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Volcanic eruption

Volcanic eruptions are one of the most powerful forces of nature. Nobody wants to
encounter one because of its destructive power, but if you do, these are the important
information you should keep in mind. It might become handy one day. A volcanic eruption is
one of the most violent and spectacular events on earth. Even if you have not experienced one,
you might have seen videos and photographs of lava glowing red and hot rocks extruded from
volcanoes. What happens underneath earth that causes such a destructive phenomenon?

Volcanoes are earth’s geologic architects. They’ve created more than 80 percent our
planet’s surface, laying the foundation that has allowed life to thrive. Their explosive force
crafts mountains as well as craters. Lava rivers spread into bleak landscapes. But as time ticks
by, the elements break down there volcanic rocks, liberating nutrients from their stony prison
and creating remaking fertile soils that have allowed civilization to flourish. Volcanoes erupts
when molten rocks called magma rises to the surface. Melting may happen when tectonic
plates are pulling apart or where one plate is pushed down under another. Volcanoes are very
dangerous and you have to stay away from it. One particular danger is pyroclastic flows,
avalanches of hot rocks, ash, and toxic gas that race down slopes at speeds as high as 450 miles
an hour. Such an event was responsible for wiping out people of Pompeii and Herculaneum
after Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D 79. Before a volcanic eruption you and your family should
build a disaster survival kit, which includes items like non-perishable food, water, a battery-
powered or hand-crank radio, extra flashlights and batteries. All these things can be helpful
during a volcanic eruption. But when the volcano erupts you should 1st think about your safety,
avoid flying debris, hot gases, lateral blast and lava flows. Be aware of mudflows, dangers from
a mudflow increases near stream channels and with prolonged heavy rains. Now what to do
after a volcanic eruption, if u ever have a radio in hand you should listen to the local radio
stations for civil defense advice and follow instructions given. After a volcanic eruption an ash
cloud is formed because of the explosive eruption. Whatever you do stay away from it and
always stay indoors. When it is safe to go outside, keep your gutters and roof clear of ash as
heavy ash deposits can collapse your roof.

We should always take precautions when dealing with these forces. God has everything
planned so we should understand that the best we could. So whenever a volcano erupts near
your home, now we know to do before, during and after a volcanic eruption. Never
underestimate God’s power because it very dangerous and could wipe civilizations but most
important is to make sure you and everyone is safe and healthy.

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