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Dengue fever is a viral illness transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.

It can have a sudden onset that usually follows a benign course with symptoms
such as headache, fever, exhaustion, severe muscle and joint pain, swollen glands
and rashes.
Dengue as with other viruses is usually self-limiting. Dengue can be caused by a
variety serotypes. Infection by one serotype will give immunity to that one but
not to others.

Signs and Symptoms can occur 3-7 days after being bitten
Mild Illness Severe Illness
- Malaise - Usual symptoms are more
- Chills severe
- Headache - Severe abdominal pain
- Severe back ache - Vomiting
- Joint and muscular pain - Bleeding from gums and GUT
- Eye ball pain (vomit and stool)
- Rash is initially generalised in - Nosebleeds
flushed patches with pale centre - Eye infection
- Rash can be purplish spots or - Low body temperature
bruising if platelet count is low - Fluctuating BP
- Fever for 3 – 5 days
- Fever can reoccur
Assessment and Diagnosis

Physical Blood testing

- Above signs and symptoms - Platelet count
- Low BP - Liver Function Test
- Weak and rapid pulse - Red Blood Count
- Swollen glands - Electrolytes
- Enlarged liver

Additional tests will be done for more a severe illness

Personal Prevention
 Long sleeves and trousers during the evening and jungle walks
 Mosquito repellent/patches (DEET or Citronella)
 Remove still/stagnant water from around your home
 Seek medical help early if you have been bitten by a mosquito recently
and develop 2 or more signs and symptoms.
Other prevention remedies include wearing white clothes, taking Vitamin B1,
eating garlic. But not everyone agrees with these.

Home Treatment
Reduce fever with:
- Paracetamol (don’t use aspirin or NSAID meds eg nurofen as this may
cause bleeding)
- Tepid showers or sponging
Hydration and Nutritional support
- Soft balance nutritious balanced diet
- Milk, fruit juice etc. (water only may cause an electrolyte imbalance)
- Electrolyte solution if diet is reduced

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