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Dibuat guna memenuhi tugas kelompok mata kuliah

Bahasa Inggris 1

Nama Dosen pengampu: Martina Napratilora, S.Pd., M.Pd




Karya bersama kelompok 2

Susunan Pemain Drama

 Ahmad Ridwan as a Police
 Wanti Wandira as a Police Wife
 Yuslita as the Chief of Police
 Siti Fatimah as an Official
 Khairul Hanif as a Villain 1
 Sania as a Villain 2

It is said that there was a police officer who just called him Ridwan . He has taken leave to
accompany his pregnant wife , but because of the state duty call, he was delaying his leave.
That night, while he was accompanying his wife in the living room, watching of television.
Suddenly the phone rang.

Policeman: ( kring....kring....) Wait a moment, dear !!!

Wife: ( Pulling her husband's clothes) where?
Policeman: Go to the front for a while (while walking to the terrace)
Wife: (M follows her husband and eavesdrops on his conversation)

Police: Assalamualaikum, what's up mom, is there a problem?

Police chief: Wa'alaikumus salam, like you have to postpone your leave
Police: why?
Police Chief: We need you here
Policeman: But I have taken time off to accompany my wife
Police Chief: Please !! Come tomorrow to the office later I tell you
Policeman: Insya allah, I can't promise
Police Chief: Fine , I wait at 3 tomorrow afternoon , assalamualaikum
Police: wa ' alaikumus salam

Policeman: How can I speak to my wife (murmured when entering the house)
Wife: Dear (standing next door)
Police: Astaghfirullah, I was shocked dear
Wife: I have heard it dear, do your job
Policeman: But honey …….
Wife: ( Shut up her husband) the task of calling you, you are the opponent of the country and this
family my prayer is always with you
Policeman: Thank you honey
Wife: let's rest ( while heading to the room)
Police: (lying down and resting)

 The next day the police went to the office

Police: Let me go first

Wife: Yes , be careful dear
Police: Assalamualaikum
Wife: Wa'alaikumus salam

 The police got to the office and went straight to the police chief's office

Policeman: ( knocked on the door) Assalamualaikum, may I come in

Police chief: waalaikumus salam, please sit down
Police: (Sitting ) What's up, sir? What should I do
Police Chief: Just get on with it, actually there is a task for you , according to information there
will be a drug transaction near the warehouse next to the tomb of the hero
Policeman: Then what should I do
Police Chief: Please go there, find out who is conducting the drug transaction, because of
information , there is involvement of state officials
Police: Fine, will I carried out !!!
Police Chief: The success of this mission will help the younger generation, because if the
generation is damaged the economy and the country will also be damaged
Police: Fine
Police chief: prepare everything in your room. leave at 10 pm, the transaction is expected to be
carried out at 11 tonight
Police: ready commander
Police Chief: And don't forget, from your opponent's information is a former police officer
Policeman: Fine, I understand, assalamualaikum
Police chief: waalaikumus salam
Police immediately went to room him and prepare his need both criminals and other places
are also preparing the purposes of the transaction ..... (music acts) ..... after the police went to a
warehouse near the tomb of the hero, not long before he too get to the place.

Villain 1: Keep your guard outside

Villain 2: why the princess was told to tell
Villain 1: Quickly guard outside
Dealer 2: ok , whatever

Police: ( Enter and see the transaction and videotape it )

Villain 1: Here's the item, boss
Official: Give it here
Villain 1: Wait a minute!!! Where are the rewards ??
Official: Very late, here take (withdraw the money) , please send the item later
Criminals 1: take it easy, as long as there are many rewards ( Wag money)

Villain 2 : (hit the police from behind) You're dead !!!!

