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Animals in


People have been living on our planet for many years. They live in
different continents and different countries. And of course people
depend on the planet, on the sun, on wildlife around them. But people
use natural resources more, hunt more than they need and that is
why lots of species are on the brink of extinction. Many of them are in
danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have
hunted and killed many of them. But why? What for?

Tigers and elephants are often dangerous animals. Tigers can kill cows,
sheep and other domestic animals and sometimes they can also kill men, and
they kill in order to protect themselves. Unfortunately, there are people who are
ready to kill just for fun and hunt the animals’ beautiful parts of the body. They
know that will get a lot of money, as the prices are high.

The results are very sad you know. There are few Indian tigers on the
Earth nowadays. Many of them are usually old sick animals and they don’t hunt
people, but hide from them in deep dark forests. Or they used to hide earlier,
because the trees also have been cut. And there is a question: “Have those
animals got a future?”

We can ask the same question about African elephants. They are
wonderful animals. They can help, entertain people. Last century Africa was full
of elephants and nowadays you can’t see them very often.

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