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Outer Ear infections (Otitis externa) Ear wax build up and blockage
Signs and  pain  sudden or partial hearing loss (this is usually temporary)
symptoms  itching  tinnitus (a ringing or buzzing in the ear)
 discharge from ears  a feeling of fullness in the ear
 temporarily dulled hearing – if the swelling is enough to block  earache
your ear canal

Etiology  Bacterial/viral infections due to :-  Some people are prone to producing too much earwax.
 swimming, over-cleaning the ears may Using cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other objects in your
 damage your ear canal – with a cotton bud, your fingernail, or ear canal can also push wax deeper, creating a blockage.
any other object (hearing aids or earplugs – these can irritate  More likely to have wax buildup if frequently use
your ear canal or introduce bacteria) earphones or hearing aids.

Goal of therapy Eradicate infections, preserve hearing, reduce inflammation, and Eradicate excessive wax, improve hearing, avoid worsening
avoid worsening to another part of the ear.

Non Rx medication Nicol ear drops (Chloramphenicol) Never attempt to dig out earwax buildup yourself. This can
Neo-Deca (Dexamethasone with Neomycin) cause major damage to your ear and lead to infection or
hearing loss.
-Softening Earwax
1. mineral oil
2. hydrogen peroxide
3. carbamide peroxide
4. baby oil
5. glycerin
Eg : Cerumol, Soluwax
How to apply Ear drops Medication for wax removal

 Warm the drops by holding the bottle in your hands for a  Flood the outer ear cannal with cerumol/ hydrogen
few minutes. peroxide
 Gently shake the bottle.  Damp a cotton ball with cerumol/hydrogen peroxide
 Do not touch the tip of the bottle to your ear. Germs from  Put it inside the ear
your ear can spread to the medicine bottle if your ear  Leave for 10 minutes in upright ear position
touches the tip.  Let the liquid out
 Lie down or tilt your head to one side.
 Gently pull and hold your ear up and back. If you are
putting ear drops in your child's ear, gently pull and hold
his ear down and back.
 Gently squeeze the bottle to drop the correct number of
drops into your ear.
 Replace the cap on the bottle.
 Press on your ear flap and keep your head tilted for several
minutes to give the medicine time to coat your ear.

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