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Infectious Conditions different between sign and symptom)

Measles Chickenpox Impetigo Fungal infection scabies Pediculosis

Caused  Infection by  Caused by the  Caused by the Type Common Name Characteristics  Caused by the  Head lice
rubeola virus varicella-zoster staphylococcus Tinea Athlete’s Foot  Occurs in mite Sarcoptes (Pediculosis
 (which lives in virus (VZV) bacteria pedis moist and scabiei capitis)
the mucus of the warm areas of  (which are  Body lice
nose and throat feet, between attracted to the (Pediculosis
of an infected toes warmth and smell corporis)
child or adult)  Itching, of humans)  Pubic lice
odor, stinging

Incubatio  Infected person  Average Tinea Ringworm at  Itchy, red

n period is contagious for incubation period cruris the groin rash in groin
four (4) days from viral and
before the rash exposure to onset surrounding
appears, and of symptoms is areas
continues so for 12-14 days
about four to five Tinea Ringworm on  Red patches
days afterwards. corporis the body with scaly
edge and
clear skin at
Transmit  Measles is a  Highly
highly contagious
contagious viral  VZV is
disease. Spread communicable Tinea Ringworm of the  Hair loss with
is by airborne by both direct capitis scalp inflammation
droplets of skin-to-skin at affected
nasal secretions contact and via area
droplets from
the infected
Sign  Disseminated  First sign: patch Onycho Ringworm of the  Nails  Erythema  Scratching in
(what the (mrebak) of red, itchy skin mycosis nails malformed,  Papules area of body
doctor erythematous / Tinea thickened,  The mite’s where the lice
sees) rashes which  Pustules develop unguiu discoloured burrows can be feed
appear two to on this area, soon m seen on the skin as (e.g. at the back
four days after forming crusty, tiny, grey, scaly of the head or
initial symptoms yellow-brown Pityriasi White spots  Fine, scaly swellings usually around the ears
and lasts for up sores that can s/ white patches between the usually indicate
to eight days. spread to cover Tinea on skin fingers, on the head lice. Look
The spots usually entire areas of vesicolo  Commonly on wrists and male out for nits
start behind the the face, arms, r face, neck, genitalia. (eggs) on the
ears, spread and other body shoulders,  Pruritis hair)
around the head parts. arms and
and neck, then trunk
spread to the legs  May result in
and the rest of itching after
the body (kulit sweating
jdi merah n
merebak ke Candidi Thrush Commonly
bhgian bdn yg asis appears :
laen)  Under breasts
 In armpits
 Koplik spots  Genital area
 In mouth
 Pruritis
 Vaginal
Symptom Cold-like symptoms:  Flu-like 1. Fever It may take as long
(what the 1. Fever symptoms 2. Pruritis (itch) as 2 – 3 weeks for a
patient 2. Sore throat  Rashes normally 3. Pain person to notice the
experienc 3. Cough appear as red intense itching
es) 4. Runny nose spots, after about associated with
from the
5. Headache 12-14 hours the pediculosis.
spots develop a
blister on top and
become intensely

 Blister in clusters
and can be
anywhere on the
body, even inside
the ears and
mouth, on the
palms of the
hands, soles of
the feet and
inside the nappy

Treatment 1. Treatment is 1. Acetaminophen 1. Gentamicin 1. Apply the

symptomatic 2. Calamine lotion sulphate cream - parasiticidal
only. or any similar (Garamycin®, preparation
2. Paracetamol OTC preparation Beagenta®) onto the whole
(Panadol,® that can be 2. Fusidic acid/ body except
Millidon®) – as applied to the sodium fusidate the head and
antipyretic to blisters to help cream/ointment - neck. The
reduce fever dry them out and (Fucidin®) whole family
3. Chlorpheniramin soothe the skin. 3. Mupirocin should be
e (Piriton®, 3. Oral ointment - treated since
Chloramine®) – antihistamine (Bactroban® scabies is
as antihistamine 4. Antibacterial, if /Muprin ® ) - highly
if patient there is should be contagious
complains of secondary skin applied thinly during close
itchiness infection (require four times daily physical
4. Calamine lotion prescription from (Crusts should contact.
to soothe the skin doctor) be removed by 2. Emulsion
and relieve dabbing with benzyl
itching mild soap and benzoate
lukewarm water, should be left
or use povidone- on the body
iodine, before the for 24hours,
ointment is washed off
applied) and repeat 2-3
4. Oral times
antihistamines 3. Malathion
for pruritis 0.5% should
be applied to
whole body
and washed
off after 24
4. Clothings,
should be
washed in hot
water and

Counselli  Do not scratch  Drink lots of  Impetigo is  Practice good hygiene  Scratching may
ng lesions on skin fluids / juices contagious when  Dry the skin completely after a bath or lead to
 Avoid wearing  Avoid frequent there is crusting shower secondary
tight clothing bathing to or oozing. Avoid  Reduce sweating by using anti-perspirants bacterial
 Drink plenty of prevent drying of close contact  Do not share towels infection
fluids (orange skin with other  Wear cotton socks and underwear. , should  Use fine tooth
juice, barley  Use soap-free people. change their socks daily, and to avoid comb/ nit comb
water, lemonade) soap to avoid  Children should occlusive footwear. to remove nits
to treat the fever. further skin be kept home  Use antifungal powder in shoes or socks from hair.
 Use mild soap to irritation from school until  For antifungal treatments advice patient to  Retreatment
avoid skin  Avoid scratching lesions crust over continue treatment for another two weeks can be carried
irritation or rubbing (at least 48hrs after the skin has been cleared of infection out after 7 – 10
 Avoid contact infected areas to after treatment) days to assure
with other people prevent causing a  Use separate no eggs/nits
especially during skin infection or towels, bedsheet have survived.
the week when scars to form and pillowcase.  Avoid physical
the rash first after blisters heal  Change after first contact with
appears day of treatment. infected
(contagious n individuals and
spread by their
airborne) belongings e.g.
 Wash and soak
infested clothes
in hot water for
about 20
minutes before
 What non-
medication to

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