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Economics of Money Banking and

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Economics of Money Banking and Financial Markets 1st Edition Mishkin Test Bank

Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Alternate Edition (Mishkin)

Chapter 2

2.1 Function of Financial Markets

1) Every financial market has the following characteristic:

A) It determines the level of interest rates.
B) It allows common stock to be traded.
C) It allows loans to be made.
D) It channels funds from lenders-savers to borrowers-spenders.
Answer: D
Ques Status: Previous Edition

2) Financial markets have the basic function of

A) getting people with funds to lend together with people who want to borrow funds.
B) assuring that the swings in the business cycle are less pronounced.
C) assuring that governments need never resort to printing money.
D) providing a risk-free repository of spending power.
Answer: A
Ques Status: Revised

3) Financial markets improve economic welfare because

A) they channel funds from investors to savers.
B) they allow consumers to time their purchase better.
C) they weed out inefficient firms.
D) eliminate the need for indirect finance.
Answer: B
Ques Status: Revised

4) Well-functioning financial markets

A) cause inflation.
B) eliminate the need for indirect finance.
C) cause financial crises.
D) produce an efficient allocation of capital.
Answer: D
Ques Status: Revised

5) A breakdown of financial markets can result in

A) financial stability.
B) rapid economic growth.
C) political instability.
D) stable prices.
Answer: C
Ques Status: Revised

6) Which of the following can be described as direct finance?

A) You take out a mortgage from your local bank.
B) You borrow $2500 from a friend.
C) You buy shares of common stock in the secondary market.
D) You buy shares in a mutual fund.
Answer: B
Ques Status: Revised

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Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Alternate Edition (Mishkin)
Chapter 2

7) Assume that you borrow $2000 at 10% annual interest to finance a new business project. For this loan to be
profitable, the minimum amount this project must generate in annual earnings is
A) $400.
B) $201.
C) $200.
D) $199.
Answer: B
Ques Status: Revised

8) You can borrow $5000 to finance a new business venture. This new venture will generate annual earnings of
$251. The maximum interest rate that you would pay on the borrowed funds and still increase your income
A) 25%.
B) 12.5%.
C) 10%.
D) 5%.
Answer: D
Ques Status: Revised

9) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?

A) A corporation issues new shares of stock.
B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.
C) A pension fund manager buys a short-term corporate security in the secondary market.
D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.
Answer: A
Ques Status: Previous Edition

10) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?

A) A corporation takes out loans from a bank.
B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.
C) A corporation buys a short-term corporate security in a secondary market.
D) People buy shares of common stock in the primary markets.
Answer: D
Ques Status: Revised

11) Which of the following can be described as involving indirect finance?

A) You make a loan to your neighbor.
B) A corporation buys a share of common stock issued by another corporation in the primary market.
C) You buy a U.S. Treasury bill from the U.S. Treasury.
D) You make a deposit at a bank.
Answer: D
Ques Status: Revised

12) Which of the following can be described as involving indirect finance?

A) You make a loan to your neighbor.
B) You buy shares in a mutual fund.
C) You buy a U.S. Treasury bill from the U.S. Treasury.
D) A corporation buys a short-term security issued by another corporation in the primary market.
Answer: B
Ques Status: Revised
Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Alternate Edition (Mishkin)
Chapter 2

13) Securities are ________ for the person who buys them, but are ________ for the individual or firm that issues
A) assets; liabilities
B) liabilities; assets
C) negotiable; nonnegotiable
D) nonnegotiable; negotiable
Answer: A
Ques Status: Previous Edition

14) With ________ finance, borrowers obtain funds from lenders by selling them securities in the financial
A) active
B) determined
C) indirect
D) direct
Answer: D
Ques Status: New

15) With direct finance funds are channeled through the financial market from the ________ directly to the
A) savers, spenders
B) spenders, investors
C) borrowers, savers
D) investors, savers
Answer: A
Ques Status: New

