recently, these ele-
ments have been largely neglected (see discus-
La sion by TM85) because of perceived problems
of fractionation during mineral sorting, such
that shales may not dominate the sedimentary
Cr mass balance (e.g., Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, and Pb), and
10 Ni possible redistribution during weathering and/
or diagenesis (e.g., Rb, Cs, Pb, Cr, V, Ni, and
Th Nb (b) Co). Given the large variability among the
10 100 1000
various upper crustal and shield estimates for
Taylor & McLennan Upper Crust these elements (Tables 1 and 2), such processes
may well add relatively minor uncertainty to
Figure 1. Comparison plots for selected trace upper crustal estimates derived from the clastic
elements in two independent estimates of the
Canadian Shield surface and various other shields
sedimentary record.
with the estimate of the average upper continental
crust from Taylor and McLennan [1985]. Thick 3.1. Cs in the Upper Crust
solid line represents equal compositions, and dashed [7] The Cs content of the upper crust is given as
lines represent difference by a factor of 2. Data are
from Table 1. 3.7 ppm by TM85 based on a Rb content of
112 ppm and a Rb/Cs ratio of 30. McDonough
et al. [1992] argued that there was no fractio-
major element composition of average igneous nation of Rb from Cs during sedimentary
rocks because such sediment is dominated by processes and determined the average Rb/Cs
mechanical rather than chemical processes. of 140 sediments and sedimentary rocks to be
However, modern studies have used shale 19 (standard deviation of 11), which he took to
compositions to estimate upper crustal trace be equivalent to the upper crust and leading to
element abundances (TM85). This is because an upper crustal Cs content of 6 ppm (using
shales completely dominate the sedimentary the Shaw et al. [1986] Canadian Shield average
record [Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971], consti- of Rb = 110 ppm). Rudnick and Fountain
Table 2. Selected Estimates of the Average Composition of the Upper Continental Crust

Element Condie Condie Gaillardet et al.c Togashi et Wedepohle Plank & Langmuirf Boroding Taylor and Upper
(ppm) ``Map''a ``Restoration''b al.d McLennanh Crusti

3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust

Sc 13.3 13.4 10.5 16 11 13.6
Ti 3300 3200 3700 4555 3600 3000 4100
V 86 86 110 60 107
Cr 104 112 74 84 47 35 83
Co 18 18 13 15 10 17
Ni 56 60 50 38 21 20 44
Rb 83 87 108 85 108 112 (112)
Zr 160 162 89 135 175 190 (190)
Nb 9.8 10.3 9 13.7 12 25 12
Cs 2.7 5.5 5.8 7.3 3.7 4.6
Ba 633 626 630 458 668 705 550 (550)
La 28.4 29.0 29.7 21.7 33 30 (30)
Hf 4.3 4.4 2.1 4.1 5.8 (5.8)
Ta 0.79 0.82 0.9 0.72 1.5 0.96 2.2 1.0
Pb 17 18 17.9 16.9 20 17
Th 8.6 9.1 8.8 8.3 11 10.7 (10.7)
Average upper continental crust from ``map model'' of major upper crustal lithologies [Condie, 1993].
Average upper continental crust from ``resoration model,'' where eroded crust is accounted for [Condie, 1993].
Average upper crust in Central African Shield derived from ``corrected'' river suspended sediment in Congo River system [Gaillardet et al., 1995].
Average upper crust for the Japan Arc based on mapped lithological balances [Togashi et al., 2000].
Average upper crust for elements not taken from Shaw et al. [1986] [Wedepohl, 1995]. Cs derived from Rb/Cs = 19 [McDonough et al., 1992] and Shaw et al. [1986] Rb value; Ta
derived from Nb/Ta = 17.5 and Shaw et al. [1986] Nb value.
Upper continental crust derived from marine sedimentary record [Plank and Langmuir, 1998].
Upper continental crust estimated by weighting average shields (70%) and average granitoid rock (30%) [Borodin, 1999].
Average upper crust [Taylor and McLennan, 1985].

Average upper continental crust derived from sedimentary record for this study. Elements that are unchanged from Taylor and McLennan [1985] are shown in parentheses.
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[1995] adopted an upper crustal Rb/Cs ratio of 30
20 and reported a Cs content of 5.6 ppm (using
the TM85 upper crustal value of Rb = 112
ppm). Recently, the TM85 estimate has also

been questioned by Plank and Langmuir 25
[1998] on the basis of young marine sedimen-
tary data. They noted a correlation between Cs
and Rb in modern deep-sea sediments from a
variety of tectonic and sedimentological 20

regimes. Using this correlation and accepting Granodiorite

a Rb upper crustal abundance of 112 ppm, they Weathering Profile
derived a new Cs estimate of 7.3 ppm (imply- (Nesbitt & Markovics 1997)

ing an upper crustal Rb/Cs of 15.3). 15

70 90 110 130 150
[8] The behavior of Cs in the sedimentary (b)
environment, in fact, is not well documented. 25
On the basis of the data available at the time, Rb/Cs
McDonough et al. [1992] argued that the Rb/Cs 20
ratio does not change during sedimentary pro-
cesses. However, this conclusion does not seem 15
to be consistent with the observations that sea-
water Rb/Cs is 400, typical river water Rb/Cs 10
is 50 [e.g., TM85; Lisitzin, 1996], and some
tropical river waters have ratios in excess of 5 Weathering Profile
1000 [Dupre et al., 1996], whereas all workers (Price et al., 1991; S. R. Taylor, 1997)

