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Platinum Edition

2019 Edition

2679 Howard Ave. Suite 138
Windsor, ON N8X 3X2, Canada

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From: elisha Tues. 12:45 A.M.

Calvary greetings …

… and congratulations for climbing on board.

This year’s Platinum Edition begins with an 11-day preparatory prayer


… while we wait for all our Eagles to sign up.

The prep prayers are accessible to all members of the 24-Hour Forum,
Singles, Gold, and Diamond Forum whether they will be joining
or not.

(Please do NOT share with anyone except your spouse and adult
children over 18 years old)

A prayer eagle once confessed:

"I must confess your emails have made a bigger impact

over my life since 2013 when I first joined the Prayer
Academy. I had no job but halfway through I got a job.

I grew too powerful spiritually that at one time my wife

started questioning if I am a member of a cult. The
Lord dealt severely with anybody that rose up against me
without even my knowledge.
My word became fire; I would speak, and it would happen."
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I’m not going to mince words here…

You're about to experience the power, elegance and effectiveness

of prophetic words disguised as prayer bullets.

Look around you.

The prophetic word is what you need to deal with the tumult of
the enemy that you see everywhere you turn.

Because without this sharp weapon in your spiritual arsenal,

you’re building your defenses on string, sticks, and mud...

... While the enemy is pouring concrete, using steel beams, and
building satanic skyscrapers against you.

When you acquire this powerful weapon, everyone will take


Like the brother above, some will begin to wonder whether you
are in a cult.

Many years ago, a member of the occult actually asked whether I

belonged in some cult.

He saw something that baffled him.

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Let go to the Scripture to set the context.

Submit yourselves therefore to God...

James 4:7a

5 little words.
You know the prophet Amos.
He was NOT one of the big-name prophets called from the womb
like Jeremiah.
He was just an ordinary shepherd.
Working in the most common of occupation in those days.
There was nothing unique about him at all.
(Just like there’s nothing unique about me or anyone else that
might be reading this).
But there’s something about him that startled me.

One day something

life-changing happened

The LORD spoke to him.

And gave him a word for Judah, Israel and the surrounding
These were dark, bizarre words.
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Now, what startled me was not the word he was given to speak
(other prophets have been saying the same thing, more or less).
What made a lasting impression was the extent to which he had
power with both God and man.
And he wasn’t afraid to put that power on open display when the
situation called for it.
When you get to chapter 7 of his book you see a two-sided prayer

He was a prevailer.
He prevailed with God. He prevailed against his opposition.
Power with God.
Power with man.

Just look at the

prophetic prayers he prayed

Even when the LORD had concluded plans to deal with Israel for
her sins...
... the Prophet did not hesitate to launch out in intercessory

“O Lord GOD, forgive, I pray!

Oh, that Jacob may stand,

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For he is small!”
So the LORD relented concerning this.
“It shall not be,” said the LORD.
- Amos 7:2-3

See the case he made for Israel in prayer?

See the answer?

This is the reason we stress intercessory prayers during our

special programs.

Remember how we prayed for the peace of Jerusalem just a few

weeks ago.

In a program like the upcoming Platinum Edition, you’re trained

and equipped to do it in a targeted, focused manner.

Now, back to Prophet Amos.

Somebody did not like what he was saying.

I’ll leave you to read about how he dealt with the powerful
opposition that came against him (using only the weapon of
sharp prophetic words).

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To give you a quick snippet of where we'll be going...

Luke 17: 20- 21

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the

kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said,
The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither
shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom
of God is within you.

Oh yes, this power is within you.

The power I’m talking about rests on those 5 simple words of

Scripture above ...

... in order to fully manifest in your life.

Mark these 5 words…

It is time for the prophetic power to manifest suddenly in your

So, you too can “occupy till He comes.”

That’s what this year’s Platinum Edition is all about.

The Blueprint will be released shortly.

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As we await the start of the program please get busy with the
prayers and scripture confessions below.

You can get into the Forum early by signing up using this link

Note that the link will disappear in 72 hours. If you use the link
before it expires you’ll be rewarded with a 12 percent discount.

We call it the “Early Eagles’ Discount.”

