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Facts about 13th

1.After the civil war, African American’s incarceration rates were at an all-time high. Everyone

had rights except for criminals.

2.They started to arrest African American’s for petty crimes or no reason at all. In 1970 the U.S

prison population was 357,292

3. They doubled the federal spending for law enforcements and declared war on drugs. This is

what started sending people to jail for low level drug offenses, particularly black people. This

was called the southern strategy was a plan to get white people to join and support the

republican party.

4.When crack cocaine came about, African Americans were getting higher sentences than

whites. Crack was a new form of cocaine that was sold in inner city neighborhoods.

5. The United states is home to 25 percent of the worlds prisoner

6.One out of four men in the world are in jail in the us.

7.The us has the highest incarceration rate in the world

8. The 13th amendment grants freedom to all Americans except criminals.

9. Birth of a nation was the first major blockbuster movie

10. It described the civil war and what life was after the fact

11. Laws were passed that made African Americans “second class”

12. The voting rights act gave people hope for equal justice.

13. Politicians blamed the civil rights movement for the crime rate

14.In the 1970s was the era of mass incarceration

Facts from the article


15. According to new polling by the Center for American Progress and GBA Strategies, this
fearmongering works. Eighty-eight percent of survey respondents regarded crime on the
national level as either a “major problem” or an “immediate crisis.”

16. Violent and property crime rates have fallen steadily since the 1990s.

17. One study of late-night news outlets in New York City in 2014 found that the media
reported on murder, theft, and assault cases in which black people were suspects at a rate that
far outpaced their actual arrest rates for these crimes.
18. At his 2016 inauguration, President Trump claimed that the United States was ridden with
poverty and “rampant crime,” vowing to put an end to this “American Carnage”.

19. The media shows showing the mug shots of black suspects more frequently than those of
white suspects;

20. Homicide, for example, is a largely interracial crime, but the news media greatly over
reports on less common cases of black people committing homicide against white people.

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