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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

List of tables .................................................................................................v
List of
List of
List of
List of
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................1
1.1 Background..............................................................................................1
1.2 Scope of the Report.................................................................................1
1.3 Step-I Activities Performed.......................................................................2
1.3.1 Town Water Board (TWB) Establishment.........................................2
1.3.2 Base line assessment.......................................................................3
1.3.3 ISI activities identified and improved................................................4
1.3.4 Major Stakeholders Consultation......................................................5
1.4 Activities Proposed for Step-2..................................................................5
1.4.1 ISI implementation plan....................................................................6
1.4.2 Capacity building needs....................................................................6
1.4.3 Long term project proposals.............................................................6
1.4.4 Proposal on additional data collection..............................................7
1.5 Step-2 implementation schedule..............................................................7
2. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................10
2.1 Project background................................................................................10
2.2 Scope of the report.................................................................................11
2.3 General Background of the town............................................................12
2.3.1 Location...........................................................................................12
2.3.2 Climatic Condition...........................................................................12
2.3.3 Topography and Geology................................................................12
2.3.4 Hydrogeology..................................................................................13
3. STEP-I ACTIVITIES PERFORMED BY TSG...........................................14
a. Methodology and Approach.......................................................................14
a-1. Town Water Board Establishment and Capacitating..........................14
a-2. Baseline Assessment.........................................................................14

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

a-3. Preparation of immediate service improvement activities plan..........15

a-4. Capacity building................................................................................15
b. Limitations..................................................................................................15
3.1 Water Board Establishment....................................................................16
3.2 Baseline assessment.............................................................................19
3.2.1 Objective of the Assessment...........................................................19
3.2.2 Scope of the Assessment...............................................................19
3.2.3 Socio-Economic features of the town.............................................19 Demographic features.....................................................................19 Housing conditions..........................................................................20 Administrative status.......................................................................21 Existing Infrastructures...................................................................21
a) Education...............................................................................................21
b) Health.....................................................................................................23
c) Transport and communication................................................................25
d) Power Supply.........................................................................................27
e) Financial Institutions...............................................................................27
f) Water Supply..........................................................................................27 Economy.........................................................................................28 Willingness and affordability to pay for WS services......................30
3.2.4 Existing Water Supply Situation......................................................31 Source.............................................................................................31 Transmission Main..........................................................................33 Storage............................................................................................33 Distribution......................................................................................34
a. Connection types....................................................................................35
b. Distribution area Coverage....................................................................35 Electro-mechanical.........................................................................36
a. Power Supply.........................................................................................36
b. Pump......................................................................................................37
c. Generator House....................................................................................37 Operation and Maintenance............................................................37
a) Operation................................................................................................37
b) Maintenance...........................................................................................38

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso Utility Institutional set-up and administration..................................39

a. Organization structure............................................................................39
b. Office and Staff management.................................................................41
c. Property management............................................................................42 Utility Finance Administration..........................................................42
a. Water Tariff.............................................................................................42
b. Billing system.........................................................................................43
c. Procurement...........................................................................................44
d. Recording system...................................................................................44
e. Revenue and Expenditures....................................................................44
3.2.5 Existing Sanitation Situation...........................................................46 Solid Waste Management...............................................................46
a. Human excreta disposal.........................................................................46
b. Dry Waste Disposal................................................................................47 Liquid Waste Management.............................................................47
a. Domestic liquid waste management......................................................48
b. Drainage System....................................................................................48
3.3 ISI IDENTIFIED AND IMPROVED.........................................................48
3.4 Major Stakeholders Consultations Conducted.......................................49
3.4.1 Regional level..................................................................................49
3.4.2 Zone level........................................................................................49
3.4.3 Woreda/Town level..........................................................................50 Initial Consultations.........................................................................50 Step-I consultations........................................................................50 Discussion with decision makers....................................................50 Stakeholders orientation workshop.................................................51
4. ACTIVITIES PROPOSED FOR STEP 2..................................................52
4.1 Immediate Service Improvement Plan...................................................52
4.2 Capacity building needs.........................................................................55
4.3 Long term project Proposals..................................................................55
4.4 Proposals on additional data collection..................................................56
5. STEP 2 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE................................................57
5.1 Work Plan for Step-2 implementation....................................................57
5.2 Manpower and materials required for Step-2 implementation...............57

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

5.2.1 Contractor manpower required for ISI activities.............................57

5.2.2 TSG manpower required for ISI activities.......................................57
5.2.3 TSG Consultant manpower required for long term project study...57
5.3 Financial Plan for Step-2 implementation..............................................59
5.3.1 Financial Plan for ISI activities........................................................59
5.3.2 Financial Plan for Consultancy services.........................................60
6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................61
6.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................61
6.2 Recommendation...................................................................................63
ANNEXES…….......................................................................................……… 64

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

List of tables

Table 1.1 Financial plan for implementation of Step-2 9
Table 3.1 Five years population projection 20
Table 3.2 Type and Number of Religion in 2005 20
Table 3.3 Types and number of houses 21
Table 3.4 Number of kindergarten, enrolment and by sex & by year 22
Table 3.5 Number of schools students and by sex
in the year 2001-2005 22
Table 3.6 Number of Teachers by sex and level of education 23
Table 3.7 Number of health personnel by profession,
sex and experience in 2005 23
Table 3.8 Ten top disease in 2005 at woreda level 24
Table 3.9 Water born disease in 2005 25
Table 3.10 Benzene, Gasoline and Lubricant sold
in the year 2005 26
Table 3.11 Number of Telephone Line in the town by the
year 2005 & 2006 26
Table 3.12 Number and type of some commercial entities in the town 29
Table 3.13 Income and Expense in the years 2001-2005 30
Table 3.14 Comparison of current demand and supply of water 32
Table 3.15 Comparison of required and existing reservoir capacity 34
Table 3.16 Water Supply Distribution coverage of the town 36
Table 3.17 Staff of the utility by years of service &
educational background 42
Table 3.18 Current water tariff in birr for different connections 43
Table 3.19 Income and expense of the utility
in the year 2003 –2005 45
Table 3.20 Private pit latrines percentage covers 46
Table 4.1 ISI plan for the town 53
Table 5.1 Step-2 works and responsible body 57
Table 5.2 TSG Consultant manpower 58
Table 5.3 Financial plan for ISI activities 59

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Table 5.4 Financial plan for Consultancy service 60

List of figures
Figure A - Index Map – 1 viii
Figure B- Index Map – 2 ix

List of Graphs

Graph: 1.1 Graphical presentation of financial plan for

Implementation of step-2 9
Graph: 5.1 Graphical representation of Financial Plan for
ISI activities 59
Graph: 5.2 Graphical representation of Financial Plan for
Consultancy service 60

List of Photos

Photo 3.1 Town Water Board Establishment Ceremony 17

Photo 3.2 Town Water Board members together with TSG members 18
Photo 3.3 Town Water Board members first meeting 18
Photo 3.4 Borehole site 32
Photo 3.5 Residents fetching water from the spring 33
Photo 3.6 25m3 Ferro-cement concrete reservoir 34
Photo 3.7 Residents fetching water from public fountain 35
Photo 3.8 Generator house 37
Photo 3.9 Collapsed public toilet 47
Photo 3.10 Consultation with decision makers 50
Photo 3.11 Stakeholders orientation workshop 51

List of Annexes

Annex A: Step 2 activities work schedule and financial plan

Annex B: Existing pipe line lay out
Annex C: ISI activities prioritized by TWB
Annex D: Bill of quantity for ISI activities
Annex E: Drawings
Annex F: Consultant’s manpower schedule and financial plan

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex G: Sample analysis on willingness and affordability to pay

Annex H: Sample questionnaire on existing water supply system, sanitation,
socio-economic assessment and willingness & affordability to pay


MWR Ministry of Water Resource

OWRB Oromia Water Resources Bureau
ZWRO Zonal Water Resources Office
TWB Town Water Board
WATSAN Water Supply and Sanitation
TSG Town Support group
ISI Immediate Service Improvement
UWSU Urban Water Supply Utility
WB Water Board
WHO World Health Organization
CSA Central Statistics Authority
EEPCO Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
WSS Water Supply and Sanitation
ESRDF Ethiopian Social Rehabilitation Development Fund
EWWCA Ethiopian Water Works Construction Authority
DN Nominal diameter
GS Galvanized Steel
Eth.C. Ethiopian Calendar
GI Galvanized Iron
CIS Corrugated Iron Sheet
APC American Power Corporation
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
TTI Teachers Training Institute
amsl above mean sea level
ETB Ethiopian Birr
S/N Serial number
RPM Revolution per minute
KW Kilo watt
V Volt
A ampere
Hz Hertz

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

l/c/d Litre per Capita per day

O&M Operation and maintenance
WS Water and Sanitation

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Figure A - Index Map - 1

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Figure B Index Map - 2

Segno Kombolcha




Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

1.1 Background
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received fund from the
World Bank for Water Supply and Sanitation improvement program. This fund
is partly grant and partly long term loan and distributed to all regional states
proportionally. The goal of the program is to improve health and living
conditions of the society by implementing integrated Water Supply and
Sanitation projects. This program is underway in all regions of the country.

Likewise, the program is on-going at regional level, Oromia, in urban and rural

With a vision stated above the Water Supply and Sanitation improvement
program is under way in the region under Water Resources Bureau. Small
towns less than 15,000 population are involved in the first phase of this
program. One of objective of Oromia Regional Water Resources Bureau is to
improve health and living conditions of the society by providing better Water
Supply and Sanitation conditions.

To achieve the above stated goal, the Water Supply and Sanitation
improvement program is under way in the region. One part of this program is
urban component of Water Supply and Sanitation improvement. Group 2
towns namely: Guliso, Segno Geba, Getema and Kombolcha are among
towns considered in this program.

The program is a stepped approach and will be implemented in three major


Guliso town is found in West Wellega Zone and has a population of 11,171 in

1.2 Scope of the Report

This completion report refers to overall works performed during Step-I
implementation period for Guliso town. Mainly this report deals with the
following discussion points.
 Step-I Activities performed
 Activities proposed for Step-II
 Step-II implementation schedule and
 Conclusion and Recommendation

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

1.3 Step-I Activities Performed

Methodologies and Limitations

To carry out Step-I activities different methodologies are adopted. The

methodologies adopted include:
 Desk studies
 Intensive consultation of stakeholders at various levels
 Group discussion (Brainstorm)
 Holding informal and formal meetings with elders, religion leaders
and commercial/trade persons
 Field physical observations on existing water supply and sanitation
 Taking measurements and verifying the same
 Interviews
 Designing questionnaires and check lists
 Data collection and analysis
 Information gathering and analysis
 Photographing the existing water supply structures
 Collecting existing data on capacity of the utility staffs
 Observation of existing financial management and recording system
 Observation of existing staff management and
 Observation of working premises

During execution of Step-I activities various problems were encountered. The

major limitations are:
 Lack of proper recording system
 Unavailability of data
 Problem to work according to time schedule due to frequent
damage of working vehicle as a result of inconvenient road
condition from Nekemte to Guliso.
 Difficulty to conduct meetings as per schedule due to other
programs of woreda officials and

1.3.1 Town Water Board (TWB) Establishment

To introduce self management of Water Supply and Sanitation services in the

town, it is mandatory to establish TWB. Introducing self management
emanates from creating favourable preconditions for establishing sustainable
and reliable service entity. To make the Water Supply and Sanitation services
reliable and self managing, the utility has to be autonomous.

