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Live Fast - Die Hard - Raise Hell

A 24XX sci-fi RPG about messy misfits fighting Authority

What You Need
★ One Master of Ceremonies (MC), who controls the world. And two-six players, who each control a character.
★ A full polyhedral dice set (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12). Preferably one per player.
★ A character sheet for each player, pencils, and erasers.

★ Inspirations: Blade Runner – Ridley Scott, Ocean's Eleven – Gary Ross & Steven Soderbergh.
★ Tone: Edgy, Punk, Hopeful.
★ Theme Song: This Fffire – Frans Ferdinand.

★ Glitz meets Grunge: High life, neon lights, glass towers, filthy streets, gold chains, ripped jeans.
★ Old meets New: Radio waves, cyber-limbs, CRT screens, holograms, cassette tapes, hover cars.

Welcome To Atlas – “The City of Dreams”

★ A hyper capitalist hellscape masquerading as a democratic utopia.
★ The revolution is dead. Killed by infighting long ago. The Council rules now.
★ The rich eat the poor. The cops crush the weak. The Council couldn’t care less.

You are A Hellraizer – “The Scum of the Earth”

★ You are a rebel, a misfit, a punk.
★ You are a fucking mess. Try to keep your shit together.
★ You are the one thing the corps fear. Eat them alive.

Player Principles
★ Raise hell: Stand up against injustice, never compromise with tyrants.
★ Take risks: You’re a badass, they’ll probably pay off. Caution is for cowards.
★ Revel in drama: You’re a mess. Cause drama with a smile, more problems = more fun.

MC Principles
★ Be a fan of the players: Be generous with info & advice, celebrate the players' victories.
★ Make the world worth saving: Give the players a reason to keep fighting.
★ Let go of control: This isn't your story. It belongs to the players & dice too. Embrace the chaos.

★ Consider the feelings and comfort of your fellow players. A safe game is a fun game.
★ Lay out your boundaries before play. Both soft (it’s ok if “off screen”), and hard (don’t include this in the game).
★ Feel free to pause, rewind and fast-forward play to moderate uncomfortable content.
ROLLING THE DICE: When you try something risky you must roll the dice (only players roll).
1. The MC will describe the consequence at risk. Roll to avoid it.
2. Describe your action and choose a matching Skill.
3. Roll your relevant Skill Die.
> If Hindered by circumstances, decrease your Skill Die by one size. (e.g. too dark to see, outnumbered).
> If Helped by circumstances, add a d6 (e.g. element of surprise, useful cyber limbs).
> If Aided by a crewmate, add your Bond Die with them (e.g. distraction, covering fire).
4. The result depends on the highest die roll:
> 1/2 Suffer the consequence. If it’s mutually exclusive with success, you fail (MC’s call).
> 3/4 Succeed, but suffer a lesser consequence.
> 5+ Succeed, the higher the roll the better.

SKILLS: You have 6 Skills with a Die Rating in each (d6➡d8➡d10➡d12). The higher the better.
★ Blood: Strength & toughness (fight, threaten, crush).
★ Moves: Speed & coordination (run, jump, drive).
★ Shade: Stealth & subterfuge (hide, sneak, steal).
★ Sway: Charisma & influence (charm, lie, negotiate).
★ Tech: Technical savvy (hack, fix, sabotage).
★ Wits: Knowledge & insight (analyse, research, investigate).

STEPS: When one roll isn’t enough to overcome an obstacle the MC says the steps involved (e.g. you’ll need to
break his armour before you can take him down).

CONSEQUENCES: Before you roll the MC will tell you the consequence at risk (spotted by guards, crashed car,
bullet wound). You can change your action before you roll to minimise risk.

LUCK: When the MC puts something to chance. (e.g. how many guards show up?) Roll a d8 – 1/2 Bad Outcome
(a small army). 3/4 Mixed Outcome (a squad). 5+ Good Outcome (a handful).

PLANNING: You can plan for a job by acquiring Assets beforehand (e.g map of the location, getaway driver,
industrial drill). When you get an Asset, roll the Suspicion Die on the Suspicion Table then increase its die size
(d4➡d6➡d8➡d10➡d12). Some hard to get Assets may also require a Skill Roll and or ₡ (MC’s call).

