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Bureau of Internal Revenue

October 12, 2019 REFLECTION

Employee orientation is the process of introducing new hires to their jobs, co-
workers, responsibilities, and workplace. It allows employees the chance to feel
comfortable within their new teams, departments, and roles within the company.
Effective employee orientation answers any questions or concerns a new colleague
may have, makes them aware of company policies and expectations, and eases them
comfortably into their new positions.
Orientation officially begins the relationship between employee and employer.
A smooth transition into a new role benefits both new employees and their new
managers and colleagues. By clearly communicating expectations and responsibilities
to a new employee, they can start being productive quickly. This will also reduce new
employee turnover due to misunderstood and unmet expectations. Additionally, a
clear policy for employee orientation will ensure that all new team members receive
the same training and information.
In the bureau we call it Personnel Orientation Course (POC). All newly hired
personnel under a regular/permanent position must undergo this activity. It is still
fresh from my memory since I was only employed last January 2018 and I was one of
the participants of the said orientation. There were a lot of activities that could help
us as new recruits to know about our employer and at the same time the employer
could take a glimpse on who among the participants have potential in different field
of works. Talents that were hidden were uncovered; skills that were not known were
also discovered. For me, the activity was really helpful to me and I know for all of us.
Bureau of Internal Revenue

October 12, 2019 REFLECTION

Employee training and development presents an opportunity for businesses and

organizations to increase the employee knowledge base, inculcate important skills,
and help them perform well on the job. However, a lot of employers today think
employee training and development is too costly with a low return on investment and
causing a delay in work completion and failure to meet deadlines.
The biggest misconception about employee training and development is that
only trainers need to understand how employees learn. Managers and supervisors are
the ones who analyze employee performance and this is one way they can increase
productivity. They must have deeper insight like how their team members learn, what
kind of skills they require for performing well, and which areas require improvement.
However, in reality, sometimes bosses fail to look the employees’ side. This is
very rampant in our office especially that most of the employees are front liners and
caters taxpayers of different types, with different needs and different personalities
who also handles things differently. It is the welfare of the clients that the bosses are
most concern of but sometimes at the expense of the employees. Bosses tend to make
decisions without considering the employees’ side. This may also hinder the growth
and development of the employee as a person and as a professional.
I believe that, it is equally important for managers, supervisors, line managers,
and team leaders to know how their team members learn in order to closed the gap
between the two.
Bureau of Internal Revenue

October 12, 2019 REFLECTION

Training is essential because technology is developing continuously and at a

fast rate. Systems and practices get outdated soon due to new discoveries in
technology, including technical, managerial and behavioral aspects. Organizations that
do not develop mechanisms to catch up with and use the growing technology soon
become stale. However, developing individuals in the organization can contribute to
its effectiveness of the organization.
As the business world is continuously changing and dynamic, organizations will
need to provide to their employee training throughout their careers. If they do not
provide continuous training, they will find it difficult to stay ahead of the competition.
The other benefit of training is that it will keep employees motivated. New skills and
knowledge can help to reduce or minimize boredom. It also demonstrates to the
employee that they are valuable enough for the employer to invest in them and their
Now that Philippines is trying to compete globally, even in the bureau,
employees are trying their best to compete also with the help of the management by
providing trainings in order to equipped the employees with the right knowledge and
skills. This way, we could improve our services to the tax paying public and at the
same time could also help in career development. But I think there are still lots of
trainings that should be given to us especially to the front-line services not only
training on technical aspects of work but also the emotional and mental aspect. This
way, it would also help front liners improve on how to handle taxpayers who are hard
to handle.

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