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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Francisco Morazán
Class: TESOL workshop

Research Title
Students’ and Teachers’ perceptions about final projects as
a meaningful way to improve oral competences in the
section A and B of level two of English program

Advisor: Scarleth Subillaga

Jeremías Antonio Hernández 809199100235
Mary Elizabeth Caballero 313199800059
Elsa Iveth Calderon 615199500583
Keren Gisselle Alvarez 801199212056

Date: November 23rd, 2018


This paper describes a phenomenology study that aimed to investigate the point of

view or opinions that students and teachers have about the final projects as a meaningful

way to improve oral competences. The project based method has been applied since 2017

in the levels of English program of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco

Morazán (UPNFM).

This research attended to find out the perceptions of the students and teachers about

final project, using qualitative approach in order to achieve the objectives, after that it will

be known if projects are meaningful as a way to assess speaking competences of the


In the English program at UPNFM, students have to present final projects in each

level, until now, there are not researches focus on how meaningful this is to improve the oral

skills. As a result of not knowing the effectiveness of this kind of activities, probably it can

affect the proficiency of students’ oral skills to perform a speech or an oral presentation.

The literature supports some theories for this research; first, an overlook to the

history of this method and also some definitions by different authors are included. Second,

researchers analyze how important speaking competences are in the acquisition of the target

language. Third, it provides some action researcher done in different contexts.

Research Statement
Students’ and Teachers’ perceptions about final projects as a meaningful way to

improve speaking competences in the sections A of level two of the English program at


Question statement

What are the perceptions of the teachers and students about the final projects as a

meaningful way to improve speaking competences in level two of the English program?

General Objective

To know the perceptions of teachers and students about the final projects as a way to

improve oral skills in the level two of the English program.

Specific Objectives

1. Identify students’ perceptions of projects as a meaningful way to enhance their

speaking competences.

2. Describe teachers’ perceptions toward the use of projects to enhance the students

speaking competences.

3. To propose improvement opportunities regarding the use of final projects as way to

assess the student speaking competences.

1. How students and teachers perceive the final projects applied in level two?

2. How teacher perceive the use of final projects as a meaningful way to enhance the

students speaking competences?

3. How the assessment of students’ speaking competences can get better through

improvement opportunities regarding to the use of final projects?

Problem statement
Every student of the English program has to perform final project in each level; the

project can be an interview, a short video, an explanation of something, a role-play among

others so far, there are not focused on how meaningful project are improve oral skills.

Final projects have been applied in the levels of the English program at Universidad

Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) officially since 2017, as part of the

methodology that has the purpose of making students practice their four skills outside the

classroom. The number of students that are being evaluated through final oral projects on the

second term of 2018 is around 550. As a result, not knowing the efficiency of this kind of

activities, the proficiency of students` oral skills might be affected. This study will help

teachers to be aware of the effectiveness of having projects as part of their assessment and

the students to take advantages of it, in case it is effective, and search for other strategies if

it is not.

Nowadays, different types of activities are being applying as a part of teaching

methodology in order to improve the skills of students. One of the most innovate activities

are projects. Project-based learning (PBL) is defined by Thomas as complex tasks based on

problems encountered by students, conducted in certain periods of time and culminated in

realistic products that might be in form of presentation, exhibition, publication, etc. (as is

cited in Maulany, 2013) taking into consideration the previous definition, it can be inferred

that PBL is a method in which the students are learning through a project that is decided by

themselves with the help from teachers so that they can be actively engaged in the learning

process. (Maulany, 2013)

This research was based on the perception of teachers and students about the

effectiveness of final projects as a way to improve oral skills, that is been carried out with

level two “A” at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) in 2018.

The purpose of this research was to find out how teachers and students see this activity

as a tool to improve oral skills and how meaningful it is for each student. Also, it was

important because in that way researcher could know if teachers would rather apply a

different activity to assess oral skills and if student would like to be assess through other

activity. The results of this research would help us as future teachers to take projects into

consideration in our methodology. This study will allow the principal and teachers of English

program be aware about the impact that projects have in the oral skills of the students, project

research had been studied in different contexts, however this is the first time that the focus

was on projects as a meaning way to improve oral skills.

Theoretical framework


Project based method emerged as a way of teaching different subjects, but before it was

applied in teaching second language acquisition, it went through a process. Therefore, it is

necessary to go back in time to review its history in order to understand it.

Knoll (2017) states:

Historically, the project method emerged in 1577 when master builders founded the

Academia di San Lucca in Rome to advance their social standing by developing their

profession into a science and improve the education of their apprentices by offering

lessons in the theory and history of architecture, in mathematics, geometry, and

perspective (p. 1).

While the modern history says that Project Based Leaning starts in the 70s"the modern

history of problem-based learning begins in the early 1970s at the medical school at

McMaster University in Canada. Its intellectual history is far older. Until recently the PBL

approach has flourished mainly in medical and professional schools" (Rhem,1998, p. 2). It is

in the 70’s where project based learning is well known by educators and becomes stronger in

educational debates and schools “during the 1960s and 1970s, project learning has been a

central issue in educational debates in Europe. There were some radical critics and defenders

of the democratization of learning through the introduction of the comprehensive school”

(Supe, and Kaupuzs, 2017, p.3). But it is the 80s when project base learning emerges in the

second language teaching as a real method applied in the classrooms. "Since the 1980s,
interest in project-based learning and its integration into second and foreign language

instruction has been growing around the world." (Ke, 2010, p. 2)

As an example of this method, Michel mentions one of the areas where projects were

applied for the first time; it was in architecture, as a bridge to connect theory with practice,

and to know if the student can transform knowledge to real life (2017, p.1). This method

was created with the purpose of helping students to put in practice the knowledge acquired

in the classroom by doing different activities.

