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Hour Time Block Strategy
Why use the 10 Hour Time Block Strategy?
When I started blogging, I was severely limited in the time I had to dedicate to blogging
while I ran a home daycare for 50 hours a week. I created and tweaked this strategy and
dedicated myself to blogging 10 hours a week for 12 months.

It wasn’t easy... it was hard. But it worked. By the end of the 12 months, I was making over
$5,000/month blogging. By 18 months, I was consistently making over $20,000/month
from blogging.

I want you to make the same promise that I did. I want you to dedicate yourself to this
strategy for 12 months.

The struggle with blogging is that it takes momentum to get anywhere. You could go
months without making anything, and then 6 months later, be making $5,000/month. If
you give up before you get momentum... then you may never see results.

But you won’t give up... because now you have a solid strategy to implement and follow
and you’ve made the promise to yourself to dedicate yourself to this for a year.

So let's get to work!

What’s included in this strategy...

First, I’ll teach you the 6 basic rules to the 10 Hour Time Block Strategy. Then, I’ll give you the
categories of your time blocks that you’ll work on (and why I chose them).

I’ll walk through the tasks included in each category so you always know what to focus on
and go over the sample schedule (which happens to be the exact schedule that I used)
then step out how to expand to 20 hours a week when you're ready to make blogging
your full time job.

While you can work more than 20 hours/week if you’d like to... I’ve worked a 20 hour/week
schedule for the last year and my business and income continue to grow.

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Rules of the 10 Hour Time Block Strategy:
● Work in 25 Minute Blocks with a minimum of a 5 minute break between blocks.
● Set a timer for each block, don’t “wing it” and assume how much time you’ve spent
● Eliminate distractions during the time block. No cell phone, Facebook, email, or even
   talking to others.
If you have young kids at home with you, work in your time blocks first when
they don’t need you (naps or bedtime), and then start training them to
respect the timer.
The easiest way to do this is to use a physical timer that they can see and
hear the ding. Before your block starts, get on their level and play with them.
When you're ready to start your block, set them up with an activity they love
that they only get to do when the timer is on. (Hint: don't over use it or it loses
it’s effectiveness!) Let them know when the timer goes off that their activity
ends and your work ends. This works well starting at the age of about 2...
before 2, it’s better to plan to blog during naps and bedtime.
● When the timer is on, know exactly what tasks you need to complete for this block and
   race to complete it before the timer goes off.
● Complete your hours during the week consistently. Make up any time blocks you miss
   within the week. This includes sick days, vacation and holidays. If you end up with the flu
   and miss 5 days, then you’ll need to work 5 hours each day on a weekend.
● Let your family know what you're doing. Tell them what this means to you and that this
   time is just as important as a regular job. You’re building a business but your paying for
   it in time instead of money. You’re going to have to fight to have those hours respected
   in those first few months (it gets easier when you start seeing your income rise).

Sample Time Block Schedule:

*This was the exact schedule I used.

2 Blocks Writing
2 Blocks Training

2 Blocks Writing
2 Blocks Training

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2 Blocks Graphic Design
2 Blocks Edit and Schedule

1 Block Link Party
2 Blocks Master Task List

1 Block Link Party
2 Blocks Master Task List

2 Blocks Newsletter

Category Lists
These tasks within a category are prioritized, so complete the top tasks first before
working down.

● Post no more than twice a week on this schedule, and go for quality over
   quantity... one awesome post a week is better than 2 mediocre posts a week.
● Brainstorm blog post ideas
● Brain dump these posts- don't worry about grammar, spelling or format. My goal
   is to write for the entire time block without ever hitting the delete or backspace.
● Write posts for next week.
● Complete sponsored posts (if applicable).

●  Research courses to take using the following order. Look for courses that teach
step by step, that have clearly demonstrated they have the results that you’re
looking for and that are transparent in what works for them.