Establishment of TWB is among activities performed in Step-I. The TWB of

the town was established based on regional proclamation and regulation.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Procedures adopted for establishment of the TWB are:

 Discussion with town decision makers to introduce need for board
 Conducting preliminary stakeholders orientation workshop to
introduce need and regulations for TWB establishment
 Arranging formal ceremony for TWB establishment in presence of
communities, NGO’s, elders, utility staffs other government staffs
and local commercial entities

After the TWB has been established day to day consultations are conducted
in order to increase understanding on regional proclamations and regulations
which clearly shows role and responsibilities of the Board.

1.3.2 Base line assessment

As main activity of Step-I works baseline assessment has been carried out for
the town to have clear picture of existing situation. The assessment
encompasses socio-economic features, existing Water Supply and Sanitation
condition of the town.

The existing situation of socio-economic condition of the town indicates an

improvement compared to a decade before. Inline with this, an assessment
made on the existing situation of the town depicted hereunder.

Based on CSA 1994 population and housing census, projected population of

the town in 2005 is 7823. However, the municipality census shows 11,171
population in the same year. The reason for the increment is due to the fact
that people are migrating to the town for various reasons. Some of the
reasons include:
 Improvement of the town regarding infrastructures like education
 Decentralization of governmental offices at wereda level
 Addition of the surrounding kebeles according to the new
administration structure
 Accreditation of legality of the town and
 Migration of youths from rural area to seek job
Infrastructure developments in the town like telecommunication, education
and health facilities have been improved in the last few years. Regarding
power supply the town has not been supplied with hydro-electric power.
Though, some level of improvements have been acquired, assessments
made show the town dwellers are suffering from problem of water supply and

The area is known by its coffee production and most of the town dwellers are
engaged on coffee trading.
From income generation point of view, most of the residence of the town
engaged in different types of micro and small commercial activities particularly
on coffee trading. Where as, other inhabitants are involved in mixed farming

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

activities. Some of the inhabitants are working in government office as

permanent and contract employee.

Moreover, efforts have been made by the municipality of the town in creating
conducive environment for the development /investment opportunities/ of the
town, which can open job opportunities that increase income distribution and
purchasing power of the dwellers.

Regarding, willingness and affordability to pay for water, an assessment made

during the study confirms availability of high capability and willingness to pay
for, if the utility can provide sufficient potable water.

From the assessment, it has been observed that the existing Water Supply
has so many problems associated with water source and improper

Currently, the water supply system can not satisfy demand of the inhabitants
due to low discharge of the borehole source. Current daily supply from the
spring is 78m3 whereas average day-demand of the town population is 279m 3.
Therefore percentage supply of the existing system is 28.

In general the Water Supply system of the town has design, construction and
O&M problems.

With respect to sanitation condition, better practices are observed than other
towns. However, a lot of works have to be executed in improving awareness
among the community. Percentage of households having private pit latrines is
above 50.

Better efforts are expected concerning solid waste management as there is no

apt mechanism developed for disposal of useless, unwanted, or hazardous
solid materials resulted from human and animal activities. The municipality of
the town has tried to construct two public toilets in the town. However,
currently the public toilets are not functioning due to collapse of the toilets as
a result of poor construction.

In the town no drainage system is developed for proper removal of storm

water during rainy season and any domestic liquid wastes.

1.3.3 ISI activities identified and improved

Service improvement could be of two types namely hard ware and soft ware.
To maximize service efficiency of the town water supply and sewerage, some
improvement activities that could be executed with in short period of time and
limited budget have to be identified. Accordingly, all immediate service
improvement activities are identified and categorized as hardware and

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Those ISI activities that could be implemented at the utility level and by the
community with out budget are identified and improved during Step-I
implementation period. The following are such activities among others:
 Cleaning internal surface of reservoir
 Developing recording system for source production
 Community motivation and awareness partner ship between
community and authority, for water conservation.
 Conducting a sanitary survey around the spring sources and control
disposal of solid waste and sewage that contaminate water sources
to improve sanitation practice.
 Measure the flows from the borehole or analyze the records
 Developing of operation recording system for pump and generators
 On job training for TWB and Utility
 Creating awareness on sanitation, using latrines, personal hygiene
and environmental protection and
 Guidance provision on notion of recording Transaction, Financial
statement and Stock control.

ISI activities that necessitate allocation of budget are estimated and planned
as per regulation of the program.

1.3.4 Major Stakeholders Consultation

Consultation of stakeholders at different levels is one of the activities

performed with in Step-I implementation period. The consultations are
conducted at the following levels:
 Regional Water Bureau
 Zone Water offices and
 Wereda/town administration

In addition to the above formal consultations at different levels, informal

discussions and consultations are carried out in the town with famous
individuals of the community to facilitate and support implementation of the

Besides the aforementioned consultation activities the National Consultants of

the ministry were periodically contacted for technical supports regarding
implementation of the program.

1.4 Activities Proposed for Step-2

As discussed in the introductory section of this executive summary the
program implementation is stepped approach. Accordingly on completion of
Step-I activities Step-II activities are proposed as follow.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

1.4.1 ISI implementation plan

Proposal for immediate service improvement activities prepared based on

baseline assessment will be implemented in Step-II. The ISI activities
proposed to be carried out are both hardware and soft ware. Works
incorporated here include all activities planned to improve water supply and
sanitation condition of the town with in the budget allocated and based on the
regulation of the Bank.

An amount of ETB 594,968.00 (Birr Five hundred ninety four thousands nine
hundred sixty eight only) is required for ISI activities implementation for this
town. However, the budget ceiling set according to the program ($5 per capita
based on present population) is ETB 483,145.75 (Birr Four hundred eighty
three thousands one hundred forty five and 75/100). Therefore the activities
are prioritized by the TWB with technical support of the TSG consultant to
identify activities that could be carried out with in the budget. Accordingly, the
ISI activities to be implemented with in the budget is amounted to ETB
483,068.00 (Birr Four hundred eighty three thousands sixty eight only). Detail
list of ISI activities are shown as prioritized by TWB in Annex - C

1.4.2 Capacity building needs

The primary objective of the program is to build capacity of the Water supply
and Sanitation services of the towns to give better service. Capacitating the
local emerging consultants to improve their performances on development
projects is secondary objective of the program. To identify capacity building
need areas the TSG Consultant has carried out assessments during Step-I
implementation. Accordingly necessary capacity buildings for TWB members
and utility staffs are identified. Moreover need for capacitating the TSG
Consultant through training and providing basic facilities are part of capacity
building needs.

1.4.3 Long term project proposals

As observed during baseline assessment the existing water supply system of

the town can not cover demand of the inhabitants even by 50%. Similarly
existing sanitation practices of the community in the town clearly shows that a
lots of works have to be planned in this regard. Therefore to augment water
supply service of the utility and improve sanitation condition of the town it is
mandatory to plan reliable integrated water supply and sanitation project.

In general the following activities have to be carried out to solve the

 Source confirmation /detail site investigation for ground water
 Investigation on surface water constructed by Lutheran World
Federation, as a second option
 Detail design for water Supply systems

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

 Environmental and social impact assessments

 Economic feasibility studies
 Business plan
 Integrated Sanitation planning

1.4.4 Proposal on additional data collection

During baseline assessment some data important for long term project study
were collected. For instance population data of the town and some socio
economic features are assessed. Further more, possible potential water
sources are identified. However, for detail study of long term project, detail
data collection and analysis is necessary. Concerning baseline assessment
additional data collection are unavoidable in some areas where data are not
available/ready during the assessment. Moreover it was difficult to collect
sufficient socio economic data with in the time frame set for Step-1 works.
Therefore the following data have to be collected additionally.

Detail assessment on affordability and willingness to pay

Assessment on average income of household

Detail assessment on social institutions

Detail data collection on geological and hydro geological
features of the area

Detail assessment on water resources potential both ground and
surface water

Detail assessment on geophysical investigation

Detail information on electro mechanical equipment and

Data on geological log of existing bore hole

1.5 Step-2 implementation schedule

Implementation of ISI activities and conducting long term for sustainable
solution are the two major activities of Step-2. In addition to these activities,
stakeholders consultation and capacity building are also part of the same.

Work schedule for the activities are prepared in such a way that the works
could be accomplished with in the limited period. Accordingly, almost all
activities are planned to be executed in parallel.

The overall estimated period for completion of Step-2 works is 10 months. ISI
activities implementation is estimated to take 8 months.

The total cost estimated for Step-2 activities of this town as detailed in the
report is ETB 714,488.00 (Seven hundred fourteen thousands four hundred
eighty eight only) both for implementation of ISI activities after prioritization
and Consultancy service excluding omitted ISI activities due to budget
constraint. For detail ISI activities prioritized by town water board please refer
to Annex-C.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Regarding source of finance for the works, as stated on implementation

guideline of the program fund allocated by loan and grant from the World
Bank is main source.

As described above budget allocated for ISI activities as per regulation of the
program is not sufficient to cover finance required. However, the community is
willing to contribute the budget deficit in cash and/or in kind during the
commencement of the project.

Tabular and graphical presentation of financial plan is shown on the next


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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Table: 1.1 Financial plan for implementation of Step-2

Item Amount (ETB)
No. Month-1 Month-2 Month-3 Month-4 Month-5 Month-6 Month-7 Month-8 Month-9 Month-10
Total Consultancy fee
1 per month 11,880.00 34,005.00 21,255.00 24,505.00 41,630.00 23,880.00 21,255.00 24,255.00 28,755.00 11,880.00
2 Consultancy fee 11,880.00 45,885.00 67,140.00 91,645.00 133,275.00 157,155.00 178,410.00 202,665.00 231,420.00 243,300.00
Total ISI Cost per
3 month 6,213.00 148,166.12 94,364.08 82,034.58 47,067.13 37,850.26 47,880.26 19,492.57

4 Cumulative ISI Cost 6,213.00 154,379.12 248,743.20 330,777.78 377,844.91 415,695.17 463,575.43 483,068.00
Cumulative Total for
5 Consultancy & ISI 18,093.00 200,264.12 315,883.20 422,422.78 511,119.91 572,850.17 641,985.43 685,733.00 714,488.00 726,368.00

Graph: 1.1 Graphical presentation of financial plan for Implementation of step-2

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

The Water Supply and Sanitation (WATSAN) Program urban component aims
to improve the health and living conditions of urban dwellers by helping them
improve their water supply, sanitation, and hygiene.

Urban component part of this program was launched at the end of year 2005
in Oromia regional state under Water Resources Bureau.

Financial source of this program is partly loan and partly grant. The fund
allotted for accomplishment of the goal from the World Bank is divided as 75%
loan and 25% grants.

As part of this program, Oromia Water Resources Bureau deployed local

Emerging Consultants to study and support the towns in implementation of
the program. In concurrent to improving Water Supply and Sanitation of the
town dwellers, the program aimed at building up capacity of local consultants.

