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Access to light energy is one of the most fundamental needs of a particular

hoursehold, and in a much larger scale, of a country. Light energy is essential in

man's everyday functions and even in a household's daily processes.

But the access to sufficient light energy remains to be a big challenge among
hundreds of thousands of people in the country. Energy poverty continues to hamper
the functions of the many Filipinos, and even in some cases endanger their health
and safety as they resort to candles, kerosene, or unsafe wiring for light. This
can also be attributed to the high price of electricity, outdated power plants and
systems, and vulnerability to weather events that result to the destruction of

In an attempt to provide access to energy and produce cheap yet durable

alternatives, Mr. Illac Diaz, Filipino social entrpreneur, innovated the concept of
the Liter of Light.

Energy poverty remains to be a problm in some parts of the country.

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