Lasts only for 72 hours … as a way to reward Eagles who take

ACTION quickly.

Be An Overcomer


P.S. This period of prep prayers is to give you ample opportunity

to …
… sign up, log in and become familiar with the all-new Forum.

This Platinum Edition is about to move us into a whole new


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There’s a reason the prep prayers begin with intercessory prayers
for your nation, followed by prayers to “sanitize” your

It wraps up with prayers for the Church – this sequence is


This year, we’ll be praying Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 prayers exclusively in

the native languages.

It is Native Language Prayers Galore!

The site looks a bit different too.

There are 5 sections:

1. The Forum
2. Prep Prayers
3. Blueprint PDF
4. Weekly Prayers
5. Project 19-10-19

See a snapshot below:

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Once you sign up / log in you will want to immediately go the

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When you click on WEEK 1, the screen looks like above.

Depending on the kind of device you’re using…

… you will see links to the 70+ native languages running on the
left side of the screen (PC) or at the bottom of your page

Click on your native language.

Calling All Our Faithful Translators

From Previous Years

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If the link to your native language takes you to an empty page, it
just means no one has translated into your native language yet.

So, you should take it upon yourself to do the translation, if you’re


Then post your translation for others to benefit from.


If you see that another Eagle has already posted a translation…

… you should NOT post another translation except there were

some things missing – in which case you will post your translation

At most we should have 3 versions posted by 3 different


Nothing more.

Anything posted after VERSIONS 1, 2, 3 will be deleted.

There will be more guidance inside the Forum.

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11-Day Prep Prayers Begin Here

(Please always remember that we are not

praying against human beings at all).

Day 1 – November 1, 2019

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers,

intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings,
and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. – 1 Tim 2:1-2

1. O Lord forgive us for the sins we are committing in my country of birth.

2. LORD please forgive us for the bloodshed in our nation in Jesus’ name.

3. We sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon our nation in Jesus’ name.

4. Father LORD, please have mercy upon our land in Jesus name.

5. LORD please let your judgment and wrath be turned away from our

6. Lord have mercy on our leaders in Jesus name.

7. Every stronghold of idolatry in the land, be consumed by the fire of God

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in Jesus name.

8. O Lord turn the hearts of our leaders towards justice and righteousness.

9. Father please give us and our leaders in this nation the kind of heart
that has the fear of God.

10. O Lord grant unto our leaders the wisdom, courage and divine direction
in the discharge of their duties in Jesus name.

11. Every enemy of justice and peace in our nation, fall down and die in
Jesus name.

12. Every false religion working to destabilize our nation, be scattered unto
desolation in Jesus’ name.

13. Let the altars of false gods in the land be consumed by the fire of divine
judgment in the mighty name of Jesus.

14. Let the blood of Jesus begin to speak mercy unto our nation in Jesus

15. Every enemy of the gospel in this nation be disgraced in Jesus name.

16. We refuse to be enslaved by international finance institutions; slave

chains of debt over our nation be broken to pieces in the mighty name
of Jesus.

17. You this nation of ______ (name of your country) receive deliverance
from satanic domination and control in the mighty name of Jesus.

18. Agents of corruption and wastage occupying leadership positions in our

nation be disgraced and be replaced speedily in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ.

19. O Lord let your glory be revealed upon our nation in Jesus name.

20. LORD, raise up selfless intercessors to stand in the gap for this nation
day and night in Jesus name.

21. Thank you, LORD for answering our prayers

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DAY 2 – November 2, 2019

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below.

The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, Son of man, say to the
prince of Tyrus, Thus said the Lord GOD; Because your heart is lifted up, and
you have said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the middle of the seas;
yet you are a man, and not God, though you set your heart as the heart of

Behold, you are wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from

With your wisdom and with your understanding you have gotten you riches,
and have gotten gold and silver into your treasures:

By your great wisdom and by your traffic have you increased your riches,
and your heart is lifted up because of your riches:

Therefore thus said the Lord GOD; Because you have set your heart as the
heart of God;

Behold, therefore I will bring strangers on you, the terrible of the nations:
and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, and
they shall defile your brightness.