seem to agree that the upper crustal Rb/Cs is 0

<40 [TM85; McDonough et al., 1992; Gao et 0 10 20 30 40
al., 1998; Wedepohl, 1995; Rudnick and Foun- Rb (ppm)
tain, 1995; Plank and Langmuir, 1998].
Figure 2. Plots of Rb/Cs versus Rb for weathering
profiles developed on granodiorite [Nesbitt and
[9] Rb/Cs ratios of weathering profiles appear Markovics, 1997] and basalt ([Price et al., 1991] Cs
to change systematically as a function of Rb data from S. R. Taylor (personal communication,
content in both basaltic and granitic terranes 1997)) in Australia, suggesting Rb/Cs ratios may be
(Figure 2), suggesting at least the potential for strongly fractionated within weathering profiles. In
fractionation between these elements during spite of any fractionation within soil profiles both of
these elements are carried from weathering sites
surficial processes. Dupre et al. [1996] found
predominantly in the particulate load.
Congo River suspended sediment, bed load
sands, and dissolved load (including colloids)
to have the following Rb/Cs ratios (average lower the Rb/Cs ratio in the resulting fine-
‹95% confidence interval): 17 ‹ 4 (n = 8), 47 ‹ grained clastic sediments, likely due to the
8 (n = 15), and 481 ‹ 454 (n = 8), respectively, preferential exchange of the larger Cs ion onto
and Gaillardet et al. [1997] found Rb/Cs ratios clay minerals.
as low as 4 in suspended sediment from the
Amazon River. Thus interaction of natural [10] There are few reliable data for Cs in
waters with typical upper crust appears to carbonates, evaporites, and siliceous sediments;
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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however, from simple crystal chemical argu- these elements may be concentrated in heavy
ments the larger Cs ion would be expected to mineral suites (e.g., rutile, ilmenite, anatase,
be preferentially excluded compared to Rb in etc.), and like zircon, rutile and anatase are
most carbonate and evaporite minerals, leading ``ultrastable'' heavy minerals [Pettijohn et al.,
to relatively high Rb/Cs ratios compared to the 1972]. Accordingly, some care must be taken in
upper crust (see discussion regarding carbo- interpreting the Ti, Nb, and Ta content of
nates by Okumura and Kitano [1986]). Thus, shales. On the other hand, the discrepancy
although Rb and Cs are carried dominantly in between estimates of Plank and Langmuir
clastic sediments, it is not obvious that the Rb/ [1998; Barth et al., 2000] and for the Canadian
Cs ratio of marine sediment studied by Plank Shield [Shaw et al., 1986] is nearly a factor of
and Langmuir [1998], where the terrigenous 2, much greater than might be expected from
fraction is dominated by very fine grained any of these sedimentological considerations.
clays, is fully representative of the upper crust.
3.3. Cr-Ni-V-Co in the Upper Crust
3.2. Nb-Ta-Ti in the Upper Crust [13] Upper crustal ferromagnesian trace element
[11] The Ti and Nb contents of the upper abundances reported by TM85, based largely
continental crust are given as 3000 and 25 on the Canadian Shield estimates of Shaw et al.
ppm, respectively, by TM85 on the basis of [1967, 1976] and Eade and Fahrig [1971,
the large-scale sampling program in the Cana- 1973; Fahrig and Eade, 1968], are relatively
dian Shield by D. M. Shaw [Shaw et al., 1967, low (e.g., Cr = 35 ppm and Ni = 20 ppm)
1976, 1986], and the Ta estimate of 2.2 ppm is compared to a number of other shield estimates
based on a crustal Nb/Ta ratio of 11.6 (taken (Table 1 and Figure 1) and various other upper
from Wedepohl [1977]). Recently, these esti- crustal estimates (Table 2). In contrast, the
mates also have been questioned by Plank and abundances of ferromagnesian trace elements
Langmuir [1998] on the basis of sedimentary in shales are typically a factor of 2 greater
data. Plank and Langmuir [1998] noted corre- than these values (TM85). This discrepancy has
lations between Nb and Al2O3, between Ti and rarely been discussed in any detail, although
Al2O3, and between Nb and Ta in modern Condie [1993] has proposed significantly
deep-sea sediments from a variety of tectonic higher upper crustal abundances of ferromag-
and sedimentological regimes. From these rela- nesian trace element abundances (see Table 2).
tionships and by accepting the Al2O3 upper
crustal estimate of TM85 they estimated TiO2 [14] Relatively low upper crustal abundances of

at 0.76%, Nb at 13.7 ppm, and Ta at 0.96 ppm. these elements were effectively a requirement of
Barth et al. [2000] suggested estimates of Nb = the once popular ``andesite model'' for crustal
11.5 ppm and Ta = 0.92 ppm on the basis of the growth because average andesite has very low
abundances of these elements in Australian abundances for these elements [e.g., Taylor,
post-Archean shales (PAAS) and loess. 1967, 1977; Gill, 1981; Gill et al., 1994]. For
example, Taylor [1977] estimated average ande-
[12] It has long been known that elements site to have Cr = 55 ppm and Ni = 30 ppm.
concentrated in heavy mineral suites (notably, During intracrustal partial melting and differ-
Zr and Hf but also Sn, Th, LREE, etc.) may be entiation, enrichments of such elements in the
strongly fractionated during mineral sorting of residual lower crust would be expected, but for
clastic sediments [McLennan et al., 1993]. the andesite model, high ferromagnesian trace
Although the geochemistry of Ti, Nb, and Ta element abundances in the upper crust (e.g., Cr
is likely to be less affected by such processes, > 55 ppm) would have predicted the opposite
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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and thus created mass balance difficulties. Apart from this, >1200 samples have gone into
Accordingly, the low levels of ferromagnesian the various other averages and composites.
trace elements found in the Canadian Shield by Table 3 lists the trace element analyses and
Shaw et al. [1967, 1976] seemed consistent. data sources used in Figures 3±10. There is a
small amount of redundancy in some of these
[15] However, it is now understood that low averages in that the same samples may be
abundances of these elements in typical oro- included in more than one of the averages.
genic andesites are a reflection of the fractio- For example, modern turbidites analyzed by
nated nature of most andesites and that McLennan et al. [1990] are subdivided by
unfractionated mantle-derived arc magmas lithology and tectonic setting in Table 3. How-
typically have much higher levels of ferro- ever, these samples (n = 63) represent 10% of
magnesian trace elements [e.g., Gill, 1981]. In the analyses considered by Plank and Lang-
addition, it is now widely accepted that much muir [1998] in estimating global subducting
of the continental crust formed during the sediment (GLOSS). Loess is considered to be a
Archean and higher ferromagnesian trace ele- sediment type that perhaps best reflects the
ment levels are characteristic of Archean oro- upper crustal provenance for many elements
genic igneous rocks [e.g., Condie, 1993]. because of the relatively minor effects of
Most models of bulk crustal abundances now weathering [Taylor et al., 1983]. Accordingly,
reflect these higher levels [Taylor and McLen- several regional loess averages are given in
nan, 1985, 1995; Rudnick and Fountain, Table 4, and these are also plotted individually
1995], but upper crustal abundances of the on Figures 4±10.
ferromagnesian trace elements have received
little comment. [18] It is not possible to fully evaluate formal
statistical uncertainties for some of these aver-
ages because the primary sources do not provide
4. Methods
sufficient information on variance. However,
4.1. Database the large number of samples used to estimate
many of the averages coupled with the fact that
[16] The database consists of a variety of com- confidence in an average improves as a function
pilations based on large-scale averages or com- of the square root of the number of samples
posites of several sedimentary rock types of results in relatively small uncertainties in the
different grain sizes and from a variety of averages (at 95% confidence level). For exam-
tectonic and sedimentological settings. Where ple, Plank and Langmuir [1998] reported
possible, old sedimentary rocks, especially of standard deviations for the GLOSS data that
Archean through early Proterozoic age, were were typically 10±20% of the average for most
neglected in order to avoid any issues of secular trace elements. Because of the very large num-
change in upper crustal composition. In fact, ber of samples used to formulate the average
even with this sampling strategy, it is impos- (>500), this results in 95% confidence levels on
sible to entirely avoid issues of secular varia- the means of 1±2%. At the other extreme, the
tions in composition because most sedimentary average river suspended sediment data have
rocks are recycled over long periods of geo- relatively large standard deviations (25±50%
logical time [Veizer and Jansen, 1979, 1985]. of the average values), probably a result of the
fact that these rivers sample upper crust of
[17] The Russian Shale average is based on a widely varying tectonic settings and climatic
remarkable number of samples (n  40,000). regimes. This coupled with the relatively small
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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number of analyses (n = 7±19, depending on [24] 5. Average Russian shale is an average of
element) results in 95% confidence limits on 1.6 ± 0.55 Ga shales (4883 samples and 4
the means of 10±30%. In the case of North composites from 1257 samples) and 0.55±
American shale composite (NASC), the data 0.0 Ga shales (6552 samples and 1674 com-
represent a single analysis of a composite posites from 28,288 samples). Samples are
sample, and analytical error likely dominates mainly from Russia and the former Soviet
the uncertainty. Union but also include representative samples
from North America, Australia, South Africa,
Brazil, India, and Antarctica [Ronov et al.,
4.1.1. Shales, muds, and loess (fine grain) 1988].
[19] Fine-grained sediment averages and com-
posites that are used are described below (see [25] 6. Average Phanerozoic cratonic shale is

