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Narrator 1 - Hello friends. Let’s introduce our characters
to you all
We have -
Myself Vedant as 1st Narrator and Shreyash as 2nd
Shivam as Emperor
Aakarsh as Zach's father
Vedang as Zach
Siddharth as the King's advisor
Eshaan and Sarbajit as guards and,
Shriram and Shikhar as the children
Narrator 2 - (opening) Welcome everybody! Today we
are going to perform the play 'The Empty Pot’. So,
without further ado, let's get started.

Emperor - (to his advisor) I am getting old now! We need
to find a successor to my throne.
(Both start pacing around the room, deeply thinking.
Suddenly, the advisor says-)
Advisor - I've got it, Sir! You can- (he whispers something
in the Emperor's ear)
(The Emperor smiles gently)
Emperor - Bring my citizens to the palace tomorrow
evening. We've got an announcement to do!
Narrator 1 - The next evening, the people gathered in the
Emperor's palace.
Emperor - Good evening my dear citizens! I am planning
to get a successor for our kingdom as I am getting old
and I do not have a child. There is a challenge for all the
children in the kingdom. You must grow a flower from
the seed which I give you. You will nurture those seeds
and give me the results in the end of one month.
Whoever grows the best flower, will succeed me to the
Narrator 2 - The Emperor tells the guards to give seeds to
all the children.
Emperor - All the best, to all of you!!
All - Thank you, your majesty!
[Zach is with his two friends]
Mark - I'm sure that I will win.
Spark - Nope! Only I can win!
(They both jump on each other)
Zach - Stop fighting! (He pulls them back) May the best
person win.
Narrator 1 - Zach goes home. As soon as he got home, he
filled a pot with rich soil and carefully planted the seed
inside it.

Narrator 2 - Zach tended his seed every day. After four
weeks, it came a shock to Zach that there was no flower
in his pot.
It was the end of the month. All the children put on their
best clothes to greet the emperor.
(At Zach's home)
Zach - (to his father) Father, I did my best to grow a
flower but it's just that the seed won't grow.
Father - It's all right son, you tried your best. Now go to
the emperor and tell him everything truthfully.
Zach - Ok father.
Narrator 1 - On the way to the palace, Zach met his
friends. They were holding pots in which there were two
big, beautiful flowers.
Spark - Zach, you’re not going to the Emperor with that
empty pot, are you?
Mark - (Laughing)Couldn't you grow big flowers like
Narrator - After being teased, Zach hung his head and
walked towards the palace.

(At the palace)
Narrator 2 - All the children gathered in the palace
holding their pots high, so that the Emperor could see
them clearly. The emperor saw all the pots one by one
but was not happy. At last, he came to Zach.
Emperor - Why have you bought me an empty pot?
Zach - Your majesty, I tried my best to grow a flower
from the seed you gave me, it's just that the seed won't
grow. I tended it every day, but by the end of one month,
nothing grew, so I had to bring you an empty pot.
Emperor - (Smiling) I've found him! Zach you will succeed
me to the throne.
Mark - But your highness, Zach didn't even grow a
Emperor - I don't know from where you bought your
seed, for the seeds which I gave you, were cooked, and
as far as I know, no flower would have grown from it.
Narrator 1 - All the children hung their heads in shame.
This was the happy ending for Zach.
(All the people gather on stage and say-)

Honesty is the best policy.

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