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Fraulein D.

Castillejos IV-Ampere

SPCF : DSPC Warriors

Armed with intelligence and confidence, the Pagemakers,

together with Mrs. Marcia Carbungco, went from the grounds of
SPCF to Gabaldon Building for the Division Schools Press
Conference held last Sept. 18 and 19, 2014.

“Expect the worst and hope for the best,” was their mantra all
throughout the seminar/talk given by the experts who also served
as the judges. They, the judges, devoted their time to give how-to’s
to the contestants and corrected their common mistakes they make
for them to become the best writers they are destined to be.

The competitors were also delighted that before the actual

contest, they had talks to prepare them for the battle they’re about
to step into, where intelligence is tested using pen and paper.

In the end, the ever optimistic Pagemakers proved that every

competition is an opportunity to grow as a writer and as an
individual. And that in every competition, you win, you lose.

True enough, Vanessa Patrice Cablitas of IV-Ampere, proved

herself to be a genius in the Feature Writing Filipino by bringing
home the gold medal. Mary Marnie Carbungco, Mary Agatha
Gregorio and yours truly, Fraulein Castillejos, brought home 5th
place in the fields of Copyreading Filipino, Science Feature
Writing English and Feature Writing English. These student writers
proved that with the right drive to succeed, passion and optimism,
you too can write to infinity and beyond.

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