Table 3). In estimating the average fine-grained from Condie [1993] (n > 100).
sediment, equal weight was given to each of the
various sediment composites and averages. [26] 7. GLOSS is an estimate of the average
composition of marine sediment reaching sub-
[20] 1. For the river suspended value, average duction zones, based on 577 marine sedi-
suspended sediment is from near the terminus ments [Plank and Langmuir, 1998]. This
of 19 major rivers of the world that together average differs from the other fine-grained
drain 13% of the exposed land surface [Mar- averages in that it includes a significant com-
tin and Meybeck, 1979; Gaillardet et al., 1999]. ponent of nonterrigenous material, including
Not all elements are reported for all rivers with chemical sediment, pelagic sediment, and
the most extreme case being Sc (n = 7). coarser-grained turbidites. This leads to some
anomalies that are discussed below.
[21]2. Average loess is determined from the
mean of eight regional loess averages from [27] 8. Average passive margin turbidite mud is

New Zealand, central North America, Kaiser- an average of modern turbidite muds from
stuhl region, Spitsbergen, Argentina, United trailing edges and the Ganges cone [McLennan
Kingdom, France, and China (see Table 4 for et al., 1990] (n = 9) and Paleozoic passive
sources; n = 52). margin mudstones from Australia [Bhatia,
1981, 1985a, 1985b] (n = 10).
[22] 3. NASC is a composite of 40 sediments
(mainly shales), mostly from North America [28] 9. Average active margin turbidite mud is

[Gromet et al., 1984]. an average of modern turbidite muds from

active margins [McLennan et al., 1990] (n =
[23] 4. Post-Archean average Australian shale is 18) and average Australian Paleozoic turbidite
an average of 23 Australian shales of post- mudstones from oceanic island arcs (n = 9),
Archean age [Nance and Taylor, 1976; continental arcs (n = 12), and Andean-type
McLennan, 1981, 1989; Barth et al., 2000]. margins (n = 2) [Bhatia, 1981, 1985a, 1985b].
The original PAAS [Nance and Taylor, 1976]
reported REE data only; however, the remain-
4.1.2. Sand and sandstones (coarse grain)
ing elements were compiled by McLennan
[1981], and REE data were updated by McLen- [29]Coarser-grained sediment averages that
nan [1989]. Ta values used here were recently were used are described below (see Table 3).
reported by Barth et al. [2000]. In estimating the average coarse-grained sedi-
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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ment, equal weight was given to each of the under consideration are dominated entirely by
various sediment composites and averages. clastic sedimentary rocks such that they have
low or negligible abundances in other sedi-
[30] 1. Average tillite is derived from the average ments, such as pure carbonates, evaporites, or
of Pleistocene till from Saskatchewan [Yan et al., siliceous sediments. In practice, this assump-
2000] (n = 33) and late Proterozoic tillite matrix tion is more robust for some elements than
(texturally a sandstone) from Scotland [Panahi others (see section 6). Accordingly, by examin-
and Young, 1997] (n = 21). A coarse-grained ing the relationship between a variety of trace
glacial sediment average was included to be elements and REE (using the most incompat-
comparable to the fine-grained loess deposits. ible REE, La) in clastic sediments and sedi-
mentary rocks it is possible to evaluate upper
[31] 2. Average Phanerozoic cratonic sandstone crustal La/element ratios. This approach is
is from Condie [1993] (n > 100). similar to that used by McLennan et al.
[1980] to estimate upper crustal Th abundances
[32] 3. Average Phanerozoic greywacke is from from the sedimentary record [also see McLen-
the mean of Paleozoic (n > 100) and Mesozoic- nan and Xiao, 1998].
Cenozoic (n > 100) averages [Condie, 1993].
[36] Clastic sedimentary data are divided into
[33]4. Average passive margin sand is an ``fine-grained'' lithologies, including shales,
average of modern turbidite sands from trailing muds, and silts (e.g., loess), and ``coarse-
edges and the Ganges cone [McLennan et al., grained'' lithologies, including sands, sand-
1990] (n = 11) and Paleozoic passive margin stones, and tillites, as described above. The
sandstones from Australia [Bhatia, 1981, average composition of each lithology was
1985b; Bhatia and Crook, 1986] (n = 15). determined by giving equal weight to each of
the individual averages tabulated in Table 3.
[34] 5. Average active margin sand is an aver- The upper crustal La/element ratios were cal-
age of modern turbidite sands from active culated from the overall weighted average
continental margins [McLennan et al., 1990] composition, using the relative proportions of
(n = 25, with aberrantly high Cr and Ni from shales (fine grained) to sandstones (coarse
one sample excluded) and average Australian grained) found in the geological record (shale/
Paleozoic turbidite sandstones from oceanic sandstone ratio of 6), and thus taken to be
island arcs (n = 11), continental arcs (n = 32), representative of average terrigenous sediment.
and Andean-type (n = 10) margins [Bhatia, Finally, the upper crustal abundances were
1981, 1985b; Bhatia and Crook, 1986]. determined from these La/element ratios,
assuming an upper crustal La content of 30
ppm (TM85).
4.2. Approach
[35] The approach adopted in this paper for [37] The uncertainties in this approach are
estimating upper continental crustal abundan- likely to be dominated by issues such as
ces of certain trace elements makes two basic weighting factors and representativeness of
assumptions: (1) REE content of clastic sedi- samples rather than the statistical uncertainty
mentary rocks best reflects upper crustal abun- in the various sediment averages. As noted
dances and the upper crustal REE estimates of above, the 95% confidence intervals for the
TM85 are adopted (e.g., La = 30 ppm), and (2) various sediment averages listed in Table 3 are
the sedimentary mass balance of the elements generally fairly small (mostly less than ‹10%).
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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On the other hand, some of these averages are
Upper Continental
based on only a few sedimentary sequences. Crust (TM85)
For example, the till average is from samples 100.0