1 You get a lucky break. Gain an extra Asset.
2 Your dealings go unnoticed.
3 Your opposition hears rumours of your plans.
4 Your opposition upgrades their security system.
5 Your opposition hires extra guards.
6 Your opposition ups their firepower.
7 An Asset is compromised, lose it.
8 Your opposition enlists the help of powerful allies.
9 Your opposition knows your faces.
10+ Your opposition’s trap works. Start the job after shit hits the fan, moments away from being captured.

LOAD: Carry as much as what makes sense. However Bulky items are conspicuous and carrying more than two can
Hinder you at times (e.g. when running or sneaking).
SPITE: You are fueled by Spite. Start each job with 1 Spite.
Gaining Spite – When you cause trouble / drama by playing into a trait gain 1 Spite. Someone can offer the players
a narrative twist that makes their lives harder, if they accept they gain 1 Spite.
Spending Spite – Spend 1 Spite to add d12 to a roll or reveal an extra Asset during a job (without rolling Suspicion).

DEFENCE: You can say how an item breaks to block an Injury. Broken items are useless until repaired.

REPAIRS: To fix an item, pay a mechanic ₡1 or DIY with a Repair Kit and a Tech Roll – 1/2 It’s irreparable, 3/4 It’ll be
irreparable if broken again. 5+ Good as new.

INJURIES: You can be Injured as the consequence of a roll. Injuries can Hinder you at times (e.g. a sprained ankle
Hinders running). When you have 2 Injuries and take a 3rd it's time to Face the Music.

FACE THE MUSIC: When you take a 3rd Injury, or otherwise almost die. Roll a d8 – 1/2 Any last words? 3/4 Either
go out with a bang (next roll is a 12) or survive, but with lasting physical or mental trauma. 5+ Survive

HEALING: To heal Injuries, pay a doctor ₡1 or treat them with a Med Kit and a Wits Roll – 1/2 It’s worse than you
thought, get doctor stat! 3/4 Recovery will take time. 5+ Fully healed.

MONEY: Scum like you trade in Creds (₡). One month’s pay for the average wage slave, all in unmarked bills. Jobs
usually pay ₡1-4 each. Ignore any transactions cheaper than ₡1.

HEAT: If your last job drew significant attention – Roll the Heat Die on the Heat Table then increase its die size
(d4➡d6➡d8➡d10➡d12). Pay a “cleaner” ₡1 to reduce your Heat Die by one size.

1 An ally comes to you for help. It's urgent.
2 A gang demands tribute from you.
3 A rebel group comes to you for help. They’re desperate.
4 A gang comes to you with a job. They won't be happy if you decline.
5 A corp sells merch of your face.
6 An ally is taken in for questioning. Will they rat you out?
7 Someone puts a hit out on you.
8 An ally is murdered.
9 The cops put you on the “Most Wanted” list.
10+ The cops find your hideout, prepare for a raid.

BOND: You have a Bond Die with each of your crewmates. After each job – Share a scene bonding with a crewmate
(or two if uneven), then increase your Bond Die with each other (d4➡d6➡d8➡d10).

PROGRESSION: After each job – Ask the following questions:

> Did you complete the job?
> Did you take on a high profile target?
> Did you do it for free?
Gain 1 Rep for each “yes.”
When you reach 4 Rep – Reset your Rep to 0. Increase a Skill Rating (d6➡d8➡d10➡d12). And gain a new Talent
(you can gain a Talent from any Role if you have at least d8 in its Key Skill).
1. Choose A Role
★ The Ace: A hotshot driver. Moves is your Key Skill, increase it to d8. Start with a scratched up Vehicle and a
memory of a fabled ride.

★ The Face: A master manipulator. Sway is your Key Skill, increase it to d8. Start with a Disguise emitter and an
invitation to a secret gathering.

★ The Rogue: An elusive infiltrator. Shade is your Key Skill, increase it to d8. Start with a Bug, Lockpicks and a
code phrase to an underground club.