They shall bring you down to the pit, and you shall die the deaths of them
that are slain in the middle of the seas. - Ezek. 28:1-8

1. Agenda of satan, you will not prosper in my environment in Jesus


2. Let every power pushing satanic agenda in this area be disgraced by fire
in Jesus name.

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3. Witchcraft altars receive the judgment of God and fail woefully.

4. Father it is true that the earth is yours and the fullness thereof; arise
and deliver your children out of the mouth of the lion in Jesus name.

5. O God arise and throw the camp of your enemies into panic and
disarray in the mighty name of Jesus.

6. LORD let your burning anger be released like wildfire upon the powers
opposing your agenda in this environment in Jesus name.

7. During this program the outstretched hand of the Lord shall write the
obituary of our stubborn enemies in Jesus name.

8. I reject incomplete victory; my testimonies shall surprise my friends

and shock my enemies in Jesus name.

9. LORD, let me see the dazzling light of your presence in Jesus name.

10. Every spirit of the cemetery assigned against my family, be arrested by

the burning fire of God’s judgment in Jesus name.

11. O Lord visit every area of my life with your fresh fire in Jesus name.

12. Every dragon of debt release me and die now in the mighty name of

13. Affliction shall not rise a second time in my family in Jesus name.

14. Any problem in my life disguised as something else, be exposed, be

disgraced, be terminated in the name of Jesus.

15. O LORD arise, purge me afresh with your fire; use me for your glory in
the name of Jesus.

16. Let the anointing of the Holy Ghost break every yoke of wickedness in
my life in Jesus name.

17. Thank you, Lord for answering my prayers

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Day 3 – November 3, 2019

Scripture Ingredient:
And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD
shall be among them; and they shall lay hold everyone on the hand of his
neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor. - Zech.
Praise and worship

1. O LORD forgive me for living a life of disobedience; help me to submit

myself to you in Jesus name.
2. Blood of Jesus wash me clean of every dark substance used to paint me
in the spirit in the name of Jesus.
3. O Lord revive my dormant divine potentials by fire in Jesus name.

4. My Father, connect me to your creative power in the name of Jesus.

5. I refuse to stumble in the dark; thou power of divine revelation fall upon
me now in Jesus name.

6. Every curse of spiritual blindness upon my life be broken in the name of


7. I shut the gates, doors and portals that the enemy is using to infiltrate my
life in Jesus name.

8. Fire of God, fall and consume every altar of counterfeit religion in my

environment in Jesus name.

9. O LORD, let your angelic hosts blow the shofar of victory for us today in
Jesus name.

10. O LORD, quicken Your word to perform it in my life during this program
in the name of Jesus.

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11. Let the judgment of fire come upon every spirit of sodom operating in my
environment in the name of Jesus.

12. Satanic beasts of the East, you shall not arise, go back to the abyss in the
name of Jesus.

13. O Lord restore your power, authority and unity to the Church in Jesus

14. All my vandalized virtues, receive the creative touch of the Lord in Jesus

15. O LORD use your Church to terminate the reign of ungodly powers and
their human puppets in Jesus name.

16. Let every satanic timetable for my life and family be roasted by the fire of
divine judgment in Jesus name.

17. Let the counterfeit spiritual compass pulling people off course in this
generation be consumed by the fire of divine judgment in Jesus name.

18. Every altar of the beasts of Babylon in this land, we set you on fire in the
name of Jesus.

19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 4 – November 4, 2019

Job 36:11 says:

"If they obey and serve Him,

they will spend their days in
prosperity, and their years in

1. LORD I thank you for what you are about to do in this year’s Platinum

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2. Buried blessings belonging to me, arise locate me now in Jesus name.

3. Every arrow fired into my eyes, get out now in the name of Jesus.

4. Every arrow fired into my mind, get out now in the name of Jesus.

5. Satanic plantations by spirit spouses in the dream, get out now in the
name of Jesus.

6. Every poison inside my body, blood of Jesus, neutralize them in Jesus


7. Anything in my body programmed against my destiny, be evacuated by

fire in Jesus name.

