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Research Project Template

Your task:​ You will be identifying and researching an issue in your community, as well as
coming up with a way to use your voice to advocate for justice either by creating awareness or
by taking action. Please fill in this template sheet as you work on your project. Proper citation is
necessary for all research.

1. Research Topic:

2. Thesis Statement (This is the main point you are trying to make throughout your

3. What do you already know?

4. What do you need to find out?

5. What are possible solutions to the issue you researched (hint- you may need to do
some research for this as well)?

6. What format will you use when creating your project? Why did you select this
format? (​Documentary, TED Talk, Social Media Campaign, Blog, Volunteer work, Aid
Campaign, Letters to Politician/ Authority​)

7. List sources below in MLA format:

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