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We are a school that offers society an These are some of our

educational proposal that has as its objective extracurricular activities
the integral formation of the student
(personal, social and transcendent) and an Dance: both cultural and ballet
adequate academic formation from Infant to
Arts and recreation:
Baccalaureate, according to the values, from
the co-responsibility of the Educational Skating:
Team and with the collaboration of their
families. Swimming:

Puppets and theater


Extracurricular activities and quality school
services. We manage services for schools,
Ampas, associations or companies and
communities that need professional services
that truly fit their needs.

We have great experience in the organization

and management of both extracurricular
activities and all kinds of school services.
Great experience in sports, cultural,
educational and recreational activities, at
the same time that we organize and manage
urban camps, end-of-year trips, school trips,
toy libraries, active breakfasts ...

We also offer professionals from the sector

prepared and experienced for school trips,
dining and catering services or corporate
events, as we are also an official official
Leisure and Leisure School.

Nombre o logotipo
de la organización
Arts and recreation:
"Education helps the
person learn to be
what he is capable of
Hesiod, poet of Ancient Greece.

Dance: both cultural and skating and swimming


theater and puppet


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