Stretch Consultants Plc is among the local Consultants conducting the study
and supporting group-2 towns namely, Guliso, Segno Geba, Getema and
Kombolcha. Our firm signed Contract agreement on November 16, 2005 with
Oromia Water Resources bureau to carry out the work.

Step-I Activities of the program for the four target towns are accomplished as
per Contractual agreement.

This report is a completion report for Step-I activities of the above mentioned
project. Extent and scope of the report is described in the following sections.

2.1 Project background

With a vision to alleviate Water Supply and Sanitation problem in the region,
Oromia Water Resources Bureau is undertaking various projects at rural and
urban level. World Bank financed Water Supply and Sanitation improvement
program urban component is one of the projects under implementation in the
region. The fund is partially loan and partially grant.

This project is a step approached project. The steps are divided into three
steps namely:
Step – I activities which includes Institutional set-up, initial
assessment/pre-feasibility, stakeholder consultation and
 Town Water Board establishment and capacitating the utility
 Baseline assessment
 Stakeholders consultation, information gathering and
 Preparation of immediate service improvement plan
 Application for step II

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Step – II activities which include planning, design, feasibility, capacity

building, preparation of business plan, and implementation of
immediate service improvement plan.
 Planning of long term project
 Water source confirmation
 Preliminary technical design of water supply and sanitation
 Environmental and social assessment
 Economic feasibility
 Connection policy
 Business planning
 Contractual arrangements for system operation
 Integrated sanitation planning
 Capacity building for TWB members and utility staffs
 Implementation of immediate service improvements
identified in Step-I
 Stakeholders consultation

Step – III activities which include Tender, construction/rehabilitation and

further capacity buildings
 Assisting the TWB in tenders for works
 Construction supervision
 Additional capacity building for TWB and utility operators
The above mentioned activities are going to be implemented on the target
towns namely Guliso, Segno Geba, Getema and Kombolcha.

2.2 Scope of the report

This report describes the extent of work carried out in step-I part of the
project. In the report major baseline data are analysed and discussed. These
baseline data can clearly indicate the socio economy, existing water supply
and sanitation situation of the town.
The report discusses in detail the under mentioned subjects.
 Step-I Activities Performed by TSG which include, Water Board
establishment and strengthening, baseline assessment carried out for
the town, Immediate service improvement activities identified and
major stakeholder consultations conducted
 Activities proposed for Step-II
 Implementation schedule for Step-II activities and
 Consultant’s final remark or comments
At the end of the report annexes are attached for references.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

2.3 General Background of the town

2.3.1 Location

Guliso town is located in the central part of West Wellega zone of Oromia
National Regional state. This town is the woreda town of Ayira Guliso. The
woreda is bordered by Dale Sedi, Lalo Kile & Yubdo woreda in the south,
Gawo Dale woreda in the west, Jarso & Boji weredas in the north and Lalo
Asabi & Genji weredas in the east.

The town is situated at 501km from the regional capital Finfinne via Nekemte-
Dembidollo main road of which 331km is asphalt paved and the remaining
170km is all weather gravel road.

Geographically the town is located between 9o9’42’’N to 9o9’59’’N Latitude and

35o27’43’’E to 35o28’10’’E Longitude. The altitude of the town varies from
1580 to 1680m amsl.

2.3.2 Climatic Condition

As the town is located in the area known by its high humidity and dense
forest, the annual rainfall is high.

As far as temperature of the town is concerned the town is characterized by

having moderate to high temperature. The annual average temperature is

2.3.3 Topography and Geology

Topographically the town is characterized by rugged terrain landform features.

Ridge and valley lands dominate the area. Flat to gentle slope in some areas
of the town and very steeply, and highly rugged with many ridge summits
topography also influenced the town.

Geology of this area is characterised by basement rocks of Precambrian era.

Outcrop of this rock is observed at road cut, hillside and river channel and
also as bare land where the overlain soil is eroded. Transported boulders as
well as in situ quartzite and plutonic granodiorite are the most dominant in the
area. Further more weathered volcanic rocks like tuffacous pyroclastic
materials having various colours are observed along road cut exposure in
southern direction of the town. This is intruded by quartz vein trending north-
south direction. The residual soils are less compacted and comprising clay, silt
and sandy gravel size particle material that is utilized for agriculture purpose
while the fluvial deposit soils are those laid down in river channels. This is
mainly observed in flood plains of Gommi catchment areas.

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2.3.4 Hydrogeology

Hydro-geological potentiality of an area is dependent on complexity of

geology, physiography and climate of that particular area. Similarly, ground
water potentiality of an area depends on its geological structure and the
characteristics of rock formations and their distributions.

The area is influenced by several structural discontinuities and different

degrees of weathering phenomenon. Discontinuities of fracturing lithologies
and overlaying residual soils as well as fluvial soils that are non indurated
sediments are the general characterizing features of the area.

The surrounding geological structure deserves for occurrence of shallow sub

surface water. Moreover springs emerging in the vicinity of hill sides and
valley exist together with water wells that had already been exist reveals
existence of shallow ground water table. However, the ground water potential
of the area is poor as indicated on Hydro geological map of Gimbi. As shown
on the map, the area is characterized by Aquitard or minor aquifer with local
and limited ground water resources (T = 0.1 – 1sq.m/d, q = 0.001 – 0.01 l/sm,
Q = 0.05 – 0.5 l/s) and para-gneiss lithology.

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The following activities are performed by the TSG Consultant in step-I.
 Town Water Board establishment and Strengthening
 Baseline assessment
 Preparation of immediate service improvement activities
 Capacity building

a. Methodology and Approach

The following approach and methodology has been adopted to perform the
above mentioned activities. The focus is on improvement of water supply and
sanitation of the towns which in-turn improve heath and productivity of the
community. For improving Water Supply and Sanitation of the towns the first
key task is introduction of autonomous board management. Capacity building
to develop skill of the Town Water Board members and utility staffs is also
main issue for sustainable and reliable Water Supply & Sanitation
establishment. To accomplish the intended improvements satisfactorily, it is
mandatory to carry out baseline assessment of the target towns. This helps to
identify areas of consideration for system improvement with regard to
technique and capacity building. For each activity various approaches and
methodologies are applied.

The following are the main items included in the methodology:

a-1. Town Water Board Establishment and Capacitating

As per implementation guide line, the TSG Consultant adopted step-by-step

procedures. To establish the TWB, different meetings and consultations are
conducted with stakeholders as appropriate. Starting from explaining need for
board management, detail issues were discussed at various meetings and
consultations. The Town Water Board members are trained through
workshops and on job trainings. Detail procedures adopted for Town Water
Board establishment and capacitating the same is described below under
Town Water Board Establishment and Strengthening.

a-2. Baseline Assessment

To carry out the baseline assessment for the town the following
methodologies have been adopted:
 Desk studies
 Field physical observations on existing water supply and sanitation
 Taking measurements and verifying the same
 Interviews
 Group discussion (Brainstorm)
 Holding informal meetings with Elders, Religion leaders,

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Commercial/Trade persons
 Designing questionnaires and check lists
 Data collection and analysis
 Information gathering and analysis
 Photographing the existing water supply structures
 Observation of the existing utility operation status and
 Observation of utility working premises (office and stores)

a-3. Preparation of immediate service improvement activities


To plan for immediate service improvement activities, gathering baseline

information and analysis regarding hardware and software on the existing
water supply system, existing sanitation situations and system management
are the main activities to be performed at the beginning.

After data is analyzed and core problems were identified, improvement

activities are prepared and submitted to the TWB for review. Following
identification of overall improvement activities, the activities are categorized
as ISI or long term. The identified ISI activities are prioritized by TWB in
consultation with TSG Consultant.

In general methodologies adopted for immediate service improvement are

divided into two:
a. Field data collection
b. Office data analysis and Cost estimate

a-4. Capacity building

For improving skills of the Town Water Board members and utility operators
different methodologies are adopted by the TSG consultant. The first task
performed was identifying skills of each members of the board and staffs of
the utility. Following capacity need assessment, the TSG consultant improved
skills of the board members and utility staffs through on job training.
Regarding hardware capacity building, field physical observation and
identification method was adopted.

b. Limitations
On the process of Step-I activities execution, the TSG Consultant came
across various difficulties with regards to data collection, information gathering
and Town Water Board establishment. The under mentioned problems are
among others:
 Lack of proper recording system
 Unavailability of data
 Lack of power supply in the town
 Problem to work according to time schedule due to frequent
damage of working vehicle as a result of inconvenient road

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condition from Nekemte to Guliso.

 Difficulty to conduct meetings as per schedule due to other
programs of wereda officials at some of the towns.

3.1 Water Board Establishment

Basically, Town water board can be established where capacity of the Utility is
more or less in place for full commercialization or where there is the potential
for such to take place through some sort of government subsidy. Management
of UWSU by water committee has evolved out the situation that small towns
do not have the capacity in terms of financial, material, skilled manpower
resources as well as the ability to perform on a full cost recovery basis. Owing
to these and other reasons, these towns cannot function as fully
commercialized public authorities or enterprise. However, if there is subsidy
from governmental or other sources to drive the water utility/committee
towards board management, it is a must to enhance water committee
transition to Water board.

All group-2 towns have no previously formed Town Water Board for
management of their utility. Therefore the first task of the TSG consultant is to
establish Town Water Board and introduce self management. For
establishment of the Town Water Board at the towns step-by-step procedures
are adopted.

The following procedures were followed to establish Town Water Board

3.1.1 Preliminary works, these include:

 Discussion with Water resources bureau on the process of
board establishment and utility standards
 Collection of all necessary information including relevant
documents, proclamations, amendments of the law,
implementation of regulations and other relevant data.
 Develop sufficient understanding of the laws and situations
relevant to Town Water Board development;
 Collecting all available relevant data concerning the town to
establish Town Water Board

3.1.2 Conducting initial discussion with town decision makers

To proceed with Town Water Board establishment initial discussion with
town decision makers was conducted. Discussion agendas during this
stage include need for Town Water Board establishment and supports
required for the same.

3.1.3 Conducting preliminary town stakeholders orientation workshop,

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During the work shop, the following agendas were discussed:

 The need for establishing TWB
 National and region water policy
 Roles and responsibility of WB
 The relation between the Utility and WB
 Code of conduct of board
 The existing situation of water supply and sanitation of the town
 Existing operation and maintenance of the utility
 Organization and management of the Utility
 Personnel administration
 Bookkeeping and financial system control

3.1.4 Conducting formal ceremony for establishment of TWB

In the presence of elders of the town, utility staffs, customers, town

dwellers, higher wereda officials and other stakeholders in the town
formal ceremony was held for establishment of Town Water Board. On
this occasion the TSG Consultant has got opportunity to create
awareness in the community in detail about the program and need for
board management. On the establishment ceremony all board
members stand in front of the attendant and promise to execute their
duties and responsibilities as stated on the proclamation.

Photo 3.1 Town Water Board Establishment Ceremony

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Photo 3.2 Town Water Board members together with TSG members

3.1.5 Holding first board meeting

After the Town Water Board is established formally, the first meeting
was held to guide and orient the board members on the next activities.
The main agendas discussed during this first meeting are:
 Duties and responsibilities as stated on the proclamation
 About regular meeting of the board
 About immediate service improvement activities plan

Photo 3.3 Town Water Board members first meeting

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3.2 Baseline assessment

3.2.1 Objective of the Assessment

For successful accomplishment of the program baseline assessment has to

be conducted to have clear picture of the town under consideration for Water
Supply and Sanitation improvement.