Policeman: (his cellphone was thrown and the policy fell)
Villain 1: (shocked)

Police: oh, it turns out that the state officials behind all of this, you are a trash from the people
who shouldn't be
Villain 1 : You talk a lot
Villain 2 : yes the police is only a tool for state officials
Official: It's really better you just go home
Police: (Starting an action ) Your behavior !!! Oh I know, by damaging the country's children too
will also damage the economy and the state.
Official: Kill him
Distributors 1 and 2: Attack him
Officials left the place, a fight broke out until finally the two dealers were killed, as well as
the police who were seriously injured

Police: Ah (leaning against the wall) hurts a lot (picks up his cellphone and calls the chief of
police) assalamualaikum ma'am
Police chief: W aalaikumus salam, what's up? why is your voice like that
Police: It seems like my time will not be long
Police Chief: Wait, what do you mean?
Policeman: Take my wife and you to the tomb of the hero near this warehouse
Police Chief: What are you doing?
Policeman: Just take it , please !!!
Police Chief: Be assalamualaikum
Police: Peace be upon you

The police walked towards the tomb of the hero while in when he arrived in front of the
gate he lay helpless ..... (Autumn Flower Song)

Wife: Dear, there's what this is??? (while crying) hold on we will soon go to the hospital
Policeman: No need, take care of our child if it is born, teach him to be a hero who is useful to
others wherever he is
Wife: Dear, please survive
Police: ( Saying syahadat )
Wife: Wake Up (cry and shake the body of her husband )

.......... The end ..........


Dikisahkan ada seorang polisi sebut saja namanya Ridwan. Dia telah mengambil cuti untuk
mendampingi istrinya yang sedang hamil, tetapi karena tugas negara memanggil dia pun
menunda cutinya.
Malam itu, pada saat ia menemani istrinya di ruang keluarga, menonton televisi. Tiba-tiba
telponya bordering.

Polisi : (kring....kring....) sebentar ya sayang!!!

Istri : (Menarik baju suaminya) kemana?
Polisi : Keteras depan sebentar (sambil berjalan menuju teras)
Istri : (Mengikuti suaminya dan menguping pembicaraannya)

Polisi : Assalamualaikum, ada apa bu, apakah ada masalah?

Kepala polisi : Wa’alaikumus salam, sepertinya kamu harus menunda cuti mu
Polisi : kenapa?
Kepala polisi : Kami membutuhkan mu di sini
Polisi : Tetapi saya sudah mengambil cuti untuk mendampingi istri saya
Kepala polisi : Tolong !!! Datang besok ke kantor nanti saya ceritakan
Polisi : Insya allah, saya tidak bisa berjanji
Kepala polisi : Baik, saya tunggu jam 3 besok sore, assalamualaikum
Polisi : wa’alaikumus salam

Polisi : Bagaimana aku biacara dengan istri ku (gumam nya sambil masuk ke dalam rumah)
Istri : Sayang (berdiri depan pintu)
Polisi : Astaghfirullah, aku kaget sayang
Istri : Aku sudah mendengarnya sayang, laksanakan tugas mu
Polisi : Tapi sayang…….
Istri : (Menutup mulut suaminya) tugas memanggilmu, kau adalah pahlawan negara dan keluarga
ini doaku selalu menyertaimu
Polisi : Terima kasih sayang
Istri : Ayo kita istirahat (sambil menuju kamar)
Polisi : ( berbaring dan istirahat)

 Keesokan harinya polisi pun pergi ke kantor

Polisi : Sayang aku pergi dulu ya

Istri : Iya, hati-hati sayang
Polisi : Assalamualaikum
Istri : Wa’alaikumus salam