taken from only two sedimentary sequences, Coarse-grained

ppm / ppm Chondrites

and the active margin sand and mud averages
are largely based on relatively few sedimentary
sequences in Australia. Whether or not these
averages are representative of the various sedi-
mentary settings cannot be evaluated and is the 10.0
subject of further work.

[38] An additional potential source of uncer-

tainty is in the weighting factors used to
determine the fine-grained and coarse-grained
averages and overall averages. In calculating
the fine-grained and coarse-grained averages 1.0
an arbitrary weighting factor of 1 was given to Upper Continental
Crust (TM85)
each analysis listed in Table 3. In calculating 100.0
the overall average, the fine-grained and
Average Clastic Sediment
ppm / ppm Chondrites

coarse-grained averages were weighted to the

ratio of shale to sandstone in the geological
record. Although there is some uncertainty in
this ratio (e.g., see recent discussion by Lisitzin
[1996]), here I adopt the shale to sandstone
mass ratio of 6:1, which is approximately 10.0

midway between the average value measured

by a variety of workers (4.3:1; see Garrels and
Mackenzie [1971] for summary) and the theo-
retical value (7.1:1) calculated by Garrels and
Mackenzie [1971]. Because trace element
abundances in sandstones on average are sig- (b)
nificantly less than those in shales and the La/ La Ce Pr Nd SmEuGd Tb Dy Ho Er Yb
element ratios are generally similar (the great-
Figure 3. (a) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns
est difference, for La/Cs, is 50%), changing for various fine-grained and coarse-grained sedi-
the proportion of coarse-grained sediment by ment averages and composites listed in Table 3
as much as a factor of 2 has only a slight effect compared to upper crustal REE pattern from Taylor
(<5%) on the final upper crustal concentra- and McLennan [1985]. (b) Comparison of weighted
tions. average clastic sediment and upper crustal REE

5. Results and compared with TM85 estimate of the upper

continental crust. The long-standing observa-
5.1. REE, Th, and Sc
tion that post-Archean sedimentary REE pat-
[39] On Figure 3, the REE patterns of the terns are remarkably uniform is apparent.
various averages and composites are plotted Although there is considerable variability in
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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absolute abundances, mainly related to grain average), and this is expected because low
size and dilution effects (e.g., quartz and car- REE-bearing sedimentary lithologies, such as
bonate), the general shapes of the patterns are carbonates and evaporites, have not been con-
similar. The weighted average REE pattern has sidered. The average sediment pattern is also
somewhat elevated REE abundances compared slightly less fractionated in light rare earth
to the upper crustal estimate (10±15% on elements (LREE) compared to the upper crustal
estimate, but the difference is not considered
large enough to warrant any revisions to the
100 upper crustal REE estimates.

[40] The upper crustal abundances of Th and Sc

by TM85 were estimated from the sedimentary
La (ppm)

data available at the time. Plots of La versus Th

and La versus Sc are shown in Figure 4. The
h =2 sedimentary data scatter around the TM85
/T upper crustal La/Th ratio of 2.8. Although the
10 La
La/Sc ratios of the sediments are quite variable,
they also plot close to the TM85 upper crustal
Fine-grain ratio of 2.7. However, 11 of the 14 sediment
Loess averages plot at lower La/Sc ratio, and the
(a) weighted average of the sediment data has a
10 100 lower La/Sc ratio, averaging 2.2. This lower
Th (ppm) La/Sc ratio leads to a revised upper crustal Sc
100 abundance of 13.6 ppm, which is 24% higher
Sc=11ppm than that suggested by TM85 and essentially
identical to the estimate of Condie [1993]. This
revision also leads to a decrease in the upper
La (ppm)

crustal Th/Sc ratio from 1.0 to 0.8.

10 5.2. Rb and Cs
Sc=13.6ppm [41] TM85 estimated upper crustal Rb indi-
rectly from the sedimentary data by adopting
standard values for a series of canonical ratios
(b) (Th/U, K/U, and K/Rb [also see McLennan et
al., 1980]). The weighted average La/Rb ratio
10 100
of clastic sediments, at 0.26 (Figure 5a), is
Sc (ppm) essentially identical to the TM85 upper crustal
Figure 4. Plots of (a) La versus Th and (b) La La/Rb of 0.27. Although coarse-grained aver-
versus Sc for sediment averages and composites. ages plot at systematically lower La/Rb com-
Circled cross and thick solid line represent upper pared to TM85 upper crust, the fine-grained
crustal abundances and La/element ratio of Taylor averages plot at both lower and higher values.
and McLennan [1985]. Sediment data fall close to
the TM85 estimate of the upper crustal La/Th ratio. Accordingly, the sediment data appear to pro-
Dashed line represents revised upper crustal La/Sc vide direct confirmation of the upper crustal Rb
ratio suggested by sedimentary data. content estimated by TM85.
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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lower La/Cs ratios than the TM85 upper crustal
Coarse-grain value of 8.1. Coarse-grained sediment averages
and some of the regional loess averages have
100 Loess
La/Cs that are higher than the TM85 upper
crustal value. Overall, 7 of the 10 sediment
La (ppm)

averages plot at higher La/Cs, and the weighted

average of the sediment data has La/Cs of 6.5
leading to an new upper crustal estimate of 4.6
ppm, which is 25% higher than the TM85
0 .2
/R 5.3. Nb, Ta, and Ti
10 La (a)
[43] Plots of La versus Nb, Ta, and Ti are
10 100
Rb (ppm) shown in Figure 6. As has been pointed out
100 by several authors, the sedimentary data have
uniformly lower Nb and Ta contents (i.e.,
higher La/Nb and La/Ta ratios) than the
Cs=3.7 ppm TM85 upper crustal estimate [Plank and
Langmuir, 1998; Barth et al., 2000]. The
La (ppm)

