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Journal of Psychopharmacology 15(3) (2001) 195–198

©2001 British Association for Psychopharmacology (ISSN 0269-8811)

SAGE Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi
0269–8811[200109]15:1;195–198; 018900

Serotonergic involvement in the psychosocial dimension of personality

Wai S. Tse and Alyson J. Bond
Section of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, UK.

Neurotransmitter systems have been associated with aspects of personality and changes in various
dimensions have been shown after antidepressant treatment. A reduction in harm avoidance and an
increase in self-directedness and cooperativeness, as measured by the Cloninger’s Temperament and
Character Inventory (TCI), have been reported in psychiatric patients receiving treatment with serotonergic
antidepressants. However, some of these changes have been associated with clinical improvement. The
present study therefore used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design to examine the role of
the serotonergic system on these personality factors in the normal population. Twenty healthy male
volunteers were randomly allocated to either placebo (n = 9) or citalopram treatment (n = 11) for 2 weeks.
Baseline depression and anxiety scores were low and did not differ between groups. The TCI was
administered pre- and post-treatment. There were no baseline differences on any TCI factor between
groups. Citalopram induced a significant increase in self-directedness (p < 0.05) but not cooperativeness or
harm avoidance ratings after treatment. Thus, citalopram has effects on personality aspects which appear to
be separate from its antidepressant properties.
Key words: antidepressant; personality; serotonin

Introduction (SSRIs). The temperament factors have also been found to be

predictive of treatment outcome (Joyce et al., 1994). Patients with
Cloninger (1987) proposed a 3-factor psychobiological model of major depressive disorder (MDD) who were high on both HA and
temperament. He suggested that there were three temperament RD, had a favourable response to treatment with either
factors; novelty seeking (NS), harm avoidance (HA) and reward clomipramine or desipramine. Temperament explained more of the
dependence (RD), which were independently heritable and variance (up to 50%) than any of the clinical variables. Positive
strongly influenced by different neurotransmitter systems, such as effects have also been found on the Karolinska Scales of
the dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenalinergic systems, Personality after SSRI treatment (Ekselius and von Knorring,
respectively. Subsequently, the number of temperament factors was 1999). Patients with MDD were found to show effects representing
amended to four based on the factor analysis approach (Cloninger ‘normalization’ on the scales after 24 weeks treatment.
et al., 1993). The original RD was split into two factors named In contrast to the prediction by Cloninger et al. (1993), some
reward dependence (RD) and persistency (P). Cloninger et al. studies have found that antidepressant treatment can also affect the
(1993) also proposed three character factors; self-directedness (S- character factors of the TCI, especially the S-DIR and C factors.
DIR), cooperativeness (C), and self-transcendence (S-TRANS), For example, Allgulander et al. (1998) reported that increases in S-
which they claimed were more likely to be shaped by DIR and C scores were found after paroxetine treatment in patients
developmental processes than by neurobiological factors. Thus, it suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Similar results were
was predicted that the temperament factors were more likely to be found in patients with unipolar depression who received treatment
changed by pharmacological treatment and the character factors by with either an SSRI or psychotherapy (Black and Sheline, 1997;
psychological intervention. Richter et al., 2000). These findings seem to be inconsistent with
Consistent with the hypothesis, changes in temperament factors, Cloninger’s proposal that neurobiological factors are less
especially a reduction in the HA factor, have been consistently influential on the character dimensions. The aforementioned
observed in psychiatric patients receiving long-term treatment, studies were all conducted in clinical populations. It is possible
especially that targeting the serotonergic system. For example, that, because depressed patients are reported to have higher HA
Hellerstein et al. (2000) reported that the HA scores of dysthymic scores and lower S-DIR and C scores generally (Hansenne et al.,
patients were reduced after 12 weeks treatment with sertraline or 1999; Richter et al., 2000), these factors might be related to illness
imipramine compared to baseline. Chien and Dunner (1996) also as well as trait factors and therefore might be responsive to
found HA scores to be reduced in patients with major depression antidepressant treatment. On the other hand, the S-DIR and C
after treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors factors in normal individuals would be more stable and not be

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Table 1 Mean (SD) baseline depression and anxiety scores and age of the two groups
Placebo (n = 9) Citalopram (n = 11)

Beck Depression Inventory Total score 9.11 (7.44) 4.09 (4.04)

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Trait total score 43.22 (16.17) 35.64 (7.89)
Age 27.56 (4.80) 26.09 (4.09)

expected to change. However, although not using the TCI, Knutson Personality was assessed by a short version of the Temperament
et al. (1998) reported that in a 4-week trial of paroxetine in healthy and Character Inventory (TCI-125: Cloninger et al., 1994).
volunteers, an increase in cooperative behaviour was shown after
one week. Thus, it is possible that serotonin manipulation could Statistical analysis
also induce these character changes in normal healthy volunteers. Descriptive statistics are listed as mean ± SD. Differences between
The current study was designed to investigate the role of the groups at baseline were analysed by Student’s t-test for
serotonergic system on the character factors of S-DIR and C in independent samples. Treatment effects on personality were
healthy controls by the administration of 2 weeks treatment with analysed by repeated measures ANOVA which was performed on
citalopram or placebo in a randomized, double-blind study. each of the seven factors of the TCI. If a factor–treatment
Citalopram was chosen as the most selective of the SSRIs currently interaction was observed, Student’s t-test for paired samples was
available, with minimal effects on other neurotransmitters performed within the two treatment groups. In addition, an
compared to paroxetine (Hyttel, 1994). Two weeks administration ANCOVA to control for scores at baseline was computed between
time was chosen as being ethically and practically acceptable to the two treatment groups (Table 1).
healthy volunteers and a time when downregulation, which may be
critical for clinical effects, has occurred (Stassen and Hell, 1998).