 Polisi pun sampai ke kantor dan langsung menuju ruang kepala polisi

Polisi : (Mengetuk pintu) assalamualaikum, boleh saya masuk

Kepala polisi : waalaikumus salam silahkan duduk
Polisi : (Duduk) ada apa pak? Apa yang harus saya laksanakan
Kepala polisi : Baiklah langsung saja, sebenarnya ada tugas buat kamu, menurut informasi akan
ada transaksi narkoba di dekat gudang samping makam pahlawan
Polisi : Lalu apa yang harus saya lakukan
Kepala polisi : Tolong kamu ke sana, cari tau siapa yang melakukan transaksi narkoba, karna dari
informasi, ada keterlibatan pejabat negara
Polisi : Baik, akan saya laksanakan!!!
Kepala polisi : Keberhasilan misi ini akan menolong generasi muda, karena kalau generasi rusak
maka ekonomi dan negara ini juga akan ikut rusak
Polisi : Baiklah
Kepala polisi : Siapkan semua di ruangan mu. pergi lah jam 10 malam, transaksi nya diduga akan
dilaksanakan pukul 11 malam nanti
Polisi : siap komandan
Kepala Polisi : Dan jangan lupa, dari informasi lawanmu adalah mantan polisi
Polisi : Baik, aku paham, assalamualaikum
Kepala polisi : waalaikumus salam
Polisi segera pergi keruangannya dan mempersiapkan keperluannya dan dilain tempat
kedua penjahat juga sedang mempersiapkan keperluan untuk transaksinya.....(Musik
aksi).....setelah itu polisi pun pergi ke gudang dekat makam pahlawan, tak lama kemudian diapun
sampai ke tempat tersebut.

Penjahat 1 : Tolong kamu jaga di luar

Penjahat 2 : kenapa prinses disuruh-suruh
Penjahat 1 : Cepat jaga diluar
Pengedar 2 : ok, terserah

Polisi : (Masuk dan melihat transaksi dan memvideokannya)

Penjahat 1: Ini barangnya, bos
Pejabat : Berikan sini
Penjahat 1: Tunggu sebentar!!! Mana imbalannya??
Pejabat : Pintar sekali, ini ambil (menarik uangnya), tolong nanti kirim lagi barangnya
Penjahat 1 : Tenang saja, asalkan banyak imbalannya ( Mengipaskan uang )

Penjahat 2 : ( memukul polisi dari belakang ) mampus kau!!!!

Polisi : (hp nya terlempar dan polis itu pun terjatuh)
Penjahat 1 : (kaget)

Polisi : oh, ternyata pejabat negara di belakang ini semua, kalian sampah masyarakat yang
seharusnya tidak ada
Penjahat 1 : Banyak bicara kau
Penjahat 2 : ya polisi hanya alat bagi pejabat negera
Pejabat : Benar sekali lebih baik kau pulang saja
Polisi : (Memulai aksi) kelakuan kalian ini!!! Oh saya paham, dengan merusak anak negeri akan
juga merusak ekonomi dan negara.
Pejabat : Habisi dia
Pengedar 1 dan 2 : Serang Dia !!!
Pejabat meninggalkan tempat tersebut, terjadi perkelahian sampai akhirnya kedua pengedar
itu tewas, begitu juga polisi yang mengalami luka parah

Polisi : Ah (bersandar didinding) sakit sekali ( mengambil hp dan menelpon kepala polisi )
assalamualaikum bu
Kepala polisi : Waalaikumus salam, ada apa ? kenapa suara mu seperti itu
Polisi : Sepertinya waktu ku tak akan lama lagi
Kepala polisi : Sebentar, apa maksud mu ?
Polisi : Tolong bawa istri ku bersama mu ke makam pahlawan dekat gudang ini
Kepla polisi : Ada apa sebenarnya ?
Polisi : Bawa saja, tolong!!!
Kepala polisi : Baik lah assalamualaikum
Polisi : Waalaikumsalam

Polisi berjalan menuju makam pahlawan sambil kesakitan sesampainaya di depan pintu
gerbang ia pun tergeletak tak berdaya.....(Lagu Gugur Bunga)

Istri : Sayang ada apa ini??? ( sambil menangis ) bertahanlah kita akan segera ke rumah sakit
Polisi : Tidak perlu, jaga anak kita jika sudah lahir, ajarkan dia menjadi seorang pahlawan yang
berguna bagi orang lain dimanapun ia berada
Istri : Sayang, tolong bertahan
Polisi : (Mengucap kalimat syahadat)
Istri : Bangulah (menagis dan mengoyang goyangkan tubuh suaminya)


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