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Noelle Deiter

Clinical Practicum III


Employer Service – Student Mentor

This fall semester I had the opportunity to volunteer in the Mayo Clinic radiation
oncology department as a mentor to our pre-clinical medical dosimetry intern. My volunteer
experience allowed me to design a learning schedule and help the new intern become familiar
with clinical concepts and simple planning.

Every Monday for 4 weeks, I dedicated 2-3 hours to discussing dosimetry concepts,
demonstrating simple planning techniques, and answering student questions. I worked with
clinical advisors to design a custom checklist for the incoming student. Concepts covered
included: machine energies, dMax, eclipse testing patients, DVHs, OAR constraints, DPV and
ICRU points, second check programs, single field, parallel opposed fields, heterogeneity
corrections, spine, pelvis, breast, whole brain, and lung planning.

The activity benefitted the incoming intern by familiarizing her with the programs,
software, and techniques used every day in our department. It also enhanced my own clinical
experience by instilling confidence in my teaching abilities and reviewing important dosimetric
concepts. My goal is to make this volunteer opportunity available each clinical year to promote
collaboration toward student learning.

I am grateful for the opportunity to volunteer as a senior student mentor in my

department. This was a unique and rewarding experience which promoted departmental learning
and sharing of skills. As a result, I have gained new leadership skills and a sense of responsibility
for the well-being and education of future medical dosimetry students.

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