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Name: ______________________________________________ Grade and Section: _____

Direction: Read and answer the following questions. Write your in answer in a 1 whole sheet
of paper.

1. The crust and upper mantle make up __________________.

a. Asthenosphere c. continents
b. Core d. lithosphere
2. A vibration of earth due to the rapid release of energy is ____________.
a. Volcanic eruption c. earthquake
b. Tsunami d. mountain building
3. What is the outermost layer of the Earth?
a. Crust c. inner core
b. Mantle d. outer core
4. A landmass that projects well above its surroundings is a mountain. What do you call a
chain of mountains?
a. Mountain area c. mountain range
b. Mountain chain d. mountainous
5. If an earthquake begins while you are in a building, the safest thing for you to do is ____.
a. Call home
b. Duck near a wall
c. Get under the strongest table, chair, or other pieces of furniture
d. Lie flat on the floor and cover your head with your hands
6. All these are wise practices during an earthquake EXCEPT _______.
a. Cover your head c. duck under the table
b. Park your car d. run to a tall tree
7. It is one of the most geologically active areas on Earth and a site for frequent
earthquakes and powerful volcanic eruptions.
a. Ring of fire c. island
b. Arctic region d. plate
8. This type of crust is thicker but less dense.
a. Continental c. lithosphere
b. Oceanic d. none of the above
9. Which theory states that the entire crust is broken and continuously moving?
a. Continental drift c. Plate tectonics
b. Sea floor spreading d. titanic theory
10. The liquid rock below the Earth’s surface
a. Lava c. continents
b. Core d. lithosphere
11. Two plates spread or move apart at what boundary?
a. divergent
b. Convergent
c. Transform fault
d. None of the above

12. Two plates slide past each other what boundary?

a. divergent
b. Convergent
c. Transform fault
d. None of the above
13. A divergent boundary on land creates what feature?
a. Mid Ocean Ridge c. rift valley
b. Subduction zone d. Deep Ocean Trench
14. What is the only event associated with ALL plate boundaries?
a. Volcanoes c. Earthquakes
b. Subduction d. Deep Trenches
15. If an earthquake occur at the bottom of the ocean floor what could form as a result? The
Japanese term for “Harbor wave”
a. Volcano c. Tsunami
b. Tidal wave d. Hurricane
16. The only type of crust that will subduct if two plates converge is ________.
a. Oceanic b. Continental
17. The Great Rift Valley in Africa and the Mid-Ocean Ridge were all created by this
a. Divergent c. Reform
b. Convergent d. transform
18. A subduction zone is formed ___________.
a. When one tectonic plate sinks below another
b. At every type of divergent plate boundary
c. At every type of convergent plate boundary
d. At transform boundary
19. What two geologic features occur near every subduction?
a. Volcanoes and Trenches
b. Rift valleys and Mid Ocean Ridges
c. Volcanoes and Rift Valleys
d. d. Mid Ocean Ridges and Trenche

20. Two plates come together or collide at what boundary?

a. Convergent c. transform fault
b. Divergent d. none of the above

21. New oceanic crust (sea floor) is created at this boundary

a. Divergent
b. Convergent
c. Transform fault

22. The process where oceanic crust slides under another plate and is melted is called
a. Seafloor spreading c. Continental drift
b. Subduction d. recycling
23. A divergent boundary in the ocean creates what feature?
a. Mid Ocean ridge c. Rift valley
b. Deep Ocean Trench d. Subduction zone
24. When two continental plate converge (collide) what type of crustal feature is formed?
a. Mid Ocean Ridge c. Subduction zone
b. Rift valley d. Mountains
25. Aside from Earthquakes, what is the only thing you will find at transform boundaries?
a. Volcanoes b. Mountains c. subduction zone d. Fault lines

26. What type of plate boundary is this?

a. convergent
b. Divergent
c. Transform fault
d. None of the above

27. What do you call the rigid sections of the lithosphere that moves as a unit?
a. Continents c. plates
b. Crust d. boundaries

28. Which ocean has the ring of volcanoes around it?

a. Atlantic b. Indian c. Pacific d. Arctic

29. It is one of the most geologically active areas on Earth and site for frequent earthquakes
and powerful volcanic eruptions.
a. Ring of fire c. plate
b. Arctic region d. island

30. Which theory states that the entire crust is continuously moving?
a. Continental drift c. Sea floor spreading
b. Plate tectonics d. Titanic theory
31. What do you expect to find parallel to a trench?
a. Hot spot b. ocean ridge c. rift valley d. volcanic arc

32. You were asked to locate the epicenter of a recent earthquake. Which correct sequence
of events should you follow?
i. Determine the difference in the arrival time of S and P waves recorded from
each of the seismological stations.
ii. Use the triangulation method to locate the center.
iii. Obtain data from three different seismological stations.
iv. Determine the distance of the epicenter from the station.
a. i, iii, ii, iv c. iii, iv, i, ii
b. iii, i, iv, ii d. iv, ii, i, iii
33. Right in the middle of an island, you can find a rift valley. What type of plate boundary
exists on that island?
a. convergent b. divergent c. normal fault d. transform fau

For numbers 34-35 refer to the figure above.

34. Plates A and B shows a divergent boundary. If plate C is adjacent to both plates and
does not show any relative motion, what type of plate boundary is present between A
and C?_
a. Convergent b. divergent c. transform-fault

35. What geologic event is most likely to happen at the given type of plate boundary in
number 4?
a. Earthquake b. mountain c. rift valley d. volcanic eruption

36. Where do most earthquakes and volcanoes happen?

a. Mid ocean ridges c. Plate boundaries
b. In the mantle d. Rift valley

37. This landform can occur at a divergent plate boundary

a. Ocean trench c. mid ocean ridge
b. Tall mountains d. transform fault

38. The deepest part of the ocean.

a. Ocean b. Trench c. valley d. fault

39. Crust is destroyed at which type of plate boundary?

a. Divergent b. convergent c. continental islands arc d. transform fault

40. What is the minimum number of seismic stations needed to determine the location of an
earthquake’s epicenter?
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Fifty

Matching Type:
Match column A with columns B and C
Type of Plate Boundary Relative Motion of the Plates Geologic Features/Events
41. Divergent a. Moving away from d.Earthquakes
each other
42. Convergent b. Moving towards each e. Mountains,
other volcanoes,
trenches, and
43. Transform fault c. Sliding past each f. Rift valleys,
other oceanic ridges,
and Earthquakes

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