16) Distinguish between direct finance and indirect finance. Which of these is the most important source of
funds for corporations in the United States?
Answer: With direct finance, funds flow directly from the lender/saver to the borrower . With indirect finance,
funds flow from the lender/saver to a financial intermediary who then channels the funds to the
borrower/investor. Financial intermediaries (indirect finance) are the major source of funds for
corporations in the U.S.
Ques Status: New
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seche, v.a.n. P. 173, 899, i. 570, 1285, 2278, ii. 3219, iv. 3463,
(3 pl.pres. sechin, viii. 3036),
sieche, viii. 2911,
seke, sieke, i. 1024, 3072, ii. 928, 1455, iv. 1604,
pret. soghte(n), i. 425, 1144, ii. 2474, iv. 2163,
soughte, P. 197, v. 3933,
sowhte, iv. 3548,
pp. soght, ii. 3128,
sought, v. 4003,
imperat. sech, v. 7605;
al to seche, noght to s., &c., i. 924, ii. 44, 2276, iv. 2963.
secounde, a. i. 2601, ii. 1, iv. 2479, v. 2127,
seconde, i. 1233, v. 2129, following, second.
secre, a. ii. 2132,
in secre, i. 617.
secret, s. vi. 1573.
secretaire, s. iv. 888, private counsellor.
secte, s. P. 349, v. 1643, vii. 1572, religion, kind.
seculers, i. 648.
sed, s. iv. 3007, v. 4014, seed.
Sedechie, vii. 2566 ff.
see, se, s. (1) P. 306, v. 1944, vi. 1037, seat.
see, se, s. (2) P. 933, i. 486, ii. 145, 2531, iii. 86, sea:
see foul, vi. 2129,
cp. sefoul.
seewolf, s. v. 4138, shark.
sefne, see sevene.
sefnthe, a. vii. 1363.
sefoul, s. viii. 2654.
Segne, v. 1113.
seie (1), sein, sain, v.a.n.inf. P. 431, i. 281, 2760, (seye, seyn, P. 86*, viii.
2966), say, sai, i. 2750, v. 5198,
2 s.pres. seist, saist, i. 176, ii. 555,
3 s. seith, P. 43, &c.,
3 pl. sein, sain, P. 12, 56, seie, P. 442,
pret. seide, saide, i. 153, 768, 2740, 3218, sayde, v. 1756, seid, i.
3188, v. 4309,
imperat. sey, sei, say, sai, i. 184, 1822, 2418, ii. 1871, iii. 932, seie,
vii. 4084,
pp. seid, said, P. 335, i. 585, 1229, 3323, iii. 931, vii. 150;
as who seith, P. 43, i. 2794: say, name.
seie (2), see se.
seil, s. i. 704, 1165, ii. 2152, iii. 1555,
sail, v. 3313, 3923, sail.
seile(n), saile, v.n. i. 511, iv. 1741, v. 991,
pres.part. sailende, seilende, ii. 1210, iv. 733, v. 5407,
seilinge, i. 524.
sein, pp. see se.
seint, a. ii. 3335,
fem. seinte, iv. 964.
seint, s. viii. 2778,
pl. seintz, v. 1813.
seintefie, v.a. vii. 4247, viii. 1269.
seisine, see sesine.
sek, siek, a. i. 703, 1703, ii. 15, v. 586, viii. 873,
sik, v. 616,
def. sike, vi. 1012,
pl. seke, P. 914;
as subst. the sike, ii. 1202,
pl. seke, ii. 3163,
sieke, viii. 2368: sick, sick man.
seke, see seche.
seker, see siker.
sekerliche, see sikerliche.
sekernesse, see sikernesse.
seknesse, s. P. 61, i. 2571, v. 410,
sieknesse, i. 185, 713,
siknesse, ii. 3249, iii. 280, sickness.
selde(n), adv. P. 787, iii. 1636, iv. 61,
sielde(n), iv. 1472, 2282, v. 4420;
