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Chapter 3


This presents the respondents` perception about the commercial and alternative

varnish paint for woods.

Table 1 presents the mean, verbal interpretation and rank distribution of the

alternative hair conditioner in terms of color and smell.

Table 1
The Acceptability of Alternative Hair Conditioner in terms of Color and Smell

Color Smell

What is the level of acceptability of What is the level of acceptability of

Alternative guava leave conditioner in terms of guava leave conditioner in terms of

Hair Color? Smell?

Conditioner Overall Mean Verbal Overall Mean Verbal

Interpretation Interpretation

4 Very Acceptable 4.1 Very Acceptable

It could be seem from the table above that in terms of color, the computer mean

is 4 and is verbally interpreted as very acceptable. Moreover, in terms of smell, the

computed mean is 4.1 and is verbally interpreted as very acceptable.

This implies that in terms of color and smell of the alternative hair conditioner are

very acceptable to the chosen respondents.

According to (Lafond, 2017) varnishes release overpowering fumes when they're

still curing, but some of these odors come from non-VOC chemical ingredients which

results to health issues

Table 2 presents the mean, verbal interpretation and rank distribution of the

commercial hair conditioner in terms of color and smell.

Table 1
The Acceptability of Commercial Hair Conditioner in terms of Color and Smell

Color Smell

What is the level of acceptability of What is the level of acceptability of

Commercial commercial conditioner in terms of commercial conditioner in terms of

Hair Color? Smell?

Conditioner Overall Mean Verbal Overall Mean Verbal

Interpretation Interpretation

3.93 Very Acceptable 4.37 Very Acceptable

It could be seem from the table above that in terms of color, the computer mean

is 3.93 and is verbally interpreted as very acceptable. Moreover, in terms of smell, the

computed mean is 4.37 and is verbally interpreted as very much acceptable.

This implies that the commercial hair conditioner is very acceptable in terms of

color. Furthermore, this implies that the commercial hair conditioner are very acceptable

in terms of smell to the chosen respondents.

According to (Lafond, 2017) varnishes release overpowering fumes when they're

still curing, but some of these odors come from non-VOC chemical ingredients which

results to health issues

Table 3


The acceptability of
Guava Leave
Extract Conditioner
compared to Overa Verbal Interpretation
Commercial ll
products in terms of: Mean


The acceptability of Guava

Leave Extract Conditioner

compared to Commercial GUAVA LEAVE EXTRACT

products in terms of



3.67 Very Acceptable

The acceptability of Guava

Leave Extract Conditioner

compared to Commercial GUAVA LEAVE EXTRACT

products in terms of



3.67 Very Acceptable

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