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Afro Asian Institute


Assignment No___________________________
Subject:__________Introduction to computing
Application _________________________
Assignment Title: Why you select CS For future?

I choose CS because I have keen interest in computer science field.i choose computer science
because computer are the future and i enjoy the working with computers and creating basic
programs. Computer can be found almost anywhere around the word.
While i was in high school i was given in opportunitie to taken this course after the taken this
course i became very excited about learning to basic computer language. security.
Technology has made the word better faster and more connected but this did not happened
by magic. Technology is a invention off human.we connected with each other every time with
help of technology.
Computer are the way of the future because they interface with almost every aspect of life
with a computer science digary you will learn all the concept and skills you need to answer
these questions and many others.
We control many things with help this we control traffic monitoring people any space.
Technology is the part of our technology is very advance with help off computer
made the microwave fridge AC and all off these connected with Bluetooth.
A good computer science specialist can earn very high salaries and enjoy job security.
Technology has made the word better faster and more connected but this did not happened
by magic All Human inventions.

REG #: __________________________________

Date:________6 November __________


Submitted By: __Muhammad Haris Ishaq

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