The aim of conducting baseline assessment for the town is to indicate the
status of the town socio-economic as well as current water supply and
sanitation condition. This helps to understand the capability as well as
willingness of the town to return the loan and capacity of the utility to
implement the program under the management of the Water board

In regards of Water Supply and Sanitation condition of the town, the baseline
assessment is the cornerstone for determination of improvement activities
required. Therefore, status of water supply and sanitation of the town has to
be clearly investigated.

On the other hand baseline assessment helps to determine capacity building

need of the utility for better service of the town dwellers. The other objective
of the baseline assessment is to preliminary identify potential future water
sources for the town.

3.2.2 Scope of the Assessment

The baseline assessment of the town encompasses the following areas:

a. Socio-economic features
b. Existing Water Supply situation
c. Existing Sanitation condition

3.2.3 Socio-Economic features of the town

To formulate a project the key issue to be addressed is to pass through

project cycle such as planning, analysis, selection and implementation.
Similarly, as one of our assessment study we relied on socio-economic study
which is part and parcel of planning stage of a project cycle. Demographic features

According to CSA of Ethiopia, Guliso town population projection made based

on 1994 population and Housing census depicted the existence of a total
population size of 7823 of which 4044 and 3779 male and female respectively
as referred from statistical abstract published in January 2005. However,
Census made by the Municipality of the town indicate that the size of
population of the town was 11,171(4970 males and 6201 female) in 2005.
From house hold size point of view there were 1353 male head house hold
and 232 female head house hold in the Town. Average household family size

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was 7. And annual growth rate was considered to be 4.11 %( Zone annual
growth rate).

Projection made based on CSA and census made by municipality depicted in

the following table/using exponential growth model/

Table 3.1 Five years population projection

Projected population
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
CSA 7823 8145 8479 8828 9191 9568
Town Adm. 11,171 11631 12110 12608 13127 13667
Note: Population number from town administration is greater than that of CSA.
The reasons for the difference as justified by town administration are:
 Decentralization of governmental institutions at woreda level
 Opportunity of getting additional infrastructure like Hydropower,
Telephone and financial institution
 Expansion of educational facilities like high schools and
preparatory schools and
 Availability of cash crops
In the town there are different religion followers. From present Population of
the town: 72% Protestant, 22.22% Orthodox, 4.53% Muslim, and 1.23 %
Adventist religion followers.
Table below shows types of religion and number of followers

Table 3.2 Type religion and number of followers in 2005

Number of
S.N Religion Percent
1 Protestant 8046 72.03
2 Orthodox 2482 22.22
3 Muslim 506 4.53
4 Adventist 137 1.23
Source:- Guliso town Municipality Housing conditions

According to door to door counting made by the municipality of the town in
2005, there are 1661 houses in the town out of which 1628 are residential &
commercial entities whereas 27 are Government offices, social service
Institution and other.

Most of the houses are constructed with wood and mud, and some are made
of hollow concrete blocks with corrugated iron sheets roof cover. More than
half of the houses have private traditional toilet and kitchens.

The following table depicts types and number of houses in the town.

Table 3.3 Types and number of houses

S.No. Types of House Number

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1 Living house 1326

1.1 Private 1072
1.2 Government 254
2 Commercial Entity 302
2.1 Private 220
2.2 Government 82
3 Office 31
3.1 Private 4
3.2 Government 27
4 Others 2
4.1 Private 2
4.2 Government -
Total 1661
Source: Municipality of the Town

As far as settlement pattern of the town is concerned, it is densely populated

woreda capital. The woreda has 39-peasant associations and 2 Towns. Administrative status

Guliso town is woreda capital of Ayira Guliso. It is one of the woreda’s found in
West Wellega zone administration. The town has two kebeles. The town is
administered by municipality and its accountability is to woreda administration. Existing Infrastructures

a) Education

Education is an Instrument for facilitating the progress of development by

providing trained or skilled manpower.

According to the data obtained from woreda education office, in the town
there is one kindergarten and a total number of 159 children were enrolled in
the year 2004. In 2005 the number of children enrolled was declined to 100.
Table below depicts Number of kindergarten, and number of children enrolled
by sex and year.

Table 3.4 Number of kindergarten, enrolment and by sex and

by year
S.N Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Number of
1 - - 1 1 1
Number of children 159 220 100
2 Male - - 106 108 55
Female - - 53 112 45

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Children enrolled in
3 the year 1996 and
1997 - - NA 20 100
Source:- Town Education office

There were 1 primary (1-8) school and one senior secondary school in the
town up to the year 2005. In addition, one 1 st cycle (1-4) school was
constructed in the year 2004. Similarly, the same school are available in

Students participation in the aforementioned school increase from year 2001

to 2005. Regarding gender involvement, participation of female students was
increased during the stated periods.

Table 3.5 Number of schools students and by sex in the year 2001-2005

S.N Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

1 First cycle (1-4) 1
Male - - - - 637
Female - - - - 519
2 Secondary cycle (1-8) 1 1 1 1 1
Male 1244 1320 1392 1236 1274
Female 1012 1056 1059 1055 1153
3 Senior Secondary 1 1 1 1 1
Male 618 903 1103 1179 963
Female 164 292 364 500 486
Source:- Woreda Education office

There were a total number of 52 teachers in the town and the number of
teachers increased to 66 in the year 2005.
Table below shows number teachers by sex and level of education
Table 3.6 Number of Teachers by sex and level of education
S.N Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1 TTI 34 38 40 37 30
Male 26 30 33 30 19
Female 8 8 7 7 11
2 Diploma 17 21 24 26 31
Male 17 18 19 20 26
Female - 3 5 6 5
3 Degree 1 - 1 3 5
Male 1 - 1 3 5

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Female - - - - -
Source:- Woreda education office

b) Health
In the town there are 1 governmental health centre, one private clinic
(Adventist clinic) and five private rural drug vendors. As to health personnel
there were 17 health personnel in the health centre and health office in the
year 2005.

Table 3.7 Number of health personnel by profession, sex and

experience in 2005
Years of
S/No Description Male Female
12, 6 and 5
1 Clinical Nurse 2 1
2 Junior clinical Nurse 1 - 7
3 Heath Assistant 1 - 22
4 Junior public Health - 1 3
5 Senior lab. Technician 1 - 2
6 Senior Pharmacist 1 - 1
7 Junior Midwife 1 - 6
8 Staff Nurse 1 - 22
9 Clinical Nurse 1 - 17
10 Health Assistant 1 - 23
11 Health Assistant 1 - 18
12 Public Health 1 - 8
13 Lab. Technical 1 - 21
14 Clinical Nurse 1 - 20
15 Clinical Nurse 1 - -
Source:- Woreda health office

Data of ten top diseases in the town were not available. However, the data is
available at woreda level.
The following table shows prevailing ten top diseases for the year 2005 in the

Table 3.8 Ten top disease in 2005 at woreda level

Percent (%)
S/N Type of Disease No of case
1 Malaria 5464 27.17
2 Respiratory disease 3017 15.00
3 Rheumatic pain 2949 14.66
4 Abdominal parasite 2943 14.63
5 All kind of Gastritis 2141 10.65
Diarrhoea disease
6 1091 5.43

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7 Tooth and Gum disease 943 4.69

8 Tonsillitis 843 4.19
9 Skin infection 719 3.58
10 Typhoid fever NA NA
Source:- Guliso health centre

Regarding water born disease, the inhabitants of the town suffer from lack of
sufficient and potable water. This resulted in harvesting of water from un
protected hand dug wells and springs for their domestic use. Due to this
reason occurrence of water borne disease in the town is high.

Table below depicts water born diseases and cases in 2005 in the town.

Table 3.9 Water born disease in 2005

S.N Type of disease No. of Case Percentage (%)

1 Abdominal parasite 1059 43.76

2 Skin disease 714 29.5

3 Diarrhoea 426 17.6

4 Typhoid fever 107 4.44

5 Ameobiasis 80 3.3

6 Bacillary dysentery 34 1.4

Total 2420 100

Source:- Guliso health centre

c) Transport and communication

Transport plays an important role in enhancing economic transformation of
any society. Modern Business, Industry, trade, production, and distribution
activities in general are largely dependent upon transport facilities. The
movement of people and goods from place to place are vital aspects of
modern economic activities.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

In this regard, the town has an access road that can facilitate movement to
the town. Moreover, the road from Nekemte to Dembidollo passes through the
town. The road from Nekemte to the town is all weather gravel road.

With respect to transportation facility, there is no regular deployment of bus

from Finfinne to Guliso and vice versa. Therefore means of transportation for
movement from and to the town is a bus deployed from Finfinne to

Fuel Service
There is one fuelling station, Shell, in the town. The fuel station depot has the
capacity of 30,000 litres of Benzene and 30,000 litres of Gasoline. The fuel
station also provides various lubricants for vehicles.

The annual sale record of this station in the year 2005 is shown in the
following table:

Table 3.10 Benzene, Gasoline and Lubricant sold in the year 2005
S.N Type of fuel/lubricant Unit Quantity
1 Benzene Litre 561,911
2 Gasoline Litre 582,588
3 Motor oil Litre 7631
4 Differential Gear Oil Litre 627
5 Wheel oil Litre 209
6 Break oil Litre 220
7 Grease Kg 158
Source:- Municipality of the town

Tele communication is one of the communications means playing Vital role for
the over all economic development of town. In carrying out
administrative and business activities, telecommunication provides fast and
effective service domestically and internationally. In region like Oromia where
configuration of land is inconvenient and the transportation system is not yet
developed, this type of communication is very vital for day to day economic

The town had access to direct digital telephone line since 2005 and the
inhabitants of the town is currently beneficiary of direct telephone

According to information obtained from pay station of the town; there are 272
digital telephone line connections so far. The following table shows
progressive telephone line demand of the town from year 2005 to 2006
particularly in case of private ownership.

Table 3.11 Number of Telephone Line in the town by the year 2005 & 2006

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S.N Description 2005 2006

1 Private 143 233
2 Government 27 36
3 Non-Governmental organizations 3 3
Source:- Guliso town pay station
Telecommunication Technology is under fast growth than other systems of
communication, but the town has no access to mobile telephone technology
even though it is popular by its cash crop and long history.

Advance created in the field have brought about total convergence within
western region and accordingly some of the town have got Mobile
telecommunication service. On the other hand town like Guliso still do not get
the access though the town is popular by having cash crop and long History.

Postal Service
Postal service is one means of communication playing an important role in
socio- economic development process of the town. It promotes domestic and
international relation in transferring information and goods.

The town has one postal service agent serving the inhabitants for

d) Power Supply

Currently, the town power source is diesel generator owned by Municipality.

Power supply from this generator serve the inhabitants of the towns for 3
hours per day with frequent interruption due lack of fuel and budget constraint.
Since it is not adequate, the residences of the town use wood, candle, and
kerosene as sources of power for cooking and lighting purpose.

