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Little Group Responsibles

 Each one write down the questions and answer for himself
 Be sure to know your little group number before the start
 Be the first to share, go far in your sharing to encourage your members
 Be attentive that each one has time to share
 Respect them in their sharing – do not force
 Not a place to enter into discussion
 Must create links, contacts for the follow-up
 For large group sharing: crazy dream, prison, be attentive to the sound that would be
nourishing to the whole group
 Don’t come with a big file. Try to be inhabited and live your testimonies in front of the people
 Speak loud and clear, use microphone properly
 Don’t say “thank you” after your testimony
 Don’t laugh if other laugh during the testimonies (sacred-show respect)
 Prison – do not share what is wounded behind it, to be shared during the intro of God
Music Team and Podium Team
 Try not to move too much. If you wish to speak – write note
 Seat properly
 Be attentive to the animation and testimonies… pray for the animators, testifiers, soloist and
 Live the weekend for yourselves, write down the questions and answers. On the stage, we
represent the community.
 Dress code: Be presentable. It must speak of the beauty as God’s creation.
Gathering team
 Each one is responsible to be on time. Only 1 person will go look for the missing person
 There must be a hall-keeper assigned to ensure order and punctuality in the hall
 Do not move too much in the room… it disturbs the animator and participants
 Animators, be attentive to give time for everyone to settle down before starting.

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