Over the coming years the trend for project-based learning is likely to increase as

more educators embrace the pedagogy and realize the benefits of this method of

teaching. Preparing students for the 21st century requires a shift in education towards

methods that will equip students with the skills that they will require in a rapidly

changing workplace. (“The rise of project-based learning thought”, 2017, para. 5)

As it was mentioned before, the project-based method became by the necessity of

practicing what has been learned through theory. Nowadays, it still makes emphasis on it

but applying in real situation.

1.2.Definition of it

Every method carries objectives to be applied, and PBL is not the exception, besides

the fact of being focused on the improvement of the skills, it also makes emphasis on

cooperative learning, giving opportunities to share ideas, thoughts, etc. In this way to

promote a social skills development on the students, as Kavlu reinforced it:

Project-based learning is a job that provides connection between groups of learners

and gives them some opportunities like talking about the issue close to their hearts,
step by step finding out a response and being able to present the results to a wider

audience. During the process of preparing and organizing projects students generally

encourage and morally support each other when they face the frightening prospect of

a public presentation (2015, p.4.)

Project-based learning involves many skills that should be developed by the students

in order to promote a better learning, as Barrow defined:

Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn

about a subject through the experience of problem solving. Students learn both

thinking strategies and domain knowledge. The goals of PBL are to help students

develop flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, self-directed learning,

effective collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation. Problem-based learning is a

form of activity learning (As cited in Dewi, 2016, p. 347).

The idea of applying PBL in the process of learning a second language is basically

focused on authentic material for the students and prepares them to real life, in this way

students get ideas to solve future problems.

1.3. Its dynamic

Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF) affirms:

Classroom and school culture are important for the effectiveness of PBL, as these are

structural conditions such as: Adequate time for teachers to learn and plan, and flexible

policies for curriculum delivery and assessment. Also, it is important to know the
fundamental belief that all students can learn, and that their voices should be heard in

their own education (2018, p.2).

Besides these conditions, it is essential to take into consideration that a high quality

project requires meeting some specific criteria: Projects should develop in the students: an

intellectual challenge and accomplishment, project management, the skill of reflection, the

skill of collaboration; and project should be: an authentic and public product. (PMIEF,2018,


Some authors proposed a more autonomous project where students had the authority

on their projects, as Balagiu et al. stated "The teacher or the textbook provides the topic, but

as the examples in this section show, the project writers themselves decide what they write

and how they present it"(2013, p.3). In addition, Supe, and Kaupuzs (2017) mention that the

students themselves play in the initial choice of subject matter and in the decisions related to

appropriate methods, the project timetable and the eventual “project product" (p. 4). In

contrast, in some cases teachers give the theme, the method to present the final product and

also the timetable to hand it to achieve the objectives of the class/course.

As it mentions, applying project based learning depends on the methodology of each

teacher and context, but at the end the aim is the same, it would be effective if the

environment suits de need of the students. Dewi mentioned a way to apply PBL:

In other settings, to elaborate sets of tasks fill the process for completing the project

and span an entire instructional unit; in settings like these, the benefits of project

work are maximized because students actively engage in information gathering,

processing, and reporting over a period of time, and the outcome increases content

knowledge and language mastery. (2016, pp. 350-351)

To have engaged students in the process of their own learning, it is a good idea to

give them the tasks to solve and look for information, and that is what PBL does, making a

dynamic process of learning through different tasks and problems.

1.4 Impact

All the approaches have their bases in some principles, which allow them to be

credible, effectives and achieve their objectives. “Project based learning is a student-center

form of instruction based on three constructivist principles: Learning is context-specific,

learners are involved actively in the learning process, and they achieve their goals through

social interactions and the sharing of knowledge and understanding” (Cocco,2006, p.8).

Project based learning has its own theories behind that accomplish the new

methodology that has emerged in the last century, allowing students to negotiate meaning

and enjoy the process

Through this method, students will develop not only language skills but they will also

develop important competences. As Wurdinger (2007, p.9) states, “It is argued that the

freedom and challenge that pupils experience as a result of solving the problems that arise in

designing and building their projects result in high levels of student engagement” Also

projects will “foster self-regulated learning and promote pupils ‘conceptual knowledge

within a systematic process of documenting and reflecting learning” (Barak, 2012, p.9)
There are many kind of activities that teachers can apply in their classroom to improve

their students speaking competences but in some activities students do not feel comfortable

and secure to express what they learn, but in projects the attitude of the students can change

because students can interact each other.

Moreover, Supe & Kaupuzs stated:

Using project work might help to make the language use in the class real and

active, keep the pupils’ attention and make the learning process more exciting. This

kind of activities could improve the students’ communicative, cooperative and

creative skills. The learners can feel themselves secure and converse with each other

in positive atmosphere (2017, p. 9).

Teachers have to apply different activities/methods to create a comfortable environment in

which students feel secure to use the target language as Kavlu mentioned "Project is one of

the ways to make shy and low-achiever students do great work in a group "(2015, p.4).

In addition, this method offers to the students opportunities to enhance knowledge

through research, as Boss stated on her article “PBL offers students opportunities not only to

make sense of this information but also to expand on it with their own contributions” (2011,

“Fit for a New Century”, para. 3). PBL can be a good resource for improving the students’

critical thinking ability through reading and help them to increase their knowledge.


Experts in the past focused on development of different skills such as grammar,

listening, writing and so on because they were trying to cover the needs or problems that

students presented when they were learning a second/foreign language at that time. However,

speaking was left beside thinking that was no necessary for the acquisition of a second

language and “for years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language

teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of

dialogues” (Kayi, 2016, para. 1).

