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Makenna Tavis

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 iCourse
November 13, 2019

My Experience in EDT 180

When learned that I had to take a technology class as a required source for my major, I felt

anxious and apprehensive. Technology has never been a strong skill of mine and knew that this

course was going to be challenging and tough. However, my experience in EDT 180 has

surprised myself of my abilities and skills in technology. Before taking this class, I didn’t know

how to use something as simple as Google Docs. After finishing all the modules in this class, I

can say I am confident in editing pictures, coding, screencasting, and more.

I began this class by first reading the syllabus. Looking back, I can say that I am skilled and

experienced in the goals and objectives listed in the syllabus. More specifically, I am especially

skilled with creating a web based personal portfolio that displays what I have learned in EDT

180. Throughout the semester, we were required to create a portfolio on Weebly. I thought this

experience was actually very purposeful and I was grateful to have it throughout the semester

and for the future. The portfolio allowed me to have all my projects in one place which made

referring back to assignments easy and helpful. I am also grateful to have it for future reference

in other classes and jobs.

Another objective and goal I achieved is being able to use things like email, word processing,

spreadsheet, presentation, web page development, internet search strategies, and Canvas course

management system at an intermediate level. I did have some experience in the past with using

these things, but I have learned things in this class that I never knew were possible. In the

beginning of the course we did a module in making a presentation about social media. I added

Makenna Tavis
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 iCourse
November 13, 2019

things to my presentation like music, animations, text, transitions. I never knew the extent to

what these things could do, and it has changed my entire mind about making presentations, using

Excel, and even doing the simple task of searching something off of the Internet.

Another goal that I feel I have accomplished is being confident in using Google based

applications. I have always used Microsoft Office applications in the past but learning how to use

Google based accounts like Google Docs, Slides, and more, have really opened my eyes to the

possibilities of technologies I never used before. Now that I am confident in using these

applications, I can apply it to my schoolwork and explain the benefits to my future students.

I experienced a “light bulb” moment when I was coding for one module. I found this module to

be the most difficult and challenging but after taking each process step by step, I was able to

understand how coding works and why we code. I felt confident enough to even make my own

game with my own coding. I never thought I would be able to do something like code and I was

finally able to see my growth in the class. This class is a necessity for every college student.

When you know how to use technology, you are able to create the impossible. Technology

should be viewed as a tool that can help anyone create, learn, build, and explore and after taking

EDT 180, I am eager to apply the skills I have acquired throughout the semester.

Word Count: 564


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