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Media and circuit of culture.

Culture can be understood in terms of

'shared meanings'. (Hall 1997) In modern
world, the media is the biggest tool of
circulation of these meanings.

Stuart Hall presents them as being shared

through language in its operation as a
'representational (signifying) system'
and he presents the circut of cultural model
as a way of understanding this process.
The process that culture gathers meaning at five different
“moments” is - representation, identity, production,
consumption and regulation.
Hall's circuit model of communication is a refined
version of his orignal encoding/ decoding model:
In sender-receiver model Hall emphasied the importance
of specific cultural conditions at every stage of any
communication process. Creators of media texts produce
them in particular instituational context, drawing on
shared framework of knowldge etc. The same media text
is engaged by audiences in different context.

Hall states that reality exists outside the language but

constantly mediated by and through language, what we
can know or say has to be produced in and through
discourse. Discursive knowldge is not the representation
of real language but articulation of language used in real
condition/ situation.
Representation meaning from language,
painting, photography and other media, it uses
“signs and symbols to represent whatever exists
in the world in terms of a meaningful idea and
concept, image".

Representation is the discursive process by

which cultural meaning is generated and given
shape: “we give things meaning by how we
represent them”.
For Example: A Bird, A Cross, Traffic Lights.
A Bird
in a Political Conference
Consumption,when Between Two nations can
messages are decoded be a
Symbol Of ”Peace”
by audiences.
While the same bird in a
Consumers actively  Of beauty soup
is a symbol of
create meanings by ”beauty and softness”

using  cultural  products  A Dog is a symbol

in their everyday lives.  of Loyality
in USA
While abuse in Pakistan.
(construction) is the process by which creators of
cultural products imbue(arise) them with meaning,
a process often called encoding (Hall, 1993).
Producers  encode  dominant  meanings  into 
their cultural  products.

For Example the Use of word ''HALAL” in islamic countries

On the product of snacks ”Lays” by its manufacturing
mulinational Company.
Regulation are conditions What’s allowable or
expected in a culture often is deter  mined.

Identities are meanings that accrue to all social 
networks,  from  nations  to  organizations  to 
Identities, then, are never fixed entities but are 
multiple,  culturally  constructed  meanings  that 
evolve and change. 

For example they deals with:
To target the ideal young costumers: prizes had to be 
low. Name must be cool. Addition of new demand (e.g 
Diet coke)
Indian and Pakistani advertisment
of Lays
To understand
cicuit model of
take the example
of ''Pepsi”.
● Sign = Pepsi +
micheal Jackson
● Signifier= particular
● Production= Soft
drink Pepsi by
● Consumer= people
of Usa
● Representating=
Same Pepsi in Iraq and Africa
In Pakistan dominating Cricket
In India dominating Bollywood
Presenting Egyptian and Arab
This is how Media tries to fool us but when
we truely understand all discourses in a text
we often laugh:
Discorse analysis engages directly with Circut-of-
culture-model, given its political aim of Putting
the forms of text,
the process of production of text,
the process of readings,
and the structure of power that have given rise to them.
In  media  the  interpretation  of  texts  is  depends 
upon viewers even viewers can produce their own 
text  in  response  to  a  particular  visual/oral  stmuli 
(Talk shows in response to a Poltical event). Media 
message  also  perform  ideational  function  of 
language;  function  to  performe  communicate 
process,  or  express  our  thoughts  through 

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