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Sexual Harassment Quiz 1. If an adult is sexually harassing me there is nothing I can do.


1. If no one else sees me being harassed there is nothing I can do because the harasser will just say Im lying. AGREE DISAGREE

2. Boys can not be sexually harassed by girls. AGREE DISAGREE

3. If a girl says she is being sexually harassed and the boy says hes only fooling then its not sexual harassment. AGREE DISAGREE

4. If you ignore sexual harassment it will probably stop. AGREE DISAGREE Answers and Suggestions 1. FALSE. If a person thinks there is nothing to do it is because they feel frightened or intimidated or that theyve been lied to or threatened. They may also not know their rights. Sexual harassment is SERIOUS and VIOLATING. It is very important for a student to speak to a trusted adult about any repeated sexually suggestive remarks or behavior that belittles you. It might be scary to point the finger at an adult that might have power over your grade, or an employer, or someone very popular or influential in the community. None of these are reasons to endure sexual attention or improper conduct from an adult or classmate. *** To speak up is to defend your own human rights as well as those of other students who have also put up with sexual harassment before. Think always about the power of your word and the consequences of your actions. 2. Just because no one witnesses a sexual offense that you have experienced, dont assume that others will not believe you. Sexual harassment in schools isnt a private event because schools are very public places. Sometimes, though, interactions between students happens privately or is unobserved. Two people may also interpret a situation in 2 different ways, or disagreement might result in one student accusing the other of lying. That is no reason not to speak up. Tell someone you trust. Write things down. Write how it makes you feel. Maybe the next time you may be more prepared to respond if you have a better understanding of your own emotions or reactions.

3. Boys CAN be harassed. How? Jokes about their sexual experience, comments on the size of their private parts, being called gay, unwanted grabbing of their bodies. Unlike the reaction a girl might have to unwanted sexual attention or commentary, boys are usually less likely to name these behaviors as unwelcomed because of social or cultural pressures. 4. If a girl says shes being sexually harassed and the boy says hes only fooling, it IS sexual harassment. ***Sexual harassment is defined from the targets perspective, not the harassers. It does not matter if the target and offender agree on a certain incident being sexual harassment or improper behavior. REMEMBER THIS: If you do not want or welcome attention which is of a sexual nature and it is interfering with your ability to do school work, you are being sexually harassed. 5. Ignoring sexual harassment does not cause it to stop. If ignored it could escalate or get worse. Sometimes people who are being harassed are afraid to say stop! They may fear the harassment is their fault, or that if they mention it to someone else they will be laughed out, retaliated against, or shamed. ***It is important for targets of sexual harassment to take some action in order to let the harasser know that his or her attention is unwanted and WRONG. Who can we alert if someone is making unwanted sexual advances or derogatory comments to us? *** A friend, a counselor, a trusted adult, a teacher you are comfortable talking to. How can we PROTECT OURSELVES??? Avoid high-risk situations: dont walk alone, know where you are going, dont drink too much alcohol, avoid drugs, and dont go with someone you dont know for sure you can trust. Be aware of your surroundings and what kind of attention you are attracting. Trust your instincts; dont be talked into things you wouldnt normally do. React quickly when someone puts you in a difficult situation. Say EXACTLY what you want. Dont say maybe or I dont know. If you have to say NO, say it with authority, like you mean it. Leave a situation when you first become uncomfortable, not when the problem has gotten worse. Be independent, and look out for yourself. Have enough money with you to get home or plan ahead of time a ride or walking buddy. Know WHERE you are (!) and how to get home. Be careful with substances that can change your judgment: alcohol, marijuana. Be aware of how you interact with others physically, what you are wearing, and your attitude. Understand that you are IMPORTANT and have the right to say NO.

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