★ The Spider: A cunning mastermind. Wits is your Key Skill, increase it to d8. Start with a Signal splicer and a
memento from a job went wrong.

★ The Trigger: A hardened fighter. Blood is your Key Skill, increase it to d8. Start with an Upgraded Weapon and a
trophy from a gruesome fight.

★ The Wrench: A tech whiz. Tech is your Key Skill, increase it to d8. Start with a Repair kit, Pocket rig, and an
encrypted cassette tape.

II. Determine your Skills

Start with a d6 in all Skills (except for your Key Skill). Increase any two Skills (d6➡d8➡d10➡d12).

III. Determine your Personal Details

★ Background: What was your past life? What made you leave it?
1 Bot Rigger 6 Fry Cook 11 Meat Canner 16 Teacher
2 Bodyguard 7 Gangster 12 Nurse 17 Test Subject
3 Cop 8 “Indentured Worker” 13 Petty Criminal 18 Unpaid Intern
4 College Student 9 Journalist 14 Shit Scraper 19 War Veteran
5 Corpo 10 Lawyer 15 Starving Artist 20 Washed up Celeb
★ Traits: Pick two Traits. Remember causing trouble / drama with Traits earns you Spite.
1 Arrogant 6 Haunted 11 Laid Back 16 Protective
2 Compassionate 7 Hedonistic 12 Loner 17 Reckless
3 Curious 8 Honourable 13 Naive 18 Soft
4 Flirty 9 Hot-Headed 14 Ostentatious 19 Weird
5 Greedy 10 Jaded 15 Paranoid 20 Wild
★ Alias: What do they call you on the streets? How did you get that name?
1 Angel 6 Jackal 11 Piece 16 Switch
2 Bliss 7 Jester 12 Prof 17 Twitch
3 Blue 8 Jinx 13 Raven 18 Watts
4 Breeze 9 Legion 14 Red 19 Widow
5 Diesel 10 Lucky 15 Six 20 V
IV Choose a Talent
Choose one Talent from your Role.

★ Catch a Ride: You can always find a vehicle nearby, and you’re Helped when breaking into one.
★ Dangerous Game: When you try a cool and dangerous stunt, add an extra Skill Die to your roll.
★ Shoot First: When it's unclear who acts first, you do. And you’re Helped when you quickly draw and fire a gun.
★ Speed Demon: Once per job, you can gain a massive speed boost whilst running or driving.

★ Ambush: When you catch someone off guard, add an extra Skill Die to your roll.
★ Fade Away: Once per job, you can slip away from sight. No roll needed.
★ Ghost: You’re almost invisible in darkness and crowds.
★ Sleight of Hand: You can always steal a small object undetected. No roll needed.

★ Bullshit Detector: You always know when someone is lying. No roll needed.
★ I Know a Guy: Once per job, you can declare that a contact comes to your aid.
★ Fast Talk: The unsuspecting will always believe you, at least for a while. No roll needed.
★ War & Peace: When you incite a mob into defiance or defuse a tense situation, add an extra Skill Die to your roll.

★ Master Plan: Once per job, reveal how the current situation is all part of your plan.
★ One Step Ahead: When you react to being caught off guard, add +2 to your roll.
★ Tactical Analysis: You can always tell someone’s weakness. No roll needed.
★ Team Player: When you Aid a crewmate, you don’t share the risk, and they add an extra Bond Die to their roll.

★ Die Hard: Once per job, you can Defend without breaking anything. And you’re Helped when you Face the Music.
★ Fight Like Hell: You can be Helped and ignore Hindrances for a fight, but you’ll be Hindered until you rest.
★ Force of Nature: When you threaten someone with violence, add an extra Skill Die to your roll.
★ Meat Shield: When you or a crewmate rolls a 1-4 in a fight, you can take the consequence alone.

★ I’m In: When you hack or tinker your way past a security system, add an extra Skill Die to your roll.
★ Overclock: Supercharge a machine for a while at the risk of spontaneous combustion.
★ Patch Job: You can fix a machine once before it needs proper repair. No roll needed.
★ Patent Pending: Once per job, reveal a gadget / program you created.
V. Choose your Gear
Start with the clothes on your back, a Comm, and ₡4.


