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Evaluating Functions from Graphs & Word Problems

Name ____________________________________________________ Date __________________________ Period ____

Use the graph of each function provided to find the indicated values.
9. Denise decides to study abroad in France. She has to exchange her dollars for Euros. The
following function describes the exchange rate between dollar and Euros. f(𝑑) = 0.75𝑑

Find f(200).

What does this mean in words?

10.The profit from selling s number of t-shirts is described by the following function: p(𝑠) = 8𝑠
− 500

Find p(70).

What does this mean in words?

11.The value of a car is given by the following function: v(𝑡) = 20000(. 90)𝑡

Find v(1)=

What does this mean in words?

12.Daniel’s income for the fall semester is described by the following function: f(ℎ) = 1000 + 9ℎ

Find f(320)

What does this mean in words?

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