8. Evil trees in my life, hear the word of the Lord, dry up and die now in
the name of Jesus.

9. My blessings in the warehouse of the enemy, I clear you out in the name
of Jesus.

10. Accusations of darkness against my life, die in the name of Jesus.

11. Holy Spirit, please begin to reign in my life in a new way as from today.

12. O Lord, break me and remake me in the name of Jesus.

13. Ancestral Pharaoh, let my family go in the mighty name of Jesus.

14. Every enemy of my promotion and advancement this year, scatter in the
name of Jesus.

15. Any evil wind blowing me out of my divine position, die in the name of
16. Every power anointed to bury my virtues, I command you to die in the
name of Jesus.

17. All my blessings in the warehouse of the enemy, I clear you out in the
name of Jesus.

18. Holy Spirit, ignite my spirit with your fire; let every darkness flee away

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from me in Jesus name.

19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 5 – November 5, 2019

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below (personalizing it where


You shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow
that flies by day; Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for
the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand shall fall at your
side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near
you. Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the
wicked. - Ps 91: 5-8

1. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon my environment now in Jesus name.

2. Witchcraft birds flying against me, crash and burn to ashes in Jesus

3. Evil birds assigned to monitor this community, fall down and die in the
name of Jesus.

4. Coven powers working to hinder my progress, die by fire in the name of


5. Eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, I command you to eat your own
flesh and drink your own blood in the name of Jesus.

6. Diviners and enchanters calling my name for evil, receive madness

according to the word of the Lord in Jesus name.

7. Any satanic committee set up to judge me in the spirit, be scattered by

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the whirlwind of the Lord in Jesus name.

8. Every power assigned to swallow my virtues, vomit them now and

swallow yourself in the name of Jesus.

9. O Lord ignite your holy fire upon the altar of my life in Jesus’ name.

10. Any power touching me for evil be electrocuted in the name of Jesus.

11. Any power cursing my blessings, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

12. Every device and gadget used to monitor my life for evil, catch fire and
burn to ashes.

13. I shall not sow for others to reap; I shall enjoy the fruits of my labors in
Jesus’ name.

14. Every power assigned to eat up my harvest, I bury you today in the
name of Jesus.

15. Blood of Jesus arise in your power and fight for me in the name of

16. Whirlwind of the LORD arise, carry satanic flood of affliction back to
sender in the name of Jesus.

17. I fire back every arrow of untimely death in the name of Jesus.

18. Evil deposits and plantations in my body, come out with all your roots
in the name of Jesus (place one hand on your head, the other on your

19. Thank you, Lord for answering my prayers.

Day 6 – November 6, 2019

1. Let the freedom and light of our Lord begin to flood my mind in Jesus

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2. O Lord, create in me a hunger for your Word in Jesus' name.

3. O Lord, fill me with your Spirit of wisdom in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, fill me with your Spirit of knowledge in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, fill me with your Spirit of understanding in Jesus name.

6. Let any generational curse still affecting my life be broken by the power
in the blood of Jesus.

7. I declare myself free from genetic diseases in the name of Jesus.

8. I declare myself free from inherited affliction in the name of Jesus.

9. I declare myself free from territorial curses in the name of Jesus.

10. I declare myself free from problems transferred into my life from my
family lineage in Jesus' name.

11. I declare myself free from problems transferred into my life from
enemies pretending to be friends in Jesus name.

12. I release my spirit and soul from every satanic arrest in Jesus name.

13. Every power of periodic sickness and problems, be broken from my life
forever in Jesus' mighty name.

14. Any generational problem running in my bloodline be terminated by the

power in the blood of Jesus.

15. Every power with its origin in ancient Babylon pursuing my life, fall
down and die in the name of Jesus.

16. Every power with its origin in ancient Egypt pursuing my life, fall down
and die in the name of Jesus.

17. I jump out of every cage of witchcraft in the mighty name of Jesus
(please demonstrate this as you pray, spend about 5 minutes on this).

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18. This month I repossess all my stolen divine benefits by fire in the name
of Jesus.

19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 7 – November 7, 2019

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below (personalizing it where


Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. - Luke

1. I trample upon every serpent of darkness by the power in the blood of


2. Every goliath serpent blocking my way forward, burn to ashes in the

name of Jesus.

3. Every serpent in my dreams, be swallowed by the serpent of the Lord in

Jesus name.