Materials and methods None of the subjects reported any drinking problems. They were
social drinkers who drank, on average, 3–4 drinks, 2–4 times a
Subjects week. There were no differences in drinking patterns between
Male volunteers, aged 18–60 years, were recruited from the groups. None of the subjects were heavy smokers. Fifty percent
Camberwell area of London, UK, by advertisement. Exclusion smoked and consumed less than 5 cigarettes a day. The age and
criteria were any current diagnosis or history of DSM-IV baseline scores of the volunteers on the BDI and STAI are shown
psychiatric disorder, current use of prescribed or illicit drugs and in Table 1. There were no significant differences between the two
current physical illness. At recruitment, they were asked about groups on these measures. One of the nine volunteers in the
smoking and drinking habits. The study was approved by the placebo group showed moderate depression on the BDI
Institutional Ethics Committee. All participants gave their written (score = 23). A separate statistical analysis was therefore
informed consent. performed excluding this volunteer but this did not alter the results.
The pre- and post- treatment scores for the TCI are shown in Table
Design 2. There were no significant differences between groups at baseline
The present study was a double-blind, randomized, placebo- (pre-treatment).
controlled trial. Participants were randomly allocated to daily Repeated measures ANOVA showed that only the S-DIR and
treatment with either citalopram 20 mg (n = 11) or matching the C factors indicated significant factor–treatment interactions
placebo tablets (n = 9). They were tested on two separate [F(1,18) = 4.59, p = 0.046; F(1,18) = 5.40, p = 0.032,
occasions, pre- and 2 weeks post-treatment. respectively]. A subsequent t-test for paired samples revealed that
the citalopram treated group showed a significant increase in S-
Procedures DIR scores by 2.55 [t(10) = –4.29, p = 0.025, Fig. 1]. However,
On the first day of the experiment, volunteers filled in a set of citalopram treatment did not induce significant changes in the C
questionnaires to measure their baseline mood and personality. factor scores [t(10) = –1.55, p = 0.152, Fig. 2]. The placebo group
Subsequently, they were given a pack of tablets and were asked to did not show any significant changes on either the S-DIR or the C
take one per day. To minimize side-effects, they were asked to take factor scores. A significant difference between treatments for the S-
the tablet in the evening for the first week and then, after a DIR factor [F(1,17) = 6.07, p = 0.025] was also shown on the
monitoring phonecall, were asked to take it in the morning for the ANCOVA.
second week. They were advised not to drink alcohol or take any
medication for the period of the study. On the last day of the
experiment, the volunteers returned to the laboratory to fill in the
personality questionnaire again.
An increase in S-DIR scores was found after 2 weeks citalopram
Measures treatment in healthy male volunteers. This is consistent with
Depression and anxiety were assessed with the Beck Depression previous research examining the effects of SSRIs on personality
Inventory (BDI; Beck and Steer, 1987) and the trait version of the factors in psychiatric populations (Black and Sheline, 1997;
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger et al., 1970). Allgulander et al., 1998; Richter et al., 2000). It could be argued

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Table 2 Mean (SD) scores on the seven factors of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) before and after treatment for the two
Placebo (n = 9) Citalopram (n = 11)
TCI factor Baseline Post-treatment Baseline Post-treatment

Novelty seeking 13.22 (2.49) 13.44 (2.70) 12.36 (4.82) 12.73 (3.69)
Harm avoidance 6.33 (7.09) 5.89 (5.21) 7.09 (4.70) 7.18 (4.83)
Reward dependence 9.33 (2.50) 8.78 (2.77) 9.00 (2.41) 9.27 (2.94)
Persistency 2.67 (1.66) 3.11 (1.27) 3.27 (1.68) 3.36 (1.43)
Self-directedness 15.44 (6.86) 16.00 (7.14) 16.82 (5.49) 19.36 (4.06)
Cooperativeness 20.22 (3.67) 19.33 (4.24) 20.55 (4.48) 21.27 (4.63)
Self-transcendence 5.44 (3.13) 4.44 (3.61) 5.45 (4.78) 5.00 (5.00)

