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Activity Work Process Standard Required

Verify patient’s 1) Educate patient regarding 1) Ensure that the 1) Discharge summary
catheter status. IJC care and risk of infection. inserted catheter 2) Blood culture and
2)During dressing, look out is less than 6 sensitivity results from
for physical signs of infection months. catheter lumen and
such as inflammation, 2) Ensure that peripheral.
abscess/serous discharge patient had no
from exit site etc. episode of CRBSI
3) Asses patient for clinical 3) Failed fistula
symptoms such as fever, assessment
chills, rigors and others

Discuss with 1) If patient has any of the 1) Documentation in CKD

specialist/consultant criteria, MO inform Specialist System
incharge for cuff and get date for cuff catheter
catheter insertion. insertion.
2. Inform Medical Officer to
asses and go through
patient’s previous catheter
insertion history whether
catheter was inserted under
IR or normal procedure room.

Get appointment for 1) HD staff to call procedure 1) Prepare required form

Cuff Catheter insertion room to get earliest date for such as radiology form,
from procedure room. cuff catheter insertion. contrast form and allergy
2) To fill up radiology form, form.
contrast and allergy form. 2) Inform patient once date
3) If required to insert cuff is acquired.
catheter under IR, to get
consent from patient and
Medical Officer required to
get date
Prepare admission 1) MO to fill up admission slip 1) Borang Arahan
slip. as preparation prior to Kemasukan Wad
catheter insertion.
2) HD staff to book bed for

Take blood 1) HD staff to take routine 1) Borang Permintaan Ujian

investigations blood investigations such as Patalogi (PER-PAT 301)
Full Blood Count, Renal
Profile, Liver Function Test &
Coagulation Profile
Admit ward for 1) Inform patient to bring 1) Prepare lab form for
catheter insertion. admission slip for ward blood investigation.
admission procedure. 2) Blood investigation
2) Inform patient regarding results and admission slip
admission date 1-2 days
earlier before admission.
Doctor to insert 1) Ward staff prepare patient 1) Patient case notes
catheter to procedure room for 2) Blood investigation
catheter insertion results

Continue dialysis 1) Post catheter insertion 1) Patient’s case notes

using current vascular care education to be given. 2) Documentation in CKD
access (catheter) 2)Document IR report in system
patient’s case notes if 3) Update complication in
catheter insertion is done HD treatment book for
under IR. reference.
3) Inform MO regarding post
catheter insertion

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