GLOSS sediment data evaluated here suggest an upper

crustal La/Nb = 2.5 and La/Ta = 30.5, leading
to upper crustal estimates of Nb = 12 ppm and
Ta = 1.0 ppm, a reduction by half of those
values suggested by TM85, and further con-
firming the suggestions of Condie [1993],
Cs=4.6 ppm
Plank and Langmuir [1998], and Barth et al.
1 10
Cs (ppm) [44] In contrast, La/Ti ratios are systematically
lower in clastic sediments than in the TM85
Figure 5. Plots of (a) La versus Rb and (b) La
versus Cs for sediment averages and composites. upper crustal estimate and suggest that the
Circled cross and thick solid line represent upper average upper crustal Ti concentration should
crustal abundances and La/element ratio of Taylor be revised upward by 35% to 4100 ppm or
and McLennan [1985]. Sediment data fall close to TiO2 = 0.68%. This estimate is somewhat less
the TM85 estimate of the upper crustal La/Rb ratio. than that suggested by Plank and Langmuir
Dashed line represents revised upper crustal La/Cs
ratio suggested by sedimentary data. Note that the [1998].
sediment average global subducting sediment
(GLOSS) plots at relatively low La/Rb and La/Cs 5.4. Ferromagnesian Trace Elements
ratios. See text for discussion. (Cr, Ni, V, and Co)
[45] The data considered here confirm the
[42] On the plot of La versus Cs (Figure 5b) the observation that fine-grained clastic sediments
sediment data exhibit substantial scatter, but typically have about twice the levels of
with only one exception (GLOSS), the fine ferromagnesian trace elements compared to
grained sediment averages uniformly show the TM85 upper crustal estimates. Figure 7
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
Geosystems G
plots La versus Cr and V as representative of
100 this group of elements. All sediment averages
La/Nb=2.5 plot at lower La/Cr and La/Ni (not shown)
Nb=12 ppm ratios, and all but two (coarse grained) sedi-
La (ppm)

ment averages plot at lower La/V and La/Co

(not shown) ratios. The weighted average of
the clastic sediment data suggests the follow-
ing upper crustal ratios: La/Cr = 0.36, La/V
La/Nb=1.20 = 0.28, La/Ni = 0.68, and La/Co = 1.8.
Nb=25 ppm
10 These ratios lead to proposed revisions to
the TM85 upper crustal values as follows: Cr
= 83 ppm, V = 107 ppm, Ni = 44 ppm, and
Co = 17 ppm, approximately a factor of two
higher. Although absolute values differ in
10 100
detail (by 6±30%), these results confirm the
Nb (ppm) suggestion of generally higher ferromagnesian
trace elements in the upper crust by Condie
Ta=1.0 ppm
La (ppm)

5.5. Other Elements (Zr, Hf, Ba, and Pb)

[46] No revisions to the TM85 upper crustal
Ta=2.2 ppm
estimates are indicated by the sedimentary data
10 for either Zr or Hf (Figure 8). The sedimentary
data scatter about the TM85 upper crustal La/
Zr and La/Hf ratios, and the weighted sedi-
mentary means predict concentrations within
(b) 10% of those of TM85. On average, coarse-
grained sediments plot at lower La/Zr and La/
1 10 Hf ratios than do fine-grained sediments, a
Ta (ppm) predictable consequence of heavy mineral
100 enrichments. It is of interest, however, that
the loess data also plot with, by far, the lowest
Ti=3,000 ppm
La/Zr and La/Hf ratios of the fine-grained
sediments. This is consistent with the observa-
La (ppm)

tion of Taylor et al. [1983] that the aeolian

sedimentary transport processes involved with

Figure 6. Plots of (a) La versus Nb, (b) La versus

La/Ti=0.0074 Ta, and (c) La versus Ti for sediment averages and
Ti=4,100 ppm composites. Circled cross and thick solid line
(c) represent upper crustal abundances and La/element
ratio of Taylor and McLennan [1985]. Dashed line
1000 10000 represents revised upper crustal La/element ratios
Ti (ppm) suggested by sedimentary data.
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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tematics of clastic sediments (Figure 9), and
Fine-grain most data plot at the TM85 upper crustal La/Ba
100 Loess
ratio of 0.055. It is noteworthy, however, that
all of the fine-grained marine sediment aver-
Cr=35 ppm ages (GLOSS and turbidite muds from both
La (ppm)

active and passive settings) plot at systemati-


La (ppm)
Cr=83 ppm
Avg. Loess
10 100

Cr (ppm)

La (ppm)

La/V=0.50 (a)
V=60 ppm
100 1000
Zr (ppm)


La (ppm)

V=107 ppm

10 100
V (ppm) Avg. Loess

Figure 7. Plots of (a) La versus Cr and (b) La


versus V for sediment averages and composites.
Circled cross and thick solid line represent upper (b)
crustal abundances and La/element ratio of Taylor
and McLennan [1985]. Dashed line represents 1 10
revised upper crustal La/element ratios suggested Hf (ppm)
by sedimentary data. Similar discrepancies are seen
for Ni and Co. Figure 8. Plots of (a) La versus Zr and (b) La
versus Hf for sediment averages and composites.
Circled cross and thick solid line represent upper
loess formation leads to significant heavy min- crustal abundances and La/element ratio of Taylor
eral enrichments. and McLennan [1985]. Sediment data fall close to
the TM85 estimate of the upper crustal La/Zr and
La/Hf ratios. Note that loess falls at much lower La/
[47] Similarly, no revision to upper crustal Ba Zr and La/Hf ratios than do other fine-grained
concentration is suggested by the La-Ba sys- averages. See text for further discussion.
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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value is also consistent with the various shield
estimates (Table 1) that are all in the range of
La (ppm)

Pb=17 ppm

La (ppm)
Marine River
5 muds Suspended



100 1000 La/Pb=1.5

Ba (ppm) Pb=20 ppm

Figure 9. Plot of La versus Ba for sediment (a)

averages and composites. Circled cross and thick 10 100
solid line represent upper crustal abundances and
La/Ba ratio of Taylor and McLennan [1985]. Pb (ppm)
Sediment data fall close to the TM85 estimate of
River Suspended Sediment
the upper crustal La/Ba ratio. Note that the fine- (Martin & Meybeck, 1979; Gaillardet et al., 1999)

grained marine muds have the lowest La/Ba ratios.