sielde whanne, iv. 2734,
sielde wher, vii. 4240,
selde if, v. 6595,
selden whanne ... if, vii. 4328: seldom.
seli, a. iii. 658, simple.
selk, s. iv. 857, v. 5770, silk.
selle, v.a. ii. 3061, v. 243,
pret. solde, iii. 2546,
pp. sold, ii. 1662.
Selonites, vii. 4515.
selve, a. i. 200, ii. 51, 2064;
as subst. that selve, i. 1247.
selver, s. P. 608, iv. 2460, viii. 823.
Sem, vii. 546, 557, viii. 83.
semblable, a. i. 646, iii. 2595, v. 1545.
semblance, semblaunce, s. ii. 3273, iv. 379, v. 1534, 6674.
semblant, s. P. 114, i. 1213, ii. 1912, vi. 707, appearance;
feigne semblant, ii. 187, 2015, 2196, make pretence.
seme(n), v.n. and impers. P. 559, i. 614, 903,
sieme, i. 1891, viii. 2386,
me (him, you) semeth, iii. 2344, iv. 965, 1774.
Semiramis, iii. 1332, v. 1432.
semly, semlich, a. i. 1899, viii. 708.
sempiterne, a. vii. 104.
senatour, s. ii. 1195, 1330.
sende, v.a.n. P. 86, 161,
pret. sende, P. 1013, i. 851, 992,
sente, i. 3095, ii. 613, v. 1072,
pp. sent, P. 588,
send, v. 5236.
Senec, ii. 3095, v. 7735.
senne, sinne, s. P. 457, 920, 1017, i. 2929, ii. 3063, iii. 2033, 2546, v.
1739 ff.,
(synne, viii. 3040), sin.
sensible, a. vii. 127.
sentence, s. i. 2153, ii. 2978, 3417, vii. 1620.
Septembre, vii. 1117, viii. 2845.
Septemtrion, vii. 1264.
sepulture, s. i. 2349, iii. 2015.
Serapis, v. 1564 ff.
serpent, s. i. 396,
pl. serpentz, viii. 2574.
servage, s. ii. 2981, vii. 4096, servitude.
servant, s. i. 251, ii. 3300,
pl. servantz, iii. 18,
servantes, vii. 2333*.
serve(n), v.a. P. 707, i. 737, 860, 2521, ii. 35, 1297, iii. 502, iv. 531;
v.n. i. 169, 1245, 2131, iii. 1291, iv. 1407,
(3 s.pres. servith, viii. 3026).
servicable, a. v. 762.
service, servise, s. P. 78*, i. 176, ii. 2971, iv. 1036.
servitute, s. v. 1655.
sese, v.a. i. 1697, 2479, 3357, ii. 3009, iii. 2646, seize, take possession of,
deliver as a possession.
sesine, seisine, s. v. 5527, vii. 564, possession.
sesoun (-on), s. iii. 693, vii. 1014, season.
set, s. vii. 4913, setting (of the sun).
sete, seete, s. v. 846, vi. 1041, vii. 2900, seat.
sette(n), v.a.n. P. 357, i. 2,
3 s.pres. set, i. 637, 1724,
sett, viii. 3089,
pret. sette, P. 41*, i. 201, ii. 2226, vii. 4624,
set, ii. 2220, v. 3691,
imperat. sett, viii. 2095,
pp. set, sett, P. 116, 245, i. 1486, iii. 647,
sette, vi. 10,
sete, vii. 2864;
sette ... of, v. 2498,
set ... therby, viii. 2194;
set, appoint, suppose, account, plant, make attack.
sevene, num. P. 804, i. 577, ii. 3207,
sefne, i. 2916, vii. 692.
seventy, num. viii. 91.
Severus, vii. 4575.
sewe, s. v. 5900, seasoned dish.
sex, sexe, num. v. 7246, vii. 5347, viii. 126.
sexte, a. vii. 908, 1082.
sextenthe, a. P. 25.
sextiene, num. vii. 1055.
seyinge, s. viii. 3081*.
Seyix, see Ceïx.
shoures, see schoures.
sibb, a. viii. 1703, related.
Sibeles, Sibele, v. 1135 ff.
Sibille, v. 7454.
sibrede, s. viii. 139, 266, kindred.
sich, see such.
Siculus, vii. 3296.