2.2.Definition of it

Bygates defines oral competence as the ability to form abstract sentences that are

produced and adapted to circumstances at the moment of speaking. Therefore, making rapid

decisions and contributions that adequately fit the situation. (1991)

Through speaking, students can communicate and express their opinions, intentions

and viewpoints with others to achieve certain goals. According to Burns & Joyce, (1997)

“Speaking is defined as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing, receiving and processing information. Its form and meaning are dependent on

the context in which it occurs, the participants, and the purposes of speaking” (As cited in

Abd, S ,2006, p.30)

Speaking is one of the most difficult skills language learners have to face. In spite of

this, Bueno, Madrid and McLaren stated;

it has traditionally been forced into the background while we, teachers of

English, have spent all our classroom time trying to teach our students how to write,

to read and sometimes even to listen in a L2 because grammar has a long written

tradition” (2006, p.19).

Taking into account this aspect, teachers have to change this tradition give the

adequate importance to speaking skill, because a good speaker is not just good on grammar

fluency and so on.

2.3.Impact / importance

By learning speaking, students can improve their ability to give their opinions or ideas.

As Kayi (2016, para.1) stated “Teaching speaking should improve students' communicative

skills, because, only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow

the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance.

Speaking is not only a skill that should be developed as others; this may be the ability

that allows students to develop the skills to learn a second language. In addition, this allow

learners to come across different cultures/societies where the language is spoken giving

them an awareness of the diversity of accents, ideas and opinions. As “Ur claimed that

mastering speaking skills is the most important aspect of learning a second or foreign

language” (as cited in Dewi, 2016, p. 342).



In an English course, teachers do any kind of activity to facilitate their student’s

language learning and to keep them active in the learning process. There are different kinds

of projects that students can do, one of them are video projects. As cited in Akdeniz (2017),

video projects facilitate language learning and learners become active participants in EFL

classrooms (p.9). There are some studies where teachers can prove it. For instance, the
following study was applied by Berney & Schlau in 1989 in Martin Luther King, Jr. High

School where they propose a video recording project. "This project was designed to use

student-produced videotape recordings to help students learn how to speak, read and write

in English. The findings of the study showed that the project facilitated language learning

stimulating student creativity, confidence and motivation". (As cited in Akdeniz, 2017, pp.


As findings in this study show, videos recording help students to improve their

speaking skills. So they are seen as facilitator to develop communicative performances in a

foreign language. For these reasons, teachers who teach a second language should apply

this technique to improve oral competences in the students.

PBL started to be implemented a long time ago, in order to create situations where

students put in practice their knowledge and also improved their oral communication skills.

To support this, there are many researches done in different contexts with almost the same

objective; improve oral/speaking skill in the learners.

First, a research conducted by Permatasari, she found that students became

collaborators and active participants rather than being only passive knowledge

receivers. Most of the class time was devoted to the learners, which allowed for a

greater quantity and richer variety of language practice. Consequently, the structures

and the features of the speaking tasks in the group work made the college English

classes more attractive.

Secondly, a research conducted by Maulany (2013) showed that students’ positive

responses to the PBL technique in class, contributed to a significant increase in the

students’ participation in their speaking class. The general results also indicated some

improvements in students’ speaking when they were assessed individually. Hence,

the PBL technique could have significant pedagogical implications and could be a

practical technique if it is carefully planned to teach speaking skills amongst students.

Thirdly, a research done by Febriawati (2012) also showed that there was a

significant improvement in the speaking performance of students who were taught by

using the PBL technique and those who were taught through a conventional method.

The students made good improvement in some aspects of speaking skills such as

pronunciation, vocabulary, accuracy and fluency. Moreover, it also changed the

students’ behavior. They were more confident enough to speak English and got more

actively involved in the teaching-learning process and they also had many more

opportunities to speak. Furthermore, they were motivated to bring dictionaries to help

themselves in the learning and acquisition of the speaking skills (as cited in Dewi,

2016, pp.344-345).

There are more researches that prove the use of PBL to improve oral/speaking

communicative skills; this method helps students improve the oral skills and also some

aspects of the personality of the students, like creativity, leadership and group work aspect

of the personality of the students.

3.2.Impact in the second language learning

Projects have had a big impact in second language learning, students considered them

one of the best forms to put in practice the knowledge that they have acquired. Supe, &

Kaupuzs (2017) add that more students like learning English through projects; more

students think that they learn better during the project. (p.9) Thus, projects have been a

good way for students to put in practice their speaking skills because in this way they feel

comfortable to do what they know in the English language. When learners are put to work
on projects that consist of oral tasks which promote collaboration, exchange of ideas,

negotiation of meaning, creativity, extended conversational interactions, combined with a

focus on form, students are pushed to take on responsibility for their own learning process,

and this is crucial for second language acquisition to happen. (Luchini & Rosello, 2007, p.


Since the use of the PBL technique can improve students´ speaking skills, it is

suggested that English teachers use the PBL technique in the teaching–learning processes

for speaking classes as it is effective for the students. According to Tsiplakides and

Fragoulis (2009) PBL provides different kind of benefits such as; meaningful learning,

practicing speaking English, engaged student in their project, developing critical thinking

ability and also promotes social interaction, increases self-esteem and reduces anxiety on

the students (pp. 113-114).



According to Sampieri qualitative research “Can be defined as a set of interpretative

practices that make the world visible, these practices can transform the world in

representations in different ways like observations, memos, recordings and documents”

(2006, p.17). In the following study for many reasons qualitative approach was used, one of

these was, that this study sought to know real experiences about final projects of students,

and qualitative research allows researchers find this kind of data as Marshall says “qualitative

approach is naturalistic-studying real people in natural setting rather than in artificial

isolation” (1996, p. 523)

Sampieri states the follow characteristic for qualitative research:

In qualitative research, the reflection is the one who join the researchers with the


The collecting data consist in gathering the different perspectives and point of view

of the participants.

