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United Nations General Assembly

Sponsors: Pakistan and South Africa

Signatories: Canada, Chile, France, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Thailand,
United States of America, Venezuela, and Vietnam
Topic: “Plastic Pollution: Plastic Surgery”

The General Assembly,

Observing the adverse effects of plastic pollution nationally and internationally to animals and humans alike,

Reminding all countries that plastic pollution cannot be eradicated with the continued production and
consumption of single-use plastics,

Recognizing the current laws already present in each country, banning, reducing, and controlling single-use
plastic production and consumption,

Noting the neglect of the people towards laws in banning, reducing, and controlling single-use plastic
production and consumption,

Understanding the reasons behind the neglect of the people towards these laws such as the lack of
implementation guidelines,

Reaffirming all countries that only a global effort will lessen if not fully eradicate plastic pollution,

1. Seeks to reinforce and properly implement already existing laws and policies with proper fines and

2. Requests all countries to pass new laws and regulations to lessen their overall plastic production;

3. Urges each country to gradually introduce the complete ban of single-use plastics by 2040;

4. Calls for the global expansion and inclusion of more countries to the Circular Plastics Alliance of the
European Union and its goals, increasing the amount of plastic recycled to reduce plastic wastes;

5. Recommends other countries to pursue community-level movements to reduce plastic waste.

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