side, syde, s. P. 28, 146, 392, 1085, i. 2381, 3424, iii. 1503, iv. 1308,
(ride) on side, iv. 1311.
Sidoyne, vii. 4499.
sieche, see seche.
siege, s. i. 1082, iii. 1759.
sieged, v.a.pp. iii. 2046, besieged.
siek, sieknesse, see sek, seknesse.
sieke, v. see seche.
sielde(n), see selde(n).
sighe, syghen, v.n. iv. 3170, v. 3670, 5729, sigh.
sighte, see sihte.
signal, s. vi. 1668, sign.
signe, s. i. 2544, iii. 2227;
(of the zodiac) iv. 3222, v. 752, vii. 695, 968 ff.
signet, s. v. 5775.
signifie, signefie, v.a. P. 885, iii. 814, v. 914, vii. 4717.
sihte, syhte, s. i. 427, 437, 665, 1728, 2221, ii. 3072,
sighte, vii. 1228, viii. 2950, sight.
sik, see sek.
sike, syke, v.n. i. 697, 1726, 2996, 3140, ii. 1350, iv. 1150, sigh.
siker, seker, a. P. 568, ii. 2422, 3153, iv. 1003, v. 664, 2427;
superl. sikerest, ii. 2469,
the sekereste, vi. 1599;
adv. i. 3048, 3339, iv. 911: sure, secure; surely.
sikerliche, sekerliche, adv. i. 1564, 2145,
sikerly, iii. 1427,
sikirly, iv. 2498, surely, assuredly.
sikernesse, sekernesse, s. i. 1890, iv. 937, v. 205, vi. 232, security.
siknesse, see seknesse.
silence, s. i. 1302,
cilence, iv. 3206, vi. 1872.
sillable, s. viii 2049.
silogime, s. viii. 2708.
Silvestre, P. 742, ii. 3351 ff., PP. 346.
Simon (Magus), P. 204, 241, 439 ff., ii. 3055.
simple, a. iv. 1187, v. 2589, viii. 3052*.
simplesce (-esse), s. P. 217, i. 832, 2099,
(symplesce, P. 76*, symplesse, viii. 3134), simplicity, humility.
sinful(l), a. iii. 2569, PP. 45;
as subst. iv. 3490.
singe, v.n. i. 111, ii. 3012, iii. 330,
pret. song, P. 1057, ii. 1080,
sang, i. 2732,
pl. songe, i. 2034,
sunge, v. 1468,
pp. sunge, ii. 1300.
singulier, singuler, a. vii. 1996, 2931, private.
sinke, v.n. i. 1309, v. 2938,
sincke, iii. 1628,
pret. sank, ii. 2070,
pp. sunke, vi. 115.
sinne, see senne.
sire, s. P. 722, i. 2878, ii. 54, 2710, lord, sir.
Sirenes, pl. i. 484.
sithe, sythe, s. v. 3590,
ofte sithe (sithes), fulofte sythe, &c. i. 118, 318, 1400, ii. 658, iii. 458,
time, times.
siththe(n), adv. P. 832, i. 1842, vi. 2351;
conj. siththe, sith, sithe(n), P. 973, i. 13, iii. 66, vi. 1073,
sithen that, i. 2244: since.
sitte, v.n. P. 337, i. 2397,
2 s.pres. sist, v. 5742,
sittest, vii. 2462,
3 s. sit, sitt, i. 1317, v. 6121,
sitteth, iv. 2724, vii. 2286,
pret. sat, i. 1675, iv. 653,
satte, vii. 2282,
pl. seten, i. 2524, ii. 2913, iii. 2163,
siete(n), iii. 1809, v. 3339,
seete, vi. 1174, sit, be seated:
impers. (it) sit, i. 273, 745, 1211, iii. 1674,
sitte, viii. 2428, suits, is fitting.
sive, s. iii. 433, sieve.
skales, scales, ii. 3456, v. 4128.
skar, s. P. 507, crack.
skarcete, s. v. 4857, stinginess.
skars, scars, a. v. 4712, 4728, sparing.
skarse, v.n. viii. 1146, diminish.
skarsly, scarsly, adv. iv. 552, v. 4412.
skarsnesse, scarsnesse, s. v. 394, 4674 ff., 4740, stinginess.
skiere, v. (refl.) i. 478, ii. 472, v. 1424, defend.
skile, s. P. 380, 402, i. 36, 1866, iii. 2165,