See text for further discussion. .5
b =1
La (ppm)

100 La

cally lower La/Ba ratio than the other sediment

Da Hong Da

averages. This is interpreted to result from

anomalously high Ba contents related to marine Seine

productivity and enrichments in pelagic sedi- Danube

ment [e.g., Francois et al., 1995]. Such sedi-

ment constitutes 1±2% of the sedimentary 10 (b)

record [e.g., Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971; 10 100

Lisitzin, 1996] and, accordingly, is likely to Pb (ppm)
have a relatively minor effect on the upper
crustal Ba estimate from the clastic sedimentary Figure 10. (a) Plot of La versus Pb for sediment
record. averages and composites. Circled cross and thick
solid line represent upper crustal abundances and
La/Pb ratio of Taylor and McLennan [1985].
[48] The data for Pb do, however, indicate that a Dashed line represents revised upper crustal La/Pb
modest decrease in upper crustal Pb abundan- ratios suggested by sedimentary data. Note that
ces is warranted (Figure 10a), and nearly all average suspended river sediment falls at much
terrigenous sediment averages and composites lower La/Pb ratio and higher Pb content than do
plot at a higher La/Pb ratio than the TM85 other fine-grained averages. (b) Plot of La versus Pb
upper crustal estimate. These relationships sug- for suspended sediment from individual rivers
[Martin and Meybeck, 1979; Gaillardet et al.,
gest that the upper crustal Pb concentration is 1999]. Note that some rivers with the highest Pb
17 ppm, or a 15% decrease, a value also content are those with a long history of industria-
proposed by Condie [1993]. This slightly lower lization. See text for further discussion.
Table 3. Selected Trace Elements for Estimates of Various Sediment Composites and Averages
Fine-Grained Clastic Sediment Averages Coarse-Grained Clastic Sediment Averages

b c f g
Elements, River Loess NASC PAAS Russian Condie GLOSS PM AM Tillite j Condie Condie PM AM
ppm Suspendeda Shaled Shalee Mudh Mudi Sandstonek Greywackel Sandm Sandn
Sc 18.3 7.8 15 16 19.5 16 13.1 15.1 17.2 10.7 2.0 14 5.85 14.4
Ti 5520 3720 4200 6000 5100 4920 3720 4100 3860 2880 1500 4320 2360 3800
V 147 77  140 132 117 110 102 122 91 15 135 36 98

Cr 129 56 127 100 105 104 78.9 99 57 82 30 75 41 43

3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust

Co 18.9 10.6 26 20 21.5 20 21.9 15.5 14.5 10.7 2.5 18 6.5 13.5
Ni 62 20 58 60 57.5 54 70.5 54 25 36 8 38 19 16
Rb 113 73 125 160 144 163 57.2 235 141 80 25 90 61 67
Zr 191 302 200 210 213 201 130 168 155 167 105 147 285 155
Nb 17.1 12.7  18 14 15.4 8.94 14.2 9.7 9.4 4.0 10 7.71 6.73
Cs 8.84 3.8 5.2 6.0   3.48 4.78 5.57 2.6   1.42 2.57
Ba 635 458 636 650 677 551 776 823 646 476 150 625 403 441
La 43.3 27.9 32.0 38.2 33.5 38.8 28.8 33.0 26.1 25.7 10.3 28 27.2 20.7
Hf 5.77 8.9 6.3 5.0 6.6 4.6 4.06 5.45 4.96 4.37 3.1 3.8 9.68 4.73
Ta 1.39 0.92 1.12 1.28  1.4 0.63   0.61 0.30 0.83  
Pb (73) 14.1  20 18.5 22 19.9 16.6 17.0 9.8 19 11 15.4 14.2
Th 14.7 8.6 12.3 14.6 12.8 13.5 6.91 15.0 13.8 8.4 4.2 8.8 11.0 9.2
Average river suspended load from 19 major rivers of the world [Martin and Meybeck, 1979; Gaillardet et al., 1999]. High Pb is likely due to pollution in several rivers.
Average loess based on eight regional averages (total n = 52); see Table 4 for sources.
North American shale composite based on composite of 40 shales of mainly Phanerozoic age [Gromet et al., 1984].
Post-Archean average Australian shale based on average of 23 Australian shales of post-Archean age [Nance and Taylor, 1976; McLennan, 1981, 1989; Taylor and McLennan, 1985;
Barth et al., 2000].
Average of Phanerozoic (n = 34,840) and late Proterozoic (n = 5940) shales mainly from Russia and former Soviet Union [Ronov et al., 1988].
Average post-Archean cratonic shale [Condie, 1993] (n > 100).
Average global subducting sediment [Plank and Langmuir, 1998].
Average passive margin turbidite mud derived from trailing edge and continental collision basins [McLennan et al., 1990] (n = 9) and average Paleozoic passive margin mud [Bhatia,
1981, 1985a, 1985b] (n = 10).
Average of active margin turbidite mud derived from average modern active margins[McLennan et al., 1990] (n = 18) and average Paleozoic oceanic island arc (n = 9), continental arc
(n = 12) and Andean-type margins (n = 2) [Bhatia, 1981, 1985a, 1985b].
Average tillite derived from late Proterozoic Port Askaig tillite matrix [Panahi and Young, 1997] (n = 21) and Pleistocene till from central Canada [Yan et al., 2000] (n = 33).
Average Phanerozoic cratonic sandstone [Condie, 1993] (n > 100).

