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Christian Living: 1st Quarter

Made by Andrea Nicole Ramos

9 - St. Thomas

Jesus Calls his Disciples

What is Discipleship?
● Is a follower and a learner from a master
● Comes from the Latin word: Discipulus = Pupil
● Willing to thoroughly analyze and takes apart from teaching
● One who follows, listens, and accepts
● Obedience is the supreme test of faith.

Challenges and Promised to Discipleship?

● Implies sacrifice, aversions, and persecutions
● Jesus said if they will persecute me they will persecute you. If they keep my
word, they will keep your word too. And they will do all these things to you on
account to my name, because they do not know who sent me (John 15: 18-25) ●
Suffered martyrdom.
● All died because of a violent death except John.

What is an apostle?
● The one sent to continue the mission.
● From the word: Apostolos = the one who is sent out
● Doesn’t just transmit the message but exemplifies it.
● Commissioned with authority
● Given authority over the church of God
● Called to be the leaders of the new Israel

Special Tasks of the Apostles

● Sent to continue Jesus’ mission
● Help in preaching, healing and spreading his words
● To baptize all nations
● Has the power to unclean spirits and drive them out
● Power to cure every disease and illness.
Why did he choose 12 Apostles to have special tasks?
Corresponds to the 12 tribes of Israel. This signifies the renewal of the covenant
between God and Humans. All 12 Apostles were the original students and Missionaries
of Jesus’ teachings. They are also the ones that formed the beginnings of the new
English Church.

The 12 Apostles
SIMON PETER / PETER ● Fisherman from
● Also known as


● Also a Fisherman
● 1st Disciple of John
the Baptist

JAMES THE GREAT / JAMES ZEBEDEE ● He was a fisherman

● Son of Zebedee
● Also known as
James the Great

JOHN ZEBEDEE / JOHN ● James’ brother

● Had a family fishing
● First chosen by
Jesus to be his closest


Bethsaida, a coast of
the sea of
● Native of Cana in
Galilee ● A.k.a Nathaniel
● Appears in the Gospel
of John
● Introduced from Philip
to Christ

MATTHEW LEVI / MATTHEW ● Also known as Levi

● Tax collector
● Served in the


Doubting Thomas
● Also known as Didymus

JAMES THE LESS / JAMES ● Son of Alpheus

● Later called James
the Les

THADDEUS ● Called in the Gospel

of Mark and Mathew
● However, in the
Gospel of Luke, he
was called
Jude the son of James
● Called as
Cananean, meaning
● Simon the Zealot

BETRAYING JUDAH / JUDAS ISCARIOT ● Born in Kerioth ● Known as


Jesus appoints Peter

Who is Jesus as the Servant of the Servants of God?

● Jesus is the model of all par excellence of all servanthood
● Became man to serve not to be serves
● He humbled himself and was obedient to God the Father

Who is Simon Peter?

● Also known as Saint Peter
● Was called “Cephas” by Jesus
● One of the First leaders of the Early Church
● Born in Bethsaida.
● Grew up as a fisherman with his brother Andrew
● People knew him as Simeon, this was his hebrew name
● St. Peter was known as being rash and hasty while sometimes he was short
● Sometimes, he was also gentle and firm
● He really loved Jesus and proved to be Loyal
● He only spoke hebrew and had to learn greek
● Peter became the Patron saints of the Popes in Rome.
● Many places around the world bear his name (ex. St. Petersburg in Russia, St.
Square in Rome)
● Was crucified upside down
● Was the First pope
● There is a church on the same foundation as his house
● His Basilica was named after him
● Most outstanding personality and character out of the 12 apostles
● He was the leader of the 12 disciples
● Died a Martyr

Who was Peter in the Bible?

Accounts. He was a Jewish fisherman in Bethsaida (John 1:44). Named Simon,
son of Jonah or John. The three synoptic gospels recounter how Peter’s mother in law
was healed by Jesus at Capernaum

Why did Jesus call Simon Peter the Rock?

The rock upon which Jesus would build his church could refer to Peter. Jesus
changed his name to “Petros” meaning “rock”. Meaning, Peter would be the foundation
of the church. When Peter declared Jesus to be the Messiah, he rebuked Jesus for
saying he would be killed.

Why did Jesus choose Peter to build the church?

Peter tried to get Jesus to turn away from the cross. Jesus knew what he had to
do in order to have victory. Yet Jesus changed Peter’s name to Petros and chose him
to lead the Christian Church.

What does Peter mean in the Bible?

Simon Peter was the most prominent of the apostles during Jesus’ ministry and
is often considered the first pope. Because of the renown of the apostle, this name
would be common in the Christian world.