skyle, iii. 2360,
pl. skiles, ii. 2770, reason, reasoning:
as a. iii. 397, reasonable.
skile, v.n. viii. 2047, reason.
skin, skyn, s. i. 1681, v. 2469, 6862.
skippe, v.n. iv. 2784, vii. 345,
pret. skipte, iv. 2110, v. 4997.
sklaundre, see sclaundre.
skorne, see scorne.
skulke, v.a. iv. 2720.
skulle, s. i. 2544 ff.
sky, s. i. 2001, iii. 984, iv. 825, 1436, viii. 2942,
pl. skyes, v. 3993, cloud, sky.
skyn, see skin.
slades, iv. 2727.
slake, v.a. iv. 2812, viii. 1983, slacken, appease;
v.n. PP. 220.
slawhte, s. iii. 2058, 2483, slaying.
sle(e), slen, v.a.n. i. 1439, 2590, iii. 261,
3 s.pres. sleth, ii. 2623, iii. 957,
(sleeth, PP. 265),
pret. slowh, slouh, slow, slou, i. 434, v. 3727, 4045, 5897,
pl. slowhe, i. 377, v. 1722,
slowen, i. 1181,
subj. slowe, PP. 132,
pp. slain, slayn, P. 685, i. 527, 1427,
slawe, i. 514, ii. 770.
sleihte, sleyhte, s. i. 468, 688, 797, 1085, 1111,
sleighte, iv. 2082, 2123, v. 2111,
pl. sleyhtes, ii. 1873, skill, device, trickery.
slep, s. i. 155, 1782,
a slepe, v. 2177,
to slepe, ii. 3333,
to slep, iv. 2819,
Slep, Slepes hous, god of Slep, iv. 2973 ff.
slepe(n), v.n. P. 310, 476, i. 884,
pret. slepte, P. 595,
slep, v. 2762,
pp. slepe, iv. 2914, v. 158.
slepi, a. iv. 2731, 2848, vi. 1405.
slider, a. vi. 378, slippery.
slieve, s. v. 2575, 7669.
slih, see slyh.
slipte, v.n.pret. iv. 2109.
slitte, s. P. 338, cleft, separation.
slombre, v.n. iv. 3032.
slow, slou, slowh, slouh, a. iv. 54, 245, 1281, v. 1949, vii. 415, 761,
voc. slowe, iv. 843,
pl. (as subst.) slowe, iv. 137, 356, 1082;
superl. the sloweste, iv. 1082.
slowh, s. i. 2981, marsh.
slowthe, slouthe, s. P. 321, 342, iii. 2758, iv. 3 &c., sloth.
slowthe, v.a. iv. 19, lose by sloth;
v.n. iv. 1796, 3420, be slothful.
sluggardie, s. iv. 2714, 3177,
slugardie, iv. 2752.
slyde(n), v.n. iv. 41, v. 4158, vi. 1792, vii. 4457.
slyh, slih, a. P. 262, v. 2303, vii. 4936,
def. slyhe, ii. 2374,
slyh, ii. 2341,
pl. slyhe, slihe, ii. 2199, v. 3213, vii. 3257*;
superl. def. slyheste, slyeste, i. 1442, ii. 2102: cunning.
slyhli (-ly), adv. i. 2629, v. 677, 7145*.
slyke, v.a. v. 7092*, smoothe;
v.n. v. 6634, flatter.
slym, s. vii. 338.
slype, v.refl. v. 6530, sneak along.
smal, a. iv. 463, 1147,
def. smale, v. 1990,
pl. smale, P. 81, i. 1679;
as P. 426: slender, small.
smale, adv. v. 4535.
smaragdine, s. vii. 840, emerald.
smarte, adv. vii. 848, quickly.
smeile, v.n. iv. 2546;
v.a. vii. 2794.
smite, see smyte.
smith, s. v. 644, 962.
smok, s. i. 2171.
smoke, s. ii. 1556.
smyle, v.n. ii. 1404, iv. 388, v. 3012.
smyte, v.a.n. P. 424, iii. 910,
3 s.pres. smit, P. 1085,
pret. sing. smot, i. 2003, 2342, ii. 874, iv. 3349,
smette, ii. 2239,
pp. smite(n), iii. 911, v. 334, vii. 4695.
snake, s. vii. 1010.
snoute, s. iii. 128, 1400, iv. 2749.
snow, s. vii. 293, viii. 2851,
snow whyt, iii. 807.
so, adv. P. 8, 29, i. 1695, ii. 139;
who so, P. 1002,
how so, i. 1455,
