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Earth Science
1. Where does the first motion of earthquake occur?
a. Fault
b. Epicenter
c. Focus
d. Locus
2. Most volcanoes occur ____________.
a. Along convergent boundaries
b. Far from tectonic plate boundaries
c. Along divergent boundaries
d. It occurs randomly
3. How much of an increase in wave amplitude is seen from an
earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Ritcher scale compared to
measuring 4.4?
a. 2 times
b. 10 times
c. 20 times
d. 100 times
4. The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis was called?
a. Panthalassa
b. Pangaea
c. Mesosaurus
d. Africa
5. What was the main reason Wegener’s Continental Drift Hypothesis
was rejected?
a. He was not well liked by other scientists
b. He could not provide a mechanism for the movement of the
c. He could not provide a mechanism for the movement of the
d. His evidence was incorrect
6. According to the theory of plate tectonics ________.
a. The asthenosphere is divided into plates
b. The lithosphere is divided into plates
c. The asthenosphere moves over the lithosphere
d. The asthenosphere is strong and rigid
7. What kind of plate boundary occurs where two plates grind past
each other without destroying or producing lithosphere?
a. Divergent boundary
b. Transitional boundary
c. Covergent boundary
d. Transform fault boundary
8. A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a _____?
a. Rift valley
b. Ridge
c. Volanic island arc
d. Subduction zone
9. What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together,
causing one plate descend into the mantle beneath the other plate?
a. transform fault boundary
b. convergent boundary
c. divergent boundary
d. transitional boundary
10. Which of the following is a geographic example of a transform
fault boundary?
a. East African Rift valley
b. San Andreas Fault
c. Mid-Atlantic Ridge
d. Andes Mountains
11. Which of the following is not a physical property of a mineral?
a. Crystal
b. Hardness
c. Streak
d. Cluster

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