However, currently Ethiopian electric power corporation is under taking

installation of electric line to supply hydropower to the town.

e) Financial Institutions

Economic development requires strong financial base. Similarly, the town

economic performance governs the level of capital formation i.e. the ability of
town savings. Town savings are generally promoted by the rates of increase
in productivity and income, both of which are unfortunately low in the town.

Although the current free market economy and prioritization measures are
facilitating per-conditions for increasing number of financial institution in the
town, private Bank and Insurance organizations are still not yet opened in the
town. Only one branch of commercial Bank of Ethiopia and one branch of
Oromia credit and saving Share Company are available in the town.

f) Water Supply

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

As water supply is one of basic infrastructures necessary for life of human

being, this service has to be available in adequate quantity and good quality.
However, in case of this town, the existing water supply service is not
satisfactory. The reason for inadequate service is due to low yield borehole
source that could not cover the demand. As a result the inhabitants of the
town get water every other day.

Water supply components like storage, distribution and various types of

connections are not sufficient to serve demand of the present population.
According to random sampling assessment made on the Affordability and
willingness to pay for potable water, it indicates that the inhabitants of the
town are willing to accept the charge impose, if they get sufficient supply and
quality of water. Economy

Most of the residences of the town are engaged in different types of micro,
small and large-scale commercial activities. Whereas, other inhabitants are
engaged in farming activates and the rest are government and Non-
governmental employees.

The surrounding areas are popular in cash crop particularly coffee and oil
seeds production and this help most of the residences of the town to depend
on micro, small and large scale coffee and oil seed trading and different
commercial activities.

Although there is no reliable data concerning the live stock population of the
town, the in habitants of the town rear different types of domestic animals.
Some of them produce different cereal crops and coffee.

The town has social service giving institutions and infrastructures such as
digital telecommunication service, health institution, schools, Bank, fuel
station, Postal service and hydro power electric installation underway which is
expected to give service with in the next two or three months. Besides this,
the town is located on the main road from Finfinne to Dembidollo. The above
mentioned conducive environment indicates that the town’s future prospect of
development is promising for investment.

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Table 3.12 Number and type of some commercial entities in the town
S.N Type of commercial entity Number Percent coverage
1 Coffee purchasers from direct
producer 26 9.03
2 Cereal trader 8 2.78
3 “Tej” and other Liquor 13 4.51
4 Traditional cloth 2 0.007
5 Readymade cloth 19 6.6
6 Textile 9 3.13
7 Shops 42 14.58
8 Butchery house 18 6.25
9 Hotels 9 3.13
10 Restaurants 5 1.74
11 Hide and skin 3 1.04
12 Tea rooms 12 4.17
13 Super markets 1 0.003
14 Grinding mill (cereal) 14 4.86
15 Coffee washing plant 13 4.51
16 Tyre repair 1 0.003
17 Barbers 16 5.56
18 Drug shops 5 1.74
19 Veterinary drug 1 0.003
20 Photo shops 3 1.04
21 Fuel station 1 0.003
22 Coffee whole seller 67 23.26
Source : Guliso Town Municipality

In the town there are 367 and 35 government and non-government

employees respectively.
All district level government offices are also found in the town as a result of
decentralization and this contributes to its future development.

More over, efforts have been made by the municipality of the town in creating
conducive environment for the development of the town. Further more, the
increment of income in the town increase from year to year which lay down
fertile ground for further expansion of infrastructures and other.
Table 3.13 Income and Expense in the years 2001-2005
Income Expenditure

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No. Year Birr Cents Birr Cents

1 2001 507,558 32 417,596 79
2 2002 346,534 51 291,825 20
3 2003 428,529 55 426,396 65
4 2004 507,111 45 495,406 24
5 2005 581,938 18 538,853 68
Total 2,371,672 01 2,170,078 56
Source: Guliso Town Municipality

The surrounding land is being used for the construction of different

residences, social service giving institutions, coffee washing plants, farming
and grazing. In the future it can be used for construction of houses,
commercial entity, social services and for different investment activities.

However the problem of lack of adequate and safe dirking water should be
tackled in order to ensure the future development of the town.

There is marketing place in the town where, Wednesday and Saturday are
market days every week. Willingness and affordability to pay for Water and

Sanitation services

In planning a project, among the criteria to be considered under market

assessment is conducting study on affordability and willingness to pay for the
product/service to be delivered.

Accordingly, for WSS improvement plan an assessment made on the

aforementioned issues were conducted using random sampling technique on
House hold, Business entity, Government office, NGOs and Religious
Institution regarding, the existing water source, colour, taste, tariff, monthly
expense on water and number of public fountain and its distance from house
hold on 161 sample sizes indicate hereunder. In parallel with this attitude of
the beneficiaries regarding quantity and quality of the existing water supply
has been assessed.

Of 161 respondents, 100% are dissatisfied with the quantity of existing water
supply. From taste point of view 57% & 43% replied average and high
respectively. Similarly, regarding colour of the water 78% and 22% said fair &
good in that order.

On the subject of tariff 35% said the existing tariff of water is low, 52% and
13% said average and high respectively.

In line with this, most of the users of public fountain said that the existing
public fountains were not sufficient and far from their living house.

On top of this, the respondents replied that they are expending more budgets
for consumption of water compared to the service rendered.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Further more, an assessment made on willingness for new connection, yard

and house connection, ability to pay per m 3 of water on yard and house
connection and mode of water use depicted in Annex - H.

Regarding, sanitation all respondents are volunteer to pay for the service
delivered on dry waste disposal and public pit latrine by concerned body.

3.2.4 Existing Water Supply Situation

Assessment on existing water supply of the town will be discussed in detail

under this portion. Various components of the system are dealt with
separately to clearly indicate the status and service capability of the utility with
its entire present problem.

Like other towns in the region, the town has various problems with its Water
Supply system design, construction and operation maintenance. Assessment
carried out with regard to Existing Water Supply in the town to show current
water supply situation will be dealt with in the following sections. Source
The existing water source for the town is borehole. This bore hole was drilled
by zonal water department in 2005. One borehole previously drilled by
EWWCA in 1982 was abandoned. This borehole was abandoned due to the
fact that the water discharged from the borehole contains debris and other
foreign matters.

Data on this existing bore hole described below.

 The yield of this source is 1.67 l/sec as measured during base line
 Borehole depth is 42m, as information obtained from the Utility but no
recorded data is available regarding drilling
 Daily operation period of the pump is 13 hours
 Data on Pump test, Static water level, dynamic water level, casing
type, casing arrangements, geological log and actual safe yield of the
well is not available
 It was drilled by zonal water resources office.
 The well is equipped with submersible pump and diesel generator.
 Water quality analysis was made by the utility and it is potable both
chemically and physically (with in the standard of WHO).

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Guard House Generator House

Photo 3.4 Borehole site

Table 3.14 Comparison of current demand and supply of water

Assuming current average
Current daily supply Percentage
daily demand 20l/c/d
from the borehole coverage
For population of 11,171
m3 %
(A) (A/B)x100
78 223 28

The other water source for the town is on spot spring developed at eastern
part of the town.
 It was Constructed by Mekaneyesus
 The yield of this spring is about 0.1 l/sec

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Photo 3.5 Residents fetching water from the spring Transmission Main

Transmission main of this system was constructed with GS DN 65mm (2 ½ ‘’)

pipe having a length of 1410 m from the borehole source. This main line
serves as transmission and distribution for the town water supply system. All
connections; house, yard and water points were made from transmission line.
About 55 connections are made with saddle connection from this line.

This old transmission line was constructed by EWWCA in 1982. Water meter
for recording daily water production was installed at the borehole source on
the transmission line.

Transmission line was constructed on uniformly rise up topography, so air

release valves at pick points and wash outs at low points were not required to
provide. However, the transmission pipes have no appropriate cover and at
some points the pipe is exposed to ground surface. Storage

The service reservoirs are constructed appropriately and economically to

carry out a 24-hrs supply and demand simulation so as to equalize the
maximum day demand. Its capacity depends on the load characteristics of the
system, which should be carefully considered. However, data’s for load
characteristics of the system most of the time not available, instead the
capacity of service reservoirs are designed simply to store one third of
maximum day demand.

Design period for most of civil structures is made for 15-20 years. The service
reservoir was constructed in 1982. From this it can be concluded that, the
storage facility for this town ended its design service period before nine years.
Therefore, currently it is hypothetical to say the town has storage facility to
stabilize their demand fluctuations. In addition to its low capacity to stabilize

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

demand of the town, the location where the reservoir was constructed is not at
commanding elevation. Due to these reasons, by now the Utility is using the
service storage of woreda health office own property for temporary storage.
This reservoir is located at higher elevation than that of the former reservoir.
The capacity of this service storage is 50 m3.

Storage facility of the Utility currently not under operation

It was constructed by EWWCA western branch in 1982

It has a storage capacity of 25m3

It is Ferro cement type

Poorly fenced

Photo 3.6 25m3 Ferro-cement concrete reservoir

Table 3.15 Comparison of required and existing reservoir capacity

Required reservoir capacity, one-
Existing reservoir capacity (m3)
third of maximum day demand (m3)

50 130 Distribution

As indicated in the above portion, transmission line of the system is

distribution line as well. In this type of distribution system, residents found at
lower elevation get water all the time and those settle at elevated part get
water only when water reaches the whole system of distribution. This could be
resulted in un-proportional distribution of water among the dwellers though the
water is also not sufficient.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Pipe materials used is Galvanized iron (GI) having different sizes. The pipe
sizes used in distribution are 65mm, 50mm and 40mm. Total pipe length of
distribution system is 2267m. (For detail pipe lay out see Annex - B)

a. Connection types
Existing connection types:
 Yard connections
 House connections and
 Public fountain connection types are available

In general in the town;

 There are twelve public fountains
 189 Yard connections and 20 house connections are available

Public fountains:
 Valve chambers are damaged and not lockable
 The public fountains have no fence
 Fittings in valve chamber are leaking
 Faucets are damaged

Photo 3.7 Residents fetching water from public fountain

b. Distribution area Coverage

The pipe line distribution coverage area is compared with town development
plan area.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Table: 3.16 Water Supply Distribution coverage of the town

Current estimated
Total area of town Percentage
distribution coverage
development plan coverage
km2 %
(B) (A/B)x100
0.82 2.04 40.20 Electro-mechanical

Under this section of the report electro-mechanical component of the existing

water supply system will be discussed.

a. Power Supply

As described earlier there is one pumping station currently under operation.

Power supply for this pumping station is diesel generator.

The town hydro electric power supply is under construction and expected to
have electric power supply with in the coming months. When the town is
supplied with hydro electric power, the diesel Generator is expected to be
replaced by EEPCO transformer.

