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By: Marnelli E. Caceres.

How long a little light to shine bright,

For it’s just simple, yet clear and tight?
How simple things be complicating,
For now, barely recognized and dazzling?

Why blame the time for shedding a tear,

Knowing memory to be unclear?
Why there ain’t such unforgettable,
When memory is enough to recall?

Time comes, time goes, as we were,

It blinds the memory we can’t bear
Life is short as far as I remember,
No chance of having forever.

No one can delay the inevitable,

Farewells yet to bid by all
For once, awhile, all were vivid and clear.
For now, it’s a complete blur.

This poem is about LIFE in general. It being short, and how we should be living it
one day at a time and making the most out of it. Enjoying every single meal,
every outing, every conversation with loved ones. For there is no ultimate
destination.For today will be yesterday. And yesterday, will be gone. It is NOW!
so have fun! Now!

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