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The Stepmother visited The King Banished Ravana made a golden deer so that Sita would

Sita is so beautiful I
the King, Rama and Sita will trick her to be ask Rama to catch it for her
my wife.

Banish Rama for

14 years.
There was once a prince named
Rama, who lived with his father, Rama, please
the King and his step mother catch that
and step brother. He was deer.
This Demon had 10
married to the princess Sita

While Rama was hunting for the fawn, Ravana Rama

kidnapped Sita, taking her to the Island Lanka and his
Grab my hand
for Sita
ahhh They
asked for RAMA and
the help

Hanuman, the monkey king can
fly and spots Sita and rescues her SITA
There was a great battle between
Hanuman’s monkey army and
Ravana’s Demon army. It looked
like Ravana would win, but Rama
used a bow and arrow borrowed
from the Gods and killed him

Rama and Sita returned to the kingdom at night and Rama became
so the people lit candles throughout the city to guide King and ruled
them home. These lights are called Divas and are still his Father’s
used today to symbolise this story Kingdom

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