At the pumping station there are two generators. Characteristics of the

Generators are stated below:

Generator # 1

Equipment type, :Perkins

Year of manufacturing :2003, made in Italy
Engine No :67A15882
Rated power :30KV ,
Rated voltage :V=415/240V, Three Phase
Rated frequency :1500 HZ, Current 42A
Manual :Not available
Status : Functional Pump

Generator # 2

Equipment type, :Cento

No other data are available regarding this generator, but it is functional with
minor defect or leakage of motor oil.

b. Pump

Submersible Pump was installed on this borehole to deliver water from the

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

well to the reservoir but data on pump characteristics are not available.
However, the associated switch board has a capacity of 15kw.

c. Generator House

 Ventilation facility is not good; this is due to compacted generator

house construction and less provision of vents.
 Not properly designed and constructed
 Has no proper fence

Photo 3.8 Generator house Operation and Maintenance

For sustainability of any Water Supply system proper operation and

maintenance schedule is a corner stone. Without these two key activities one
can never think of improved performance, efficiency and sustainability. This
section of the report focuses on discussion about operation and maintenance
status of the water supply system. Unlike water supply services of other
towns, operation and maintenance of the town water supply service enterprise
is a bit organized.

a) Operation

Operation is a series of actions by operators to make equipment and systems

parts do the work they are intended to do. The process of operation includes
operating generator set, water pumps, opening valves, cleaning all areas
inspecting electrical and electronic equipment, including motors, controllers
and taking records.

Operation is normally carried out as per the rules and procedures (manual)
specifically prepared for specific water supply system or equipment, which
should be handed over to the utility at the completion of the installation or
construction of the part and component.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

In general operation is a series of actions by operators on water supply

elements to make them accomplish their function.
Hence, every operator first must know the capacity ranges and function of
each element in the water supply system and operation procedures with minor
maintenance works, within their capacity.

Some common problems mentioned below exist on their day to day operation.

 Improper record keeping

 No operation manuals except for generator
 No regular storage cleaning
 Due to source scarcity no regular supply
 No inspection and cleaning of valve chambers, so most valve
chambers are filled with silt and some damaged
 As a result of improper operation on most public fountains the faucets
are not functioning
 Water meter not installed at out let of reservoirs because outlet and
inlet line is the same as mentioned above, hence impossible to
calculate unaccounted-for-water

b) Maintenance

There are three types of maintenances for water supply system under
operation. These are:
i) Preventive maintenance
ii) Major maintenance and
iii) Replacement

Preventive maintenance is a regular maintenance performed to keep

equipment or structures operating effectively and to minimize unforeseen
failure to parts or equipment itself. These include inspections and/or
maintenances tasks. Such types of maintenances are normally performed by
the locally operating staff of the utility and be conducted regularly.

Major maintenance, as the name indicates is maintenance performed at

skilled technical personnel level with all necessary tools. Under this type of
maintenance major part replacement could be performed. Frequency of such
type of maintenance is irregular.

Replacement maintenance is a type of maintenance carried out when the

equipment or structure can not be maintained with in major maintenance.

These terms should be understood by the technical personnel and be used as

a means of communication while reporting or requesting maintenance service.

Maintenance situation of the town Water Supply system:

 Minor maintenance are performed at the utility using limited tools they
 Caretakers and operators are not well trained to carry out major

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 Except minor plumbing works almost all maintenance works performed

by zone Water office
 There is no proper regular maintenance schedule
 Maintenance carried out when failure occurs, no preventive
maintenance and
 No regular leakage inspection Utility Institutional set-up and administration

a. Organization structure

The crucial responsibilities of the utility of the town are provision of water
supply and sewerage service for the inhabitants of the same.

To carry out the stated objectives the water supply and sewerage service
enterprise has been organized as semi-autonomous organization under
regional Water Bureau next to Zone Water Resources office. Currently, the
water supply and sewerage service enterprise has the following organizational

Organizational Structure of town Water Supply and Sewerage Service


Regional Water Resources Bureau

Zone Water Resource Office

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Head of Water Supply and Sewerage

service Enterprise

Administration and Operation and

General services Maintenance

Store Archives Guards Operator Plumber

Finance Section

Bill collector Cashier Water meter


Note: Staffs to be employed

Staffs on Job

The functional responsibility of the organizational units is depicted in the

following section briefly.

Administration and General services

In principle Administration and Finance service is responsible for handling all

personnel activities of the utility, the provision of office service such as
building services, security, janitorial and archiving of records.

Finance section

This section has the responsibility for preparing and collecting bills, preparing
budgets and plan in participatory way, controlling all expenditure, recording all
financial transaction in accordance with modern accounting system.

Even though, the functional responsibilities of the sections are as

aforementioned all the function were not done well, due to absent of manual,
shortage of qualified manpower, full delegation of power, absence of proper
strategic planning and insufficient standards and methods.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Operation and Maintenance

The operation and maintenance service is responsible for production,

treatment and distribution of water, operation and maintenance of distribution
facilities, installing and replacing of meters, line extensions, maintaining
records and preparing reports.
However, the level of the skill, experience, and education of the staff in the
section is not sufficient to perform their activities satisfactorily and efficiently.
As far as working Equipment and Manual for operation and Maintenance is
concerned, there are no sufficient operating Equipment and Manual for
Operation and Maintenance.

b. Office and Staff management

The office of town water supply and sewerage service enterprise has
temporarily given by municipality of the town. Total area of the compound is
648 m2. It has also a storage facility of 16 m2 house. The office is located
near the borehole source. It is in a good condition, and equipped with all
necessary facilities such as fencing, doors, windows, lightening and
ventilation. The building belongs to Mekaneyesus as information gathered
from the utility head. As the office is located at the edge of the town, it is not
convenient for most of the customers.
Moreover, according to the municipality of the town, the temporary Office
could be taken from the utility because the case is on the process of
adjudication. As result, there should be other alternative for provision of the
office for the utility.

The utility has thirteen staffs, of which one is head of the staff, two are
technical staffs, and the balance is supporting staff.
Regarding experience, skill and education background of the staffs detail is
shown below.

Table 3.17 Staff of the utility by years of service & educational background
Educational Experience
S/No. Description Quantity
Level (years)
Utility head 12 complete 1 31
2 Administration and
12 complete 1 29
general service
3 Operation &
10 + 2 1 10
maintenance head

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

4 12 complete & 8 & 16

Operators 2
Grade 5 respectively
Bill collector 12 complete 1 8
6 8 & 16
Plumbers Grade 10 & 6 2
7 12 complete All have 8
Guards 2&1
and Grade 11 years
Source: Town Water and Sewerage Service Enterprise

c. Property management

Establishment of good property management helps in minimizing expenses

and increasing efficiency of production and supply. In this regard, the Utility
has not established proper recording system for fixed and variable asset. In
addition, system of coding items was not established.

In general the utility has no proper store as well as good store keeping
mechanisms. Due to this, its property is prone to misallocation and exposure
to different problems. Utility Finance Administration

a. Water Tariff

Polices related to water pricing and water tariff are incorporated in the
Ethiopian water resource management policy. Among the water pricing and
tariff polices the following are relevant to urban water supplies.
 Tariff setting shall be place specific, depending on the particulars
of the project, location, the user, and the cost and other
characteristics of the scheme.
 Ensure that urban tariff structures are based on the basis of full
cost recovery.
 Ensure that the price for water should be neither too high
(discourage water use) nor too low (and encourage abuse and
over use of water)
 Establish a “social tariff” that enables poor communities to cover
operation and maintenance costs.
 Establish progressive tariff rates, in urban water supplies, tied to
consumption rates.
 Develop flat rate for communal service like hand pumps and
public stand posts

Further more, tariff setting principles state that the tariff that has to be charged
should be:-
- Full cost recovery
- Promote water consumption

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

- Fair
- Social tariff and
- Simple and encouraging tariff structure,

Even though, the policy and tariff setting principle state the above mentioned,
the town water supply and sewerage service enterprise has been working with
a tariff, which cannot recover the cost that has been incurred (operational and
capital cost). This tariff remained constant for the past 2 years which resulted
in low income that can not recover the cost (operational and capital).

Table 3.18 Current water tariff in birr for different connections

Tariff in ETB
Water in m3 Public tap
Residential Commercial Institutional
0-5 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00
6 - 10 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.00
11 - 30 6.50 6.50 6.50 5.00
> 30 7.00 7.00 7.00 5.00
Source: Town Water and Sewerage Service Enterprise

b. Billing system

Billing has been carried out based on the format developed by Oromia water
Resources Bureau. The utility uses Analysis Sheet for recording the current
and previous readings of house connection and yard connection to follow up
the monthly consumption. The Bill is filled manually in each month and be
provide to the beneficiaries.

The billing process of the utility is as follows:-

Meter reading  Identifying previous reading  Bill Preparation  Bill

checking Bill transferred to Bill collector’s  collection of money from
customers  overhand to casher  depositing in the Bank.

c. Procurement

Most of the spare parts required are provide by zone water office and
sometimes by regional water resource bureau of Oromia. However, the utility
carry out procurement of some items with in capacity of their purchasing limit.

d. Recording system

To know financial position, improvement required, Material and Equipment

available in the utility proper recording has to be adopted using different
recording book.

In this regard, the utility has started to carry out the same. The utility has:-
- Record Book for day to day transaction
- Record book for production of water

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- Analysis sheet, to record what has been red from water meter
of yard and house connection and
- Record book for the sale of water conducted via public

In addition, the Utility opened Bank account in the branch of commercial Bank
of Ethiopia. However, Bank reconciliation has not been made yet.
On the other hand, the recording system, serves as source for reporting
Financial and physical performance of the Utility. The utility reports to zone
water office monthly, quarterly and annually.

e. Revenue and Expenditures

The experience of preparing strategic planning, performance monitoring and

evaluation were not practiced to run day-to-day activities. This contributed its
part to low income of the utility in addition to water source scarcity. Revenue
from water sale can not cover running cost of the utility and the staffs could
not earn their monthly salary on time. As a result, the staffs are being
discouraged. Currently the utility is not capable to run with its own income and
it has been subsidized by income from Ayra town water supply which is
previously administered as a satellite water supply system under the utility.

Table 3.19 Income and expense of the utility in the year 2003 –2005
2003 2004 2005
Water sales
Public mater points - 1467.00 21254.00
House connection - - -
Yard connection - 20,353.70 35,951.60
Meter rent - 1232.00 4749.00
New connections - 35,305.92 49,795.23
Service charges - - -
Other incomes - 1510.66 4529.80
Total revenue - 59,869.28 116,279.63

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Salary and wages - 18,346.16 57,222.30
Perdiem and travel - 9156.05 14,873.50
Fuel and lubricants - 15,623.05 52,689.63
Pipes and fitting - - 612
Manteca and repair - 1704 1001.33
Miscellaneous labour - 12,888 21,322.05
Other Administrative services - 3712.60 3362.40
Office supplies - 479.25 1870.42
Taxes - - 3247.90
Other expenditure - 1909 935.22
Total expenditure - 63,818.11 157,136.75
Revenue less expenditure - 3,948.83 40,857.12
Revenue over expenditure - 3,948.83 40,857.12
Source: Town Water and Sewerage Service Enterprise

As mentioned above the reason behind expense exceed Revenue, was due
to subsidy made by Ayra town Water supply.

3.2.5 Existing Sanitation Situation

Sanitation comprises human excreta disposal systems, waste water disposal

devices, solid waste disposal and drainage of surface water.