Qualitative data is defined as detailed descriptions about events, people’s behavior,

social interactions and observations. (Sampieri, 2006, p.17)

Another reason to apply qualitative research approach was taking into consideration

the characteristics of it because considering that this study was focused on the

perceptions/point of views of teachers and students and it detailed and described the

experience about final projects.

As final conclusion, the qualitative approach was the most appropriate approach for this

study, because its characteristics are suitable to accomplish the objectives.

Design: Phenomenology

The “father” or greatest figure of phenomenology was the mathematician Edmund Husserl

(…) Husserl proposed phenomenology as an experimental method based on the conscience

of phenomena in which the pure essences of the contents of consciousness stood out (Padilla-

Diaz, 2015, p.108). This design looks for a depth understanding of a certain phenomenon that

a group of people have experienced. The main aspect of phenomenology is to understand the

essence of the experience that participants share within a common ground. The author

suggests that the studied group should consist of 3 to 15 members (Padilla-Díaz, 2015,

p.108). It requires a small group because if in the research is too much diversity of

experiences, it was going to be hard to analyze the data, that it basically the main objective

of having few participants as sampling in the research.

Creswell posits that the best criteria to determine the use of phenomenology is when the

research problem requires a profound understanding of human experiences common to a

group (as cited in Padilla-Díaz, 2015, p.108). As Creswell explained about phenomenology,

this study used phenomenology design, in order to have a better understanding about the

experiences that the students of English level two have during the process of final oral

projects and also how teachers perceive those projects as a meaningful way to assess the

oral competences of the students.

Phenomenology is emphasized in experiences, and how people involved in the

phenomenon interact with it every day. Merriam said that “The focus, in this type of
research, is not on the participants themselves or the world that they inhabit, but rather on

the meaning or essence of the interrelationship between the two” (As cited in Eddles-

Hirsch, 2015, p.255). The objective was to know how students perceive and deal with

project in their natural environment. There are some characteristics that may distinguish a

design from one another but Moustakas mentioned a key characteristic of

phenomenological research:

That is its rich, detailed descriptions of the phenomenon being investigated. The

description should present how the participants experienced the phenomenon

investigated rather than any preconceived perception the researcher may have of the

phenomenon being studied. The phenomenological reduction process assists the

researcher with this, allowing the researcher to keep an open mind and listen in a

receptive manner to the participants’ descriptions of the studied phenomenon (As

cited in Eddles-Hirsch, 2015, p.257)


This study was conducted on level II section “A” of English Program at Universidad

Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM) in Tegucigalpa; the university is situated

in an urban place.


The participants for this study were three English level teachers, from level II section “A”,

and eight students from the level II section A and three teachers, one from basic level section

“B”, one from level I section “A” and one from level II section “A”. The type of sampling,

used for this research is purposive sampling, which means “participants are selected because
they are likely to generate useful data for the project (Brikci & green, 2007, p.9). participants

were selected based on the following criteria:

 Students from level two section “A”

 Students who are actively enrolled in the program and have worked on the final oral

project in the previous levels.

Instruments to collect information
Focus Group

This study used focus group as an instrument to collect data from students. “Focus

groups is a technique where researchers assemble a group of individuals to discuss a specific

topic, through a moderated interaction” (Nyumba, Wilson& Derrik, 2017, p. 21). The

objective of using this instrument is to collect different perspectives of the phenomenon. Ten

participants are considered large enough to gain the variety of perspectives and small enough,

not to become disorderly of fragmented (as cited in Nyumba, Wilson and Derrik, 2017, p.22).

As it was set on the participants, the number of the student is eight, these amount of

participant allowed the researchers work with few participants and have a more accurate

information about the perspectives that student had about final projects.

Face to Face Interviews

Face to face interviews is a tool that allow researcher interact with the participant in

a very closely way, for that reason this kind of interview is very useful to get the accurate

data. This kind of instrument was used, for teachers in order to know the different points of

view that they have about the final projects as a meaningful way to improve the oral

competences. In addition, the category of face to face interview will be semi structured in

which as Zhang &Wildemuth stated;

Usually including both closed-ended and open-ended questions, is prepared; but in

the course of the interview, the interviewer has a certain amount of room to adjust

the sequence of the questions to be asked and to add questions based on the context

of the participants’ responses. (2016, p. 1)


In order to have the information about the participants’ perception in a concise and

concrete way in this study questionaries’ have been used because they have suitable

characteristic as states “As a research tool, we must consider two important concepts in

questionnaires: reliability and validity. (Adams& Cox, 2008, p. 18).

Data Analysis

To analyze the data, researcher used the winnow process, where just the most

meaningful data was taken into account. In addition, the data was divided into categories in

order to have a better analysis of the data that has already been collected. The validity in

this research was proved through the use of triangulation, this strategy of using three

instruments to collect the data. This is to show that the information was valid. In addition,

peer debriefing was used in this study, when using this strategy; an expert is located by the

researchers in order to ask question about the research.

Moreover, reliability procedures were used to know if the study is reliable; these

procedures were taken into account that the document does not have mistakes.

According to the data collected some categories were found.

 Definition of projects

Borrow (As cited in Dewi, 2016) defines projects as “a students centered

pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem

solving. Students learn both thinking strategies and domain knowledge” (p.347)

The definition given by the students is similar to the one given by Borrow, because

they see projects as the way they link theory with practice, as one student states: “a

project is an activity where I can practice the English I learned in the class” So,

students do not manage all the information related with projects but they have a

basic idea of what a project is.

