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Author’s Background
Name : Max Fatchen
Born : Australia (1920 –
Job : Journalist
Author’s Background
1. Member of the Order of Australia,1980
2. Advance Australia Award ,1991
3. Walkley Award,1996
4. SA Great Award,1999
5. Centenary of Federation Medal,2003
1. Persona : A mother.
2. Tone : Bewildered
3. Irony : In general, a
mother should happy
when her child behave.
However, in this poem
bewildered by it.
At home.
Language structure
1. Repetition
 Now why…..and why
 Your face….your clothes….
2. Question mark
 Repeated 7 times in the poem
 Indicate the degree and continuity of the
mother bewilderment.
 The sudden kiss
 Clean face
 Struck by lightning
 Loving and darling child
 Doing some little jobs
 Neat clothes
 Save luncheon money
 No shouting
 No childish behaviour
Bewildered mood
Figures of speech
Today, you are lamb, love,
Where yesterday a rebel
But surely you’re some
1. Rhythm
 Now why, and why…?
 No dropping….., no shrieking….
 Now were you…., or were you….
2. Alliteration
 Your clothes without a crease
 Will wonders never cease?
 Come closer, let me look,
3. Rhyme (end rhyme)
 Kiss-this
 Crease-cease
 Treble-rebel
Language & style
 Free verse
 No regular rhythm
 No rhyme with fixed forms.
Moral values
 Be ready to face consequences.
 Be true to yourself.
 Recognise teenage behaviour.
 Practice two-way communication.
 Do things sincerely.
 Be good to parents.
 Be diligent to manage personal hygiene.
 Admit your weaknesses boldly.
1. Parents’ responsibility
 Parents play the role of boundaries
2. Creativity has no boundaries
 Parents should always provide support
and guidance to their child.
3. Honesty
 Speak from your heart and tell the truth.

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