Basic issue about sanitation nowadays is awareness creation among the

community. With regard to awareness creation on sanitation, town
municipality and government heath institutions in the town have made some
efforts. Therefore the town residents are to some extent aware on importance
of sanitation improvement. However, according to understanding of the
community, sanitation refers to only human excreta and household hygiene
whereas waste water disposal and surface water management is obviously
major parts of sanitation though its importance is limited in the rural towns.

The current sanitation practice of the town dwellers is similar to any other rural
towns in the country.

The current sanitation condition of the town is discussed below as follows: Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Disposal is getting rid of solid or semisolid materials, resulting

from human and animal activities that are useless, unwanted, or hazardous to
human being, animals and plant.

a. Human excreta disposal

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More than half of the inhabitants have their own pit latrines and those who
have no, obviously dispose their excreta in the open fields in the vicinity of the

Coverage of private pit latrines in the town as per information gathered from
the town health centre:

Table 3.20 Private pit latrines percentage cover

No. of house holds Percentage coverage of
No. of house holds in
having their own pit private pit latrines in the
the town
latrine town
1585 840 53

During baseline assessment the following problems are observed regarding

existing private pit latrines in the town:
 Poor construction
 Lack of ventilation
 No regular cleaning of slabs and drop holes and
 Most pit latrines have no door

In the town two public pit latrines have been constructed by municipality.
However, none of the two pit latrines are functioning currently because the
pits are caved and the houses collapsed as a result of poor design and
construction. In addition, the Wall of the pits were not constructed by stone

Photo 3.9 Collapsed public toilet

b. Dry Waste Disposal

For improved environment management, proper dry waste management plays

a vital role. However due to limited awareness about dry waste disposal
attention is not given to this issue.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

In most cases dry waste from human activities and similar garbage are simply
damped any where in the town. Awareness regarding dry waste disposal and
adverse effect of improper disposal is very limited. Regarding sanitation
control by the concerned government body this issue is not emphasized.

In the town there are 2 communal solid waste disposal sites under operation.
However, the disposal sites are not properly constructed and protected. Liquid Waste Management

Liquid waste management includes:

 collection, treatment and proper disposal of domestic wastes resulted
from bathing, cleaning of house utensils, cooking, cleaning of houses
 Proper disposal of surface water (drainage) in the town to safely
convey flood and any other surface water with out damage to human
being and property.

a. Domestic liquid waste management

Proper domestic liquid waste disposal practice is not yet started in the town
like other similar towns.

Sewerage system for collecting and disposing waste water from individual
residence require a huge investment. However, at the level of such small
towns creating awareness among the community about liquid waste
management is basic task.

In the town:
 There is no proper domestic waste disposal
 Awareness regarding liquid waste disposal is limited and
 Disposing liquid wastes on open fields adjacent to their home is
common practice

b. Drainage System

Similar to liquid waste management there is no proper drainage system in the

town. Drainage ditches are not constructed for proper management of surface
run-off in the town.

The town topography is characterized by gentle to steeply slopes and is

convenient for drainage.



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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

The immediate service improvement (ISI) plan should be prepared in step I

and implemented in step II, as per the stepped approach of the program.
However, if the works to be improved is simple, needs immediate measure
and with in the local capacity of the utility and TWB, the activity may be
executed or improved early in step I. The works executed in this steps are,
activities that does not need budget allocation but can be performed by the
community and utility.

ISI have two components; hard ware, i.e. physical assets and soft ware, i.e.
capacity building/awareness creation. In most of our cases, in early step I only
few hard ware and software improvements were executed.

Some of improved hard ware activities were:

 Cleaning internal surface of reservoir
 Improving ventilation of generator house

Some of improved soft ware activities were:

 Developing recording system for source production
 Community motivation and awareness partner ship between
community and authority, for water conservation.
 Conducting a sanitary survey around the borehole sources and
control disposal of solid waste and sewage that contaminate water
sources to improve sanitation practice.
 Measure the flows from the borehole or analyse the records
 Developing of operation recording system for pump and generators
 On job training for TWB and Utility
 Creating awareness on sanitation, using latrines, personal hygiene
and environmental protection and
 Provision of notion on recording Transaction, Financial statement
and Stock control.

3.4 Major Stakeholders Consultations Conducted

At different levels, various stakeholders are consulted during Step-I activities
execution by the TSG.

3.4.1 Regional level

The initial consultation conducted was at regional water bureau level with
project coordinator and other concerned staffs. Points of discussion include
 Background information of the towns with regard to water supply and
 Access to required documents and data at regional level
 Supports required from zonal water offices and
 Relevant governmental institution that could be source for data and
document for the study

3.4.2 Zone level

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As one segment of water resources bureau, zone water resources office is the
primary contact office to be informed about the program and to work together
for the success of the program. Accordingly, the first task performed by the
TSG was contacting zonal water office to explain mission of the TSG
consultant and extent of the program.
Points of discussion during consultation of zonal water offices include:
 Background of the target towns with regard to water supply condition
 Previous studies for alleviating water supply problems of the town, if
 Previous tasks performed for improvement of water supply service
 Supports required from zone water office for accomplishment of the
 Past ground water exploration history and
 Ground water potential of the surrounding areas

In addition to zone water resources office, the TSG Consultant contacted

other zonal offices like Health, Finance and economic development, education
and central statistics Authority branch office for collecting relevant data.

Occasionally the TSG Consultant contacts zone water office head and other
technical staffs regarding technical matters like availability of data on
electromechanical equipment under operation in the target town.

3.4.3 Woreda/Town level Initial Consultations

During first trip for preparation of inception report the TSG consultant met the
Woreda officials to discuss about the program. Key stakeholders consulted at
this stage include:
 Guliso town municipality
 Woreda water office representative
 Woreda officials
 Woreda women’s affair and
 Utility staffs
Points discussed with the stakeholders during this period include:
 Introduction of the TSG consultant members with their respective
professional input during the assignment
 Introduction about the program
 Approach and implementation steps of the program
 About implementation schedule of the program Step-I consultations

Under step-I activities so many stakeholders consultations were conducted at

woreda/town level particularly for establishment of Town Water Board.

Stretch Consultants Plc

Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso Discussion with decision makers

The first consultation conducted for discussion about Town Water Board
establishment with decision makers.

Photo 3.10 Consultation with decision makers

Discussion points raised during this consultation include:

 Need for Town Water Board establishment
 Intention for establishment of Town Water Board
 Supports required from the stakeholders for establishment of the board
 Current problems of the town regarding sanitation and shortage of
potable water supply Stakeholders orientation workshop

In the presence of representatives from the community as well as elders of

the town dwellers stakeholders orientation workshop has been conducted to
discuss on the following agendas:
 Introduction about the program
 Need for board management and
 Existing situation of the water supply system and sanitation of the town

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Photo 3.11 Stakeholders orientation workshop


As per the stepped approach of the program, in this steps the town water
board with approved applications receive further assistance for design,
feasibility studies, integrated sanitation planning, preparation of business
plans, operator performance agreements, Capacity building for water board
members and utility staff and implementation of immediate Service

In general the following works are activities to be executed in step-2

 Implementations of ISI activities
 Planning process
 Water source confirmation
 Preliminary design – Technical
 Environmental and social impact assessments
 Economic feasibility
 Connection policy

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 Business plan
 Contractual arrangements for system operations
 Integrated Sanitation planning
 Capacity building
 Stakeholder consultation, interim approval processes and
 Regional water board review and approval processes

4.1 Immediate Service Improvement Plan

To plan for ISI, gathering baseline information and analysis regarding
hardware and software on the existing water supply system, existing
sanitation situations and system management are the main activities to be
performed at the beginning.

After data is analyzed and core problems were identified, ISI plan is prepared
and submitted for the TWB that could be implemented in step-2.

Once the overall activities of improvement are identified, through assessment

and analysis the water service system, the activity should be categorized as
ISI or long term.

Activities to be included in ISI should fulfil;

 Shall be priority concern of the water board
 Should give high benefit, this can be measured by the rate of
improvement brought on quality and quantity of service
 Shall be implemented with local resources and initiative
 Shall be with in the available $5 per capita budget
 Could be done with in 8 months
 Shall be with the management capacity of TWB and
 Goods and materials for service shall be adequate at local
Implementation of ISI in step-2 will improve water and sanitation service due
to improved efficiency of the hard ware and improved performance of the

In order to realize the implementation of the immediate service improvement

plan, the program will finance a grant portion in the amount of up to $ 5 per
capita. The implementation of the improvement plan is expected to take 6-8

The hardware and software ISI activities were identified with their estimated
cost and prioritized by TWB. The ISI activities are listed in the following tables.
Specification and bill of quantities for each activity are prepared and annexed.
Please refer to Annex - D.

Detail description of ISI activities are shown below.

Table 4.1 ISI plan for the town

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

S/No ISI activities
Cost (birr)
1 Hardware Component
1.1 Catchments protection from erosion -
1.2 Fencing of around the borehole source 900.00
1.3 Replacing of diesel Generator to EEPCO power 120,000.00
1.4 Purchase of simple electro mechanical tools 600.00
Purchase of spare parts for existing Generator (oil filter, 2,500.
1.5 fuel filter) 00
1.6 Washing internal surface of the tank -
1.7 Provide fence for reservoir 600.00
1.8 Provision &installation of fittings at PF 15,288.00
1.9 Fencing of public fountains (6x6m) 9,360.00
1.10 Construction of appropriate valve chamber 18,438.00
1.11 Replacing of damaged faucets at PF 1,674.00
1.12 Supplying of necessarily fitting for stock 10,000.00
1.13 Supplying of plumping tools 15,000.00
1.14 Supply and fixing of CIS doors 3,500.00
1.15 Construction of two public toilets 25,880.00
1.16 Construction of two dry waste disposal sites 960.00
1.17 Construction of utility office 93,623.50
1.18 Construction of utility store 18,001.00
1.19 Fencing for the utility office 5,700.00
1.20 Purchase of computer 7,000.00

S/No ISI activities
Cost (birr)
1.21 Purchase of printer 3,000.00
1.22 Purchase of APC smart UPS 3,000.00
1.23 Purchase of office stationery 440.00
1.24 Purchase of office furniture(chair, table and shelf) 4,120.00
1.25 Purchase of water meter for additional connections 14,300.00
Pipe line work for transmission to separate in and out
1.26 expansion 111,900.00
1.27 Distribution pipe line expansion 72,072.00
1.28 Construction of three public fountains 30,898.50
Hardware improvement cost 588,755.00
2 Software Component
2.1 Developing recorded system for source production -
Community motivation & awareness partner ship b/n
2.2 community & authority, for water conservation -

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Conduct a sanitary survey around the Bore hole sources

disposal of solid waste & sewage of contamination to
2.3 improve sanitation practice -
Determine the physical and chemical characteristics of
2.4 water source -
2.5 Measure the flows from the Borehole or analyse records -
Identify the sanitation situation excreta disposal, Sewage
2.6 and drainage system and hygiene promotion -
2.7 Get manufacturer manual for the pump and Generator -
2.8 Preparation of operation manual -
Developing operation recording system for pump and
2.9 Generator -
2.10 On job training for operator -
Giving awareness on sanitation, using latrines, personal
2.11 hygiene and environmental protection -
2.12 Capacity building training for WB and utility operators 6,213.00
2.13 On job training for TWB & utility operator -
Provide manual for Bookkeeping, financial system and
2.14 control of the utility -
Providing manual for organizational structure and
2.15 management of the utility -
Software improvement cost 6,213.00
Total ISI Cost 594,968.00
Total ISI Budget 483,145.75
- Omitted activity due to budget constraint
As per prioritization of the TWB ISI activities amounting to ETB 483,068.00 (Four hundred
eighty three thousands sixty eight only) will be executed with in the budget as per the
regulation. Please refer to Annex - C for detail.

