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1. Discipline
Is there any system of penalization in your company?
Yes No
2. Unity of command.
Have you ever been ordered by two superiors at the same?
Yes No
3. Unity of Direction.
How many times have you found that there is a conflict of
plan given by a superior?

4. Espirit DeCorps.
In absenteeism, how do you manage work load?

5. Equity.
Are there same rules for you and your superior?
Yes No
6. Remuneration.
Do you get reasonable remuneration?
Yes No
7. Centralisation & Decentralisation.
How is duties divided on a regular basis?

8. Division of Work.
Do you specialize in your department? Yes No
9. Stability of Tenure.
Is there a lot staff turnover in your company? Yes No
10. Authority and Responsibility.
Who among the regular working staff has the highest
authority and who is the one with the most responsibilities?

11. Initiative.
Does your company have a suggestion box? Yes No
12. Principle of Order.
Is there any specific work place each employee must be in,
each department?

13. Scalar Chain.

Does the boss of your boss directly communicate with you?
Yes No
14. Subordination of Individual Interest to General Interest.
Do you give priority to the interest of your company?
Yes No

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