 Concepts

To acquire a language, it is important to develop four macros skills,

listening, reading, writing and speaking, divided them as input and output of the

students. One that is really significant to keep in mind it is spe4aking, because this

gives a general view of how students are doing with the learning process. Things

would be different if students were instructed about speaking competences,

however, students have poor or non-knowledge about the concepts of speaking

competences, as participant number 1 and 2 said “I don’t know anything about it”,

allowing to not be aware about the leaning process moreover, students cannot

recognize their strength and weakness to improve them

 The most common projects

 Most of the students said that they have filmed videos, in the videos they

explained grammar topics like: present tense, present continuous, yes/no

questions and so on. For other projects, they filmed videos in which

students dramatized real situations for example; how to buy something in

the supermarket? Giving personal information, and how to order a meal in

a restaurant? Etc. These are the most common tasks the participants did in

their previous levels.

 Oral presentations like: to talk about a book that the teacher assigned, to

talk about a movie they like, to describe a person they admire, to tell their

expectations for the future etc.

 Cultural fairs, where they have to give information about certain country to

put in practice what they have been learning during the term.
 Student’s perceptions

Nowadays teaching needs to be innovative, therefore the English program at

UPNFM had implemented projects in the levels to make students practice their four

skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) outside the classroom. Most of the

students have a positive attitude towards projects, because through these

assignments they have the opportunity to enjoy time with their friends, also projects

allow them be creative including their ideas in the videos, oral presentations,

cultural fairs etc. As Supe and Kaupuzs (2017) state “students themselves play in

the initial choice of subject matter and in the decisions related to appropriate

methods, the project timetable and the eventual project product”. This important

role is reflected in the ingenuous ideas included in every project by students.

Furthermore, for students it is a new experience because they are

accustomed to develop assignments in class like: to make a conversation with a

classmate, to tell an experience to the classmate next to them, or to describe a

picture, etc. As one student stated “project was a new experience that I had never

done, but now I was very excited to do these new things” As in every college

activity students tend to feel frustrated and stressed, because they are not used to

work in groups and some of them said that they don’t have time to meet, also most

of them agree that they would like to have more time to develop their project

.Students feel that they have to develop the project in a rush, because teacher start

talking about projects in the last weeks of the term, so they do not have opportunity

to give a better final product.

But in spite of these factors, they enjoy the process and recognized that they learn

from it, as they indicated in the following opinions: “the projects helped me because

now I can speak more fluently”, “I feel that I can speak more than before the

project” “projects are satisfactory to our learning process”. At the end they feel

satisfied with the final product and they have a good funny time learning the


 Teachers’ perceptions about the development of the projects

The majority of the teachers stated that projects need to be structured

differently because of several reasons. First of all, the time is an essential element to

structure the project in an effective way, as one teacher states “projects need to be

well structured, they need to be planned and announce with enough time for

students to understand them, for students to know what to do”. This means that

teachers think, time is the key element to develop a project in an effective way, in

others words a completing the whole project process which consist of several


Stage 1: Speculation: This stage includes choice of project topic and

sensitization about it. Stage 2: Designing the project activities: This stage

includes formation of groups and assigning of roles, decisions concerning

methodology, sources of information. Stage 3: Conducting the project

activities: At this stage the groups implement the activities designed in the

previous stage. Stage 4: Evaluation: Evaluation refers to the assessment of

the activities from participants and discussion about whether the initial aims

and goals have been achieved” (Tsiplakides,2009, p.114-115)

The second one is the amount of students in every classroom, as one teacher

expressed “I have forty-six students, imagine every single student speaking if I

assigned them three minutes how long it will take then? so, that’s one of the

problem that we have”. For teachers is difficult to plan a class in which they can

give a time for each student. Even thought, teachers like the projects’ process, they

perceive some flaws in adapting this process to the career context.

 Speaking Competences

Through projects students can improve and sub skills such as fluency,

pronunciation also they enrich their lexicon. An interesting fact found in the

research was that through projects they got confidence delivering speeches in public

and they feel comfortable using the language. This is because they were in an

environment where they did not fell under pressure to speak correctly. Instead, they

used the language take into account all that they had been learning during the term

also they could be corrected by each other. To do well performance, it necessary to

practice, therefore improving pronunciation allowing fluency at the moment of

speaking. During the process of doing projects they had to look for information and

research about the topics having to read a lot and learn new words after that, they

realized that they have enrich their vocabulary.

 Suggestion for improvement

Projects are great ways to assess the students’ speaking. However, the students who

are the ones who are in charge of the development of the projects suggest to have
guidelines for the task since beginning of the term, because they would like to have

enough time to get ready for it, also to receive feedback from the teacher, in that way

they could be able to use the language according with what they have learned in the

process. Another thing that they said was about the way how projects are presented.

They commented that they would like to share their final product with all their

classmates because the majority of times, the teacher is the only one who they share

their project and sometimes they do not receive comments from the teacher about it.

That is why they would like to receive positive and negative comments from their

classmates and not just from their teacher. In this way they could see projects as a

meaningful task and generate changes in their own learning of the language through the

correction of other people.

 Suggestion for different projects

Beside the usage of projects as a way to assess students, they expressed that they

would like to be assessed through other kind of activities that can be part of projects in

which they can be exposed in their own classroom or in public , for example they

mentioned developing activities like festivals of music in which they can put in practice

the grammar and vocabulary that they learned , also to have the opportunity to teach to

their classmate how to do something it is kind of a demonstrative presentation. For

them it is a good way to improve their speaking competences Because in this way they

really use the language how it should be.

Ethics statement
Ethics is an essential element in any research projects that is because in this research

ethic was reflected in many aspects. One of this was that the researchers ensured the quality

of the project because they developed their role following all the ethics principles.

Students’ and Teacher’s participation was voluntary and were not endangered.

Furthermore, participant’s identities and information have been protected in a

confidentially and anonymity by the researcher.