Email list
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● Complete every step in each training
This will likely take several months. Elite Blog Academy took me 9 months to
complete. Don’t move on until each step has been implemented.
As you complete training blocks, you will read the course and watch videos
and then list action steps to be completed. Then complete each action steps
before moving on to the next steps.
I usually skip audio books or even regular books and opt for courses since
they’re easier for me to identify action steps.
Graphic Design:
● Choose stock photos for posts you’ve already written and design in picmonkey
  (I have a tutorial here).

Edit & Schedule:

● Take posts that have been drafted in writing blocks and edit them for grammar,
   spelling and format.
● Then schedule them in wordpress (I have a video tutorial of that here).

Link Parties:
● Until you get enough traffic from social media, link parties are a solid way to grow
   traffic and following. I did them until I was getting more than 100k pageviews a
   month. While these have a full block scheduled, the parties actually only take
   about 10 minutes to complete. I only did about 4 parties that consistently gave me

Master Task List:

● Complete any tasks that need to be done that don't fit into other categories.
● Create a revolving list of master tasks, and then prioritize based on the impact
   each task would have as you add things. **If you don't prioritize tasks as you add
   them, then this will lose efficiency!**
● While master tasks can be anything, mine were often one of three categories...
Urgent emails
A/b testing
Mastermind sessions

● Write a personal email to your list, staying on topic of your blog and teaching
   them something but also letting them into your life. Letting them see who you are
   and what you stand for. This is the number one most important factor in long term
   success, You’re cultivating a relationship with your readers when you write this
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 Monthly Tasks:
● In addition to weekly tasks, you also have to complete 4 hours a month of monthly
   tasks. I did this on the first day of the month (in addition to my usual 2 hours if it
   was a weekday).

Stats and Income:

● 4 time blocks.
● Add up your income for the month.
● Track your stats for the month. (pageviews, social followers, newsletter subscribers)

● 2 time blocks.
● Think ahead of where you are now to step out a path to where you want to be. This
   is your time to think big picture and make a plan for it.

Business Budget:
● 2 time blocks.
● Track your income and your expenses for the last month and make a plan for next

What’s missing from the categories and why?

There are two notable categories missing from this strategy and it’s not a coincidence
that they are where most new bloggers spend all of their time.

Comments and emails are not included in the strategy and I didn't focus on them as I

While I certainly understand that both of those are important for engaging in your
community, I just didn't have the luxury of the time needed to cultivate that. I built my
community through my email list instead where it was more time efficient.

With a 10 hour a week schedule, you don't have the time needed to answer comments
and every email. I focused on answering urgent emails only and did not focus on blog

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Beyond the 10 hour Time Block.
As your income and business grow, you’ll likely want to transition into blogging as
your main source of income. 10 hours a week is an extremely tight schedule with little
room for error.

If you’re adding hours just to add hours and don’t know what you’ll do to increase
your income or momentum, then stay right where you are at 10 hours.

When you're ready to increase to 20 hours a week, do a similar schedule as above

but include other essential areas:
● urgent emails
● affiliate launches
● social media strategy
● goals (goals will often align with both training and master task... for instance
   if your goal is to double your email list then likely you’re training in a list
   building course, implementing master tasks to grow your list and working on
   that in goals).
Double the writing, editing and newsletter time in order to start working ahead so you
can transition to the much more efficient batch blogging schedule (which I started
when I was earning $20,000/month and made my life so much easier).

Batch blogging requires you to know what you're doing and to have a significant
margin of error, which you don't have when you’re new. Having an assistant also
makes batch blogging easier to transition into.

Likely you won’t be ready to transition to batch blogging for a year or more.

That’s it! Get to work and let me know how it goes!

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About Blogging Cheatsheets:
I started creating blogging cheatsheets because I was so overwhelmed by all of the
information that there was out there on any particular subject. There’s so much
information, that it’s hard to implement anything at all.

Blogging Cheatsheets help you cut through overwhelm and just complete the action
steps needed to have success. As demonstrated by my own growth. Just the info you
need, when you need it... no distractions.

Also available in the Blogging Cheatsheets series...

● The Core Affiliate Strategy

● Date Your List

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Hour Time Block Strategy
Task Date and Time
Block To Complete
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