Average Phanerozoic greywacke, taken from mean of Paleozoic (n > 100) and Mesozoic ± Cenozoic (n > 100) averages [Condie, 1993].
Average post-Archean modern Trailing Edge and Continental Collision basins [McLennan et al., 1990] (n = 11) and Paleozoic passive margin sandstone from Australia [Bhatia,
1981, 1985b; Bhatia and Crook, 1986] (n = 15).
Average of active margin turbidite sand derived from modern active margin basins [McLennan et al., 1993] (n = 25) and average Paleozoic oceanic island arc (n = 11), continental arc
(n = 32), and Andean-type margins (n = 10) [Bhatia, 1981, 1985b; Bhatia and Crook, 1986].
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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Table 4. Regional Averages of Selected Trace Elements in Quaternary Loess
Element, New United Statesb Kaiserstuhlc Spitsbergend Argentinae United Franceg Chinah Average
a f
ppm Zealand Kingdom Loessi
Sc 8.1 5.3 5.85 11.9 7.8
Ti 3480 4020 1860 4140 4860 3420 4320 3770 3730
V 65 57 40 119 105 58 69 99 77
Cr 31 32 42 109 36 67 61 69 56
Co 9.6 5.6 6.5 14 14 9 8 18 10.6
Ni 13 12 24 24 16 20 17 34 20
Rb 83 74 47 80 79 73 61 89 73
Zr 366 420 255 278 234 327 357 181 302
Nb 12.7 15.0 9.8 14.3 10.1 11 10.5 11.7 12.7
Cs 3.8 2.8 1.9 3.9 5.0 2.9 6.5 3.8
Ba 572 681 195 554 578 332 298 457 458
La 35.4 34.3 25.0 29.3 23.9 19.7 24.9 30.4 27.9
Hf 10.4 13.5 6.8 4.8 8.9
Ta 1.12 1.03 0.76 0.93 0.80 0.87 0.92
Pb 13 14 4.2 17 18.3 15 13.2 18.0 14.1
Th 10.2 9.5 5.6 9.0 8.7 7 7.9 10.9 8.6
Average of five loess samples from Banks Penninsula, New Zealand [Taylor et al., 1983; Barth et al., 2000].
Average of four loess samples from Iowa and Kansas [Taylor et al., 1983; Barth et al., 2000].
Average of two loess samples from Kaiserstuhl region, Germany [Taylor et al., 1983; Barth et al., 2000].
Average of six loess samples from Spitsbergen [Gallet et al., 1998].
Average of seven loess samples from Argentina [Gallet et al., 1998].
Loess sample from United Kingdom [Gallet et al., 1998].
Average of seven loess samples from France [Gallet et al., 1998].
Average of 20 loess samples from China [Taylor et al., 1983; Gallet et al., 1996; Jahn et al., 2001].
Average Loess estimated from average of New Zealand to China values.

Pb = 14±18 ppm. Of note is the exceptionally change to Th is indicated from the analysis of
low La/Pb ratio of average suspended river sedimentary data presented in this paper, like-
sediment (Figure 10a). This is due mainly to wise no revisions to K, U, and Rb are sug-
exceptionally high Pb concentrations in sedi- gested. It is of note that in this study Rb also is
ment from several rivers that in some cases are estimated directly from the sedimentary record,
draining regions with a long history of indus- using La/Rb ratios, and the Rb value obtained
trialization (Figure 10b), suggesting that pollu- agrees with the indirect estimate to within 4%
tion may have a significant effect on the Pb and agrees with the average shield surface to
content of suspended sediment in at least some within 12%.
modern rivers.
[50] The upper crustal TM85 Cs content of 3.7
ppm was determined indirectly from Rb = 112
6. Discussion ppm and an assumed upper crustal Rb/Cs ratio
of 30. On the basis of sedimentary rocks,
6.1. Some Comparisons McDonough et al. [1992] suggested an upper
[49]The upper crustal abundances of K, U, and crustal Rb/Cs of 19 and Cs content of 6
Rb have been estimated indirectly on the basis ppm (both with large suggested uncertainties),
of the clastic sedimentary record, using ratios and Plank and Langmuir [1998] implied a ratio
such as Th/U = 3.8, K/U = 10,000, and K/Rb = as low as 15.3 from a Cs content of 7.3 ppm.
250 [McLennan et al., 1980; TM85]. Since no The large amount of sedimentary data consid-
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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ered in this study suggests an upper crustal Rb/ Shaw et al. [1976] and an upper crustal Nb/Ta
Cs ratio of 24. This ratio is likely to be a of 11.6 [from Wedepohl [1977]; however, all
lower limit because the larger Cs ion would be other shield areas that have been examined
expected to be held preferentially over Rb onto have lower Nb by a factor of >2 on average
clay minerals [e.g., Dupre et al., 1996], leading (Table 1), and accordingly, the lower estimates
to low Rb/Cs ratios in the finest-grained sedi- also appear consistent with the surface sam-
ment, and excluded preferentially over Rb from pling of shields.
Ca- and Na-bearing carbonate and evaporite
minerals [e.g., Okumura and Kitano, 1986], [53] The proposed increases in the ferromagne-
leading to high Rb/Cs ratios in the nonclastic sian trace elements Cr, V, Ni, and Co average
parts of the sedimentary record (see further about a factor of 2 greater than the TM85
discussion in section 3.1). values and are most similar to, although gen-
erally lower than, the upper crustal estimates of
[51] The high upper crustal Cs content esti- Condie [1993]. The TM85 values were essen-
mated by Plank and Langmuir [1998] may in tially identical to the Canadian Shield estimates
fact be an artifact of their approach, where Cs (see Table 1). In general, the various shield
was estimated from a correlation between Rb estimates are highly scattered for these ele-
and Cs in marine sediments and upper crustal ments (Table 1), but the ferromagnesian trace
Rb content was taken from TM85. From Table elements proposed here are slightly higher than
3 it can be seen that the average subducting the shield average.
sediment (GLOSS in Table 2) in fact has a
relatively low Cs content compared to any of
6.2. Implications for the Bulk
the other fine-grained sediment averages and is
rather similar to the TM85 upper crustal esti- Continental Crust and Lower Crust
mate. However, GLOSS also has a much lower [54] In the model of crustal composition pro-
Rb content than most of the other fine-grained posed by TM85 the lower crustal composition
sediment averages and more than a factor of 2 is derived by assuming the upper crust con-
lower than the upper crustal Rb estimate of stitutes 25% of the total continental crust.
TM85. The overall effect is that the La/Rb ratio Accordingly, any revision to upper crustal
of GLOSS is the highest of any of the sediment abundances has an effect on estimates of the
averages, whereas the La/Cs ratio of GLOSS lower continental crust.
falls within the range of the other fine- and
coarse-grained sediment averages (Figure 5). [55] In the case of Cs, this leads to difficulties in
Accordingly, the marine sedimentary record that the elevated upper crustal Cs proposed here
studied by Plank and Langmuir [1998] appears (Cs = 4.6 ppm) when combined with the bulk
to be characterized by anomalously low Rb crustal estimate of TM85 (Cs = 1.0 ppm)
content rather than high Cs content, and the creates mass balance difficulties for the lower
high estimate of upper crustal Cs abundances is crust, assuming it constitutes 75% of the
probably an artifact of this anomaly. total. Accordingly, the bulk crustal abundances
of the most incompatible elements (Cs, Rb, K,
[52]The values for Nb and Ta obtained in this Th, and U) require reevaluation [McLennan et
study are essentially identical to those sug- al., 2001]. McLennan and Taylor [1996] sug-
gested by Plank and Langmuir [1998] and gested that the continental heat flow data were
Barth et al. [2000]. The values of TM85 were consistent with slightly higher bulk crustal
based on the Canadian Shield Nb estimate of abundances for K, Th, and U compared to
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
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Table 5. Composition of the Continental Crust Revised From Taylor and McLennan [1985]
Element Upper Crust Bulk Crust Lower Crust