The perceptions of students about projects as a way to improve their oral

competences showed, that through projects they get a meaningful improvement in their

speaking competences as well as their sub skills such as pronunciation, vocabulary,

fluency. From the perceptions of the teachers, they expressed that most of the students

speaking competences have enhanced through projects and the objectives of the class are


According to what students said besides the development of the speaking

competences, they have a positive opinion towards the projects because, projects help them

to feel comfortable and increase their self- esteem at the moment of speaking in public. In

addition, students enjoy the process of doing the projects.

Even though students like the projects, most of them said that they would like to

have more time to develop the project stage by stage, since the beginning of the term in

order to produce a better final product and improve their speaking skills in a better way.

The effectiveness of the projects not only depends on how well structured they are,

or how much time they take, there are different aspect to get a good outcome, such as the

attitude of the students. This is reflected in a minimal amount of students who do not reach

the goals, because they do not show interest in the development of the projects.

Projects have been well received by the students also by the teachers as a way to

assess speaking competences, however, they would like to have some changes like have

more time to do it, and spread what they -students- have done as project to inform the

university community about and do it more meaningful and teachers can have more
accuracy and validity on their assessment. Moreover, students suggested other activities

besides projects to be evaluated their speaking competences such as musical festival,

bingos or spelling bees.


For further researches it is suggested take into account the following;

The participants should have an intermediate level of English to have better descriptions

about projects and also it is important make sure that all the participants have experience

doing projects, at least three projects done.

Paying attention to the anxiety of the students produced by projects and the quality of


Looking for strategies to get students’ interested in order for them to participate.

Organizing meetings to collect data with enough time to have opportunities to go in deep in

the different instruments.


Some limitations found on this research were;

The schedules to collect data were few because sometime participants did not have enough

time as well as the researchers.

A poor interest of the participants to participate in the research.

The level of English of the participants did not allow them to give a very detailed

description about the perceptions they have toward projects.


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Stude Describe Did you How did How In your Do you In your What is Would What do Is
the like you long own think opinio your you like you know there
nt projects them? feel? did words, projects n, do opinion to be about somethi
that you Yes/no.wh you how have project about assessed speaking ng you
did in y? prepa you helped s really being through competenc would
the last re to define you to helped assessed others es? How like to
levels prese project improve a you to through kind of do you get change
nt s as an specific improv projects? activity? the about
your activity skill? e What informatio the
projec to What speaki kind of n? project
t? learn skill? ng’ In activity? ?
English what Why?
? ways?
1 In basic Yes, yes I Very Aroun They are Yes, it helps Yes It is Yes, for They are They
English, liked good, it da very me in because something example very good. make
the because we was a month necessar speaking, speakin very good presentatio me less
project had the great y fluency and g not because, n in class. shy.
was a opportunity experien because pronunciati only in you can’t
video, or of ce we not on. the assess only
some expressing, only classroo with exams
videos and it helps have to m,
where we us to don’t be in make and
talked be shy. the you homework.
about classroo don’t be
different m, we so shy.
topics like have to
the innovate
present the
tense, ways of
present learning
continuou and
s, and we teaching
have to .

2 An Yes, I liked I felt Only 3 Is an Yes, a skill yes, Yes, our Yes for I don’t I we
actuation, it because great. weeks. activity with because Mrs. Being spelling of know could
we record we practice we learn speaking, I was assessed how can nothing change
a video. our English. a lot writing shy girl learn more with the
because ,reading but with English. others
we talk and spelling the level to
with the projects projects do the
others. help us to I forgot projects.
practice it and I
and learn speak
more. more
with my
3 I did a Yes it was Comforta 2 Is an Yes, It’s good, no I don’t No,
video of funny. ble weeks activity speaking because know nothing.
all the because where I because we that nothing
topic we my group can spoke very activity can about it.
saw in were practice clear for prove how
three very the had a good are with
months friendly. English I score. English
in class.

4 I made a Yes, it was Great, it For 2 Like kind Yes, of Yes, we That’s cool Yes, maybe They are No, I
compilatio funny was a weeks of course. were because showing us kind of how really
n of good somethi Because it’s doing we don’t the result we express, like the
videos new ng to supposed kind of know of other talk and way they
practicing experien develop that we are a role everything people or show our are
what we ce some practicing play but about some ideas skills
learned skills what we we projects to do the
that we learned so, recorde things
need to I think that r it
use as a that’s why
teacher the activity
was realize
The name Yes I like Very nice 1 I think To be able Totally I think it’s Festival of I don’t It’s okay
of the them, month it’s very to speak in agree, easier music, know like that
project because it good we front of because because I
was is good to are from everyone we can think is
Countries learn about the speak very great
the other career fluently
your food,
culture and
6 When I Yes, I did good Four The final Yes, in Yes, That is Yes, meet By the No,
was in but I didn’t weeks project speaking because good for original teacher of although
basic like so and of the when I me people of English in projects
English I much the two course is talk English the upnfm aren’t
made the second weeks very about and work very
video with project essential all with others good,
other 4 because I because things I courses we learn
classmate learned just are speak a lot of
s of a little better with things.
different our facility
situations English to learn
in the day, languag to other
meet new e and people
people we live a
and other. real
The experien
second ce of the
project situation
was of the in
make a English
7 It was a Not too I felt very One It’s a In my Yes It good but Yes, by an no Get
presentati much, good but moth good pronunciati because also we exposition more
on with because there idea on because we can have to or diversity time to
different due to the were a because in that way express have time of do it
conversati other lot of in that I can talk and to do it. conversati
ons about classes is a stress way we more practice ons o
the little hard because can more,
diversity to do it and it was my express it’s very dramatizati
of units more when first more hard to ons
it is has to project do it
be in when
groups you
have a
you can
do it
8 An Yes very Only it is an Yes, my Yes it Yes it is Yes, for I do not Anythin
actuation because it nice three activity pronunciat help, in important spelling or nothing g
we record was weeks very ion, the way for me, how can
a video entertainm interesti because it of because it learn more
ent. ng helps you speakin helps me English
in your g. in
pronunciat pronunciat
ion ion and
9 I did a Yes Very Four Is good Yes, It Yes, it It is good Yes, an a No. More
video because good weeks because helps me helps because exposition time in
we learn we in me to we can or order to
more. learn pronunciat improv put in dramatizat prepare
new ion and e my practice ion us.
words. also I can speakin all that we
interact g skills have been
with each in the learning
other. momen before.
t that
made a
10 I did a Yes, Very Four Is a Yes, in my Yes, It is good Yes, it can No. The
video because good weeks very pronunciat because because in be a project
learn more good ion in the this way conversati of level
activity because I momen we on or may two that
because can talk a t that I practice be an do not
we lot. did the English. exposition made
learn video it . out side
new helped of the
words me to classroo
and we learn m.
practice new
English words.
11 I was Yes, Very two we had For my It helps Very good I like I would
doing the because good weeks explain opinion me for because I bingo like to
story of learn more our exampl was change
Mexico. projects e I can speaking time
speak enough because
in we do
public. not have
a lot of
time in
order to


Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question#9

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8Is there What is
Can you What was How did How long Did that From your Was there anything your
describe the you feel did your specific previous an you would opinion
the process doing practice assignmentexperience improveme like to about
previous that you that before help you doing nt after change being
final follow to project? presentin improve? projects, doing the about the assessed
projects do the g your what is project? project? throughout
you have project? projects? your Why? projects?
developed What is opinion Why?
in the your about final
level opinion projects as
classes? about it? ways to
help you
Stude And he Actually Yes, three Actually Well I think The time In my
nt 1 In basic told us that that was weeks. yes, in some because like opinion is a
English we we have to very because we pronunciati that we can good idea
did present a stressful can speak on in prepare because we
different draft with because well, and difficult better. can change
videos, different the time, we go away words and the routine
about conversati we didn’t the shy. the fluency. that is only
different on, and he have a lot Talking in doing
topics check it time front of a homework
about and when because camera, in the
present that finish, that also the classroom
continuou when all teacher memory, and
s, the drafts organize memorize because we
introduce was okay, the the can
yourself, we started groups conversatio improve
can or we filmed very late, ns because our skill out
can’t, past that videos also the in the side the
simple. in different drafts classes classroom.
Yes, no places, for because with only
questions, example there read the
we did here in the were a lot conversatio
conversati university topics, n but in the
on using or in and we video we
this topic. classmates’ felt can’t read
houses, stressful we have to
whatever and tired memorize
we because the
wanted. we have conversatio
another n and I
classes to, thought
so that that was
time for good
with the
.I think
though is
stressful is
a good
idea that
give us
in many
Stude About the During I’m better Festival of
nt 2 countries. for One at listening music is very
In my month also I ideal for the
group the for learned English
country is preparati about the career
Germany on the history of because is
we talk nuestro the entertainme
about the topic countries. nt.
food, the Germany
Stude The same Because The
nt 3 the for teacher,
countries, example the project
because my is
we project, interesting
explained we because we
the investigat can have
countries, e the the
French, history, influence of
Mexico, and the English, I
Colombia, teacher help you to
Ecuador in give us speak a lot
that the feedback, of people
most but we to know a
popular were lot of
singer, the confused people ,
history of for the we can lose
Germany, informatio to nervous
the history n. and I listen
of all person,
Ecuador, I learn
Colombia. different
on so is
there is a
lot people
on and the
n we have
Stude First he We didn’t Only I feel that I In my
nt 4 made the have time. three can speak opinion if
groups. Also weeks to more than they can
The because prepare before the give us more
teacher we didn’t the project. time to
make us know how project. After that, prepare our
give him to did it, we lost the projects.
three because shy.
drafts. we didn’t
have ideas
to make
Stude Learn new I would
nt 5 words change the
time too.


Question Question Question #3 Question #4 Question #5 Question #6 Question Question #8 Question

#1 #2 Did you get In your own In your own What is #7 What do you #9
How was Did you any benefit words, how opinion, do your opinion Would you know about Is there
your like the after the you define projects about being like to be speaking something
experience project? project? projects as an really help assessed assessed competences? you would
doing the Why?/Why activity to you to through through How do you like to
project? not? learn English? improve projects? others kind get the change
speaking? In of information? about
what ways? activities? projects?
Why? What kind
of activity?
Student 1 I really liked Yes, Yes, in first As an activity Yes, of course I think that Mmmmmm, I know that Mmmmm,
Iveth because it because it time it took to learn they help we are like, I don’t competence is I think no,
Wednesday was funny was a kind me off of my English I because we’re in my case I know I what you I really
and we have of a new scared of talk describe it like, speaking and am a really like done when like the
a lot of experiences in front of a I think it is one we are freshman so, that activity you speak the ways that
common in that I never camera and of the very practicing we don’t but may be language, the
the group had so I teacher is good way to what we’re have those if I can when you’re projects
and that was was very giving me because you learning. So kind of choose practicing, are.
great. excited to points, so that are speaking, obviously that experiences another one when you can Because I
do things. was good. but you don’t is help. in the school may be an pronounce like the for
And helps to have that afraid and when our experience how to example in
improve in if you are kind teacher gives to teach, I express the my first
writing, of you have a us this know that if language you level, in
reading too grammar or assessment I you can are learning in English
and also something like was “oh I teach what this case is one, my
speak because this and that didn’t know you learned English. I teacher
we were you can see if that” and we so that kind know because took us
recording a you learn doing can’t know of projects when I came and show a
video. that. how they so those to basic movie so,
want the English my we watch a
activity to be teacher told movie and
related. me, ok you the teacher
are going to said, right,
develop these the things
for these that the
skills, he says guy do I
you are going want that
to write, you do and
writing skill that was
your speaking very good.
skill you are It was
going to use clear.
reading skill The
and listening process
skill was easy
because he
asked me
for the
person that
I really
admire it,
and it my
mom so it
was very
easy, I
know all
about her
so it was
kind of
easy and
was very
the movie
about the
things a
was not
see in my
thing that
she was
Student 2 It was funny Yes because It helps me to I think is a Yes it helps me Yes, for I know nothing Yes the
and also it helps me improve in the project that you in the way to Is good example about speaking time,
entertaining to improve moment of can make an get better because you make a competence, I because we
my speak. speak and read activity outside fluency and can provide video, need to get need more
After the because we of the classroom pronunciation what kind of because more time in
projects I need to actin and also you student you people need
don't have need to provide are, what do acting and information order to
benefits only what are you you need, or explained about it. prepare us
points in the learning through know what something,
class the projects skills you and I prefer
don't have projects than

