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About Hotstar

Launched in early 2015, it is one of India’s most downloaded apps and has attracted more than
350 million followers on the back of a highly evolved video streaming technology and high
attention to quality of experience across devices and platforms.

Hotstar has secured top spots on the Google Play Store as well as the Apple App Store and has
consistently been named among the most popular apps on both platforms since its launch.

Hotstar is and online entertainment platform which provides 24/7 stars video streaming on the
go. It is owned by Star India which is already an established brand in the field of entertainment
and news broadcasting with satellite channels like Star Plus, Star Movies, Star World etc.

Hotstar provides you the most recent and popular content available. It has content in 8 different
languages and with TV shows from 15 different channels from India and around the world.
Hotstar is not only providing the popular shows and movies from different channels, it also
generate original content to keep the engagement of viewers.


*We have various numbers of languages preferences available there.

*It's a live streaming app.

*It has 2 unique packages - hotstar Vip and Hotstar Subscription

*It gives the access to the viewers before it appears on tv.

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