be so, so be, i. 187, 1652,
up so doun, ii. 1744, iii. 80, iv. 561.
sobbe(n), v.n. iii. 303, v. 5729.
sobbinge, s. i. 2182.
sobre, a. P. 239, iii. 140, viii. 2684, 2869.
sobre, v.a. viii. 1700.
socour, s. iii. 2670, v. 4953.
socoure, v.a. i. 653, ii. 2882, iii. 328.
Socrates, iii. 640, 701.
sode, pp. v. 4281, boiled.
sodein, a. P. 619, i. 1069, ii. 688, iii. 335,
soudein, v. 4942, sudden:
adv. iii. 862.
sodeinliche, soudeinliche, adv. P. 503, i. 2963, v. 7830, vi. 211,
sodeinly (-li), P. 1038, i. 911, iv. 573,
soudeinly, vi. 1423,
(sodeynly, viii. 2961*).
soffrance, suffrance, s. P. 773, iii. 1639, 1672, v. 4267,
(suffraunce, viii. 3022*).
soffre, suffre, v.a.n. P. 698, 788, i. 1371, 2380, 2570, 2941, ii. 206, 3023,
v. 7378,
3 s.pres. soffreth, soeffreth, suffreth, iii. 2431, iv. 1428, v. 574,
(1 pl. soeffrin, PP. 222); suffer, allow, leave, permit.
softe, a. i. 619, 1220, 2564, soft, iii. 2734,
pl. softe, i. 915, ii. 309;
the softe pas, iii. 1386; gentle, quiet:
adv. P. 476, i. 1725.
softly, adv. iv. 2885.
sojorne, sojourne, v.n. iv. 740, 3224, v. 1078, vii. 1173, viii. 1286, dwell,
pp. sojorned, vi. 1180, vii. 294, kept.
solas, s. vii. 1900, pleasure.
soldan, see souldan.
solein, soulein, a. iii. 1220, iv. 448, vi. 135,
fem. soleine, v. 1971, alone, lonely, strange.
solempne, sollempne, a. v. 1317, vii. 4703, viii. 1561.
solempnite, sollempnite, s. i. 1157, iv. 3651,
solempnete, sollempnete, iii. 2169, vi. 1825, vii. 2405, celebration,
sollempneliche, adv. viii. 1617.
solucion, s. iv. 2515.
Solyns, Solins, iii. 2600, iv. 2410, Solinus.
som, a. P. 6, i. 1499, v. 2469 ff.,
som while, som time, iii. 2624, iv. 649, viii. 3119,
som man, vii. 643 f.;
pl. some, i. 1265,
somme, P. 355,
alle and some, v. 7320,
som men, P. 529, iii. 2113:
as subst. som, vi. 384,
pl. some, somme, P. 432, i. 2034 ff., ii. 1362, 2510, iii. 2112.
somdiel, somdel, a. P. 613, iii. 697, iv. 800;
adv. P. 286, 612, i. 1003: some, somewhat.
somer, s. iv. 1091, viii. 2853,
somer dai, ii. 732,
somer floures, P. 937; summer.
somerfare, s. viii. 2856, condition of summer.
somertide, s. v. 6009,
somer tyde, v. 6819.
somme, s. iii. 2568, vii. 161, viii. 1119, sum.
somoune, sommone, v.a. vii. 5182, viii. 1551, 1915, summon.
sompnolence, s. iv. 2703, 2770 ff.
somtime, adv. iv. 810 f., 1131, 2799,
somtyme, iv. 3304,
som time, som tyme, iv. 649, viii. 3119.
somwhat, pron. i. 1297, iii. 2332, iv. 2829;
adv. P. 19.
somwho, pron. P. 345, some one.
sond, s. v. 4009, vi. 1294, sand.
sonde, s. ii. 324, 1567, iii. 247, iv. 799, viii. 1859, sending, message,
sondre, v.n.,
to sondre, iii. 986, part asunder.
sondri, sondry, P. 29, 501, i. 2530, ii. 1476, iii. 2210, v. 1458,
sundri, v. 7437, separate, several, various.
sondrily, adv. vii. 1305.
sone, s. P. 740, i. 206 &c.,
to sone, v. 806; son.
sone, adv. i. 996, 1633, 2091, ii. 357,
also sone, i. 3079; soon.