Li, ppm 20 13 11
Be, ppm 3.0 1.5 1.0
B, ppm 15 10 8.3
Na, wt % 2.89 2.30 2.08
Mg, wt % 1.33 3.20 3.80
Al, wt % 8.04 8.41 8.52
Si, wt % 30.8 26.8 25.4
P, ppm 700  
K, wt % 2.80 1.1a 0.53a
Ca, wt % 3.00 5.29 6.07
Sc, ppm 13.6b 30 35b
Ti, wt % 0.41b 0.54 0.58b
V, ppm 107b 230 271b
Cr, ppm 83b 185 219b
Mn, ppm 600 1400 1700
Fe, wt % 3.50 7.07 8.24
Co, ppm 17b 29 33b
Ni, ppm 44b 128 156b
Cu, ppm 25 75 90
Zn, ppm 71 80 83
Ga, ppm 17 18 18
Ge, ppm 1.6 1.6 1.6
As, ppm 1.5 1.0 0.8
Se, ppm 50 50 50
Rb, ppm 112 37c 12c
Sr, ppm 350 260 230
Y, ppm 22 20 19
Zr, ppm 190 100 70
Nb, ppm 12b 8.0b 6.7b
Mo, ppm 1.5 1.0 0.8
Pd, ppb 0.5 1 1
Ag, ppb 50 80 90
Cd, ppb 98 98 98
In, ppb 50 50 50
Sn, ppm 5.5 2.5 1.5
Sb, ppm 0.2 0.2 0.2
Cs, ppm 4.6c 1.5c 0.47c
Ba, ppm 550 250 150
La, ppm 30 16 11
Ce, ppm 64 33 23
Pr, ppm 7.1 3.9 2.8
Nd, ppm 26 16 12.7
Sm, ppm 4.5 3.5 3.17
Eu, ppm 0.88 1.1 1.17
Gd, ppm 3.8 3.3 3.13
Tb, ppm 0.64 0.60 0.59
Dy, ppm 3.5 3.7 3.6
Ho, ppm 0.80 0.78 0.77
Er, ppm 2.3 2.2 2.2
Tm, ppm 0.33 0.32 0.32
Yb, ppm 2.2 2.2 2.2
Lu, ppm 0.32 0.30 0.29
Hf, ppm 5.8 3.0 2.1
Ta, ppm 1.0b 0.8b 0.73b
W, ppm 2.0 1.0 0.7
Geochemistry 3 mclennan: trace element composition and upper continental crust 2000GC000109
Geosystems G
Table 5. (continued)
Element Upper Crust Bulk Crust Lower Crust
Re, ppb 0.4 0.4 0.4
Os, ppb 0.05 0.05 0.05
Ir, ppb 0.02 0.1 0.13
Au, ppb 1.8 3.0 3.4
Tl, ppb 750 360 230
Pb, ppm 17b 8.0 5.0b
Bi, ppb 127 60 38
Th, ppm 10.7 4.2a 2.0a
U, ppm 2.8 1.1a 0.53a
Revisions suggested by McLennan and Taylor [1996].
Revisions suggested in this study.
Revisions discussed in this study and by McLennan et al. [2001].

those suggested by TM85 and proposed K = from Archean rocks. This situation has
1.1%, Th = 4.2 ppm, and U = 1.1 ppm. changed, and recently, Condie [1993] compiled
Maintaining a bulk crustal K/Rb ratio of Nb and Ta concentrations for the dominant
300, this also suggests that the bulk crustal Archean igneous lithologies. For the model
Rb content should be revised slightly upward to proposed by TM85 these data suggest a slight
37 ppm. The bulk crustal TM85 Cs estimate downward revision of bulk crustal abundances
came from an assumed crustal Rb/Cs ratio of for these elements, such that Nb = 8 ppm and
30. The bulk crustal composition of TM85 is Ta = 0.8 ppm, resulting in calculated lower
based to a large degree on Archean crustal crustal abundances of Nb = 6.7 ppm and Ta =
compositions, but there are in fact very few 0.73 ppm. In Table 5, all of the revisions to the
high-quality Cs data for Archean rocks. For crustal abundances of TM85 that are suggested
example, Cs data are absent from the most here as well as by McLennan and Taylor [1996]
recent compilation of Archean igneous rock and McLennan et al. [2001] are summarized.
compositions [Condie, 1993]. If the average
island arc volcanic rock Rb/Cs of 25 is adopted Acknowledgments
instead (from Taylor and McLennan [1985];
note McDonough et al. [1992] obtained the [57] I am grateful to G. Xiao for assistance in compiling
same bulk crust Rb/Cs ratio using a different Rb-Cs data in sedimentary environments and to Ross
Taylor for providing some unpublished Cs data and for a
approach), this leads to a revised bulk crustal continuing discussion on crustal composition. I also thank
Cs content of 1.5 ppm, a value adopted here. Kent Condie, Bill McDonough, Roberta Rudnick, Hubert
Note that this Rb/Cs ratio is also very close to Staudigel, Bill White, and an anonymous reviewer for
the clastic sedimentary Rb/Cs ratio of 24, comments.
discussed above. These revisions result in
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