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Interview Questions :

*1. What are Constraints ?

*2. What if the column holds values 1,2,4,5 and an check constraints to be altered
in the table?
*3. Truncate vs Delete ?
*4. Inner Joins with Null columns ?
*5. Left Outer Join with Null Columns ?
6. Exception Handling in PL/SQl ?
7. User Exception and mapping it with defined Exceptions -EXCEPTION_INIT
8. What are Bind Variables ?
*9. What are Agreate function and Analytical funcations, and there differences ?
10. Hard parsing and Soft Parsing ?
11. Performance tuning ?
*12. What are hash joins and nested joins ?
*13. Indexes ? and Types of Indexes
*14. Bitmap vs b* tree ?
15. Explain Plan ?
16. Difference between 10g, 11g, & 12c ?
17. Cursor Sharing ?
18. DB Buffer (SGA-Architecture) ?
19. Cursors ?
20. Ref Cursors ?
21. Whats are Collections ?
*22. SubQuery and Co-rlated queries ?
23. High Water mark and Low Water Mark ?
24. Deterministic functions ?
*25. Analytical functions and Aggregate functions ?
26. parameterized Views ?
27. Synonyms and uses ?
28. External Tables ?
29. Index created with primary key in the table by default ?
*30. NVL vs NVL2 vs NULLIF vs COALESCE ?
31. Primary Key and foreign key relationship ? Parent-child tables deletion ?
*32. Rank, Dense_Rank, Row_number ?
*33. Difference Procedure, function, packages, triggers, etc. ?
34. What are Locks ? Types of Lock -- Implicit and Explicit (Mutual, Shared,
Exclusive) ?
35. Difference b/w Replace vs translate ?
36. Record ?
37. Rownum and Row_number() ?
38. Functions can have DML operations or not ?
40. DBMS packages - dbms_pipe, dbms_alert and dbms_profile
41. Which is better package or procedure with different stored procedure.
Performance wise?
42. How to find duplicate rows ? How to delete duplicate rows from the table?
43. DML ?
44. Record datatype can hold constant ?
46. Cursor variable can be called from a procedure from a package ?
47. Different type of triggers and used ?
48. How to identify sql statement that breaks during execution of a plsql program ?
49. Partitions ?
50. Find the nth highest salary from a table ?
51. Mutation Error and how we remove this ?
52. Triggers and trigger types ?
53. What are views ? What are Materialized Views ?
54. What will happens if we truncate table with foriegn key constraint ?
*55. What is cardinality ?
56. Diff b/w substr vs instr ?
57. How to find nth occurence of a string ?
58. How to count the number of occurence of a word/character in a string ?
regexp_count(string, pattern[,)

Unix Quetions :
1. How to transfer 1TB of file from one server to another ?
2. SCP command has limitations ?

ODI Questions :
1. What are logical schema in ODI ? Logical Structure to load and transform the
data from data servers (phy schema ) via Data servers
2. Why are logical schema are used over physical technology in ODI ?
3. What are KM's/ Knowledge Modules ?
4. What all KM's being used ?
5. Diff b/w IKM oracle increamental vs oracle merge ?
6. How will you remove duplicate rows in ODI ?
7. What are the options in IKM ?
8. Can we refresh a variable in load plan ?
9. Why to use load plans instead of ODI Packages ?
11. Difference between Loadplan and Packages ?
12. What are Agents ? Type of Agents in ODI ?
13. Difference between ODI 10g vs 11g ?
14. What are Repositories in ODI ? How many types of Repositories ?
15. Distinct rows to target ?
16. Exception handling via Load plan ? Exception Step to be added in Loadplan
17. Can a scenario of Interface or odi procedure be made ? yes
18. SCD ? SCD Types ?
19. ODI 12c ?
20. Working in KM's ?
21. What is context used for ?
22. How would you design ODI to write errorsome rows into table other than E$ ? ODI
12c provides multiple target data store in a Interface using spilt component
23. What all errors you have have faced while working in ODI ?

General Questions :
1. Tell me about yourself ?
2. Roles and resposibilities ?
3. What task have you accomplished ?
4. What is your exception from us ?
5. What do you know about the orgination ?
6. What is the CTC excepted ?
7. Why are you looking for a change ?

General Question I can ask :

1. Current role in the origanition.
2. What are future prospects of the current role
3. Where I could reach from the current role
4. How flexible is the role change in the origanisation
5. My goals I am looking for -- moving to Big Data/Data Science

FinnOne Questions :
1. What is a Credit manager ?
2. Different type of rescheduling ?
3. EOD/BOD processes and there sequence of execution ?
4. Underwriting termonolgy stands for ?
5. What are Accurals ?
6. CAS tables ?
7. Collections tables ?

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