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Maurence John P.



For me God gave us free will for us to know what is right and wrong and we should always
know our limit and even If a person is an atheist he/she can determine what is right and wrong
and from good to bad. And if an atheist person does not believe in God then I can consider him a
hypocrite because the word atheist for me base on my idea is that they don’t believe in anything
so if they don’t believe in anything its also considered that they don’t believe in themselves and
without religion and that person does not no something about the bible for example the ten
commandments, the ten commandments law is that thou shall not steal if that person is to young
then he/she will steal because of free will and freedom that may be very very bad like thou shall
not and that person kill that would make him/her barbaric like the roman time.

moral responsibility has a long history. One reason for this persistent interest is the way the topic
seems connected with our conception of ourselves as persons. Many have held that one distinct
feature of persons is their status as morally responsible agents, a status resting some have
proposed on a special kind of control that only they can exercise. Many who view persons in this
way have wondered whether their special status is threatened if certain other claims about our
universe are true. For example, can a person be morally responsible for her behavior if that
behavior can be explained solely by reference to physical states of the universe and the laws
governing changes in those physical states, or solely by reference to the existence of a sovereign
God who guides the world along a divinely ordained path.

I believe most Christians do, in fact, believe in evolution. But since a belief in evolution would
undermine the teachings of Christianity although not necessarily the existence of a god it is
reasonable to question how a belief in Darwinian Evolution can be reconciled with what is
written in both the New Testament and Old Testament. And I know that divine law is the
superior law but my question is why science seek the truth base on facts then scientist doesn’t
believe in God because of the facts of the bible that is not that clear on there mind that there is
something missing because of free will that give us the knowledge that somehow they can prove
that God exist but for me it is impossible because we are not perfect we have limits even though
scientist seek the truth but there are things that cannot be explain and it is up to us if we believe
in it or not. On the other hand, evidence for macroevolution and speciation the extension of
natural selection to explain the emergence of wholly different species from a common ancestor
is pretty thin and runs pretty much contrary to the Biblical narrative.

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