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Background Information

The urinary system consists of several organ including kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.
The main purpose of the urinary system is to get rid of waste product in a form of urine and
control electrolytes and water level in the body. These happens through processes called
filtration, secretion, and reabsorption which mainly occurs in the kidney. In filtration,
filtrable components of the blood is filtered into the bowman’s capsule. Then in
reabsorption, water and ions are reabsorbed back into the blood. Secretion is when
substances such as hydrogen ions are removed from the blood to the collecting duct. The
urine will go to the ureter and into the bladder. It will then move out of the body through
the urethra.

Kidney is a pair of reddish-brown organs located in the upper abdominal area against the
back muscle of both the right and left side of the body. The primary function of a kidney is
to purify the blood by removing waste material, salts and water. It also controls fluid
balance in the body by eliminating excess water accumulate in the body. Other than that, it
regulates minerals and chemicals to maintain the normal composition of body fluids.

Throughout the procedure, apron, gloves and mask are worn to avoid direct skin contact
with the organs and the possible bacteria and germs on it. It is handled gently at all time to
avoid damaging the kidney or any equipment. During the incision, sharp scalpel is used to
cut the kidneys into half and it is carefully done to prevent any cuts or injuries. At the end of
the procedure, organs are disposed in a separate disposal bin as well as the apron, gloves
and mask for hygiene purpose.

The external parts of the kidney consist of the renal capsule. Renal capsule is a thin and
tough outer membrane surrounding the kidney. It helps support the kidney and protect the
vital tissue from damage. The inner parts of the kidneys are surrounded by a thick dark
layer of renal cortex where nephron is located. The inner region is called the medulla and it
consist of renal pyramid, the white triangular structure in between of several major calyces.
It also contains the loop of Henle and collecting duct of a nephron. The major calyces and
minor calyces are joined together with the renal pelvis which acts as a funnel for urine to
flow through.

The production of urine starts at the glomerulus where blood arrives through the afferent
arterioles at high pressure and leaves through the efferent arterioles. Due to the increase
hydrostatic pressure in the glomerulus, blood plasma is forced out into the bowman’s
capsule. This is called the ultrafiltration. The glomerular filtrate moves to the proximal
convoluted tubule where sodium ions, chloride ions, amino acid and water are reabsorbed.
This is called the reabsorption. Then the loop of Henley will further reabsorb the water and
sodium chloride from the urine. The filtrate will go along the distal convoluted tubule where
it reabsorbs sodium ion, calcium ion and secrete hydrogen ion, potassium ion. Next, water is
again reabsorbed depending on the release of ADH that affect the permeability of collecting
duct. Finally, the urine flows through the calyces into the renal pelvis and ureter.

To conclude, kidney is important because it has several significant functions such as
removing waste produce and toxin in the body while also keeping useful substances such as
glucose. Other than that, it also helps in the regulation of water and electrolytes by
maintaining the correct water level and electrolytes in the body.

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