4.2 Capacity building needs

Capacity building for TSG, TWB and Utility operator are very important for the
successful accomplishment of the WSS improvement project. As observed
during baseline assessment, the utility operator and other technical staffs of
the utility need trained. The newly established Town Water Board members
need additional trainings for proper management. Similarly the TSG
Consultants also need training for better and efficient performance on the
project. Therefore, the capacity building needs include:
 Organized training for utility staffs and operators on Finance
administration, Planning and Budgeting, recording, property
management, etc.
 Town Water Board members to be trained on management of the utility,
planning of projects, contract administration, financial controlling
methods, etc.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

 The TSG members shall be trained on implementation of step-II works,

basic procurement procedures, business planning and monitoring and

4.3 Long term project Proposals

The works to be executed in step-2 are expected to solve the problems
associated with service improvement. Hence, detail study and implementation
will be a solution for sustainable water supply and sanitation practices.

As observed during base line assessment, there is an option for surface water
supply source in the vicinity of the town. This water is surface water
impounded in earth dam reservoir constructed by Lutheran World Federation.

Even though there is a possibility of surface water source for the town Water
Supply, ground water is preferable in its less initial cost as well as running
cost. Treatment of surface water requires considerable amount of money at
regular base and for its operation skilled manpower is necessary. However,
after exploration of ground water source if the potential of the ground water in
the area is not promising, it will be mandatory to consider the surface water.

Therefore, a ground water source is recommended option of water supply for

the town. However, detail ground water investigation shall be conducted for
the availability of safe yield for the required water demand of the town.
Previous studies regarding exploration of ground water potential in the area
could not be found.

Therefore, the following activities shall be proposed for long term project
 Source confirmation /detail site investigation for ground water
 Detail design for water Supply systems
 Environmental and social impact assessments
 Economic feasibility
 Business plan and
 Integrated Sanitation planning

4.4 Proposals on additional data collection

For detail study and design additional data are required. Some of the data’s
expected to be collected are:

Detail assessment on percentage distribution of inhabitants of the
town by major economic activities#

Detail assessment on affordability and willingness to pay*

Assessment on average income of household #

Detail assessment on social institutions*

Detail data collection on geological and hydro geological features of
the area

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Detail assessment on water resources potential

Detail assessment on geophysical investigation

Detail information on electro mechanical equipment#

Data on geological log of existing bore hole

Detail data on earth dam constructed by Lutheran World

Note: * - To some extent these data are collected during baseline assessment.
However, due to time constraint and lack of proper information it needs
additional data collection during step-II.
- Data not available


5.1 Work Plan for Step-2 implementation
In step 2 there are three main works to be executed. These three main works
are ISI activities implementation, detail Water Supply & sanitation Project
study for long term solution and stakeholder consultations & capacity building.
ISI activities implementations at all group 2 towns have to be carried out with
in similar time frame because the activities are time limited. Table below
shows main activities and responsible entity.

Table 5.1 Step-2 works and responsible body

Item No. Types of works Responsible entity
1 ISI activities TWB, Utility & TSG
2 Detail study for Water Supply and
Sanitation project
3 Stakeholder Consultation & capacity TSG & National
building Consultants

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Detail activities schedule for the above mentioned main works are prepared
and annexed. Please refer to Annex – A.

5.2 Manpower and materials required for Step-2

5.2.1 Contractor manpower required for ISI activities

With a prospect that the activities will be carried out by Contractor the
following key staffs are needed:

i. One Site Engineer (Diploma in Civil or Water Resources)

ii. One General Forman
iii. One plumber
iv. Masons & carpenters as required

5.2.2 TSG manpower required for ISI activities

Existing manpower of the TSG Consultant is sufficient for ISI activities

supervision. However, one additional vehicle and one driver is required for all

5.2.3 TSG Consultant manpower required for long term project


For log term Water Supply and Sanitation project study the following key
personnel are required. The following table shows list of TSG manpower
required for the work.

Table 5.2 TSG Consultant manpower

S/No Profession/Trade Number
1 Core staff
1.1 Water board specialist 1
1.2 Civil Engineer 1
1.3 Financial analyst 1
1.4 Water supply operation specialist 1
2 Specialized staffs
2.1 Water supply Engineer 1
2.2 Civil Engineer 1
2.3 Mechanical Engineer 1
2.4 Structural Engineer 1
2.5 Hydro geologist 1
2.6 Environmentalist 1

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

2.7 Surveyor 1
2.8 Auto cad operator 1
3 Supporting staffs
3.1 Driver 2
3.2 Secretary 1
3.3 Accountant 1
3.4 Guard 2
3.5 Janitor 1

Refer to Annex - F for Consultant’s manpower schedule & financial plan.

5.3 Financial Plan for Step-2 implementation

5.3.1 Financial Plan for ISI activities

Table: 5.3 Shows financial plan for ISI activities










month (ETB)
Amount per








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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

amount (ETB)







Graph: 5.1 Graphical representation of Financial Plan for ISI activities

5.3.2 Financial Plan for Consultancy services

Financial plan for consultancy services during step-2 activities implementation

including supervision cost for ISI activities are presented in this section of the

With the assumption that consultancy fee required for all group 2 towns is
equal, the amount for the town is shown below.

Table: 5.4 Shows financial plan for Consultancy service












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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

amount (ETB) month (ETB)


Amount per









202, 665.00




Graph: 5.2 Graphical representation of Financial Plan for Consultancy service


Under this section final remarks and comments concerning WSS
improvement works of the town will be dealt with.

6.1 Conclusion
Base line assessment made during step-one depicts the population of the
town increases from time to time at alarming rate. Further more, the social
and economic activities of the dwellers increasing as result of the existence of

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

cash crop, fertile ground for investments, job-opportunities and

decentralization the town is growing at increasing rate. This phenomenon
resulted in high demand of infrastructure such as education, health,
Communication, water and sanitation.

Unavailability of one of the major infrastructures, water supply and integrated

sanitation facilities, the dwellers of the same are victimized by water born and
other related disease which in turn have been affecting the social and
economic activities of the town.

On the other hand, to assure implementation of cost recover principle for

sustainable existence of the utility (operating with its own income),
assessment made on willingness and affordability in the town, confirms the
dwellers of the town are too keen and capable to pay tariff that will be set by
the utility, if sufficient and quality of water supplied on sustainable base in the

In general, from observations, interviews and discussions with stakeholders

during implementation of Step-I activities the under mentioned detail findings
are drawn:

 The town is characterized by having cash crop

 Population of the town increases from time to time at alarming rate
 The management of the town Water Supply and Sewerage service was
not autonomous before commencement of this program
 The utility need additional manpower
 Skill of the staffs is not satisfactory
 There is no convenient working premises
 There is no proper operation and maintenance schedule
 The recording system is poor
 There is no proper finance and staff management
 There is shortage of plumbing and mechanical tools
 Source of existing water supply can not satisfy demand
 The distribution system covers small area of the town
 Water supply system structures are not well protected
 Revenue from sell of water could not cover expense of the utility
 Necessary staffs according to the structure could be recruited because
of low income of the utility
 Sanitation practice and personal hygiene is very poor
 Awareness among the community regarding sanitation is low
 There is no proper waste disposal in the town and
 Pit latrine coverage of the town is nearly half (53%)

From the above findings it can generally be concluded that:

i) The utility has management problems and has not been implementing
water policy of the country that states utility shall cover all its expenses
from its own income. As a solution for this problem, self management

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

has been introduced by establishment of Town Water Board in step-I


ii) The water supply system has so many technical limitations like lack of
tools, shortage of water source, inadequacy of supply coverage, etc. It
can be concluded that implementation of ISI activities planned in Step-I
can temporarily solve most of the problems.

iii) Before commencement of Step-I works of this program, awareness on

sanitation practices and hygiene education of the community was low.
However, through various consultations with stakeholders awareness
and sanitation practices are partially improved. Previously sanitation
and Water supply are treated separately even by different government

With existing manpower and one vehicle, it is difficult to manage long term
project study and supervision of ISI works in parallel for all towns. This is
because of:
 Volume of works in Step-2 is broad
 Geographical location of the towns are far apart
 Access road to the towns are very bad
 Professional inputs allocated for Step-2 in the Contract is not
 Time and resources like vehicle are limited.

6.2 Recommendation
For successful accomplishment of the program and arriving at the intended
goal, the following recommendations are proposed:

i) To minimize population growth of the town Family planning and

guidance practices have to be encouraged for all economic
development goals

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

ii) Introducing self management which has already been started has to
continue by capacitating the TWB through training and consultation.
The utility has to be guided to run as per national policy and regional

iii) The hardware & software ISI activities proposed to be implemented in

Step-2 helps to improve the service rendered by the utility and
sanitation practices of the town. The proposed activities are resources
limited and intended to resolve the problems temporarily. Therefore, to
create reliable and sustainable Water supply and sanitation service,
detail study and design of integrated Water Supply and Sanitation
project followed by implementation has to be carried out. In this regard
the surface water impounded with earth dam constructed by Lutheran
World Federation can be optional water source. Similarly to improve
health of the community regular hygiene education and proper
sanitation practices have to be adopted.

iv) To complete Step-2 works within the time frame set the required
manpower and resources have to be in place. Thus, for successful
accomplishment of the works, it is recommended:

 One additional vehicle and driver for supervision works

 One AUTO-CAD specialist and
 One Environmentalist

For successful accomplishment of Step-II implementation the above

recommendations have to be practical.

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso


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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - A

Step 2 activities work schedule and financial plan

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - B

Exiting pipe line layout

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - C

ISI activities prioritized by TWB

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - D

Bill of quantity for ISI activities

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - E


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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - F

Consultant’s man power schedule and financial plan

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - G

Sample analysis on willingness and affordability to pay

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso

Annex - H

Sample Questionnaire On Existing Water Supply System,

Sanitation, Socio-Economic Assessment And Willingness
& Affordability To Pay

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Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program Urban Component, Step-1 completion report Guliso


1. Statistical Abstract 2005, CSA

2. Western Sub-Region Atlas Of Oromia, June 2004
3. Socio-economic Profile of Ayira Guliso Wereda, 2004, west Wellega
finance and economic development
4. Topographical Map of Guliso (1:50,000), Ethiopia mapping agency,
Ministry of Mines
5. Water Supply and Sanitation Program Urban Component, Guidance on
Step-I Process, September 2005
6. Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy (By MWR)
7. MEGELETE Oromia /Proclamation No. 78/2004 A Proclamation for
Establishment of Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Service
Enterprise, June 2001
8. MEGELETE Oromia /Regulation 40/2004 Establishment of Urban
Water Supply and Sewerage Service Enterprise, September 2004
9. Hydrological Map of Gimbi, Geological Survey of Ethiopia

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