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All About Me

Paul Sweetland
Frozen yogurt toppings
(1) chocolate
(2) sprinkles
(3) gummies

(4) Denmark
(5) Japan
(6) America

DND creatures
(7) Hellhound
(8) Dragons
(9) Nightmare
In all of my life these are the best things I have ever
seen or head of so I’m here to share them with you.
I go to this place called Orange leaf a lot they serve
frozen yogurt where you get to create your own yogurt
buffet thingamabob I go there a lot and usually get orange
as the flavor with chocolate toppings. When I get
chocolate flavor I get sprinkles all the time and it goes well
together. With most other flavors I get a combination of
the two with gummies though and a lot of gummies.
I have only actually ever been to America but out of
all of the countries these three are my favorite 3 countries.
Japan is my up most favorite country of all time mainly
because of their culture and language. Denmark is another
one of my favorites it was once a strong prosperous large
nation. Last but not least my home country, America with
its capitalism and freedoms.
When I play DND (dungeons and dragons) I play a
halfling rouge named Wellby Hillhigh but why I mentioned
DND is because it has monsters and here are my favorite
DND monsters. Hellhounds yes hellhounds they are evil
chaotic and loyal so they will never betray you but before
you try and get one you need to have the right stuff cause
you have to summon one then tame it. Dragons are also
very liked by me not any specific dragon but dragons just
because of their looks but also because of their backstory,
character design and personalities. Last but not least a
Nightmare is a Pegasus with its wings removed and then a
dark magic spell cast on it from good lawful to evil chaotic.
Out of all the frozen yogurt toppings, countries and
DND creatures I’ve heard of these are my favorite of all.

Frozen yogurt toppings

(1) Chocolate The chocolate is delicious
(2) Sprinkles he got too many
(3) Gummies group huddle

(4) Denmark Sweden you will be mine
(5) Japan I miss you China
(6) America Why japan why

DND creatures
(7) Hellhound Burn baby burn
(8) Dragons I wasn’t made for this
(9) Nightmare I feel a little stiff

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