soned, see soune.
song, s. ii. 3012, iv. 3346,
songe, i. 2745,
pl. songes, i. 2739.
sonne, s. P. 919, iii. 1307, iv. 979,
sonne lyht, v. 2790,
sonnes l., vi. 559,
sunne, ii. 3452, sun.
sopp, s. v. 3807.
sor, s. P. 134, ii. 22, 2789,
sore, v. 2858, hurt, sore.
sorceresse, s. vi. 1434, viii. 2602.
sorcerie, s. iv. 2077, v. 940, vi. 1289, 1768 ff.
sore, adv. P. 598, i. 475, 2245,
sor, vii. 5256.
sore, v.n. i. 2672, vii. 1842, soar.
sore, s., see sor.
sorgful(l), a. ii. 1303, iii. 1481, sorrowful.
sorgfully, sorwfulli, adv. i. 3173, ii. 69.
sorghe, see sorwe.
sori, sory, a. i. 989, 2182, ii. 2307, iii. 2203, iv. 1347, wretched,
sort, s. i. 673, iv. 450, 3099, kind, lot.
Sortes, viii. 2718.
sorwe, s. i. 971, 1665, ii. 48, iv. 1212,
sorghe, ii. 165, v. 513, sorrow.
sorwe, v.n. i. 1814, 3182, ii. 745;
v.a. PP. 104.
soster, s. i. 399, 3155, iii. 165, iv. 1383,
suster, iv. 1369,
genit. sostres, v. 5726.
sosterhode, s. v. 4205, 5398, viii. 103,
sosterhiede, viii. 96.
soth, a. P. 12, 534, i. 1955,
def. sothe, iii. 1270,
pl. sothe, PP. 93,
in soth, iii. 1078.
soth, s. ii. 58,
the sothe, P. 834, 850, i. 981,
pl. sothes, vii. 2351, truth.
sothfastnesse, s. i. 2268, vii. 3303*.
sothly, sothli, adv. ii. 522, iv. 3496, v. 244,
sothliche, ii. 2021, truly.
sothsawe, s. v. 2935, truth.
sothseiere, s. iii. 761, vii. 2348.
sotie, s. i. 539, 2320, iv. 1887,
sotye, vi. 223, folly.
soubgit, a. P. 675, iv. 3523, v. 1726,
sougit, vi. 1507;
subst. soubgit, iii. 1277, v. 55,
subgit, PP. 165: subject.
soubtil, soutil, a. ii. 2125, iv. 2076, vi. 1443,
soubtiel, v. 1026.
soubtilite, s. ii. 2378, 3046,
soutilete, v. 2138.
souche, v.n. i. 314, ii. 1969, suspect.
soudein, see sodein.
soudeinliche, see sodeinliche.
sougit, see soubgit.
souke, v.n. ii. 3227, suck.
souldan, soldan, s. ii. 613 ff., 2548 ff., vii. 1784.
souldeour, s. iii. 2356, soldier.
soule, s. P. 453,
genit. P. 749, ii. 1313.
soulein, see solein.
soulphre, see sulphre.
soun, s. i. 2217, iii. 453, iv. 346, sound.
sound, a. ii. 2223, v. 5371, vi. 1488,
pl. sounde, v. 4164.
soune, v.n. i. 2807, ii. 2875, iii. 60;
v.a. v. 5699,
soned, (pp.), iv. 2644: sound.
soupe, v.n. i. 2114, v. 6872, vii. 4766, have supper.
souper, s. i. 2112, v. 3835, 6871,
souper time, viii. 705.
soupertime, s. viii. 711.
souple, v.a. vii. 4890, (bend), influence.
sour, a. vi. 1127, viii. 194,
the soure, vi. 336;
adv. soure, ii. 246.
source, s. i. 148, iii. 611.
soure, v.a. iii. 447, make sour;
v.n. i. 1190, turn sour.
south, s. vi. 862.
southward, adv. vii. 1255.
soutilete, see soubtilite.
soverein, sovereign, a. P. 186, i. 1609, iv. 1518, vii. 1776,
fem. sovereine, ii. 3507, vii. 1392, viii. 2530:
subst. i. 862, v. 1133,
soverain, v. 1464.
sovereinete, s. i. 1847.
sowe, v.a.n. P. 320, v. 819,
pret. siew, sieu, sew, iv. 1837, v. 1883, 3722,
pp. sowe, ii. 2376.
sowinge, s. v. 1228.
sowke, s. ii. 1079, suck.
