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First Week In The Campus

Through the tough days at the Coal Capital of India, Dhanbad to the geographical center of
India, Nagpur its been truly a dream come true.

Right from the start of our innings in the campus when I first stepped into this management
factory it was truly as ecstatic as it could be! Talking about my first day in the campus when
we had our welcome dinner with the PGP 2’s it felt like it was more like an interaction which
was something didn’t followed the conventional methods.

Next day was the day for us getting officially attached to this legacy, IIM Nagpur it was!
The day went pretty well and also ended well as we were also garnered with welcoming
showers, Thanks to PGP 2019’21. As one could not ever anticipate what was coming next, it
was 25th June,2019 when we first entered the classroom with new faces all around. The day
went off as the orientation programme begun officially and we were made accustomed with
the rules and sacrosanctity of IIM Nagpur which was quite initially difficult to get familiar
with. But as its said aptly “Manners Maketh Man” and punctuality really became the cardinal
virtue of every PGP 1’s. The day ended with a lot of learnings about what’s going to come
next. Then came the first night in the campus when we were called at our classrooms, its lot
been heard that in IIM’s night is no different from the days and today was the day when
we witnessed that.

As I told earlier IIM Nagpur is strictly sacrosanct and it happened too as the event started
at sharp 8:59:59 PM. We had no idea that when the event was going to end and it dint even
bothered too as the first club Nexus showed the true meaning of what nexus is! There were
event which really took on the edges of our seats and the true feeling of competition was
transferred through moderated teamwork. The Night also ended but the hard truth is that
its was really like the one of the toughest nights of my life.

When it was morning again we were already rushing to enter the classes as one would never
expect so much punctuality. The orientation programme was in full swing and the day went
off like most tireful days of life.
But as earlier said what’s coming next was never expected as these hard yearning led to the
most beautiful transformation in one and all in just a week and here we are at the end of
the first week at IIM Nagpur making friends and learning experiences with most beautiful
and witty people around.

Hoping everyday turns to a turnaround day!

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