4. I terminate the assignment of marine serpents against my marriage in

the name of Jesus.

5. Any power assigned as an open sepulchre to swallow the calling of God

upon my life, swallow yourself in Jesus’ name.

6. Every satanic mark of ownership upon my soul, be wiped off by the

blood of Jesus.

7. Serpentine altars of my place of birth, cease from pursuing me and die

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in the name of Jesus.

8. My head reject curses in Jesus’ name.

9. My life reject witchcraft domination and control in Jesus name.

10. Thou power that raised Lazarus from the dead, release my life from
every satanic prison in Jesus’ name.

11. Power to pursue my pursuers fall upon my life in the name of Jesus.

12. Evil words spoken over my life under satanic anointing, be rendered
null and void by the blood of Jesus.

13. Thou star of my destiny, arise and shine in the name of Jesus.

14. Every evil wisdom deployed against my life, turn to foolishness in the
name of Jesus.

15. O LORD please forgive me for a lifetime of disobedience; help me to

submit myself under your mighty hand in Jesus name.

16. Holy Spirit please visit my life with your fresh fire today.

17. Thunder voice of God arise silence any evil noise in my environment in
Jesus name.

18. O Heavens, lift up your sword, kill every spirit husband / wife laying
evil claim upon me in the spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.

19. Thank you, Lord for answering my prayers.

Day 8 – November 8, 2019

1. Begin to say: 'I drink the blood of Jesus' for 5 minutes (go through the
motion as if you're drinking something).

2. Let my blood be purified and be sanctified by the power in the blood of


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3. Let my blood and body organs be purified and sanctified with the fire of
the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.

4. Thank God for His great power to heal and deliver from every form of

5. I command all the organs of my body to align with the Word of God for
my life in Jesus name.

6. I reject every evil edict and ordination against my health in the name of

7. Woe unto the vessels that the enemy is using against me in Jesus name.

8. It is written, "touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm." I

invoke the anger of the Lord against every power attacking my destiny in
the name of Jesus.

9. I withdraw every organ of my body from satanic altars in the name of


10. I release pandemonium into the camp of my full-time enemies in Jesus


11. Let the heavenly surgeon begin to uproot evil plantations from my body
in the name of Jesus.

12. Where others have failed I shall succeed in Jesus' name.

13. The afflictions of my parents shall not be transferred into my life in the
name of Jesus.

14. O Lord, let all negative genetic linkages in my life be broken in Jesus'

15. The problems suffered by people in my environment shall not be my

portion in the name of Jesus.

16. Every power of demotion operating in my environment, I curse you to

die in the name of Jesus.

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17. In the name of Jesus, evil spiritual deposits in my body be evacuated by
fire and the blood of Jesus.

18. Every yoke of witchcraft powers in my life, be broken by the power in

the blood of Jesus.

19. Lord, thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 9 – November 9, 2019

1. It is written, "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be

delivered." O Lord I call upon you today, deliver me from ………
(mention the problem) in Jesus' name.

2. I shall live and not die to declare the works of God in Jesus' name.

3. My life shall not be cut off in the name of Jesus.

4. I claim my covenant right of divine health now in the name of Jesus.

5. Any power that has prepared a coffin for me this year, I command you
to enter into your coffin in the name of Jesus.

6. O God arise and have mercy on me, for the time to favor me has come.

7. You the pharaoh troubling my life, drown in your own Red Sea in the
name of Jesus.

8. O altars of perpetual affliction, release me now and die in the name of


9. You the powers trying to stop me from praising the Lord, loose me and
let me go in the name of Jesus.

10. I arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is risen upon me in Jesus

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11. Every serpent anointed by the enemy to pursue me, be roasted by fire
in the name of Jesus.

12. Every fountain of sickness in my body, dry up now in the name of


13. Satanic consultants summoning my spirit at night, receive sudden

destruction in the name of Jesus.

14. Let every stronghold of satan in my body be dismantled now in the

name of Jesus.

15. Every root of captivity hiding in my foundation, be uprooted by fire in

the name of Jesus.

16. Any spiritual bondage limiting my full-scale laughter, be broken in the

name of Jesus.

