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This book is a cookbook about plant-based ketogenic diet, to help people

eat healthy, lose weight and increase energy with ketogenic vegan recipes.
In this book I would like to give readers many vegan recipes that they can prepare during their
ketogenic diet (so these are recipes with low carbs ingredients and without animal products).

Please, I want this book to really be helpful, I won’t accept something repetitive and full of
common sense, there are too many vague books online and this isn’t one of those.

To do this I give you some general guidelines:

 Start with an intro explaining for example What is the Keto Vegan Diet (or what is
Ketogenic Diet, What is the Vegan Diet, what are the differences between them), what
are the benefits (If there are scientific data, cite the sources!), how long before reader
start feelings the results, distinction and explanation of macronutrients and
micronutrients with their nutritional properties and which are the tools needed to
prepare the recipes. If possible, add more interesting informations but don’t make these
parts too long because the focus is to give readers keto vegan recipes and how to cook

 Vary the recipes*: let the cookbook include both savory and sweet recipes (obviously low
carbs and without animal products) and if you can also include something gluten-free, make
a specific indication.
*You could divide the recipes by sorting them like this: breakfast recipes, lunch recipes,
dinner recipes, sauces, soups, then smoothies and finally desserts. Something like that.

 Being a cookbook aimed primarily at beginners (but not only), before or after explaining all
the recipes it would be nice to show a 14-day plant-based meal plan to start the keto
vegan diet.

 Remember to list the ingredients it will need to cook the recipes!

 For each recipe you indicate the nutritional values (for exemple calories, total fat, saturated
fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbs, fiber, sugar, protein…), macros counts and details,
ingredients and how to prepare;


INFORMATIONS FOR EACH RECIPE and instructions on the size of the pan to use
(these are very important informations for costumers);

 Please, indicate temperatures in F (not in C);

 Indicate prep time and cooking time (and if you want, total time);

 I recommend paying attention to spelling (NO ERRORS! no abbrevations!) and


 In the end put a Conclusion in which you give other tips on how to lose weight by starting
the keto diet or the vegan diet

 Try to make it easy for the reader to read: try to fit each recipe into one page;

Don’t be vague and broad, give practical advice. I want people to finish this book and be like: “This
book showed me exactly what to do to cook keto vegan recipes and lose weight, I’m really glad I
bought it”.
If the book will be appreciated it will be a pleasure for me to continue to address you for the next

Please, send me the outline before writing the book so I can take a look and approve the general

I wrote this general outline so that you have room to do your own research and choose other right
topics for the book, thank you for your help and good luck with the job!

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