What responsibilities did Jesus give Peter?

● To build his church on a rock solid foundation
● He chose him so that he an show his strength
● Peter was entrusted with the keys of heaven
● Peter, as the chief teacher of his new community to the church.

Jesus sends the Holy Spirit

Who is the holy spirit

The Holy Spirit is often mentioned in the Bible, mainly in the New Testament. He has
been called various names like “Spirit of God”, “Spirit of the Lord”, “Spirit of Jesus:. Or
“Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit is God

The Holy Spirit is the one person of the triune God, besides God the Father and God
the son. It isn’t just an impersonal force, but a fully divine Person. Some text says that
the Holy Spirit is just as much as a God as the Father and the Son. Other texts show
that the Holy Spirit has a divine attribute.

● He is Eternal (Hebrews 9:14)

● He is omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-10)
● He is omniscient, meaning he knows everything (I Corinthians 2:10-11)
● He is almighty (Luke 1:35-37)
● He is Holy (Romans 1:4)

What does the Holy Spirit do?

The Holy Spirit is clearly at work throughout the world’s history; in creation, in the
incarnation of the son, in the new birth of humans, in the inspiration and illumination of
the bible and transforming believers.

Was the Holy Spirit involved in creation?

The second verse in the beginning clearly states that the Holy Spirit was actively
involved in the process of creation: “And the Holy Spirit is hovering over the face of the
waters (Genesis 1:2)”. The Hebrew word for spirit can be translated as “breath”.

What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the incarnation of Jesus? When God the same
became human, he was born from the Virgin Mary. When the Angel Gabriel announced
the Birth, he explained “Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will
overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called Holy; the son of God ''. Just
like the Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the water at creation, he overshadowed
Mary to create a baby in her womb while she was a virgin.
The Holy Spirit gives Spiritual Life
The ultimate life goal of humans is to know and Love God and to honor him with
their whole life. Since humans are sinful creatures, they are not able to fulfill this goal.
Spiritually, they are dead, and it is the holy spirit’s task to make people spiritually alive
again. It convicts people of their sins and points them to Jesus’ atoning death. If people
come to Faith and accept God’s offer of forgiveness, the spirit testifies that they have
received eternal life. Not only does the Spirit make people spiritually alive, he will also
raise their bodies.

Holy Spirits and The Church

The apostles wanted to spread the Gospel after Jesus’ death. But they can only
do so, when they become empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit
then transformed believers into their witnesses of faith and then the Gospel was spread
world wide. IT also works in churches. He gathers all of the people and protects them.
But he also purifies the church so that it will be holy and blameless for God. The Holy
Spirit doesn’t focus on itself, but Jesus’ glory.

What are the Gifts the Holy Spirit has?

The Holy Spirit has a lot of gifts that are given to believers. Paul says “the
utterance of wisdom, knowledge, faith, the gift of healing, working with miracles,
prophecy, ability to distinguish between spirits, various kinds of tongues, interpretation
of tongues.

Without the Holy Spirit

● We are farther from God
● Jesus would just be a figure of history and the gospel would be nothing much
● The church would be nothing but faterna; organization and nothing more ●
Prayers would be talking to ourselves, Our worship would come off as magic ●
Living the Christian life would be a burden and not a joy.
Jesus communes consecrated women and men

The Catholic Church

● Also known as the Roman Catholic Church
● Largest Christian Church
● Largest religious denomination
● Has 1.3 Billion baptized catholics worldwide as of 2019
● World’s oldest and largest continuously functioning international institution ●
Prominent role in history and development of Western Civilization ● Consists of 24
particular churches and 3,500 dioceses and eparchies around the world
● The pope, also the Bishop of Rome, is the chief pastor
● The bishopric of Rome, known as the Holy See, is the central governing authority
of the church.
● The administrative body of the Holy See, the Roman Curia, has its principal offices
in the Vatican City.

How would you describe the Catholic Church?

A visible Society of baptized Christians professing the sme Faith under the
authority of an invisible head and visible head

How should we understand the church?

Body of Christ doing the will of its head, Jesus Christ, and enduring joyfully the
consequences of taking up the cross to identify with the perfect will of God in a world
that is completely opposed. An organization run by an individual who speaks more of
himself and his achievements than Christ or we call a building out of dead bricks a
church, weare mistaken.

What does it mean to say the church is a mystery?

Her nature can never be grasped by the power of reason alone. It is a mystery of
faith that can never be fully expressed from any single view point. The church can never
be in opposition to God.

In what sense is the church a sacrament?