that the increase in the S-DIR scores was attributable to changes in that low HA baseline scores would be expected in our non-clinical
depression or anxiety after the treatment. Although such changes population. In fact, the HA scores for our sample (see Table 2)
were not measured, this explanation seems unlikely, as the baseline were much lower than those reported (means = 13.5 and 11.0 pre-
scores were already low, leaving little room for improvement. In and post-treatment) for a depressed sample (Black and Sheline,
fact, the placebo group showed higher, but non-significant, levels 1997) making a reduction in scores after citalopram less likely to
of depression and anxiety than the citalopram group. A significant be observed. However, further studies with larger sample sizes are
reduction in HA has been consistently reported to correlate with the needed to confirm this finding and avoid type II errors.
change in depressive symptoms after effective antidepressant How the serotonergic system might influence S-DIR behaviour
treatment (Kleified et al., 1994; Chien and Dunner, 1996). This is uncertain. Cloninger et al. (1993) suggested that the S-DIR
reduction could be an indicator for possible improvement in factor contained five subfactors, namely, responsibility versus
depressive or anxiety symptoms. In the present study, no blaming, purposefulness versus lack of goal direction,
significant reduction in the HA score was observed in the healthy resourcefulness versus inertia, self-acceptance versus self-striving
male volunteers and, thus, there may have been no major and congruent second nature versus incongruent habits. In the
improvement in mood. The increase in the S-DIR scores might present study, we were not able to find out whether citalopram had
therefore have been directly attributable to citalopram treatment effects equally on all the subfactors or selectively on a few of these
and linked to modulation of the serotonergic system. factors because we used the shortened version of the TCI which
The absence of a reduction in HA is contrary to the results of only yields one general factor of S-DIR.
previous clinical studies (Allgulander, et al., 1998; Hellerstein et In addition, citalopram might exert an effect on the S-DIR
al., 2000; Richter et al., 2000). One explanation for this finding is factor through a third variable. One such variable is positive affect.
Three well established constructs have been shown to be associated
with positive affect; self-efficacy, self-esteem and locus of control

Figure 1 Mean scores and 95% confidence intervals on self-directedness

pre- and after 2 weeks treatment in the placebo (n = 9) and citalopram Figure 2 Mean scores and 95% confidence intervals on cooperativeness
(n = 11) groups. A significant difference was shown between the two pre- and after 2 weeks treatment in the placebo (n = 9) and citalopram
groups post-treatment using ANCOVA. (n = 11) groups.

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(Brown and Mankowski, 1993; Treasure et al., 1996; Henson and Beck A T, Steer R (1987). Manual for the revised Beck Depression
Chang, 1998, respectively) and it has been suggested that these inventory. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX
Black K J, Sheline Y I (1997) Personality disorder scores improve
may also relate to the S-DIR factor (Cloninger et al., 1993). Long- with effective pharmacotherapy of depression. J Affect Dis 43:
term treatment with SSRI antidepressants has been shown to 11–18
induce an increase in positive affect in depressed patients (Barge- Brown J D, Mankowski T A (1993) Self-esteem, mood, and self-
evaluation: changes in mood and the way you see you. J Pers
Schaapveld et al., 1995) but such an increase was not confirmed Soc Psychiatry 64: 421–430
after 4 weeks treatment with paroxetine in normal healthy Chien A J, Dunner D L (1996) The tridimensional personality
volunteers (Knutson et al., 1998). However, the possibility that the questionnaire in depression: state versus trait issues. J
Psychiatr Res 30: 21–27
increase in S-DIR scores after 2 weeks of citalopram could be Cloninger C R (1987) A systematic method for clinical description
related to increased positive affect deserves further attention. and classification of personality variants. Arch Gen Psychiatry
Despite the small sample size and the restriction to male 44: 573–588
Cloninger C R, Svrakic D M, Przbeck T R (1993) A psychobiological
volunteers, the current study points to some interesting findings. model of temperament and character. Arch Gen Psychiatry 50:
Future studies with larger sample sizes, or a longer period of 975–990
treatment, may reveal more effects and could investigate the Cloninger, C R, Przybeck, T R, Svrakic D M, Wetzel R D (1994) The
Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI): a guide to its
mechanisms of such changes in personality in healthy volunteers development and use. Center for Psychobiology of Personality,
after SSRIs, and whether they are related to different subfactors of Washington University, St Louis, MO
S-DIR, increased positive affect or self-efficacy. The stability of Ekselius L, von Knorring L (1999) Changes in personality traits
during treatment with sertraline or citalopram. Br J Psychiatry
the induced changes and whether they remit immediately on 174: 444–448
cessation of treatment could also be investigated. Hansenne M, Reggers J, Pinto E, Kjiri K, Ajamier A, Ansseau M
(1999) Temperament and character inventory (TCI) and
depression. J Psychiatr Res 33: 31–36
Hellerstein D J, Kocsis J H, Chapman D, Stewart J W, Harrison W
Acknowledgements (2000) Double-blind comparison of sertraline, imipramine, and
placebo in the treatment of dysthymia: effects on personality.
Am J Psychiatry 157: 1436–1444
The TCI-125 was graciously supplied by Dr Robert Cloninger.
Henson H N, Chang E C (1998) Locus of control and the
fundamental dimensions of moods. Psychol Rep 82: 1335–1338
Hyttel J (1994) Pharmacological characterization of selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 9
Address for correspondence (Suppl. 1): 19–26
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Section of Clinical Psychopharmacology depression. J Affect Disord 30: 35–46
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