space, s. iv. 615, 679, v. 3439, 3843.
spade, s. v. 16.
Spaine, Spaigne, i. 3390, ii. 1088, vi. 539, 569.
spanne, s. i. 1112, span.
spare, v.a. ii. 693, 3360, iii. 2220, PP. 19;
v.n. iii. 2217, iv. 439,
to spare, v. 7826.
sparinge, s. v. 4785.
sparke, s. ii. 2946, iv. 2995.
spatula, s. vi. 1311.
specefie, see specifie.
speche, s. P. 174, i. 923, 1278, iv. 875,
spieche, iv. 144.
specheles, a. i. 1293, v. 3966.
special, a., in special, P. 120, i. 1501.
specifie, specefie, v.a.n. P. 33, 866, i. 572, ii. 1407, iv. 2534.
sped, s. i. 107, 1379, ii. 115, iv. 3450,
spied, i. 1956, iv. 301, success, advantage.
spede, spiede, v.n. i. 687, 796, 2654, iv. 2280,
pret. spedde, iv. 2178, succeed, be advanced;
v.a. and refl. ii. 103, 2232, iii. 2198,
pret. spedde, ii. 624, v. 3866,
pp. sped, i. 1557, vi. 2095,
spedd, v. 1720, advance, help, hasten.
speke(n), v.n. P. 31, i. 10, 204, 1520,
3 s.pres. spekth, i. 656,
pret. spak, i. 294, 818,
pl. spieke(n), ii. 959, 1456, 2264, v. 622, vii. 1611,
speeke, viii. 749,
imperat. spek, iii. 850,
pp. spoke, i. 537, 1178,
speke, v. 5035.
spekere, s. v. 945, 1466.
spekinge, s. v. 7129*,
pl. spekynges, i. 239.
spelle, v.a. iv. 570.
spellinge, s. v. 4067.
spende, v.a. iv. 2591,
pret. spente, v. 7787.
Spercheïdos, v. 4006.
spere, s. i. 1998, ii. 3195.
Spertachus, vii. 3418.
spiece, s. vii. 888,
pl. spieces, spices, i. 2977, 3446, iii. 466, v. 5898, vi. 856, kind, spice.
spille, v.a. i. 1192, 2850, vii. 3493,
pret. spilde, ii. 948,
spilte, iii. 1446,
pp. spilt, ii. 3285, viii. 570, destroy, spill, waste;
v.n. iii. 264, iv. 2586, perish, fail.
spinne, v.a.n. v. 1283,
pp. sponne, vi. 2381, PP. 299.
spire, v.n. ii. 1146, 1999;
v.a. viii. 1472: inquire, inquire for.
spirit, s. ii. 3137, iv. 2364, viii. 2590,
pl. spiritz, iv. 2464.
spirital, spiritiel, a. ii. 2987, v. 1915;
as subst. P. 855, ii. 3492.
splen, s. vii. 449 ff.
Spodius, v. 4817.
spoke, s. vii. 815.
spore, s. P. 1084, i. 2301, iii. 1235, spur.
sporne, v.a. iv. 2115, vi. 429, kick against;
v.n. iv. 1279, vi. 464, vii. 4739, stumble.
spot, s. iv. 609, PP. 366.
spousaile, s. ii. 642,
pl. spousailes, viii. 975.
spouse, s. iii. 658, v. 6017.
spouse, v.a. vi. 497.
spousebreche, s. iii. 2158, v. 6014, adultery.
spoute, s. vii. 1193.
sprantlende, v.n. pres.part. iv. 111.
spriede, sprede, spreede, v.a.n. i. 2824, ii. 504, vi. 895,
3 s.pres. sprat, ii 417,
spredeth, v. 7679,
pret. spradde, ii. 684, iv. 1526, v. 1458,
spredde, v. 6891,
pp. sprad, iv. 3082,
spred, v. 2316; spread.
spring, s. v. 6239,
daies spring, iv. 2852.
springe(n), v.n. P. 347, i. 353, iii. 428,
pret. sprong, i. 2306, iii. 1921,
pl. spronge, i. 2085,
sprungen, v. 1595,
pp. sprongen, vii. 4679.
spume, s. v. 4122.
square, a. vi. 1327.
squier, s. ii. 254,
pl. squiers, v. 2275.
stable (dore), s. iv. 903.
stable, a. iv. 268, 444, vii. 4202;
adv. iv. 3671.

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