17. Holy Spirit release your fresh anointing into my life today in Jesus

18. Whirlwind of the LORD arise, carry satanic flood of affliction back to
sender in the name of Jesus.

19. Lord I thank you for answering my prayers.

Day 10 – November 10, 2019

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with

Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below (personalizing it where


But you shall remember the LORD your God: for it is he that gives
you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he
swore unto your fathers, as it is this day. – Deut. 8:18

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1. I reject satanic priesthood in Jesus name.

2. Evil altars of my father’s house release me now in the name of Jesus.

3. You powers waging war against my prosperity be scattered by fire in the

name of Jesus.

4. Every curse of poverty in my bloodline, be neutralized by the power of

the blood of Jesus.

5. Witchcraft covenants of poverty affecting my life, break break break in

the name of Jesus.

6. Any poison circulating inside my body, be evacuated by the power of

God in Jesus’ name.

7. Let the brimstone and fire from heaven fall upon stubborn spirits and
authorities of poverty in my life in Jesus name.

8. I speak a release of divine favor and prosperity upon my life in the

name of Jesus.

9. Every covenant in charge of cyclical problems in my life, break now in

the name of Jesus.

10. O Lord release unto me your power to make wealth in Jesus’ name.

11. Every weapon of poverty against my life backfire in the name of Jesus.

12. Any evil power stationed at the gate of my breakthroughs, be arrested

with chains of fire in Jesus name.

13. I prophesy a release of all my blessings hijacked in the spirit in Jesus


14. I bind and cast out the spirit of worldliness from my life in the name of

15. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise and change my situation in the
name of Jesus.
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16. Every problem assigned to mock me, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

17. All my virtues stolen in the dream, be restored by fire by force in the
name of Jesus.

18. Every property of the enemy in my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in
the name of Jesus.

19. Thank you, Lord for answering my prayers.

Day 11 – November 11, 2019

Begin with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs, even with
dancing. Then confess out LOUD the Scripture below (personalizing it where

And I say also to you, That you are Peter, and on this rock I will build
my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will
give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you shall
bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatever you shall loose
on earth shall be loosed in heaven. - Matt 16:18-19

1. O Lord restore your spirit of prayer and supplication in the Church in

Jesus name.

2. Father Lord let your wind of revival blow upon your Church with the
force of a tsunami in the name of Jesus.

3. O Lord, let your refiner’s fire begin to purge the Church in a fresh new
way in Jesus name

4. Father please forgive us for the sins in the Body of Christ.

5. Let satanic agents that have infiltrated the pulpits be disgraced by fire
in the name of Jesus.

6. Let every spirit of secular humanism in the church receive disgrace and
defeat in Jesus name.
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7. Every spirit of Sodom waging war against the Body of Christ, we break
your backbone by the power of the blood of Jesus.

8. Every priest of baal that the enemy is using inside the Church receive
public disgrace and failure in the mighty name of Jesus.

9. All the agents of satan pretending to be ministers of light, be exposed

and be disgraced in the name of Jesus.

10. Any power turning the house of God into a place of bondage, perish by
fire in the name of Jesus.

11. We break the grip of charismatic witchcraft upon the Body of Christ in
Jesus name.

12. O Lord let your fire chase every spirit of the Pharisees out of the Church
in the name of Jesus.

13. O Lord help the Church to return to her first love in Jesus name.

14. You spirit of worldliness we cast you out of the Church by fire in the
name of Jesus.

15. LORD, let your Church become once again a place of holiness,
righteousness and love in Jesus name.

16. O Lord release your power of deliverance into the Church once again in
Jesus name.

17. O LORD let your power of love begin to reign in our hearts and in the
Church in Jesus name.

18. Help us Lord to manifest the fruit of the Spirit in Jesus name.

19. Let the Spirit of salvation begin to operate in a mighty new way in the
Body of Christ in Jesus name.

20. Let every satanic gate raised up against our prayer altars be demolished
by the thunder fire of God in Jesus name.

21. We call for the sword of the Lord against the spirit of prayerlessness in

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the Church in Jesus’ mighty name.

22. Every altar of entertainment in the Church be consumed by the fire of

God in Jesus name.

23. Thank you, Lord for answering our prayers

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