₡1 each +1 per upgrade.
★ Armour: Break for Defence. Upgrade – Metal plates (break up to 3x, Bulky).
★ Guns: Pistol, Rifle (Bulky), Shotgun (Bulky). Upgrades – Auto, Compact (removes Bulky), Laser, Scope, Silencer.
★ Stunner: Short range stun gun. Upgrades – EMP, Extended range.
★ Sword: Sharp blade. Upgrade – Laser.

₡1 each +1 per upgrade.
★ Cyber Arms: Lift heavy shit, punch hard. Warning: prone to seizing up. Upgrades – Implanted weapon / tool,
Tethered grappling hand, Self lubricating (prevents seizing up).
★ Cyber Legs: Run fast, jump high. Warning: Loud as hell. Upgrades – Climbing spikes (cling to surfaces), Load
bearing (carry 3 Bulky items without Hindrance), Silent components.
★ Cyber Ears: Hear shit from a distance. Warning: Sensitive to loud noises. Upgrades – Echolocation, Implanted
comm, Noise cancellation (removes noise sensitivity, isolate specific sounds).
★ Cyber Eyes: Zoom in on shit. Warning: Sensitive to bright lights. Upgrades – Implanted bug, Implanted smart
goggles, Light filter (removes light sensitivity).

₡1 each
★ Bug: Camera & microphone, small enough to hide.
★ Comm: Electronic communicator. Call or text anyone in the city.
★ Grenades: Go boom. Pick three in any combo – Fire, Frag, Emp, Stun.
★ Lockpicks: The keys to any lock.
★ Medkit: Filled basic medical supplies.
★ Pocket rig: Portable computer, great specs in a small package.
★ Repair kit: Filled with basic tools.

₡2 each.
★ Drone: Flying drone. Equipped with a camera & microphone.
★ Gloo cannon: Shoots out adhesive foam that hardens into solid structures (Bulky).
★ Grappling gun: Pulls you to surfaces, pulls objects (or people) to you.
★ Disguise emitter: Emits holographic disguises.
★ IED: Improvised explosive device. Goes BOOM. Remotely detonated.
★ Signal splicer: Jams, intercepts or alters signals.
★ Smart goggles: Electronic goggles. Have infrared, low-light, UV & X-ray vision modes.
IV. Determine your Contacts
You have two key contacts, one friend, one enemy. Describe them.

VII. Determine Your Bonds

Start with a d4 Bond Die with each crewmate. Describe your relationship with them.

VIII. Flesh out your Crew

You and the other PCs are a crew, with shared ideals and tight bonds. Discuss how you came together.

IX. Flesh out your Crew’s Hideout

You have a humble shared base. Discuss where it is and what it looks like. Choose one starting upgrade per player.
Further upgrades cost ₡10 each.
★ Arcade: Filled with arcade cabinets. Great place to unwind.
★ Bar: Filled with booze. Better place to unwind.
★ Emergency safehouse: Small safehouse somewhere else in the city.
★ Escape tunnels: Secret tunnels that lead out of the hideout.
★ Kill bot: Armed security robot. Doubles a butler.
★ Security system: Surveillance cameras and intruder alarm.
★ Sentry turrets: Automated gun turrets. Fire at intruders.
★ Vehicle: Car or bike. Better than taking the bus.
1 5th Street Shelter: Houses the homeless, feeds the hungry, struggling to pay bills.
2 Black Cat Club: Classy establishment, moody lighting, sells sex and intel.
3 Club 42: High end nightclub, nice decor, rich patrons, getting in isn’t easy.
4 Dawn Tower: Prestigious hotel, glass and steel, casts a shadow over the slums below.
5 Dreamville: Abandoned theme park, faded posters, rusty rides, inhabited by squatters.
6 Flood Town: Slum, drowning in murky water, rooftop shacks.
7 Grand Reserve: Largest bank in the city, airtight security, manager’s a cruel bastard.
8 Institute of Excellence: University, depressed students, filled with confidential research.
9 Mercy Hospital: Private hospital, great facilities, high prices, hope you have insurance.
10 Mickey's Bistro: Neutral meeting place, absolutely no fighting.
11 Museum of Progress: Houses many priceless artefacts, most of them stolen from natives.
12 Neo Royale: Casino, flashy, gaudy, the house always wins.
13 No Man's Land: Borders multiple gang territories, brutal warzone.
14 No Tell Motel: Great place to lie low, dirty, crawling with roaches.
15 Roxxie’s Bar: Grungy dive bar, frequented by scum like you.
16 Scrap Heap: Mechanic’s shop, trades illegal tech.
17 Subway Station: Bustling with people, crawling with rats, keep your valuables close.
18 Sewer Tunnels: Move through the city discreetly, dark, rancid, dangerous.
19 Sunshine Towers: 300 floor mega-block, grey, boxy, cramped.
20 The Red Box: Illegal fighting ring, place your bets.