Student 3 My Yes I do, My benefit I define Yes, in my Yes, because For my For me Have more
experience because I was with the projects as a pronunciation, my teacher projects are speaking time
was very could pronunciation way to do and help me evaluated us good, I like competences because,
good dramatize because for conversations, to feel self if we learned the activity include things in level 1
because I and act in me it was dramatizations, confidence in from them, that I made that help me we did not
interviewed front a very difficult what I was for me is in my in my do project
my camera talking very project, I pronunciation that was
classmates important interact and fluency about talk
and because they with my about a
developed could know classmates, person we
what I though that I practice think was
learned in if we learned my English a
the class o we didn’t superhero
learned. The for us, and
projects pass in
include all front all
the things my
we saw classmate
during the and we did
class. not do
Students 4 My Yes I like it My benefit Is a very good It help me in It is important I don't want I know what is I want that
experience was learn to activity in order speaking, because to change speaking skill Misters and
was good speak for to learn English, because in my through the anything because I was Misses can
because I can example I learn and even help us last project was projects we looking for give us
learn new to say my to speak in a conversation learn a lot information more time
words, I can name and also public and my before I start to because
speak better ask to classmate help study in the some
and also I can someone for me to English Career students
develop my information pronounce all live far
pronunciation the words that I away and in
didn't know some cases
they don't
they need
to leave the

Student 5 it was funny in my yes, I could because the the project help I like it Well I don't I don't know The one
because I opinion I like speak and projects help us me because I want to anything about thing that I
enjoyed with it because I understand to develop in a was very shyly change the it. want to
my classmate have the more than better way but now I can project change is
do it chance to before. speak more because I like the Misters
speak in fluency it and also and Misses
public spelling be can give us
more time
to prepare
Student 6 I think the Yes I liked it, Yes I could Because the Yes the project I think is very Videos, I don’t know The only
project was I could speak and project help you helped me, good, because conversation anything about thing that I
fun because change the understand to develop because I was I help you in and I don’t it. want to
we enjoyed way I speak more than better very shy but your know. change in
and shared in the before. now I can speak pronunciation, the project,
with all the publish more fluently and your is that the
classmates. speak more Ms. Or
fluently. Msr. Can
give us
more time
to prepare

Student 7 It was very Of course, I Of course I get Projects are Project helps Depending of I am not I don´t know I would like
meaningful it liked the a benefit activity to learn me in my the project, sure, If I anything about that we not
helps me project .It when I did this English but speaking, the students would like to speaking only show
when I was project , everything because I have have to be be evaluate competences, the project
started the something because I get depends of the a problem evaluated. If for other because to our
career. difficult to better in my students, because I was the project is kind of nobody had classmate
do because speaking, to be because if you no fluent and I big it will be things, talk to me of the
of the time fluency don’t have the had pauses and great because because about it, so I levels, I
and was a because I ability doing I feel now I they have a projects is a would not would like
group work didn’t have a something but speak better, so big way of show know what to to show all
but I liked it. base in English them you do it I feel it helps evaluation, our abilities, say. the careers
so I feel it and you can see me because I but show what because I
helped me a that you can do had to speak sometimes I we are able see other
lot. it, I think It has a all the time, feel the to do. But careers
meaning. Every and speak and projects are there are make some
activity, speak you get not related other kinds ferias and
everything we better. with the of activities they show.
do has a things we do. like oral So in our
meaning of career why
learning presentation not to show
everything in class. it? Because
depends of the many of
point of view. our projects
are great
and funny
so yes, I
would like
to change
that part
,show the
project to
careers not
only with
the same
or with the

Student 8 It was nice Yes, I liked. As I said Well, I can Yes, in the Well, I think Projects are I don’t’ know Time,
but also But before, it define as a way that I had that it is good nice, but it too much, I because in
stressful, something learnt how to good activity to practice the because in will be good just know that the
nice because that didn’t work in as I said before pronunciation that way we if projects we should projects
we learned like me it groups, it right, it is not of the words aren’t be were doing have fluent that I did,
a lot of was the learnt to listen just to be in the assessed just but not just because that it it was
things, we time, to the ideas of classroom, in the to share why we are short time
learned to because we others and I reading a book, classroom, with the studying to do it I
work as a had to developed my doing activities through same think, it
team and organize in speaking in the exams and classmate, it was a few
stressful by skill, I classroom, it is homework would be time to
time because less than learned to not important to but also it is better if the organize
sometime three weeks be shy and I find ways to assessed the whole and do
we couldn’t learned to be enrich us, to creativity and university everything.
agree in more fluently have feedback in this way know what That is
some issues and to put into we aren’t in a we are what I
but besides practicing the routine, just doing. would like
that it was topics that that to come to to change.
satisfactory we are going to the
to our talk about in classroom,
learning the project. listening to
process the Mrs./Ms.
And opening
the book and
writing. So,
with project
we are doing
in different
Student 9

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