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Answer any five of the following questions

1. Answer as directed.
a) This is not an Exhaustive list of antonyms.(Give the synonym of the underlined word)
b) When the army advances the enemy …………………….. (Give the antonym of the underlined
c) He came ……………………… the room.(Fill in the blank with suitable preposition).
d) What kind of sweets do you make ………………. Diwali?(in/at/on/of)
2. Answer as directed:-
a) I have fever. Please bring me some medicines from the druge store.(Replace the American
English word in italics with a British English word)
b) Have you seen the movie that released yesterday? (Identify whether the following
sentences are in British English or American English. Give the alternative word)
c) I have learnt English.(Change into active voice to passive voice)
d) The clothes were being washed by him. (Change into passive voice to active voice)
3. Answer as directed:-
a) Yesterday I ………………. this office but he was not there, (called off/called around) (Choose
the correct phrasal verb form the options given at the end of the sentence)
b) I …………….. my grand mother on my way to office everyday(all off/call up/call on)( Complete
the phrasal verb with the correct particle)
c) Each one of those books ……….(is/are) a classic.(Choose the correct form of the verb that
agrees with subject)
d) The management ………………. (don’t/doesn’t) know how to treat teachers.
4. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom:-
a) Raining cats and dogs.
b) Kick the bucket.
c) To get something off your chest( )
i)To do something that hurts yourself
ii) To have many things to do or worry about
iii)To relax
iv)To talk about something that has been worrying you for a long time
d) On the rocks( )
i) In trouble ii) Near failure or defeat iii) To do things in the wrong order iv) To settle
down or become established
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct option:-
a) ……………… soft.(add an appropriate to from the antonym of the given word)
b) …………….. child (add an appropriate to from the synonym of the given word)
c) He said that secret ……………….. success lies in hard work(Fill in the blank with appropriate
d) He advised the staff not to quarrel ………………… themselves.
6. Convert the following sentences from the active voice into the passive voice.
a) The student wrote a brilliant review
b) My mom painted the picture in one day
c) He had been giving me a book
d) Iam writing a letter
7. Answer the following(Short Story)
a) In the poem “Punishment in kindergarten” why was the speaker called a peculiar girl?
b) What sort of things did the man do on earth?
8. Change the following sentences from direct to reported speech.
a) she said ,”Do you live near the school?
b) Elisa said to me,”How od ae you?
c) she said,” He was coming.
d) she says,” Iam hungry”.

Answer the following question in about 300 words each:- 4X15=60

9.A) Explain the attitude to life that Charlotte Bronte recommends in the poem “Life”?


B) Describe the process of writing a media report?

10. A) What was the punishment given to the girl in “Punishment in kindergarten” ? Why did she
consider it a punishment?


B) How and when, according to Narayan, wiil a Bharat brand of English emerge in India?

11. A) Discuss Tagore’s use of irony in “ A wrong man I workers paradise”?


B) Write a discursive essay on “True friendship”?

12. A) Compare and contrast discursive and argumentatives essays?

B) Examine the poet’s view of life and how it differs from conventional wisdom in the poem

13. Write the passage “Bathukamma”?

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