1 Break someone out of prison.
2 Cause a distraction for a rebel group.
3 Clear someone’s name, pin it on the real perpetrator.
4 Copy data from a secure network.
5 Defend a neighbourhood from a police raid.
6 Drive a gang out of a neighbourhood.
7 Hide somebody from the cops, help them flee the city.
8 Hijack the comm waves to spread your message.
9 Infiltrate a secret gathering.
10 Investigate a crime the cops don’t care about.
11 Mediate a gang conflict before it turns into all out war.
12 Protect peaceful protestors from the police.
13 Pull off a classic money heist.
14 Reroute an arms shipment in transit.
15 Sabotage a corp's newest invention.
16 Sabotage bots meant to replace workers.
17 Send a message that the target won’t forget.
18 Steal a corpo’s prized possession.
19 Steal a prototype weapon/
20 Transport a package from A to Z, don’t look inside.
1 Adler: Sadist, abuses power with a smile.
2 Akande: Hard ass, by the book.
3 Copper: Cunning, sees you as worthy opponents.
4 Jean: Kiss up, will do anything to climb the ranks.
5 Genesky: Cold & calculating, never smiles.
6 Imani: Bold, never one to follow orders.
7 Jäger: Raging narcissist, massive asshole.
8 Quinn: Trust fund kid, not the brightest.
9 Wesker: Charming smile, forked tongue.
10 Zhao: Says it like it is, towering physique.


1 Bleak: Fixer, elegant, cunning, ruthless.
2 Brick: Hired thug, kinder than you’d guess.
3 Dr Igwe: Struggling doctor, tries to refuse pay.
4 Pitch: Thief, doesn’t do small talk.
5 PiXeL: Hacker, young, eager to join a crew.
6 Reacher: Tracker, wry, observant.
7 Sanders: Journalist, too good for this city.
8 Shakes: Smuggler / fence, energetic, never stops talking.
9 Sweep: Evidence removal specialist, old & grumpy.
10 Quark: Tinkerer & tech dealer, eccentric.

1 All Mart: Sells everything, literally everything.
2 A.R.C Collective: Faceless mega monopoly, owns half the city.
3 Blue Sector: “A private military you can trust”
4 U Work: Contracting company, owns thousands of slaves “indentured workers.”
5 Valeries Industries: Tech company, produces all the cops’ toys.
6 Walton Pictures: Multi-media conglomerate, spreads corporate propaganda.

1 Balarios: Gambling and loans, family business.
2 Blackjacks: Smugglers and couriers, honourable.
3 Plomos: Fences and thieves, stylish.
4 Punishers: Street “vigilantes,” patrol the streets looking for trouble.
5 Rowdy Boys: Drug dealers and protection racket, macho.
6 West-Side Gunners: Hired guns, professional, armed to the teeth.

1 6th House: Fascist militia, zealous, violent, well-connected.
2 Green Hoods: Steal from the rich and give to the poor, reckless.
3 Jetset: Hacktivist collective, rife with infighting.
4 Night Witches: Conclave of the marginalised, occult imagery, falling apart.
5 Red Guard: Remnants of the rebel army, disciplined, stuck in the past.
6 Watchdogs: Protect marginalised communities from the cops, public enemy number one.

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