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"Foundation Law" shall be defined as a written law of the Foundation that shall to be
followed by all Personnel, Executives, and Councillors. Foundation Law shall be
motioned for and enacted by the O5 Council, and is subject to revision with Council
Assent by the Administrative Department.

"Administrative Law" shall be defined as a written law of the Foundation which shall
carry the same weight as Foundation Law. It shall be followed by all Personnel,
Executives, and Councillors.

"Conspiracy" is the unlawful intent or plan to violate a Law.

"Attempting" is the specific intent to commit an unlawful, violation of Foundation or

Administrative Law unsuccessfully.

"Coercion" is a premeditated action to convince Personnel, Executives, or Councillors to

commit some crime or otherwise illicit or biased action.
"Solicitation" is the act of offering money, goods, or service(s) in order to gain illicit or
otherwise un-attainable information or other items.

"Suspension/Class-E" is the loss of clearance for a determined period of time, and rank
set to "Class-E".

"Level Reset" is the complete loss of rank with or without a sentencing to Class-E,
resulting in the user's rank being set as "Class-D".
"Clearance Level" is a Personnel, Executive, or Councillor's security clearance, levelling
from Level-0 to 5. The O5 Council, Head, and Administrator exist outside this, classified
as "Omni" personnel.
"Mandatory Sentencing" is the requisite minimum punitive action which must be taken
upon an offender for a crime.
Abuse of Authority

- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor who is in a position of command or

authority, who misuses their command or authority.

- Shall apply in accordance with Foundation Ownership, on all Foundation sites and
Foundation Discord Communications, as well as on Trello teams and boards.
Aiding in Escape of Class-D/E Personnel

- Defined as any Personnel using their security clearance and/or facility access to allow
Class-E/D or Un-authorised personnel to enter or escape the CDCZ or facility itself
unless held hostage with no options. This especially applies if doing so results in harm to
the facility and/or Personnel.

- Shall apply on all Foundation sites.

SCP Breaching/Destruction

- Defined as the intentional breach or unauthorised termination of any Foundation SCP.

- Shall apply on all Foundation sites.


- Defined as an intentional causation of damage to Personnel, Executives, or Councillors

as a punishment without just cause.
- This shall fall under Article II of the Bill of Natural Rights.

- Shall apply on all Foundation sites.

Information Leakage
- Defined as the leakage of any classified information which was previously entrusted to
a Personnel, Executive, or Councillor to any unauthorised person(s).

- Shall apply in Foundation Discord Communications and Trello teams and boards.

- Defined as the act of providing payment in goods, service(s) or other payments in

order to subvert operations.
- Shall apply on all Foundation sites and Discord Communications, with any forms of

- Defined as the act of any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor in a position of power,
using said power to suit their own purposes to the subversion of the group in and of
- Shall apply on all Foundation sites and Discord Communications, as well as any
external associated relations & activities.
Unlawful Detainment

- Defined as an unethical use of the detain tool to hold another Personnel, Executive, or
Councillor captive or move them somewhere they do not wish to be without just cause
or authorisation.

Disturbing of the Peace

- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor who intentionally places another
Personnel, Executive, or Councillor in fear of abuse either by way of physical force or
rank without a just cause.
- Shall apply in all Foundation Discord Communications.

Criminal Negligence

- Defined as the failure to maintain documentation or administration of a Division or

Department as an Executive, Personnel, or Councillor causing damage to Foundation

- Shall apply in all Foundation Discord Communications.

Criminal Documentation Negligence

- Defined as the act of intentional destruction or defacing of an official document owned

by the Foundation in attempt to cause chaos or to hide a crime, OR as a failure to log or
maintain documentation when one's position requires it.

- Shall apply in all Foundation Discord Communications and on Trello Teams and
Judiciary Misleading Conduct

- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor attempting or successfully to

destabilise or mislead justice, including perjury (lying to a Court or Justice in order to
support one's own cause)

- Shall apply on all Foundation sites, in all Foundation Communications, and on all
Foundation Trello teams and boards.
Murder en masse

- Defined as the frequent killing or targeting of a person or group of persons unethically

(against the Code of Ethics)
Coup d'etat/Treason

- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, Councillor, or O5 Head intentionally attempting to

overthrow Foundation Administration
- Shall apply on all Foundation sites, all Foundation Communications, and on all Trello
teams and boards.

Insincerity to Administration
- Defined as the misleading or lying of any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor to
commanding or higher personnel in order to subvert operations of certain groups or
- Shall apply on all Foundation Discord Communications and on Trello teams and

- Defined as enacting perceived justice summarily without legal authority instead of

using proper legal channels.
- Shall apply on all Foundation Discord Communications and on Trello teams and

Terrorism/Mass Disturbance of the Peace

- Defined as an individual or group of people dedicated to a form of cybernetic
infiltration, internal security breaching, simultaneous contempt of law, or any reason
deemed fit by Intelligence Directorates, whether classed as confidential information or
not. The acts above must be done on a large enough scale that could pose as a direct
threat towards the Foundation

- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor entering an area requiring a higher
clearance or authorisation not present.

Violation of Roblox Community Rules

- Defined as any violation of ROBLOX Community Rules, listed here.

Admin Abuse

- Site
- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor who has any status of
moderation (Agent-Owner/Creator) on any Foundation site, who uses said
ability in an abusive manner in violation of the Administrative Guidelines.
- Group

- Defined as any Personnel, Executive, or Councillor with the capability to edit

assets of Foundation groups on ROBLOX using said ability in an abusive

- Discord
- Defined as any Class-D, Personnel, Executive, or Councillor entrusted with
Server Moderation abilities using said abilities in an abusive manner to subvert
Foundation workings or in a corrupt manner.
In order to prevent Judicial Discretion Bias, mandatory sentences/sentencing minimums shall
be created, with the following punitive actions available;
Verbal Warning

- A simple warning to not violate Law.

- A suspension of security clearance for a set period of time.

Demotion Review/Demotion

- The loss of one(1) or more ranks or security clearances alongside a possible


Level Reset

- Immediate removal from all clearances with record on file for future reference.

Alongside this, in order to preserve the sanctity of Foundation Law, legal ambiguity- commonly
known as "loopholes" (under the Loophole Act) shall be punished as Disturbing of the Peace or
Judiciary Misleading Conduct. Logs of all suspensions are to be kept on the Class-E Trello board
accessible to DoR, EC, and Executive personnel.



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