She is a sacrament because she makes the invisible communion we share with
God visible. Through the Church, we come to know God. The Church shows us love for
all people, it is universal.
What are the three aspects of the Church as a sacrament? It is organized into
3 categories: Sacrament of Initiation (into the church, the body of Christ), consisting of
baptism, confirmation and eucharist. The Sacrament of healing, consisting of penance
and anointing of the sick. And the sacrament of service.

How does the Scriptures picture the Church?

Kingdom of God Details
The body has many members. However,
all members are one body. So it is with
As Christ is the head of the church so is
Christ it was in one spirit that all of us
the Holy Spirit its soul
were baptized into one body

● Church as the People of God
● You are chosen race a royal
God has willed to make men holy and
priesthood a holy nation
save by gathering them into a single
● To be the salt of the earth and the
place in order for them to become a
light of the world. It is salvation
single person

Christ’s body can refer to the physical
body of Jesus as the incarnation or
By communicating his spirit to his
eucharistic body. Making him
brothers and sisters, Christ made them
sacramentally present to us.
mystically into his own body

Christ inaugurated his church by

His parable about the Kingdom of God
preaching the coming of God’s kingdom
employed many images

● Treasure hidden in a field

● Leaven raising the dough
● Tiny mustard seed growing into a
tall tree
● A fish catching the good and bad

What are the essential characteristics of the Church?


ONE The Church is ONE in Faith, truth, doctrines, leadership,

moral, living Ecumenical religious services participated
by various beliefs assembled

government and worship.

by diverging faith under
There is only one source of
one ceremony
the Holy Trinity which is
Jesus and the Holy Spirit
HOLY The Church is Holy
Holiness shines in the
Because of the
saints and martyrs
sanctification through
Christ. This is holy
because of God’s steadfast
presence which includes

CATHOLIC THe Churhc is universal for Christ upon the apostles as

anyone, anywhere, and the pillars
anytime continuity of The catholic church commits herself to
doctrines and fullness of global good and universal
relationship demand, peace and sharing of good

From the word “Katholou”

referring to the whole

APOSTOLIC The church is founded by The church is hierarchical led by the pope
as the successor of Peter.

What is the mission Christ entrusted to the Church?

● Priestly/Koinonia/Leitourgia - to worship as one body community ●
Prophetic/Kerygma - to preach the universality and fullness of liberating truth ●
Kingly/Diakonia - To Serve fellowship, unity and love.

Communion of Saints
Referred to people’s spiritual union of the members of the Christian Church, living
and the dead. THey are part of a single “mystical body” with Christ as the head.

How is the communion of Saints a community of Prayer? A Community of

prayer because all the souls of heaven pray for those on earth and the purgatory.
People in the purgatory also pray for those on earth. Those on earth pray for others on
earth and those in purgatory. We should pray for the dead because the dead rely upon
us for help.
What is the purpose of Communion of Saints?
The Armenian Orthodox Church believes that the communion of saints has a
twofold sense: “first of the union of members of the church with the head of Christ” and
the mutual help and support of the members in obtaining and enjoying, and preserving
the common good things or graces of the church.

Jesus commissioned the apostles

Why did Jesus commission his Apostles?

● So they may be his witnesses
● To make disciples, to baptize and proclaim good news to all
● To serve Jesus as agents as they traveled the world to preach the gospel in
every culture
● To continue his mission of telling the whole world about salvation ● To baptize
them in the name of the father and of the some and of the holy spirit

Make Disciples of all nations

● By means through what instrumentalities they convert the learned and unlearned,
the rich and the poor and the bound the free of all nations,
● Repent and be baptized everyone in the name of the lord Jesus Christ
● Conditions to be pardoned:
> Faith in the lord Jesus Christ
> Repentance and thorough change of will
> Public confession to the Lord Jesus Christ

Baptize them in the name of the father and of the sone and of the holy spirit
● It is the state of holiness
● The past sins of the baptized believer are all washed away through the atoning
purifying and sanctifying block of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When did Jesus commission the apostles?

● It appears shortly after the miracles in the Gospel of Mark and Luke.
● This happens before the crucifixion.
● Although in Matthew 28:16-20 takes place after the resurrection
What are the three commands in the Great Commission ● This
commission teaches others who are baptized to look at all the other
commands from the Lord. These include serving, teaching, preaching,
fellowship, preparing, and mentoring other disciples.

What is the difference between disciples and apostles?

● A disciple is a student who learns from a teacher
● An apostle is sent to deliver those teachings to others.
● Apostles means messenger he is who is sent.
● We can say apostles are disciples but not all disciples are apostles.

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