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KMTLink Guide

About KMT
Kemet Tools provides an easy, accurate and exhaustive way of Data Management in BIM
From the early stages of any architectural project, Data Management is a crucial part which is
always difficult to be handled and controlled correctly.
We think about a BIM model as several Databases. With KMT Tools we build several
applications to link and synchronize data from/to Autodesk Revit.

KMTLink Addin
KMT Link is one of KMT Tools Revit Addins which permits to create project Program data from
an external Database to Revit in 4 simple steps and to synchronize data back and forward
between Revit and an external Database in one simple click.

• Create a Bi-Directional Link between an Excel file and Revit
• Create as much as needed of Rooms/Spaces in Revit from Excel
• Update in Bi-Directional way any updates to keep the Revit Database the same as the
Excel file and the opposite

Figure 1.0 – Home Screen

Get started
The KMTLink Addin is available for Autodesk Revit 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. To start using
KMTLink just go ahead and click one of the buttons shown in the toolbar under the ‘KMT Tools’

Figure 2.0 – KMTLink Toolbar

In this section, we will show how to create Rooms and Spaces from an Excel file and vice-versa!

Prepare Excel File
Prepare an Excel file with the required project program, each Room/Space should be in one line
(row) separately. Supported excel formats include .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm.

Figure 3.0 – Prepare Excel File

Select Excel File

Open plugin by clicking Create button on KMTLink tab. The first page you’ll see after the plugin
is loaded is the page that allows you to select excel file to be imported as seen in Figure 2.0
Browse any directory you want or copy paste a path into the path field. Select the file to import
then click OK button. Selected file data will be parsed and ready to be imported. The next
screen will be the home screen Figure 3.0 where available steps will be displayed. Completed
steps will be highlighted with blue color and the next step should be clicked to continue with
the process.

Figure 4.0 – File Selection

Data Selection

In this screen, you can choose any data you want to import, by click and drag rows and/or
columns as desired.
Select which Rows will be used to Create Rooms or Spaces (Tip: use CTRL or Shift to select
specific Rows or Select several Rows together). All the data can be selected at once by clicking
the list at the top left. Click the Done button to continue.

Figure 5.0 – File Selection

Map Fields
The Mapping step will link each Column to a Specific Revit Parameter, this link is permanent
even if the Columns order has changed in Excel!

It is important to select one of the fields to be used as an identifier for your Room or Space. To
set a specific field as the identifier, select the checkbox of the field.

Figure 6.0 – Select and Map Fields

Select which Parameter will be the Primary ID Key, this one is very important: KMT Link will use
this value to manage the updates between Excel and Revit.
Finally, choose whether to create Rooms or Spaces in which phase.
After the configuration or all fields are mapped, click done and navigate to the next step and
last step to create Rooms or Spaces.

Create Rooms and Spaces
Click Create Rooms or Create Spaces button. Your dialog will be displayed with all available
phases to choose where the Rooms or Spaces will be created to as seen in Figure 8.0.

Figure 7.0 – Create Rooms or Spaces

Choose a phase and click the OK button. The import process will be started and all chosen data
will be imported. Now, Rooms have been Created, and the Excel file is Uniquely linked to the
current Revit Project!

Figure 8.0 – Select a Phase

Update Data

The update process, synchronize data between Revit and the Excel file. Update performs CUD
(Create, Update, Delete) operation and makes sure that data are synchronized between Revit
and Excel file.
Update works both ways Revit to Excel and Excel to Revit synchronization.

• Create - If new Rooms or Spaces are created in Revit, the update process will create
these Rooms into Revit and vice-versa
• Update – If modifications have been made in the Excel file or Revit, these data will be
updated on both sides
• Delete – Deleted Rooms or Spaces in Revit will be highlighted in red color in excel file
(marked as deleted) and they won’t be takin into consideration on the next operations
to be performed in the future. Deleted data will be archived and kept in the excel file as
a history of changes made.

The video below explains the previous steps:

Figure 9.0 – Tutorial Video

Addin License

We use serial numbers to keep track of the software licenses. KMTLink has a trial period that
allows users to use all features of the Addin while in the trial period. After the trial period, you
can request a license by contacting us at
Go to the license page by clicking the License button on KMTLink toolbar and send us your serial
number as seen in the License page (sample Figure 8.0).

Figure 10.0 – License Page

For more information visit Kemet Solutions, our support portal

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